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Before 2006-4-26

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Chernobyl, Чернобыль in Russian, Чopнобиль in Ukrainian. April 26, 1986. Five thousand Hiroshimas. In 1996, Pippo Pollina wrote Chernobyl dieci anni dopo. (Chernobyl ten years later). Twenty years later, just today. Nuke is war and destruction. Let's stop it. Forever.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/4/26 - 21:13
Ringhera and Quaranta giorni di libertà: two songs to be listened again to, and to be read today, April 25, Anniversary of Italy's Liberation from murderous Fascism and from its war. No revisionism. No indulgence.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/4/25 - 11:21
原爆許すまじ [No More Atomic Bombs] or Hiroshima Song: the...incredible story of a difficult contribution and of a great teamwork by AWS staff and contributors. And a great song available for download, too.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/4/20 - 18:22
With the Finnish version, Le déserteur reaches 40 languages while total restyling of the page is still going on.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/4/6 - 11:40

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