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The Mark Of Cain

The Mark Of Cain
Tratto dall'album Calling (1996) una bellissima canzone sulle donne vittime di stupro come arma di guerra.

Lyrics: Noa
Music: Noa & Gil Dor

Avvertenza / Notice

Noa sostiene in una "lettera aperta" la guerra israeliana contro Gaza: "Posso soltanto augurarmi per voi che Israele faccia il lavoro che, tutti lo sappiamo, deve essere fatto: SBARAZZARVI finalmente di questo cancro, di questo virus, di questo mostro chiamato fanatismo, e che oggi si chiama Hamas." Poi va a cantare a una serata di carità per i bambini di Gaza.

Noa supports Israeli war against Gaza people in an "oper letter": "I can only wish for you that Israel will do the job we all know needs to be done, and finally RID YOU of this cancer, this virus, this monster called fanaticism, today, called Hamas." Then she accepts to participate in a charity event for Gaza children.

I am a young woman
Contributed by Franca Cecchinato 2008/11/6 - 11:04
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Chacun de vous est concerné [incl. Canzone del maggio di Fabrizio De André]

Chacun de vous est concerné [incl. <em>Canzone del maggio</em> di Fabrizio De André]
"Canzone a proposito del "joli mois de mai", cioè "mai 1968", quando la fiore della speranza sorgeva nel cuore dell'Europa. Il suo profumo è ancora nell'aria. Per sempre ... Ritorna, ritorna e ritornerà con una grave insistenza.
Che succede ?
Sono solo studenti...
Cosi dicevano."
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2008/11/6 - 10:56
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Oh Mother

Oh Mother
Tratta dall'album Back to Basic (2006), è una canzone dedicata alla madre, il cui marito (e padre di Christina) era un uomo violento.
She was so young with such innocent eyes
Contributed by Franca Cecchinato 2008/11/6 - 10:39
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His Hands

His Hands
Una delle più belle canzoni di denuncia sulla violenza di genere.

Written by: Janis Ian
Performed by: Janis Ian
Appears on: Breaking Silence-1993 [1] & Best of Janis Ian: The Autobiography
His hands were made of lightning,
Contributed by Franca Cecchinato 2008/11/6 - 10:24
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On The Road From Szrebenica

On The Road From Szrebenica
Lyrics and Music by Tom Paxton
Testo e musica di Tom Paxton
Album "Live: For the Record"

Inutile chiedere a un qualsiasi autore di lingua inglese di nominare correttamente un qualsiasi luogo che non sia in inglese, appunto. "Szrebrenica" è ovviamente la tristemente nota Srebrenica (ricordiamo che si pronuncia "srebrènizza") [CCG/AWS Staff]
On the road from Szrebenica,
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/6 - 10:20
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's
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Vite perdite

Vite perdite
Il brano è presente anche nel disco Incredibile Opposizione Tour dei Bisca 99 Posse
Donquijote82 2008/11/6 - 09:56
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Il s'agit de l'album le plus politique de ce groupe florentin. Politique déjà dès la couverture où figure le portrait de Willy Nelson Darden, un noir exécuté sur la chaise électrique en Floride le 15 mars 1988, malgré de forts doutes quant à la culpabilité, exprimés par certains membres du jury. Et au thème de la peine de mort est consacré la splendide chanson : Louisiane.
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2008/11/6 - 09:27
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Talking Birmingham Jam

Talking Birmingham Jam
4/5 novembre 2008
2008/11/6 - 01:36

No More

No More
Certe volte penso di essere sbagliato,
Contributed by daniela -k.d.- 2008/11/5 - 21:15
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Civil War pt. 1

Civil War pt. 1
Album: "Bella"
Lyrics and music by Avogadro
Testo e musica di Avogadro
All we heard was a strange sound
Contributed by daniela -k.d.- 2008/11/5 - 20:58
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Album: Writer of Songs [1972]
In a station in the city a British soldier stood
Contributed by giorgio 2008/11/5 - 20:28
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland, Heroes
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The Day Before The War

The Day Before The War
da "All Through the Year - A Calendar in Music & Song. The Second Hokey Pokey Charity Compilation" (1991)

Sulla pagina dove ho trovato la canzone i credits vanno a "R. Johnson / Moose & Raffi, D.Pike / Homeland"

Si tratta di una delle prime canzoni sulla Guerra del Golfo.
Emily said she's Little Red Riding Hood (*),
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 14:49
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The Box

The Box
Album: "Poems, Prayers, and Promises"
Lyrics by Kendrew Lascelles
Music by John Denver
Once upon a time,
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 14:19
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Stand Up For Judas!

Stand Up For Judas!
Originariamente in Love Loneliness Laundry (Roy Bailey / Leon Rosselson) del 1977

Canzone inclusa nella compilation "RosselSonGs" (1990) ma scritta sicuramente molti anni prima, tant'è che è stata anche incisa da Dick Gaughan nel suo disco del 1983, "Different Kind of Love Song".
The Romans were the masters
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 13:33
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With Fire And With Sword

With Fire And With Sword
Trovata sul sito dedicato all'autore, Matt McGinn.
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 13:01
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Lots of Little Soldiers

Lots of Little Soldiers
Parole di Matt McGinn
Musica da "I am a Little Beggarman" cantata da Tommy Makem & the Clancys
My name is 'What you may call me' and my father's was as well
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 12:48
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Ballad Of John MacLean

Ballad Of John MacLean
John MacLean was a Scottish schoolteacher ("Dominie" in Scots) and Marxist educator who was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in 1918 for agitating against the carnage of World War 1. Due to popular outrage and demonstrations, he was released after 7 months but the harsh treatment he received in prison seriously damaged his health and he died a few years later.

La canzone è stata interpretata anche da Dick Gaughan.
Tell me whaur ye're gaun, lad,
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 12:43
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Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2008/11/5 - 12:10
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De ce côté-ci d'Eboli, le pape est une des icônes de notre temps. Monsieur Tout Blanc, c'est un peu le Tintin du Ciel, audacieux voyageur et redresseur de torts, bonne âme inoxydable. Tout comme il y eut Tintin en Amérique, Tintin au pays des Soviets, Tintin au Tibet (moins politiquement correct, celui-là – à présent, il faudrait l'intituler Tintin en Chine : commerce oblige !) et l'inoubliable Tintin au Congo (plein de racisme et de bandes dessinées), nous avons eu droit à Monsieur Tout Blanc en Amérique, Monsieur Tout Blanc en Afrique... depuis, il y aurait, paraît-il, un Monsieur Tout Blanc au Paradis (Santo subito ! Santo Subito !), mais je ne l'ai pas vu.

En 1987, il y eut – dans ce cas, la chose est certaine, un Monsieur Tout Blanc à Santiago, lorsque Monsieur Tout Blanc s'en alla saluer un général de ses amis, l'Augustissime Pinochet.

Litfiba a voulu et réussi à immortaliser cette... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco valdo M.I. 2008/11/5 - 10:59

Not In My Name

We can see the forces gathering like so many times before
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 10:17

Derry Streets

Tune: "The Foggy Dew"
Trad. Arr.: Sears/Toolen - Summerfly

Un brano sul Bloody Sunday del 1972.
The sun did dawn so grey and cold on Derry’s empty streets
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 09:58

Deep Blue Sea

Deep Blue Sea
Album: "We Shall Overcome: The Complete Carnegie Hall Concert, June 8, 1963"

Seeger ha scritto e interpretato molte canzoni per bambini.
Questa è una lullaby su musica tradizionale. Mi risulta che sia stata interpretata anche da Odetta (album "Movin' It On" del 1987)
Deep blue sea, baby, deep blue sea,
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 09:47
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Thirsty Boots

Thirsty Boots
Album: " 'Bout Changes And Things"

Una canzone sul movimento per i diritti civili.
Fu Phil Ochs ad incoraggiare Andersen a scrivere questa canzone e lo stesso Ochs la eseguì più volte dal vivo.
Alla morte di Ochs, Andersen gliela dedicò.

Trovata qui.
Interpretata anche da Randy Burns nel suo disco d’esordio intitolato “Of Love And War” pubblicato nel 1966.

(Bernart Bartleby)
You've long been on the open road,
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 08:03
Antiwar Songs on Popolare Network. On November 4 Riccardo Venturi has been invited to talk on Radio Popolare Network for an "anti-commemorative" broadcasting the anniversary of the Italian WW-I "victory". The mp3 recording of this intervention is available for free download.
Daniela Pighi 2008/11/5 - 01:44

The Great Game

So we're going to war
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/4 - 23:59

Guantanamo Bay

Just turned sixteen, a strange captivity
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/4 - 23:54

They're Taking It Away

They're Taking It Away
Trvata qui
Oh, they're taking it away,
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/4 - 23:51

The Iron Lady (Maggie May)

Credo che Robb abbia scritto il testo, ma la musica è di una canzone tradizionale di Liverpool che racconta di un marinaio derubato da una prostituta... e quella "buona donna" della Thatcher derubò davvero un'intera nazione con la sua stupida guerra delle Falklands/Malvinas!
I'm an able-bodied seaman, one of Plymouth's native sons;
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/4 - 23:37
Song Itineraries: Miss Maggie Thatcher
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Hey Sandy

Hey Sandy
"Hey Sandy on the album 'Writer of Songs' (1972) is another description of the senseless loss of a young life in conflict. It is based on the death of a female student, Sandra Scheuer, who was shot by the Ohio National Guard at the Kent State University in the U.S. anti Vietnam War demonstration of 1970, although, unlike the Sandy of Andrews' song, the real student was not directly involved in the demonstration. The album version of the song is an unusual, but powerful, arrangement, in which the first verse is sung to the accompaniment of a solo double bass, played by Danny Thompson. The recording was never issued in the USA until Kent State University's commemorative CD was released in 2005. It reached number 2 in the New Zealand chart in November 1972.


Hey Sandy, hey Sandy why were you the one?
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/4 - 23:19
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Death come easy

Death come easy
Parole e musica di Harvey Andrews
Nel suo EP semplicemente intitolato "Harvey Andrews"
Interpretato anche daThe Ian Campbell Group

Nello stesso disco si trova anche un brano intitolato "Children of Hiroshima" che mi pare ancora manchi sulle CCG/AWS... Ora mi lancio alla ricerca.

Death come easy, if you come before your time
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/4 - 23:09

Talkin' Reincarnated Draftee Blues

Talkin' Reincarnated Draftee Blues
Well, I believe in re-incarnation, you see,
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/4 - 20:27

The Perfect Bomb

The Perfect Bomb
Album: Bulletin... We Interrupt This Record - 1982

Trovata qui.
Some friends and I have worked for years in deepest secrecy
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/4 - 20:15
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Ronda dos paisanos

Ronda dos paisanos
3 novembre 2008
2008/11/3 - 22:13
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Everybody Knows

Everybody Knows
Ricavo la traduzione (di Massimo Cotto) dal volume "Leonard Cohen Canzoni da una stanza - tutti i testi" edito da Arcana nel 1993.
Contributed by Renato Stecca 2008/11/3 - 19:42

Better Days

Better Days
Dall'album "Brother where you bound" del 1985.

Ve la mando perchè esprime due miei sogni:
no war - good schools
Trust me, I can help you
Contributed by Renato Stecca 2008/11/3 - 19:06

Brother Where You Bound

Brother Where You Bound
Dall'album omonimo del 1985 vi invio questa canzone; leggo nel sito allmusic che «the fantastic title track examines Cold War paranoia and clocks in at more than 16 minutes; after the creepy opening narration taken from George Orwell's 1984, the song becomes a composite of several complex prog-rock "movements." Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour contributes the searing, distorted guitar solos.»
There's a red cloud hanging over us
Contributed by Renato Stecca 2008/11/3 - 18:59
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In The Ghetto

In The Ghetto
Avete ragione, forse e' la piu' bella canzone del grande ELVIS.

ANGELO 2008/11/3 - 18:14
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Canzone per Silvia

Canzone per Silvia
Silvia, la Silvia de la chanson, c'est Silvia Baraldini.
Elle fut arrêtée en emprisonnée aux Zétazunis en 1982 pour sa participation à la lutte pour les droits civiques des Noirs. On la condamna à 43 ans de prison.
Le FBI ( comme le faisaient les polices fascistes...) a plusieurs offert à Silvia Baraldini de l'argent en échange de dénonciations. Pour avoir refusé, sa peine fut augmentée de trois ans.

Elle fut enfermée au pénitencier de Lexington où elle fut soumise à un régime carcéral d'isolement, de fouilles corporelles, de censure de la poste, de limitations des visites et de contrôle de tous les instants, y compris les plus intimes. Une « Achtung Banditen ! » en quelque sorte !

Silvia malade d'une tumeur dut être opérée, enchaînée sur la table.
La prison de Lexington fut fermée après la dénonciation des conditions par Amnesty International.
Silvia fut transférée au quartier de... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco valdo M.I. 2008/11/3 - 17:50
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Señor Presidente

Señor Presidente
Que vida más diferente
Contributed by adriana 2008/11/3 - 17:31

Corazón de Hamburguesa

Corazón de Hamburguesa
Caminas displicente
Contributed by adriana 2008/11/3 - 17:12

Yo vengo de un país que ya no existe

Yo vengo de un país que ya no existe
Yo vengo de un país que ya no existe.
Contributed by adriana 2008/11/3 - 17:10
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A Silvia

A Silvia
Chanson italienne – A Silvia -Alfreedo Bandelli – fin des années 1980

Alfredo Bandelli a longtemps chanté cette chanson; jusqu'à tant qu'il a pu chanter. Dans le répertoire de Bandelli, elle a une chanson-sœur (Bella Bimba – La belle fille sans nom), qui l'a sans doute précédée. [ Je ne sais si tu es au courant , disait Luciano Filippi – Gildo dei Fantardi à Riccardo Venturi, que cette chanson était d'abord intitulée Bella bimba et elle n'avait rien à voir avec Silvia Baraldini. Quand suurvint l'affaire, Alfredo Bandelli utilisa la mélodie de Bella Bimba et ne fit cette splendide composition.], Celle-ci « A Silvia » est consacrée à Silvia Baraldini, une militante pacifiste et anti-raciste italienne qui arrêtée en 1982, fut condamnée à 43 ans de prison et qui fut emprisonnée des années aux Zétazunis en raison de son engagement dans la lutte pour les droits civiques des Noirs. Puis en... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco valdo M.I. 2008/11/3 - 17:00
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Prontuario criminal

Prontuario  criminal
Quintin Cabrera, Pancho Amat y sus cabildo del son
con la partecipacion de Chucho Valdes
Desde los mismisimos dia
Contributed by adriana 2008/11/3 - 16:47
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Bella bimba

Bella bimba
Chanson italienne – Bella bimba – Alfredo Bandelli – 1988

Alfredo Bandelli a longtemps chanté cette chanson; jusqu'à tant qu'il a pu chanter. Il lui a donné une chanson-sœur qu'il a consacrée à Silvia Baraldini, une militante pacifiste et anti-raciste italienne qui arrêtée en 1982, fut condamnée à 43 ans de prison et qui fut emprisonnée des années aux Zétazunis en raison de son engagement dans la lutte pour les droits civiques des Noirs. Puis en Italie, après son extradition en 1999; elle n'en sortit qu'en 2001.
Ce phénomène des chansons-sœurs n'est pas fréquent et mérite qu'on s'y arrête un instant pour en définir les limites. En l'occurrence, il s'agit d'une même musique et d'un texte presque semblable; en somme, une variante. Dans la chanson française, on peut citer « Carcassonne » et « Le nombril des femmes d'agents »... chansons de Georges Brassens ou encore, chez le même Brassens,... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2008/11/3 - 16:13
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Supper's Ready

Supper's Ready
Prima di tutto grazie per le Sue parole, che ovviamente mi fanno un enorme piacere.
Quanto alla questione da Lei posta, purtroppo non ho mai letto "Alice" nell'originale inglese e quindi non saprei davvero dire nulla al riguardo; ma il suggerimento da Lei fatto è, come dire, molto "ghiotto". Quindi mi riprometto di controllare il testo originale dell'opera di Carroll, sperando che si trovi in rete.
Saluti e grazie ancora!
Riccardo Venturi 2008/11/3 - 15:41

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