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Before 2008-11-5

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No More

No More
Certe volte penso di essere sbagliato,
Contributed by daniela -k.d.- 2008/11/5 - 21:15
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Civil War pt. 1

Civil War pt. 1
Album: "Bella"
Lyrics and music by Avogadro
Testo e musica di Avogadro
All we heard was a strange sound
Contributed by daniela -k.d.- 2008/11/5 - 20:58
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Album: Writer of Songs [1972]
In a station in the city a British soldier stood
Contributed by giorgio 2008/11/5 - 20:28
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland, Heroes
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The Day Before The War

The Day Before The War
da "All Through the Year - A Calendar in Music & Song. The Second Hokey Pokey Charity Compilation" (1991)

Sulla pagina dove ho trovato la canzone i credits vanno a "R. Johnson / Moose & Raffi, D.Pike / Homeland"

Si tratta di una delle prime canzoni sulla Guerra del Golfo.
Emily said she's Little Red Riding Hood (*),
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 14:49
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The Box

The Box
Album: "Poems, Prayers, and Promises"
Lyrics by Kendrew Lascelles
Music by John Denver
Once upon a time,
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 14:19
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Stand Up For Judas!

Stand Up For Judas!
Originariamente in Love Loneliness Laundry (Roy Bailey / Leon Rosselson) del 1977

Canzone inclusa nella compilation "RosselSonGs" (1990) ma scritta sicuramente molti anni prima, tant'è che è stata anche incisa da Dick Gaughan nel suo disco del 1983, "Different Kind of Love Song".
The Romans were the masters
Contributed by Alessandro 2008/11/5 - 13:33

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