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Before 2009-11-9

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Walls. One fell just 20 years ago. Many, too many are still standing; but they aren't so fashionable, and will never be so. There's no President saying "Ich bin ein Palestinier".
Riccardo Venturi 2009/11/9 - 22:32
Downloadable! Video!

La nave dei folli

La nave dei folli
E in quegli anni Ivan Della Mea era guardato con sospetto (troppo ortodosso?) da chi scendeva in piazza...
Non c'era proprio spazio per la poesia!
E poi seguiva "Fiaba Grande"...
fabio bello 2009/11/9 - 21:13
A page here had long been left unfinished; now it's complete, with a ship, a white cat and a special view angle.
Riccardo Venturi 2009/11/5 - 04:11

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