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Kiedym jechał do Hiszpanii

Piosenka XIII Brygady Międzynarodowej
Canto della XIII Brigata Internazionale

Nella XIII Brigata Internazionale erano inquadrati i combattenti antifascisti polacchi durante la guerra civile spagnola. Il testo è tratto da questa pagina.
La kukaracza, la kukaracza,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/10/12 - 23:21
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Yitzhak Rabin

Yitzhak Rabin
Canzone dedicata a Yitzhak Rabin, leader israeliano ucciso da un fondamentalista ebreo.

Yitzhak Rabin
(from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Yitzhak Rabin (born 1 March 1922, died 4 November 1995) was an Israeli politician and general. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Israel with two periods in office, from 1974 until 1977 and from 1992 until his assassination in 1995. In 1994 during his second term Rabin won the Nobel Peace Prize together with Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat, for their efforts towards peace which culminated in the Oslo Accords.
He was assassinated by Yigal Amir, a right-wing Israeli radical who had strenuosly opposed Rabin's signing of the Oslo Accords.
He was the first native-born Prime Minister of Israel, the only Prime Minister to be assassinated and the second to die in office after Levi Eshkol.
Contributed by Marcia Rosati 2007/10/12 - 16:45
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Mal en pis, les choses vont de mal en pis
Contributed by Marcia Rosati 2007/10/12 - 12:01
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Take No Prisoner (Cannibalistic)

Don't go, Natty dread don't go there...
Contributed by Marcia Rosati 2007/10/12 - 11:41
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Who Are You

Walk under the light
Contributed by Marcia Rosati 2007/10/12 - 10:30
Since one year the Warszawianka/Varsovienne/A las barricadas page had been waiting to be remade; an immense work to remedy a substantial error we had committed. Today, the work is over with a still more complete page totally separated from the 1831 Warszawianka page.
Riccardo Venturi 2007/10/11 - 15:51
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Les Voleurs De La Republique

Les Voleurs De La Republique
Canzone contro la corruzione e contro gli sporchi giochi politici architettati ai danni del popolo ivoriano.
Ouyé! Koutoubou Yé
Contributed by Marcia Rosati 2007/10/11 - 11:37
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Il pilota di Hiroshima

Il pilota di Hiroshima
Non è Tibbets ad essersi pentito, ma il pilota dell'aereo che lo precedeva e che aveva perlustrato le condizioni metereologiche. Dopo lo sgancio della bomba ha lasciato l'attività militare, si svegliava gridando tutte le notti, è finito in manicomio.
Annette 2007/10/11 - 10:00
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Véto de Dieu

Véto de Dieu
Não, Deus diz não...
Contributed by Marcia Rosati 2007/10/10 - 19:02
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Come Back Jesus

Come Back Jesus
Por que eles estão lutando com guerras
Contributed by Marcia Rosati 2007/10/10 - 16:29
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Para la libertad

Para la libertad
10 ottobre 2007
2007/10/10 - 14:39

Cynicism Or Truth

Cynicism Or Truth
Contributed by Kiocciolina 2007/10/10 - 14:33

Have You Forgotten

Have You Forgotten
Contributed by Kiocciolina 2007/10/10 - 14:20

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