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Before 2007-2-13

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ARTE CONTRO LA GUERRA / ANTIWAR ART: With this particular "special page", AWS/CCG reach number 5000. A page establishing a link between music and painting, two art forms witnessing the most radical opposition to war and militarism. - ...and also 5000 translations/commentaries with the Romanian traslations of Chaim's Letter
Riccardo Venturi 2007/2/2 - 20:49
- 3...
Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/26 - 22:05
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L'ultimo minuto di Gianna

L'ultimo minuto di Gianna
In the last minute of her life, the partisan Gianna, in the world Giuseppina Tuissi, said these words to her killer. Or, at least, we imagined her saying these words. We hope that history will give justice to the ones deprived of their glory but not of their love.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/26 - 19:28
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Canzone di notte n°2, o Canzone di notte rivisitata

Canzone di notte n°2, <i>o</i> Canzone di notte rivisitata
Questa canzone non la avevo affatto dimenticata, solo mi ero sempre ripromesso di inserirla e poi non l'ho mai fatto.

Vorrei ricordare che durante i concerti del 2001 Guccini dedicava sempre questa canzone a Carlo Giuliani. Prima di scrivere Piazza Alimonda.
Me la ricordo, cantata con questa dedica, nel concerto del 18 settembre 2001 a Prato (doveva essere una settimana prima, per ovvie ragioni fu rimandato), quello aperto con Libera nos Domine. Un concerto bellissimo. Non sono più tornato a vederlo, convinto che non avrebbe più rifatto un concerto così.
Lorenzo Masetti 2007/1/26 - 14:07
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
20. Bella Ciao (versione romena)
20. Bella ciao (Romanian version)

...ecco anche la variante romena che mancava :))

Mulţumim pe Olivia şi Cristina pentru traducerea lor frumoasă! [RV]
Azi-dimineaţă când m-am trezit
Contributed by Olivia Rusu & Cristina Cretu 2007/1/26 - 01:26
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La preghiera dei banditi

La preghiera dei banditi
Contributed by adriana 2007/1/25 - 18:09
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Lettera a Genova

Lettera a Genova
Contributed by adriana 2007/1/25 - 16:30
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Che il Mediterraneo sia

Che il Mediterraneo sia
che bellezza il suo concerto a sestri palco sul mare e noi tutti che ballavamo con le gambe nell'acqua.
grazie bennato e grazie al mediterraneo che ci circonda e ci vizia.
Clara, una genovese
Clara 2007/1/25 - 14:50
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Where Have all the Flowers Gone

Where Have all the Flowers Gone
Oğuz Tarihmen

Thank you for your wonderful page about "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" I am the Turkish translator on your page. my name is Oğuz Tarihmen.

Now I would like to contribute to your page with another translation: into Swahili. This language is very common in East Africa and a lingua franca in broad parts of Africa. You can say, it is the most common African language on earth.

I used to live in Uganda for 14 months and learned Swahili there. Now I am doing professional translations from Swahili into Turkish for the first time in my country.

Even though, Swahili is not my mother tongue, I suppose I have got a good work at the end of the day.

Again, like the Turkish version, the Swahili version is singable...
Oğuz Tarihmen, 24/01/2007
2007/1/25 - 09:27

All The Tea In India

All The Tea In India
Words and music by Jennifer Cutting
Album: "High Tea"
From far away the planters came
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 17:47
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Don't You Go

Don't You Go
dall'album Glorious Fool del 1981
al piano: Phil Collins

Interpretata anche dai New St. George nell' album "High Tea".
The army and the navy
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 17:40
Song Itineraries: Falklands (Malvinas) War
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Our Captain Cried All Hands

Our Captain Cried All Hands
Oh the captain cried all hands, and away tomorrow
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 17:35
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Leonard Peltier Free!

Leonard Peltier Free!
Album: Brigadistak Sound System
Parole e musica (hitzak eta musika): Fermin Muguruza

Brigadistak Sound System is a studio album from Basque artist Fermin Muguruza. It was released in 1999 and produced by Esan Ozenki Records. The title track refers to the International Brigades. Some themes featured in the other songs include globalisation, American imperialism and Basque nationalism. Most of the lyrics are sung in euskera. Almost every track is a collaboration with another artist or band. Tracks 3,5 and 13 were recorded in Los Angeles (Cherokee Studios), tracks 6 and 12 in Azkarate, track 1 in Rome, track 2 in Caracas, track 4 in Biarritz, track 7 in Paris, track 8 in Barcelona, track 9 in Montreuil, track 10 in Havana, track 11 in Buenos Aires and track 15 in London.

Leonard Peltier free!
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 16:07
Song Itineraries: From World Jails
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Album: Brigadistak Sound System
Parole e musica (hitzak eta musika): Fermin Muguruza

Brigadistak Sound System is a studio album from Basque artist Fermin Muguruza. It was released in 1999 and produced by Esan Ozenki Records. The title track refers to the International Brigades. Some themes featured in the other songs include globalisation, American imperialism and Basque nationalism. Most of the lyrics are sung in euskera. Almost every track is a collaboration with another artist or band. Tracks 3,5 and 13 were recorded in Los Angeles (Cherokee Studios), tracks 6 and 12 in Azkarate, track 1 in Rome, track 2 in Caracas, track 4 in Biarritz, track 7 in Paris, track 8 in Barcelona, track 9 in Montreuil, track 10 in Havana, track 11 in Buenos Aires and track 15 in London.


Canzone dedicata al popopo Mapuche contro il suo sfruttamento.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 16:01
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Album: Brigadistak Sound System
Parole e musica (hitzak eta musika): Fermin Muguruza

Brigadistak Sound System is a studio album from Basque artist Fermin Muguruza. It was released in 1999 and produced by Esan Ozenki Records. The title track refers to the International Brigades. Some themes featured in the other songs include globalisation, American imperialism and Basque nationalism. Most of the lyrics are sung in euskera. Almost every track is a collaboration with another artist or band. Tracks 3,5 and 13 were recorded in Los Angeles (Cherokee Studios), tracks 6 and 12 in Azkarate, track 1 in Rome, track 2 in Caracas, track 4 in Biarritz, track 7 in Paris, track 8 in Barcelona, track 9 in Montreuil, track 10 in Havana, track 11 in Buenos Aires and track 15 in London.


Il "Newroz" è il capodanno curdo.
Zuentzat urte berria
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 15:58
Song Itineraries: From Kurdistan
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Album: Brigadistak Sound System
Parole e musica (hitzak eta musika): Fermin Muguruza

Brigadistak Sound System is a studio album from Basque artist Fermin Muguruza. It was released in 1999 and produced by Esan Ozenki Records. The title track refers to the International Brigades. Some themes featured in the other songs include globalisation, American imperialism and Basque nationalism. Most of the lyrics are sung in euskera. Almost every track is a collaboration with another artist or band. Tracks 3,5 and 13 were recorded in Los Angeles (Cherokee Studios), tracks 6 and 12 in Azkarate, track 1 in Rome, track 2 in Caracas, track 4 in Biarritz, track 7 in Paris, track 8 in Barcelona, track 9 in Montreuil, track 10 in Havana, track 11 in Buenos Aires and track 15 in London.

"Compañeros del mundo,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 15:51
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Yalah Yalah Ramallah

Yalah Yalah Ramallah
Musika eta hitzak : Fermin Muguruza
Parole e musica: Fermin Muguruza
Haizea dator Jordan ibaitik
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 15:41
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust
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Blowin' in the Wind

Blowin' in the Wind
BASCO / BASQUE [Concierto Por la Paz]

La seguente versione basca proviene da un documento .doc scaricabile dalla pagina sul "Concierto Por La Paz" di Bob Dylan svoltosi L'11 luglio 2006 a Donostia/S.Sebastián.

The followin Basque translation is reproduced from a .doc file which can be downloaded from the page on Bob Dylan's "Concierto Por La Paz" held on July 11, 2006 in Donostia/S.Sebastián.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 15:02
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Masters Of War

Masters Of War
BASCO / BASQUE - Concierto Por la Paz

La seguente versione basca proviene da un documento .doc scaricabile dalla pagina sul "Concierto Por La Paz" di Bob Dylan svoltosi L'11 luglio 2006 a Donostia/S.Sebastián. La traduzione è purtroppo incompleta, ma la proponiamo ugualmente.

Orduan idatziak dira Blowin’ in the Wind, Masters of War eta Talkin’ World War III Blues, Dylanen bigarren diskoan –The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (1963)– argitaratu zirenak. Arrakasta berehalakoa izan zen eta esandako abesti horiek artean jaioberria zen mugimendu bakezalearen ereserki bilakatu ziren. Bi hilabete geroago, Dylanek Newporteko Folk Jaialdian parte hartu zuen eta, Joan Baez eta Pete Seeger-ekin batera, Blowin’ in the Wind abestu zuen, 50.000 pertsona baino gehiagoren aurrean. Urte berean, Washingtonen, Eskubide Zibilen aldeko Ibilaldian hartu zuen parte, arrazen arteko berdintasuna eta beltzen aurkako bereizkerien amaiera eskatuz.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/23 - 14:53
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Beasts Of No Nation

Beasts Of No Nation
Un brano del 1989
Il testo l'ho trovato a questa pagina, anche se quasi privo di note che forse per qualche strofa sarebbero necessarie...
Ah - Let’s get now into another, underground spiritual game
Contributed by Alessandro 2007/1/23 - 11:08
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El Ejército del Ebro

El Ejército del Ebro
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff 2007/1/23 - 10:52
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Welcome To The Occupation

Welcome To The Occupation
Dall'album "Document" del 1987.

Quick history lesson: In the ’80s, during President Ronald Reagan’s administration, the U.S. supported right-wing dictators in El Salvador and Guatemala and secretly funded anti-Communist contra fighters in Nicaragua, all of this under a zero-tolerance policy towards groups with communist leadership. These civil wars – with one side backed by American money, training and weaponry – were violent conflicts that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. The American-supported, right-wing organizations were responsible for the majority (though not all) of the carnage, including human rights abuses such as the murder, rape and torture of innocent civilians.

“It was a secret little Vietnam we had going on down there and it’s not like we were saving anyone from anything,” R.E.M. guitarist Peter Buck said in 33 Revolutions Per Minute. “It was wrong.... (Continues)
Hang your collar up inside
Contributed by Alessandro 2007/1/23 - 08:47
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La Luna

La Luna
Contributed by David Castillo Mendoza 2007/1/23 - 01:25
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Iris e Silvio

Iris e Silvio
Tradução portuguesa de Riccardo Venturi
22 de janeiro de 2007.
2007/1/22 - 23:36

Plenty More

Plenty More
Dall'ultimo album degli UB40, "Who You Fighting For?", del 2005.
On the radio wave the call to the grave
Contributed by Alessandro 2007/1/22 - 14:03

War Poem

War Poem
Dall'ultimo album degli UB40, "Who You Fighting For?", del 2005.
Silence falls in no man's land
Contributed by Alessandro 2007/1/22 - 13:57

Who You Fighting For?

Who You Fighting For?
Brano che dà il titolo all'ultimo lavoro degli UB40 (2005)
Queen & Country, freedom cry
Contributed by Alessandro 2007/1/22 - 13:39

You’re Not An Army

Da "Geffery Morgan", album del 1984.
Il testo potrebbe riferirsi a qualunque paese sotto dittatura, ma credo che il riferimento specifico sia al conflitto nord-irlandese.
We can drag you out of bed in the middle of the night
Contributed by Alessandro 2007/1/22 - 13:33

Present Arms

È il brano che dà il titolo al secondo album degli UB40, datato 1981. Potrebbe anche essere un proclama militarista, ma considerato che si tratta degli UB40 e che il brano successivo "Sardonicus", pare sia dedicato a Ronald Reagan...
You got no job you got no pay
Contributed by Alessandro 2007/1/22 - 13:19
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Dziś do ciebie przyjść nie mogę

Dziś do ciebie przyjść nie mogę
Testo di Stanisław Jacek Magierski (1904-1957)
Musica di Danuta zofia Magierska (1910-1984)
Lyrics by Stanisław Jacek Magierski (1904-1957)
Music by Danuta Zofia Magierska (1910-1984)

Słowa Stanisława Jacka Magierskiego(1904-1957)
Muzyka Danuty Zofii Magierskiej (1904-1957)

Nato nel 1904, il dottor Stanisław Jacek Magierski era un affermato farmacista di Lublino con la passione della musica (era un buon pianista e compositore); nel 1943 scrisse questa canzone, musicata dalla moglie Danuta Zofia, per i partigiani polacchi che combattevano gli occupatori nazisti nei boschi attorno alla città. Nota anche come "Valzer del partigiano", è tra le più famose canzoni della resistenza polacca ed anche una (bellissima) canzone d'amore. Dopo la guerra, i coniugi Magierski furono arrestati dal regime comunista, che li tenne in prigione diversi anni; la canzone fu "riscoperta" alcuni anni fa dal gruppo Argus. Il testo proviene da questa pagina. [RV]
Dziś do ciebie przyjść nie mogę,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/1/21 - 23:34
Song Itineraries: Anti War Love Songs
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Disastro aereo sul canale di Sicilia

Disastro aereo sul canale di Sicilia
La canzone è dedicata a Mauro De Mauro, giornalista de L'Ora di Palermo. La fabbrica di vedove è il soprannome dell'F-104, ma qui serve per scorgere "ginestre e cemento a due passi dal mare", e la tomba del giornalista difficile da ritrovare.

Però un'altra canzone di De Gregori potrebbe essere legata a un incidente aereo, quello del 5 maggio 1972 a Palermo.
Il DC-8 Alitalia in arrivo da Roma (comamdante Bartoli) si schiantò sulla cima di Montagnalonga. Tutti morti i 115 a bordo, tra cui "Cestino " Vycpalek* e forse una persona cara a FdG (il suo biglietto scaduto, l'uccellino nel vento che non si fa mai male, l'anello sulla spiaggia...).


(Cosimo C.)

Grazie delle precisazioni. Per quanto riguarda l'ultimo commento: sembra però che questa interpretazione di Buonanotte fiorellino con l'incidente aereo sia una leggenda metropolitana completamente infondata (come ho recentemente ed esplicitamente letto in "Quello che non so lo so cantare" di Enrico Deregibus).
2007/1/21 - 17:49
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L'isola che non c'è

L'isola che non c'è
edo sei un grande..... viva la pace e l'amore....x sempre
fede mantova 2007/1/21 - 14:01
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L'alba di Piero

L'alba di Piero
(AtTo PuBbLiCo In LuOgO oScEnO...!!!)
E pìgliati una damigiana di bromuro e calmati... [RV]
2007/1/21 - 13:13
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Balladen om kravallpolis 2243

Balladen om kravallpolis 2243
21 gennaio 2007
2007/1/21 - 13:06

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