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Un poème de Mahmoud Darwich
Una poesia di Mahmoud Darwish
A poem by Mahmoud Darwish

La poesia che il grande poeta palestinese Mahmud Darwish / محمود درويش, scomparso il 9 agosto scorso all'età di 67 anni, dedicò alla propria compagna israeliana. Una poesia d'amore e di pace che il virtuoso musicista libanese Marcel Khalife ha messo in musica ed eseguito.

Le poème que le grand poète palestinien Mahmoud Darwich, qui a disparu le 9 août 2008 âgé de 67 ans, a dédié a Rita, sa compagne israélienne. Un poème d'amour et de paix que le musicien et virtuose libanais Marcel Khalife a mis en musique et chanté.

The poem that the great Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, who passed away on August 9, 2008 at the age of 67, dedicated to his Israeli-born sweetheart, and that the Lebanese musician and virtuoso Marcel Khalife has set to music and performed.
[AWS/CCG Staff]
بين ريتا و عيوني بندقية
2008/3/15 - 18:24

الطفل والطيارة

الطفل والطيارة
Marcel Khalife è uno dei più inventivi suonatori del 'ud, il liuto arabo. Nato in un villaggio cristiano del Libano, è autore o cantante di alcune straordinarie canzoni:[1] ricordo per tutti la poesia che il palestinese Mahmud Darwish dedicò alla propria compagna israeliana, Rita.


Girando in rete, ho trovato buone traduzioni in inglese di alcuni testi di Marcel Khalife; e mi permetto di plagiare qui una di queste traduzioni, dando appena un'occhiata al testo in dialetto libanese.

La canzone al-tifl wa al-tayyâra, che potete ascoltare qui, si basa sull'ambiguità della parola araba tayyâra, che indica semplicemente qualcosa che vola, dal verbo târa: in questo caso significa sia aquilone che aereo. Il traduttore è costretto a scegliere a volte un termine, a volte l'altro, ma ricordatevi che nella canzone, la parola è una sola.

Per capire la canzone, siamo quindi costretti a fare uno... (Continues)
كان في مرة طفل صغير...
2008/3/15 - 18:15
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The Home Front

The Home Front
Dall'ultimo album della band di Athens, "Brighter Than Creation's Dark" (2008).

Se That Man I Shot parla della "guerra portata a casa", questa The Home Front parla della "casa portata in guerra"...

"[...] Lei non ha più potuto dormire da quando Tony è andato in guerra [...] Non bastano il 9/11 o l'Uranio per fermare la menzogna. Lei è stata lasciata a casa, in prima linea. Tutti e due da soli."
The hours creep across the face
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/13 - 08:39
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That Man I Shot

That Man I Shot
Dall'ultimo album dei DBT, "Brighter Than Creation's Dark".

"[...] And "That Man I Shot" is a blazing, troubling masterpiece in which a soldier home from Iraq can't tear away the memory of a man he killed in combat ("That man I shot, I didn't know him/I was just doing my job, maybe so was he"). It's a tale of the most human consequences of war that's built from equal portions of anger, confusion, and compassion, and it's hard to imagine any other band pulling off its fusion of Southern-fried street smarts and guitar-fueled thunder. It's one of several brilliant moments on Brighter Than Creation's Dark, and less than three weeks into 2008 it's hard not to escape the feeling that with this disc we may already have the best album of the year."
Dalla recensione di Mark Deming su
That man I shot, He was trying to kill me
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 16:10
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The Sands of Iwo Jima

The Sands of Iwo Jima
Dall'album "The Dirty South" (2004)
George A. was at the movies in December '41
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 15:41
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Pictures of Adolf Again

Pictures of Adolf Again
Da "Time of the Last Persecution" (1971) il secondo e ultimo album di Bill Fay, ispirato ad alcuni libri dell'Antico Testamento.
In the papers, on the TV screens
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 12:07
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Love Vigilantes

Love Vigilantes
Il brano che apre l'album "Low-Life" del 1985.

According to Bernard Sumner, "Love Vigilantes" is one of the few songs for which he started out wanting to tell a story rather than his usual method of listening to a newly composed piece and writing lyrics to match the mood of the music. Having "decided to write a Redneck song", Sumner's lyrics tell a rather "tongue-in-cheek" tale of a soldier returning home from Vietnam only to find that his wife had received a telegram informing her that he had died.[4] Sumner further relates that the ending is open to interpretation. Either the soldier had actually died and returns as a ghost or the telegram was sent mistakenly and he is quite alive. Either way, he finds her lying on the floor having committed suicide with the telegram in her hand, an ending Sumner describes as "a very country tragedy"

Oh I've just come
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 11:28
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Yo George

Yo George
Canzone inclusa nella compilation Body of War e che apre anche il più recente lavoro di Tori Amos, "American Doll Posse". (2007)
I salute to you Commander
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 11:20
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II
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Battle Hymns

Battle Hymns
Dalla compilation antimilitarista Body of War
Battle hymns for the broken
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 11:06
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Fields of Agony

Fields of Agony
Traccia che fa parte della compilation antimilitarista Body of War
How many people, how many have died?
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 10:55

Overcome (The Recapitulation)

Overcome (The Recapitulation)
Traccia che fa parte di Body of War, la compilation antimilitarista edita dalla Sire Records
We've had enough
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 10:51
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Letter From Iraq

Letter From Iraq
Una delle tracce che fanno parte della complation antimilitarista Body of War
The hot Sunni sun
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/3/11 - 10:43

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