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Song Itinerary

Before 2006-4-21

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原爆許すまじ [No More Atomic Bombs] or Hiroshima Song: the...incredible story of a difficult contribution and of a great teamwork by AWS staff and contributors. And a great song available for download, too.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/4/20 - 18:22
With the Finnish version, Le déserteur reaches 40 languages while total restyling of the page is still going on.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/4/6 - 11:40
A new song itinerary NO HIGH SPEED TRAIN has been created on the anti-HST struggle in Susa Valley (Piedmont, Italy) and on police repression of the movement opposing high speed train.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/3/29 - 11:23

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