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Before 2007-7-5

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John Brown

John Brown
John Brown era un puritano antischiavista attivo negli Stati Uniti durante la guerra di secessione contro gli stati confederati del sud....
Antonio 2007/7/5 - 20:53
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Fagioli 'olle 'otenne

Fagioli 'olle 'otenne
Scusate ma ho dimenticato di mettere un mio contatto
Daniele Cuoco 2007/7/4 - 22:56
My last contribution from Fribourg is nothing but a necessary act: the inclusion of don Lorenzo Milani's Obeyance Is No More A Virtue (in Italian, but an English translation will be provided). It is no song, of course; for this reason it has been included in the "AWS Extras". It is, however, a basic text representing the founding reasons of this website.
Riccardo Venturi 2007/6/29 - 16:38

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