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Before 2008-7-3

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Il Paese Di Pulcinella
Io sarò pure giovane, giovane e idealista
Contributed by Donquijote82 2008/7/3 - 21:12

Canción del estornudo

Canción del estornudo
Una canzone contro la guerra in cui Maria Elena Walsh spiega ai bambini in modo molto semplice che è meglio essere sostenitori della pace anche se a volte si deve scendere a compromessi...
En la guerra le caía
Contributed by Marcia 2008/7/3 - 14:35

Support Our Troops

Support Our Troops
The song first appeared on "Living In The Shadow", self-released by the artist as a free download on his website ( in 2005.
To all the Vietnam vets on street corners strugglin
Contributed by Xavier Fernandez 2008/7/3 - 14:06
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Desert Sunrise

Desert Sunrise

The song was originally written by their lead vocalist, Lynx, for a compilation put out to benefit Iraq Veterans Against the War and was based on first-person accounts from anti-war veterans of what it was like to be in Iraq as a member of the occupying army, all the while knowing that the war and the occupation are wrong. A solo version of it was published on the compilation 'A Line In the Sand', released by Wild Stallion Records in August 2007. The bands version is on their second album, Liberty.
Stepping out the barracks the desert sunrise
Contributed by Xavier Fernandez 2008/7/3 - 13:53

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