Fuori dal controllo
Album: Fuori dal controllo
Una canzone che i Gang, in quella sorta di "Nomi e cognomi" che è l'album omonimo, hanno dedicato al "Profeta dell'Amiata", Davide Lazzaretti.
"Il profeta del monte Amiata, fondatore della "repubblica di Dio". Un momento importante della storia d’Italia. Un tentativo da parte dei contadini dell’Amiata di formare una cultura autonoma rompendo i legami culturali che fino ad allora li avevano legati al clero. Gli anni in cui agiscono Lazzaretti e i suoi seguaci sono quelli del novello stato italiano, quelli in cui la sinistra di Depetris entra nel governo .....lazzaretti viene ucciso da un carabiniere nell’agosto del 1878."
(I Gang raccontano "Fuori dal controllo", dal Sito Ufficiale).
La voce di it.wikipedia è in gran parte opera di Riccardo Venturi.
Davide Lazzaretti (la grafia del cognome Lazzeretti è errata, seppure diffusa e usata anche... (Continues)
Una canzone che i Gang, in quella sorta di "Nomi e cognomi" che è l'album omonimo, hanno dedicato al "Profeta dell'Amiata", Davide Lazzaretti.
"Il profeta del monte Amiata, fondatore della "repubblica di Dio". Un momento importante della storia d’Italia. Un tentativo da parte dei contadini dell’Amiata di formare una cultura autonoma rompendo i legami culturali che fino ad allora li avevano legati al clero. Gli anni in cui agiscono Lazzaretti e i suoi seguaci sono quelli del novello stato italiano, quelli in cui la sinistra di Depetris entra nel governo .....lazzaretti viene ucciso da un carabiniere nell’agosto del 1878."
(I Gang raccontano "Fuori dal controllo", dal Sito Ufficiale).
La voce di it.wikipedia è in gran parte opera di Riccardo Venturi.
Davide Lazzaretti (la grafia del cognome Lazzeretti è errata, seppure diffusa e usata anche... (Continues)
Fuori legge fuori riga
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/21 - 18:35
Colpevole di ghetto
Album: Fuori dal controllo
Una canzone che i Gang, in quella sorta di "Nomi e cognomi" che è l'album omonimo, hanno dedicato a Nicola Sacco.
Album: Fuori dal controllo
Una canzone che i Gang, in quella sorta di "Nomi e cognomi" che è l'album omonimo, hanno dedicato a Nicola Sacco.
"L’emigrante. E’ il simbolo e un modo per non dimenticare che essere italiani ha un significato per molti emigrare alla ricerca di una vita migliore ed anche aver trovato aldilà delle acque, del mare o dell’oceano, solo ingiustizia e repressione. Più Sacco che Vanzetti perché è quello che è meno assistito dall’ideologia, e quello più in crisi e perché aveva creduto molto di più di vanzetti nell’America come luogo di grandi possibilità. In chiusura della canzone c’è la voce di Tom Robbins, la voce dell’altra America che racconta una breve storia scritta apposta per questo disco...E’ un bellissimo regalo che ci ha fatto e del quale siamo orgogliosi...."
(I Gang raccontano "Fuori dal controllo", dal Sito Ufficiale)
(I Gang raccontano "Fuori dal controllo", dal Sito Ufficiale)
Colpevole di ghetto
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/21 - 18:29
Song Itineraries:
Ghettos, Sacco and Vanzetti
La paix sur terre
ciao ragazzi io devo fere un elaborato sul discorso delle guerre in generale avete dei consigli da darmi? risposta il prima possibile...grazie tante...
Beh, il discorso è ovviamente vasto, dovresti prima essere un po' meno generico. Cosa significa il "discorso delle guerre in generale"? Ad ogni modo, così per avviare la cosa, ti consigliamo di dare un occhiata a tutti i commenti delle "Canzoni fondamentali" che trovi in homepage. Facci sapere! [RV]
2007/3/21 - 16:54
The Idiot Son Of An Asshole
Pur essendo stata scritta per ridicolizzare George Bush, questa canzone è conseguenza diretta (come il progetto postumo 'Rock Against Bush' ideato e prodotto dallo stesso cantante dei NOFX,Fat Mike) delle decisioni adottate dal presidente degli Stati Uniti in merito alla guerra in Iraq. Un ritratto demenziale ma incredibilmente realistico di un invasore da parte di uno dei gruppi più impegnati del punk rock.
He's not smart, a C student
Contributed by (A)lessandro Criscitiello 2007/3/21 - 16:29
Song Itineraries:
George Walker Bush II
Contributed by Daniel Bellucci (Nizza 21 marzo 2007, è primavera, ma piange sangue il mio cuore inerme e non capisce) 2007/3/21 - 15:39
La ballata del Pinelli [Ballata dell'anarchico Pinelli, o Il feroce questore Guida]
2h. La versione in kelartico di Riccardo Venturi. 21-3-2007.
2h. Induktŭr kălart nă Risyart Văndtūar. 21-3-2007
2h. Kelartic version by Riccardo Venturi. 21-3-2007.
2h. Version kélartienne de Riccardo Venturi. 21-3-2007.
2h. Riccardo Venturin kelartinkielinen versio. 21-3-2007.
2h. Induktŭr kălart nă Risyart Văndtūar. 21-3-2007
2h. Kelartic version by Riccardo Venturi. 21-3-2007.
2h. Version kélartienne de Riccardo Venturi. 21-3-2007.
2h. Riccardo Venturin kelartinkielinen versio. 21-3-2007.
NB. "Văndtūar" significa "colpo di vento" in kelartico.
"Văndtūar" means "wind blow" in Kelartic.
"Văndtūar" means "wind blow" in Kelartic.
2007/3/21 - 14:20
Chi non vuol chinar la testa
Nel disco intitolato “Le mani a te padrone, io no, non te le bacio”
Nel disco intitolato “Le mani a te padrone, io no, non te le bacio”
Scrive la gazzetta “non c’è pace sociale,
Contributed by - federica - 2007/3/21 - 13:54
War Again
Don't you know we got smart bombs
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/21 - 12:00
Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye
Deutsche Übersetzung von Riccardo Venturi
20. März 2007
20. März 2007
2007/3/20 - 23:52
Modem For Destruction
Da/from: "How Do You Sleep?"
Goose stepping around your bedroom
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/20 - 23:00
How Do You Sleep?
Da/from: "How Do You Sleep?"
Humanitarian crisis, I've seen it on TV
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/20 - 22:57
Die For Your Government
Da/from: "How Do You Sleep?"
They're the ones to declare the war
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/20 - 22:53
Chile Your Waters Run Red Through Soweto
Lyrics and music by Bernice Johnson Reagon
Testo e musica di Bernice Johnson Reagon
Interpretata anche da Billy Bragg, "The Peel Session Album"
Testo e musica di Bernice Johnson Reagon
Interpretata anche da Billy Bragg, "The Peel Session Album"
Chile your waters run red through Soweto
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/20 - 22:46
This site is not celebrating at all its 4th anniversary. There's nothing to "celebrate". It was born on the same day of a new war. 5322 songs and thousands of victims. This is how it is; nothing else to be said.
Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/20 - 20:02
Where Are My Soldiers?
Da/from: "How I Want To Die? - The Catman Chronicles I"
Lyrics are reproduced from catmancohen.com
Il testo è riprodotto da catmancohen.com
Da/from: "How I Want To Die? - The Catman Chronicles I"
Lyrics are reproduced from catmancohen.com
Il testo è riprodotto da catmancohen.com
Where are my buds from yesterday?
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/20 - 19:49
War Pimp Renaissance
Album: Pure Chewing Satisfaction - 1997
War Pimp Renaissance
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/20 - 19:42
Album: "Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?" (2003)
Lonesome for no one when
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/20 - 19:38
Voglio armarmi
da "Pelle" (2000): una canzone contro la moda della pistola facile negli U.S.A.
Che invidia andare a scuola con in tasca una pistola
2007/3/20 - 17:15
Song Itineraries:
Weapons: our daily home war
Dall'album "Rust Never Sleeps" del 1979.
Lo sterminio dei nativi nord-americani, tema caro a Young.
Recensione dell'album su OndaRock.
La canzone è stata proposta anche da Johnny Cash e si trova nel bellissimo "Unearthed" del 2003, uscito poco dopo la sua morte.
Lo sterminio dei nativi nord-americani, tema caro a Young.
Recensione dell'album su OndaRock.
La canzone è stata proposta anche da Johnny Cash e si trova nel bellissimo "Unearthed" del 2003, uscito poco dopo la sua morte.
Aurora borealis
Contributed by Alessandro 2007/3/20 - 00:12
Song Itineraries:
Native American Genocide
Foolish Notion
Words and music by Holly Near
Originally recorded on Fire in the Rain, re-recorded on HARP in a medley with Marvin Gaye's What's Goin' On, medley reissued on HARP: A Time To Sing
Words and music by Holly Near
Originally recorded on Fire in the Rain, re-recorded on HARP in a medley with Marvin Gaye's What's Goin' On, medley reissued on HARP: A Time To Sing
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 22:05
Glad It's All Over
Album: The Power Of Love
Album: The Power Of Love
Submarines in the harbour
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 22:00
Song Itineraries:
Falklands (Malvinas) War
Megs And All
Dave Lippman's Website
Original Tune: Pegs and Awl
Original Tune: Pegs and Awl
In 1951 I'd just begun
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 20:50
Talking Cabinet Blues
The World's Only Known Singing C.I.A. Agent
Singing CIA Agent George Shrub and satirist Dave Lippman have terrified and delighted, according to their respective styles, audiences from the George Bush era to the era of George Bush. Lippman has bad thoughts about Wal-Mart and Shrub has bad thoughts about thought. Shrub governs from the gut; Lippman's response is gut-busting.
George Shrub has been traveling throughout his globalized domain, sharing his Point of View (the Right One) so that people won't need their own. He employs anti-folk songs and interventionary anthems to explain (and enforce) that the business of America is none of your business, that unions are never civil, and that the proper place for himself, like Wal-Mart, is everywhere.
Lippman , meanwhile, has been trying to keep up with his shadow, Shrub, touring closely behind him. He continues to afflict the... (Continues)
The World's Only Known Singing C.I.A. Agent
Singing CIA Agent George Shrub and satirist Dave Lippman have terrified and delighted, according to their respective styles, audiences from the George Bush era to the era of George Bush. Lippman has bad thoughts about Wal-Mart and Shrub has bad thoughts about thought. Shrub governs from the gut; Lippman's response is gut-busting.
George Shrub has been traveling throughout his globalized domain, sharing his Point of View (the Right One) so that people won't need their own. He employs anti-folk songs and interventionary anthems to explain (and enforce) that the business of America is none of your business, that unions are never civil, and that the proper place for himself, like Wal-Mart, is everywhere.
Lippman , meanwhile, has been trying to keep up with his shadow, Shrub, touring closely behind him. He continues to afflict the... (Continues)
Hello friends, I'm George Shrubya
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 20:47
George Shrub's Double-Dealing Arms For Ayatollahs, Cash For Contras, Scam Caper Crisis Affair Rap-Up
The World's Only Known Singing C.I.A. Agent
plundered by Dave Lippman
to be read aloud rhytmically, with feeling
*Parts of the Rap-Up are recorded in concert on "Shrub in 88!!"
Singing CIA Agent George Shrub and satirist Dave Lippman have terrified and delighted, according to their respective styles, audiences from the George Bush era to the era of George Bush. Lippman has bad thoughts about Wal-Mart and Shrub has bad thoughts about thought. Shrub governs from the gut; Lippman's response is gut-busting.
George Shrub has been traveling throughout his globalized domain, sharing his Point of View (the Right One) so that people won't need their own. He employs anti-folk songs and interventionary anthems to explain (and enforce) that the business of America is none of your business, that unions are never civil, and that the proper place for himself, like Wal-Mart,... (Continues)
The World's Only Known Singing C.I.A. Agent
plundered by Dave Lippman
to be read aloud rhytmically, with feeling
*Parts of the Rap-Up are recorded in concert on "Shrub in 88!!"
Singing CIA Agent George Shrub and satirist Dave Lippman have terrified and delighted, according to their respective styles, audiences from the George Bush era to the era of George Bush. Lippman has bad thoughts about Wal-Mart and Shrub has bad thoughts about thought. Shrub governs from the gut; Lippman's response is gut-busting.
George Shrub has been traveling throughout his globalized domain, sharing his Point of View (the Right One) so that people won't need their own. He employs anti-folk songs and interventionary anthems to explain (and enforce) that the business of America is none of your business, that unions are never civil, and that the proper place for himself, like Wal-Mart,... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 19:39
The new Song itinerary on Traditional English, Scottish and Irish antiwar folkballads includes some among the oldest songs recorded in our website.
Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 15:51
Venite a vedere
non so che dire
(marina zanin)
(marina zanin)
Cara Marina, nell'attesa che tu sappia cosa dire, ti ricordiamo che questo è un sito "sms-free". Quindi, niente "k". Grazie! [RV]
2007/3/19 - 12:43
George Shrub's U.S. History Rap-Up
The World's Only Known Singing C.I.A. Agent
Singing CIA Agent George Shrub and satirist Dave Lippman have terrified and delighted, according to their respective styles, audiences from the George Bush era to the era of George Bush. Lippman has bad thoughts about Wal-Mart and Shrub has bad thoughts about thought. Shrub governs from the gut; Lippman's response is gut-busting.
George Shrub has been traveling throughout his globalized domain, sharing his Point of View (the Right One) so that people won't need their own. He employs anti-folk songs and interventionary anthems to explain (and enforce) that the business of America is none of your business, that unions are never civil, and that the proper place for himself, like Wal-Mart, is everywhere.
Lippman , meanwhile, has been trying to keep up with his shadow, Shrub, touring closely behind him. He continues to afflict the... (Continues)
The World's Only Known Singing C.I.A. Agent
Singing CIA Agent George Shrub and satirist Dave Lippman have terrified and delighted, according to their respective styles, audiences from the George Bush era to the era of George Bush. Lippman has bad thoughts about Wal-Mart and Shrub has bad thoughts about thought. Shrub governs from the gut; Lippman's response is gut-busting.
George Shrub has been traveling throughout his globalized domain, sharing his Point of View (the Right One) so that people won't need their own. He employs anti-folk songs and interventionary anthems to explain (and enforce) that the business of America is none of your business, that unions are never civil, and that the proper place for himself, like Wal-Mart, is everywhere.
Lippman , meanwhile, has been trying to keep up with his shadow, Shrub, touring closely behind him. He continues to afflict the... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 12:01
The Twelve Days Of Bushmas
On the 1st day of Bushmas my Supreme Court gave to me
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 11:54
Song Itineraries:
George Walker Bush II
I Wonder Who's Kissinger Now
Original song, 1909
Original words by Will Hough and Frank Adams
Music by Joseph E. Howard and Harold Orlob
{Deep Aplogies!}
Dave Lippman's Website
Original words by Will Hough and Frank Adams
Music by Joseph E. Howard and Harold Orlob
{Deep Aplogies!}
Dave Lippman's Website
You encouraged those massacres in East Timor
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 11:51
Where Are You Now, My Son?
Lyrics and music by Joan Baez
Testo e musica di Joan Baez
Album: Where Are You Now, My Son?
Where Are You Now, My Son? is an album Joan Baez released in early 1973. One side of the album featured recordings Baez made during a US bombing raid on Hanoi over Christmas 1972. Included on the recording are the voices of Barry Romo, Michael Allen, and human rights attorney Telford Taylor, with whom Baez made her famous 1972 visit to North Vietnam.
The album's other side, featuring songs, written by Baez, Mimi Fariña and Hoyt Axton, was recorded in Nashville in January 1973.
From the album's liner notes:
"...The war in Indochina is not yet over, and the war against violence has barely begun...." - Joan Baez "
Lyrics and music by Joan Baez
Testo e musica di Joan Baez
Album: Where Are You Now, My Son?
Where Are You Now, My Son? is an album Joan Baez released in early 1973. One side of the album featured recordings Baez made during a US bombing raid on Hanoi over Christmas 1972. Included on the recording are the voices of Barry Romo, Michael Allen, and human rights attorney Telford Taylor, with whom Baez made her famous 1972 visit to North Vietnam.
The album's other side, featuring songs, written by Baez, Mimi Fariña and Hoyt Axton, was recorded in Nashville in January 1973.
From the album's liner notes:
"...The war in Indochina is not yet over, and the war against violence has barely begun...." - Joan Baez "
It's walking to the battleground that always makes me cry
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 11:26
Song Itineraries:
War in Viet Nam as seen from the U.S.
Potshot Heard 'Round The World
Da "Bedtime For Democracy", l'iconoclasta album del 1986, in piena Era Reagan.*
* Contrariamente a quanto molti pensano, l'album si chiama "Bedtime For Democracy", anche se ovviamente si tratta di un gioco di parole con "Bad Time". "Tempi duri" per la democrazia? No, tempo di andare a nanna. Se la "democrazia" è questa...nel 1986, e oggi ancora di più.
Da "Bedtime For Democracy", l'iconoclasta album del 1986, in piena Era Reagan.*
* Contrariamente a quanto molti pensano, l'album si chiama "Bedtime For Democracy", anche se ovviamente si tratta di un gioco di parole con "Bad Time". "Tempi duri" per la democrazia? No, tempo di andare a nanna. Se la "democrazia" è questa...nel 1986, e oggi ancora di più.
Hey! Yo!
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 09:36
Some Mother's Son
Written by Ray Davies
Scritta da Ray Davies
Album: "Arthur, or The Decline and Fall of the British Empire"
Lyrics are reproduced from This Page
Il testo è riprodotto da questa pagina.
Written by Ray Davies
Scritta da Ray Davies
Album: "Arthur, or The Decline and Fall of the British Empire"
Lyrics are reproduced from This Page
Il testo è riprodotto da questa pagina.
Some mother's son lies in a field
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/19 - 09:27
Pour toi Arménie
Աշխարհահռչակ երգիչ, երգահան, կինոդերասան և հասարակական գործիչ Շառլ Ազնավուրը (Շահնուր Վաղինակ Ազնավուրյան) ծնվել է 1924 թ. մայիսի 22-ին, Փարիզում, հայ գաղթականներ Միքայել և Քնար Ազնավուրյանների ընտանիքում: Մանուկ հասակում տարվել է թատրոնով, իսկ 1940-ական թթ. Պիեռ Ռոշի հետ հանդես է եկել կաբարեում: Առաջին երգը` "Ես հարբած եմ" /1944/, Ժորժ Ուլմյերի կատարմամբ, արժանացել է "Տարվա ձայնապնակ" մրցանակին, սակայն Ազնավուր-կատարողին հանդիսատեսը երկար ժամանակ չի ընդունել: Համաշխարհային հռչակ է ստացել 1956-ին, Փարիզի "Օլիմպիա" դահլիճում հաջող ելույթից հետո: "Ֆրանսիան ազնավուրացված է",- գրել է ֆրանսիական մամուլը: Շուրջ ութ հարյուր երգի հեղինակ է /մի մասը` երգահան Ժորժ Կառվարենցի հեղինակցությամբ/, այդ թվում` բազմաթիվ միջազգային հիթերի` "Մաման", "Բոհեմը", "Դեռ երեկ", "Երիտասարդություն", "Պետք է գիտնալ", "Նա", "Երկու կիթառ", "Ինչպես ասում են", "Հավերժական սեր", "Ավե Մարիա" և այլն: Դրանց կատարողներից են` Էդիտ... (Continues)
Tes printemps fleuriront encore
Contributed by adriana 2007/3/19 - 07:27
Song Itineraries:
The Armenian Genocide
Ils sont tombés
Աշխարհահռչակ երգիչ, երգահան, կինոդերասան և հասարակական գործիչ Շառլ Ազնավուրը (Շահնուր Վաղինակ Ազնավուրյան) ծնվել է 1924 թ. մայիսի 22-ին, Փարիզում, հայ գաղթականներ Միքայել և Քնար Ազնավուրյանների ընտանիքում: Մանուկ հասակում տարվել է թատրոնով, իսկ 1940-ական թթ. Պիեռ Ռոշի հետ հանդես է եկել կաբարեում: Առաջին երգը` "Ես հարբած եմ" /1944/, Ժորժ Ուլմյերի կատարմամբ, արժանացել է "Տարվա ձայնապնակ" մրցանակին, սակայն Ազնավուր-կատարողին հանդիսատեսը երկար ժամանակ չի ընդունել: Համաշխարհային հռչակ է ստացել 1956-ին, Փարիզի "Օլիմպիա" դահլիճում հաջող ելույթից հետո: "Ֆրանսիան ազնավուրացված է",- գրել է ֆրանսիական մամուլը: Շուրջ ութ հարյուր երգի հեղինակ է /մի մասը` երգահան Ժորժ Կառվարենցի հեղինակցությամբ/, այդ թվում` բազմաթիվ միջազգային հիթերի` "Մաման", "Բոհեմը", "Դեռ երեկ", "Երիտասարդություն", "Պետք է գիտնալ", "Նա", "Երկու կիթառ", "Ինչպես ասում են", "Հավերժական սեր", "Ավե Մարիա" և այլն: Դրանց կատարողներից են` Էդիտ... (Continues)
Ils sont tombés, sans trop savoir pourquoi
Contributed by adriana 2007/3/19 - 07:26
Song Itineraries:
The Armenian Genocide
Ricordo per dover di cronaca che questa canzone ha avuto un riconoscimento ufficiale da parte della Repubblica Magiara.
Willy 2007/3/18 - 18:01
Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love And To Be Loved)
Album: Lifted or The Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground
Album: Lifted or The Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground
Here we go. Can I get a goddamn timpany roll to start this goddamn song? Tonight it is a goddamn song, for all you goddamn people:
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/18 - 17:36
Song Itineraries:
Shit, our sister
I Had No Right
"God of the poor man this is how the day began
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/18 - 17:32
Song Itineraries:
War in Viet Nam as seen from the U.S.
Supper's Ready
ciao a tutti mi chiamo Antongiulio e ho 19 anni..ascolto questa canzone da quando ne avevo 9 grazie a mio padre che custodisce gelosamente tutti gli album dei genesis, e che mi ha insegnato ad amarli..in particolare questa canzone di cui conosco a memoria ogni singola parola, ogni singolo cambio di accordo..che mi fa salire i brividi sù per la schiena tutte le volte che l'ascolto..quello che mi cattura ancor di più è tutto quello che c'è all'interno, un insieme di passioni e paure che si mischiano alla perfezione..credo che sia uno dei pezzi più incredibili di tutti i tempi..
vi ringrazio per il grande lavoro fatto sulla traduzione e sui commenti di peter gabriel..sono riuscito a capire un pò di più di questo magnifico brano. grazie
vi ringrazio per il grande lavoro fatto sulla traduzione e sui commenti di peter gabriel..sono riuscito a capire un pò di più di questo magnifico brano. grazie
Antongiulio 2007/3/18 - 15:36
Mr Churchill Says
Written by Ray Davies
Scritta da Ray Davies
Album: Arthur (Or The Decline and Fall of the British Empire)
"This song is about how Great Britain struggled after World War II. The first verse is Winston Churchill (who was Britain's Prime Minister during the war) telling the people what will happen, and the second verse is England collapsing. The lyrics contain quotes from Churchill, such as: "Never was so much owed by so many to so few," "We shall fight on the beaches" and "This was their finest hour."
The album is about Ray Davies' brother-in-law named Arthur, and his plans to move to Australia with his family and wife. Critics loved the album, but it only gained moderate commercial success.
This song uses a vintage Air Raid Siren."
(from Songfacts)
Written by Ray Davies
Scritta da Ray Davies
Album: Arthur (Or The Decline and Fall of the British Empire)
"This song is about how Great Britain struggled after World War II. The first verse is Winston Churchill (who was Britain's Prime Minister during the war) telling the people what will happen, and the second verse is England collapsing. The lyrics contain quotes from Churchill, such as: "Never was so much owed by so many to so few," "We shall fight on the beaches" and "This was their finest hour."
The album is about Ray Davies' brother-in-law named Arthur, and his plans to move to Australia with his family and wife. Critics loved the album, but it only gained moderate commercial success.
This song uses a vintage Air Raid Siren."
(from Songfacts)
Well mr. Churchill says, mr. Churchill says
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/18 - 11:37
The Human Being Lawnmower
Album: Back in the USA (1970)
Can you hear me?
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/18 - 11:27
Jimmy Newman
Lyrics and music by Tom Paxton
Testo e musica di Tom Paxton
dall'album Tom Paxton 6 del 1970
Interpretata anche da John Denver
Testo e musica di Tom Paxton
dall'album Tom Paxton 6 del 1970
Interpretata anche da John Denver
Get up, Jimmy Newman, the morning is gone.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/18 - 11:21
Song Itineraries:
War in Viet Nam as seen from the U.S.
Lookin' Back
You hit the street, you feel them staring
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/18 - 11:17
La versione persiana da questo forum
Persian version from this forum
جان لنن خواننده معروف گروه بيتل ها متولد 1940 ليورپول ، انگلستان ، در نيمه شب پائيز 1980 در مقابل آپارتمان مسكوني اش در شهر نيويورك بدست طرفداري نيمه ديوانه با شليك پنج گلوله به قتل رسيد . طرفداري كه در عصــــــر همان روز از او تقاضاي امضاء كرده بود .
ترانه هاي Imagine , (Just Like) Starting over , Woman از جمله پرطرفدار ترين ترانه هاي وي پس ازمرگش به شمار مي روند .
از " تصور كن " به عنوان موفق ترين آلبوم جان لنن ياد مي شود آلبومي كه در 1971 بهمراه همسرش يو كو اُنو در استوديوي آپارتمان خود ضبط كرد . ترانه زير بر گرفته از همين آلبوم مي باشد ترانه اي كه نه تنها در زمان خود بلكه پس از گذشتن چندين دهه هنوز الهام بخش بسياري است .
Un ringraziamento speciale va al sig. Milad Maleki, che ci ha scritto segnalandoci che questa versione, finora presentata come "araba", è in realtà in lingua persiana.... (Continues)
La versione persiana da questo forum
Persian version from this forum
جان لنن خواننده معروف گروه بيتل ها متولد 1940 ليورپول ، انگلستان ، در نيمه شب پائيز 1980 در مقابل آپارتمان مسكوني اش در شهر نيويورك بدست طرفداري نيمه ديوانه با شليك پنج گلوله به قتل رسيد . طرفداري كه در عصــــــر همان روز از او تقاضاي امضاء كرده بود .
ترانه هاي Imagine , (Just Like) Starting over , Woman از جمله پرطرفدار ترين ترانه هاي وي پس ازمرگش به شمار مي روند .
از " تصور كن " به عنوان موفق ترين آلبوم جان لنن ياد مي شود آلبومي كه در 1971 بهمراه همسرش يو كو اُنو در استوديوي آپارتمان خود ضبط كرد . ترانه زير بر گرفته از همين آلبوم مي باشد ترانه اي كه نه تنها در زمان خود بلكه پس از گذشتن چندين دهه هنوز الهام بخش بسياري است .
Un ringraziamento speciale va al sig. Milad Maleki, che ci ha scritto segnalandoci che questa versione, finora presentata come "araba", è in realtà in lingua persiana.... (Continues)
تصور كن
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/18 - 01:33
Album: Storm Front - 1989
Lyrics and music by Billy Joel
Testo e musica di Billy Joel
Probabile che questa sia una delle più belle canzoni della raccolta, sicuramente un inserimento molto (anzi troppo) tardivo.
The song was written by Billy about a Russian clown named Viktor Razinov, whom he met while touring the Soviet Union in 1987. Throughout the song, major items of Viktor's and Billy's lives are compared to show the cultural differences and similarities of the United States of America and the Soviet Union.
In the song, Billy describes Viktor's life as one of many Soviet children who lost fathers during World War II, specifically during the siege of Leningrad. He enlisted in the Red Army, drank vodka to fight the pain, and then became a circus clown, bringing joy to Russian children.
Billy described his childhood life as being "born in 49, a cold war kid in McCarthy time." He briefly... (Continues)
Lyrics and music by Billy Joel
Testo e musica di Billy Joel
Probabile che questa sia una delle più belle canzoni della raccolta, sicuramente un inserimento molto (anzi troppo) tardivo.
The song was written by Billy about a Russian clown named Viktor Razinov, whom he met while touring the Soviet Union in 1987. Throughout the song, major items of Viktor's and Billy's lives are compared to show the cultural differences and similarities of the United States of America and the Soviet Union.
In the song, Billy describes Viktor's life as one of many Soviet children who lost fathers during World War II, specifically during the siege of Leningrad. He enlisted in the Red Army, drank vodka to fight the pain, and then became a circus clown, bringing joy to Russian children.
Billy described his childhood life as being "born in 49, a cold war kid in McCarthy time." He briefly... (Continues)
Viktor was born
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/18 - 01:18
Kinky Sex Makes The World Go 'Round
18 marzo 2007
2007/3/18 - 00:18
Da quando son partito militare
March 17, 2007
2007/3/17 - 22:26
Ms. 2 ms. theol. 54
Murhardsche Bibliothek, Kassel, Deutschland
Ogni tanto mi ricordo di essere stato, nel secolo passato, un cosiddetto "filologo germanico" di formazione. Così oggi mi è venuto a mente il vecchio Hildebrandslied, uno dei capisaldi di qualsiasi corso universitario in filologia germanica, e mi sono detto: Ha delle tematiche che… ma non andiamo troppo oltre, e vediamo prima che cosa è esattamente, la Canzone di Ildebrando. Vedremo poi dopo come può andare a rifinire nelle "Canzoni contro la guerra".
Lo Hildebrandslied è una delle più antiche testimonianze poetiche in lingua tedesca. Si tratta di un frammento di poesia epico-eroica allitterativa consistente in sessantotto versi; racconta un episodio del ciclo di Teodorico. Già da questo nome avrete sicuramente capito in quali remote epoche ci stiamo spingendo; non sappiamo ovviamente... (Continues)