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Before 2006-6-23

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Invisible Sun by the Police is the 500th AWS available for free download in the special song itinerary. Approaching AWS nr 4000, another important aim is reached. We'd like to dedicate all this to Alessandro, our "MP3 Catcher".
Riccardo Venturi 2006/6/23 - 12:13
A new language is always an event for AWS. So, our welcome to Slovak, also the 60th language of song lyrics available, with the song Hey hey zlato by Elán.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/6/20 - 14:47
"To conquer the trench, Savoia!, we avance!"; this used to sing thousands of young men sent to death in Fuoco e mitragliatrici e Valzer dei disertori. The name of what kind of dirty types they used to cry while they died, one can see well now with the legend of the bitch-catching king. Deeply moved, we dedicate him this song.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/6/17 - 17:17
The non-stop program organized by AntiWar Songs/CCG and Radio Dissident, including 25 songs from our website, has been definitely successful and will be certainly the first of a long series. We seize the occasion to greet and thank incomparable Mario "MTMS" of Radio Dissident! Here is the playlist (in Italian).
Riccardo Venturi 2006/6/11 - 11:54

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