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Before 2009-12-7

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La più bella

La più bella

Trovata per caso su Youtube, non so neanche quale sia il vero titolo. Secondo me merita di stare qui.
Se facessi la guerra
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2009/12/7 - 20:35
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Questa democrazia

Questa democrazia
Parole di Mario Pogliotti
Arrangiamento di Fausto Amodei
Nell’EP intitolato “Il Cantacronache ben temperato”, canta Mario Pogliotti.‎
Ammesso e non concesso
Contributed by Silva 2009/12/7 - 10:45
9999: a Tribute.

10000. Too many words are good for nothing. Only a number is good! December 6, 2009, 11:21 pm.
Riccardo Venturi 2009/12/6 - 23:20
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Dalton Trumbo: Johnny Got His Gun / E Johnny prese il fucile. Page 250 / Pagina 250.

Dalton Trumbo: Johnny Got His Gun / E Johnny prese il fucile. Page 250 / Pagina 250.
A novel by Dalton Trumbo
Romanzo di Dalton Trumbo

Forse, per questa pagina assolutamente storica di questo sito, tutti si aspetterebbero gran discorsi, proclami, resoconti o quant'altro. Invece diremo soltanto poche parole, e molto semplici. A far da contraltare alla prima CCG, Le déserteur, la più famosa canzone antimilitarista di ogni epoca, diecimila canzoni dopo abbiamo voluto inserire la chiusa finale di quello che è uno dei più famosi romanzi antimilitaristi e contro la guerra: E Johnny prese il fucile di Dalton Trumbo. Quasi a voler chiudere un cerchio durato diecimila canzoni e DIECIMILA NO. Proseguiremo fino a centomila, se necessario e se ne avremo le forze. Non cesseremo di stare qui ogni giorno a fare da spina nel fianco, per quel che possiamo esserlo. Senza nessuna tregua.. Può bastare, e leggete bene le parole di Dalton Trumbo, anche se già le conoscete. Sì, una... (Continues)
And then suddenly he saw. He had a vision of himself as a new kind of Christ as a man who carries within himself all the seeds of a new order of things. He was the new messiah of the battlefields saying to people as I am so shall you be. For he had seen the future he had tasted it and now he was living it. He had seen the airplanes flying in the sky he had seen the skies of the future filled with them black with them and now he saw the horror beneath. He saw a world of lovers forever parted of dreams never consummated of plans that never turned into reality. He saw a world of dead fathers and crippled brothers and crazy screaming sons. He saw a world of armless mothers clasping headless babies to their breasts trying to scream out their grief from throats that were cancerous with gas. He saw... (Continues)
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff: Lorenzo, Riccardo, Daniela, Adriana, Nicola, Marcia, Alessandro, Giorgio, Don Quijote 82, Renato, Gian Piero and all others 10000 2009/12/6 - 23:14
Song Itineraries: The Thousands AWS
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Piero Ciampi: Il Natale è il 24

Piero Ciampi: Il Natale è il 24
Testo di Piero Ciampi
Musica di Ciampi-Pavone-Marchetti
Lyrics by Piero Ciampi
Music by Ciampi-Pavone-Marchetti


L'ultima canzone a quattro cifre di questo sito.

Novemilanovecentonovantanove canzoni dopo Le déserteur, ancora una volta si tratta, e nel senso più vero, di un Disertore e di una Diserzione. Una Diserzione totale: Ho una folle tentazione di fermarmi a una stazione, senza amici e senza amore...

Sì, Piero. Ho voluto fartelo quest'omaggio, questa specie di seconda Resurrezione. Mettendo finalmente questa canzone, e tu lo sai cosa vuol dire per me. Sai anche che un annetto e mezzo fa l'avevo già messa. Una notte. C'è stata, per nemmeno mezz'ora, su questo sito; poi la ho cancellata. Non era il momento.

Sai anche quante volte l'ho cantata, e in quali occasioni. Sai che dovunque mi son trovato a mettere i piedi, c'era questa... (Continues)
È Natale il 24.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2009/12/6 - 22:25
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S(u)ono diverso

S(u)ono diverso

Album :Suono diverso

"Fanno la corsa all'oro sopra i continenti
e fanno strage di innocenti che chiamano perdenti"
Per questa frase merita di satre tra le canzoni contro la guerra, oltre ad essere una bella canzone
Quello che mi chiedono è quello che non do
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2009/12/6 - 21:06

Suicide Bomber

Suicide Bomber
Lyrics & Music by Ralph Buckley
Album: God is Dead
The suicide bomber walked in the door
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/6 - 21:01

Stuck In Iraq

Lyrics by York Taylor
Music by Skiffy Flippo
Album: He Bombed My Daddy
When I was a young man
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/6 - 20:26
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Fuck The War

Fuck The War
"It started with a guitar riff and took off from there. I have been writing songs about the absurdity of this war since the "bushies" sold the idea to our congressmen and of course the media (who they apparently own)....Lie after lie, after lie, after lie.
Fuck the war! It's directed towards those who are responsible and who need to be held accountable: anybody listening? "
Today is the day that could make me cry 'cause I'm never gonna love again
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/6 - 13:02

Living The American Dream

Lyrics & Music by Ralph Buckley
Album: The Politics of War and Murder

"Living the American dream - An angry song about the state of our country right now...war in Iraq-elections '08 -patriotic act- just what does the 'American dream' mean anymore? '
Livin' the American dream
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/6 - 12:50

Boat People

Boat People
Album: Take Out

Don't discriminate us, don't despise us.. ALL of us (have been and) are boat people!!
Pardon me, bud, I thought you understood,
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/6 - 10:59

He Bombed My Daddy

Lyrics by York Taylor
Music by Skiffy Flippo
Album: He Bombed My Daddy

A Rap Bush Biography ("We made up the Title as a joke - then had to write the song..")
My daddy bought me out of the war
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/6 - 09:20
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II

Pedro's Job (Bush Immigration Song)

Lyrics & Music by York Taylor
Album: He Bombed My Daddy

Done in the Woodie Guthrie Protest style. A story of how the Bush policy of "if they have a job they can stay" makes for near slave labor for the Illegal and lost jobs for the legal immigrates and other workers in the trades.
Me and Pedro we worked for the man
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/6 - 09:11

Bomb Iran

Album: THE BEACH BOMBS: Let's have a blast!
Parody lyrics by Rachel Stone. Music by Fred Fassert

Sung to the tune of "Barbara Ann" of the Beach Boys.
Inspired by remarks made by Republican candidate John McCain. Performed by "The Beach Bombs": Rachel Stone, Joel Landy, Dennis Heller at Peoples Voice Cafe in NYC,12/22/07.
Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb Iran.
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/6 - 08:32


Album:It's Still the 60's
Remember in our college days of Vietnam and student rights,
Contributed by adriana 2009/12/4 - 16:22
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The Politics of War and Murder

The Politics of War and Murder
Lyrics & Music by Ralph Buckley
Album: God is Dead [2007]

This tune is a protest in a sense, a live performance of alternative blues meets the lyrical imagery of the horrors and absurdities of senseless violence and murder. Racism, holocaust, slavery, torture...the politics of war and murder...
The words that I say don't mean nothin'
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/4 - 13:01
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Guerra por la paz

Guerra por la paz
feat. Tote King

Album: A Fuego Abierto (2003)
Contributed by Claudio 2009/12/3 - 13:48
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Isang daang taon

Isang daang taon
Album: Ugat at Sanhi ng ating Aba
Lyrics and Music by Nathaniel Savella Ramirez

It's a song about the forgotten Philippine-American War of 1898. Which was originally known as the Philippine Insurrection. A forgotten war however that's continuing effects on the Philippines and its people…

Filipinos thought that Americans were there friends but when Aguinaldo was duped the hostilities began. Thirteen years, 100 thousand killed women and children used as shields…
Akala natin noon
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/3 - 12:18
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Workin' In the Foondry

Lyrics and music Stuart Simpson
Album: The Bo'ness Ballads [2005]

"With The big Foondry Chorus. A somewhat humorous look at Victorian working conditions. Acoustic Guitar and banjo. In the Scottish Folk style, I think!

The song deals with conditions for Iron Foundry (Foondry) workers from 1850 to the 1950s, where jobs were almost hereditary, passed from father to son, and housing was owned by the foundry owners. Inspired in part by my uncle Ian, who worked there for all his working life. "
Workin' in the foondry, tryin' tae mak a wage,
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/3 - 12:11

Tear Hate Down

One word:
WORTHY. 2009/12/3 - 04:26
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Cortez The Killer

Cortez The Killer
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 23:24
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Per i morti di Reggio Emilia

Per i morti di Reggio Emilia
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 23:08
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Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 22:53
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Mr Churchill Says

Mr Churchill Says
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 22:30

Brothers Under The Bridge

Brothers Under The Bridge
Contributed by Davide Festa 2009/12/2 - 22:25
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Washington Bullets

Washington Bullets
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 22:23
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Motor City is Burning

Motor City is Burning
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 22:03
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Birmingham Sunday

Birmingham Sunday
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 21:09
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Preguntas por Puerto Montt

Preguntas por Puerto Montt
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 20:57
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We Didn't Start The Fire

We Didn't Start The Fire
Per una completissima legenda di nomi, epressioni e fatti citati nella canzone di Billy Joel, consiglio la lettura del post dedicato su l'histgeobox (in francese)
Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 20:48
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Mort d'un robot

Mort d'un robot
Mort d'un robot

Daniel Balavoine
Tout articulé tout fabriqué
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/12/2 - 20:45
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Daniel Balavoine
Quand les canons résonnent
Contributed by m 2009/12/2 - 20:43
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Mon amie Yantsé et moi
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/12/2 - 20:39
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Lise Altmann

Lise Altmann
Testo e musica: Daniel Balavoine
Paroles et musique: Daniel Balavoine

Sans doute, portait-elle l'étoile jaune... et lui, un triangle (le père) rouge... Il y a des époques comme çà... Faites attention... Des fois que ça recommencerait.

Ainsi parlaient Marco Valdo M.I. et Lucien Lane.

Così parlarono a suo tempo Marco Valdo e Lucien a proposito di questa canzone che ci riporta nella Francia occupata del 1943 o giù di lì. Nella Francia di Arrivederci ragazzi, insomma; ma l'arrivederci, anzi l'addio, lo davano anche i professori, non solo i ragazzi. Bastava avere un nome sbagliato. E non bisognava scrivere alla mamma per fare domande. Magari si veniva a sapere che anche il babbo...

Davvero uno strano tipo, Daniel Balavoine. Ad ascoltarla senza le parole sembra una canzonetta facile facile, il successino pt l'estate o qualcosa del genere. Su queste musichette, però, Balavoine cantava cose del genere. [RV]

Maman aujourd'hui si je t'écris
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/12/2 - 20:36
Song Itineraries: Extermination camps
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George Jackson

George Jackson
Trasuzione francese da l'histgeobox
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 20:35
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Chicago (We Can Change The World)

Chicago (We Can Change The World)
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 20:26

The King Bleeds Oil

Album: Resistance Is All We Got
Follow your leaders to war and then back,
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/2 - 20:09
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Killing Machine

Killing Machine
Album: We The People
Lyrics & Music by Fred Gillen Jr.
Written about a friend, a Vietnam war Vet.
"My friend told me his story and I thought it should be told to the world... Maybe if people really understand what happens to people who are sent to war, we will be more careful as a society not to send them frivolously or at least to stop sending them just to make rich people richer... "
They decorated me ceremoniously,
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/2 - 20:03



SANCTIONS special single-song CD

Hundreds of bombing raids on Iraq continue each month, virtually unreported by the media. And still, every month an estimated 7,000 children die as a direct result of the sanctions relating to food and medicine
No smiling kid, no A-plus grade, no, not in Iraq.
Contributed by adriana 2009/12/2 - 19:54
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Apartheid Is Nazism

Apartheid Is Nazism
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 15:52
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Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 15:39
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We Shall Not Be Moved

Traduzione francese da l'histgeobox, il blog tenuto da alcuni docenti di liceo francesi che ha come obiettivo di far conoscere la storia e la geografia attraverso le canzoni.
We Shall Not Be Moved
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 14:26
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Armée Française

Armée Française
Un approfondimento storico dall'interessante l'histgeobox, il blog tenuto da alcuni docenti di liceo francesi che ha come obiettivo di far conoscere la storia e la geografia attraverso le canzoni.
Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 13:38

Five-Dollar Coal

Five-Dollar Coal
Album: Freedom Fries
Lyrics & Music by: traditional arranged and adapted by Fred Stanton

Coal miners in Utah fight for a union. Seventy-five coal miners, most of them from Mexico, are on strike at the Co-Op mine in Huntington, Utah. The song's title refers to the minimum wage, which is the starting wage in that mine.
From the sunshine of Sinaloa
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/2 - 12:51
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Worried Man Blues

Worried Man Blues
This is a traditional folk song first recorded in 1930 by The Carter Family, also recorded 1940 by Woody Guthrie, and with revised lyrics in 1959 by the Kingston Trio, was theme song for the 2001 PBS TV series American Roots Music, performed 2002 by the Southern Comfort Bluegrass Band.
I went across the river, and I lay down to sleep,
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/2 - 12:45


Ieri sera ho visto un gran bel film-documentario…
Il regista è Kevin Macdonald, quello di “Un giorno a settembre” (sul sequestro della delegazione israeliana da parte di un commando palestinese alle Olimpiadi di Monaco del 1972) e di “L’ultimo re di Scozia” (sul sanguinario dittatore ugandese Idi Amin Dada).
Il film di cui voglio parlarvi è del 2007 e si intitola “My Enemy's Enemy”, da noi “Il nemico del mio nemico - Cia, nazisti e guerra fredda”, e racconta la storia di Klaus Barbie.

Klaus Barbie (Bad Godesberg, Germania, 1913 –Lione, Francia, 1991), conosciuto come il “Boia di Lione”, fu il capo della Gestapo nella città francese durante l’occupazione nazista. Dotato di una personalità crudele, pervaso da un antisemitismo e anticomunismo viscerali, hitleriano integrale, durante la guerra Barbie fu responsabile di torture, esecuzioni sommarie, massacri, fucilazioni e deportazioni ai danni... (Continues)
Alessandro 2009/12/2 - 11:59

All Those People

"A Blues for 9/11 ? Well, not only for that… This song was written after 9/11. It is a relatively simple peace song, mourning the deaths of innocent people. I wrote it after an argument, in which my attempts to say that the victims on 9/11 aren't the only innocents we should mourn was misinterpreted as "excusing terrorism". I thought a song might make my point more clearly.
1. All those people
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/2 - 08:46
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How Much For The Life Of A Miner ?

How Much For The Life Of A Miner ?
Album: Dump the Bosses Off Your Back [2008]

Lyrics & Music by Anne Feeney

"This is one of the songs I wrote for Jerry Starr powerful play, "Buried: The Story of the "Sago Mine Disaster".
You've heard "Sixteen Tons" and "The Coal Tattoo"
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/2 - 08:39

My tears


"I thought the Iraqis needed a voice and that the American people needed to empathize with their plight.."
You can across the desert sands in your airplane
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/1 - 21:35

A Rich Man's War (Ain't Gonna Fight)


"Steve Earle has a song entitled Rich Man's War. This isn't it. Steve's song is a wonderful ballad. This is a protest song intended for people to get excited about. It worked. I also hoped people would sing it so I wrote it to be a folk song. That's a song the folk can sing and play. Well, you decide if it's that.

The truth is that this song started out as a poem. It was been published as a part of the Poets Against the War Anthology and subsequently by the Indie Journal, the Web Poetry Corner, and others.

The editor of the Indie Journal called me a communist but published the poem and a related article anyway. We subsequently became good friends and I have contributed much poetry and many articles to their effort."
No, I ain't gonna fight in - no rich man's war
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/1 - 21:28

Tira Poc

Tira Poc
Tira Poc
Canzone léviane – Tira Poc – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 69

Tira Poc est la soixante-neuvième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Voici, mon ami Lucien l'âne si patient, un bien curieux titre pour une bien curieuse canzone. Si curieuse et si étrange, qu'il me faut t'entretenir un peu de son contenu. Ainsi qu'il est dit depuis le début de ce Cycle du Cahier Ligné, toutes ces canzones naissent au cœur d'un rêve, d'un songe, d'une méditation, enrobées de mystère et ce rêve, ce songe, ce mystère sont ceux d'un guerrier-blessé-prisonnier-enfermé et seraient pour lui, la seule manière de s'assurer qu'il vit encore et également, la seule manière de résister à une pression mortelle qui pèse sur lui. En outre, ce sont des canzones lévianes, c'est-à-dire qu'elles sont construites à partir et avec des éléments... (Continues)
La patrouille est choisie
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/12/1 - 21:18
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Chanson italienne – Hiroshima – Francesco De Gregori

C'est une très belle chanson non publiée de Francesco De Gregori. On ne lui connaît pas de titre, mais celui-ci « Hiroshima » conviendrait bien.
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/12/1 - 15:03
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Il pilota di Hiroshima

Il pilota di Hiroshima
Chanson italienne – Il pilota di Hiroshima – Nomadi – 1985

La chanson se rapporte probablement non pas à Paul Tibbets, pilote d'Enola Gay, qui lâcha la bombe sur Hiroshima, mais à Claude Eatherly, pilote de la mission de reconnaissance précédant le départ d'Enola Gay.
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/12/1 - 14:30

Give Peace A Chance

Give Peace A Chance
geltrude 2009/12/1 - 13:42


Album: Ballads of Joe Hill

One suicide in the Army is one too many.

General unsure if repeated combat tours to blame for record Army suicides

Army to report record number of suicides
War lingers, GI suicides rise

"I kinda wrote this song down this mornin': it's about a soldier writin' a goodbye letter to the things he loves. This is actually a true story, well every story is true in some way. But this one actually has happened."
Well, the rope I tied it strong
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/1 - 09:55
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Cielito de los muchachos

Cielito de los muchachos
La poesia di Benedetti dalla raccolta “Letras de emergencia, 1969-1973 – Versos para cantar”, 1973, dedicata a Nacha Guevara e Alberto Favero.


Están cambiando los tiempos
para bien o para mal
para mal o para bien
nada va a quedar igual

cielito cielo que sí
con muchachos donde quieran
mientras no haya libertad
se aplaza la primavera

se posterga para cuando
lleguen los años brutales
y del podrido poder
se bajen los carcamales

cielito cielo cielito
cielito a la descubierta
las botas del miedo pasan
por una calle desierta

viejos están y qué solos
qué ministros y qué viejos
tienen los pesos aquí
pero los dólares lejos

cielito cielo no importa
tienen miedo y es bastante
conocen que ya hace mucho
la historia sigue adelante

los tiempos están cambiando
están cambiando qué bueno
siempre el mundo será ancho
pero ya no será ajeno

cielito cielo qué... (Continues)
Alessandro 2009/11/30 - 14:52
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Chanson des Vaudois

Chanson des Vaudois
Ho qualche dubbio che possiate pubblicarmi questo contributo, ma ci provo lo stesso…
E’ che vi voglio raccontare che per la prima volta in vita mia ho acquistato un’arma…
Ammetterete che non sarebbe proprio una cosa da scriversi su di un sito che parla di canzoni contro la guerra, ma l’arma che ho comprato è una “beidana”, la mannaietta (nemmeno tanto piccolina, nonostante il diminutivo) che i guerriglieri valdesi usarono nel corso del XVI e XVII secolo per difendersi dai loro persecutori piemontesi e francesi…
E’ quindi un’arma simbolo di resistenza, e spero che questo mio breve intervento per raccontarvela trovi asilo su questo sito.

Quella di cui finalmente sono entrato in possesso non è una beidana originale, non potrei permettermela… L’ho comprata a Luserna San Giovanni, in Val Pellice, da Pino Costa, il fabbro forgiatore che ha contribuito alla riscoperta di questo oggetto, bello... (Continues)
Alessandro 2009/11/30 - 12:48

Depleted Uranium Is Nuclear War

Depleted Uranium Is Nuclear War
Words & Music by: C. Michael Stout
Album: Soldiers of Solidarity [2006]
Depleted Uranium is nuclear waste.
Contributed by giorgio 2009/11/30 - 08:23

Corporation Offenders

Songwriters: Hyde & Ali Baba
Album: Status Quo

"Corporations attempt to unify what we wear, eat and even think. Corporations are given human rights, yet they don’t feel sympathy, compassion or concern, they don’t show you or the environment any love. There is only one thing they care about and that is to make money. They do this by any means necessary, for example Coka Cola has built its factories near Indian villages and privatized their freshwater. Nike, a brand most hip hop tick heads like to wear can only meet its demands by slave labor. The same with Starbucks and their supply of coffee beans through unfair trade, Halliburton, a major war mongering corporation that serves military needs. I could go on and on…."
Free radicals, counter flow brave hearts, all rise!
Contributed by giorgio 2009/11/30 - 08:18

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