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Before 2006-8-19

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Yellow Rain

Yellow Rain
(Atkins, Hammer)
From the album Future World
Dall'album Future World
Lyrics available at/Testo ripreso da
Questa pagina/This page

A song on Vietnam veterans. Considered heroes when they left, and criminals when they returned. They were only pawns in a game, not knowing what they were fighting for, but they were the ones who were blamed.
Tears in his eyes
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 23:50

The Hero And The Madman

The Hero And The Madman
From the album Vagabonds Of The Western World
Dall'album Vagabonds Of The Western World
(Decca SKL 5170)
Lyrics available at/Testo ripreso da
This page/questa pagina
The hero
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 23:38
Song Itineraries: Heroes
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Soldier Without A Faith

Soldier Without A Faith
From the album Marching Out
Dall'album Marching Out
(Polydor 825 733-1)
Lyrics available at
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this page/questa pagina
Now the battle is over
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 23:29

Les vrais racistes

Les vrais racistes
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Parceque vous êtes bien nés
Contributed by adriana 2006/8/19 - 18:16

Images chocs

Images chocs
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Images chocs
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 18:00

Racisme primaire

Racisme primaire
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Folie meurtrière
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 17:54


Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Est-ce utopie de rêver ?
Contributed by adriana 2006/8/19 - 17:53

Il est revenu, ne viendra plus

Il est revenu, ne viendra plus
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Il est revenu
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 17:44

Comment ne pas se révolter ?

Comment ne pas se révolter ?
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Comment ne pas se révolter ?
Contributed by adriana 2006/8/19 - 17:42

Violences urbaines

Violences urbaines
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Violences urbaines
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 17:39

Sous l'étoile de David

Sous l'étoile de David
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Danger pour ceux qui naissent
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 17:36

Nous les soldats d'hier

Nous les soldats d'hier
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Nous les soldats pour vous morts
Contributed by adriana 2006/8/19 - 17:35

Actes de barbarie

Actes de barbarie
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Actes de barbarie
Contributed by adriana 2006/8/19 - 17:29

Flashs Infos

Flashs Infos
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 17:29

La sentence tombe

La sentence tombe
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Sur la ville
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 17:26

France des Partisans

France des Partisans
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
France des partisans
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 17:21

Ceux qui font les guerres

Ceux qui font les guerres
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Depuis la nuit des temps
Contributed by adriana 2006/8/19 - 17:13

Ecoute le silence

Ecoute le silence
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Ecoute. Ecoute le silence
Contributed by adriana 2006/8/19 - 16:56

Comment? Comment?

Comment? Comment?
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Comment décrire
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 16:52

Elle frappe encore la guerre

Elle frappe encore la guerre
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Elle frappe, frappe, frappe encore
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 16:50

Petite cithare du Liban

Petite cithare du Liban
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da ré
Petite cithare du Liban
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 16:35

Were You There

Were You There
Copyright 2004 by Alex Legg
Lyrics available at/testo disponibile da
Centre For Political Song
Were you there in Washington
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 14:39

Which Side Are You On

Which Side Are You On
Copyright: Keith McKenry 2006
From/Da Centre For Political Song

"This song is my response to the obscenity of the so-called 'War on Terror', an obscenity compounded by the aggressive fiction peddled by the United States Government that in regard to its unprovoked invasion of Iraq, an invasion unrelated to the horrific September 11 terrorist attack on the United States but obscenely piggy-backing on it, that we are either 'for them or against them'. As every day goes on, and each side in Iraq becomes more enmeshed in perpetrating horror against innocents, we need increasingly to stand up and cry 'Not in our name!'" -Keith McKenry.
Come all you good people,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 14:16
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Who Rules The World?

Who Rules The World?
Copyright 2004 by Nathan Sloniowski
From/Da Centre For Political Song
"This song is a very Canadian one - somebody watching television at dinnertime as planes crash into buildings, people starve in different parts of the world, and digesting the evening meal of mayhem with a very cynical, passive and I think Canadian 'gosh, shucks, glad it's not me and I live here not there, pass the peas please' sense of detachment. It's a form of detachment that is utterly deadly because if the majority of people in developing countries take the screen-zombie approach, powerful countries like the United States will increasingly drape their flags around death and destruction to secure resources and other geo-political objectives with nary a peep out of the rest of the world (except perhaps, activist songwriters!). I chose a bemused, satirical approach to the lyrics, including the blatantly country &... (Continues)
Jose just lost her job
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/8/19 - 13:49

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