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Before 2006-2-6

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An amazing gift from Beppe "Jaka" Giacalone to the Antiwar Songs website and to its users: since today you can download from our website Senti Senti and Nessun dubbio, two peace and love songs. Thanks Jaka. One Love!
Lorenzo Masetti 2006/2/5 - 10:59
Άσμα ασμάτων ("Song of Songs"), Ο Αντώνης ("Andonis"), 'Αμα τελειώσει ο πόλεμος ("When the War is over") and Ο δραπέτης ("The Fugitive"): the four songs composing the "Mauthausen Trilogy" by the great Greek poet and dramaturgist Iakovos Kambanellis, set to music by Mikis Theodorakis and performed by artists such as Maria Farandouri. No doubt one of the most important AWS contributions for 2006, which we invite you to read on today's World Memorial Day of Auschwitz and of the other extermination camps.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/27 - 10:47
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Paris pour un beefsteak

15 gennaio 2006
2006/1/15 - 11:28
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Where Have all the Flowers Gone

Where Have all the Flowers Gone
David Vidal Triay

A rigore, Què n'heu fet, de les flors? di David Vidal Triay avrebbe dovuto essere inserita come canzone autonoma. E' sì basata, palesemente, sia sulla struttura testuale e lirica di Where Have all the Flowers Gone, ma la musica è differente ed anche il testo non è certamente una “traduzione” o “versione” in senso stretto della canzone originale. La si potrebbe definire un “derivato” in lingua catalana effettuato nel 2001 (nel suo album di esordio, Argila, dal cantautore, folklorista e filologo menorchino di nascita (David Vidal Triay è nato a Es Migjorn Gran, sull'isola balearica di Minorca, il 24 gennaio 1974). [RV]

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/14 - 23:05
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Flowers of Peace

Flowers of Peace
A free Russian version available at this page
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/14 - 19:20
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Al alba

Al alba
14 gennaio 2006
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/14 - 16:34
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A les rexes de la cárcel

A les rexes de la cárcel
14 gennaio 2006
2006/1/14 - 12:39

Coples del '34

Coples del '34
14 gennaio 2006
2006/1/14 - 12:13
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Dende que Franco e Falanxe

Dende que Franco e Falanxe
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/14 - 11:44

Свидание с полковником

Свидание с полковником
Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian lyrics
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 18:59

Итак, друзья, какие будут мнения?

Итак, друзья, какие будут мнения?
Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian version
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 13:47


Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian lyrics
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 11:29
The first song on Chechenian wars in AWS website: Баллада о Чечне (A Ballad about Chechenia) by Ljudmila Bondar'. A specially dedicated song itinerary has also been established.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 11:10
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Спи солдат

Спи солдат
Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian lyrics
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 09:36

Баллада о Чечне

Trascrizione in caratteri latini del testo russo
Romanized Russian lyrics
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 09:17
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Завтра может быть поздно

Завтра может быть поздно
Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian version
2006/1/13 - 08:21
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Старинная солдатская песня

Старинная солдатская песня
Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian lyrics
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 06:57
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Дерзость, или разговор перед боем

Дерзость, или разговор перед боем
Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian lyrics
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 06:45
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Trascrizione del testo russo in caratteri latini
Romanized Russian version
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/13 - 06:26
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Vesna [Ratna pjesma]

Vesna [Ratna pjesma]
Testo e musica / Lyrics and Music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Branko Črnac Tusta
Saša Milovanović (Sale Veruda)
Davor Zgrabljić (Bucolini)
Album: Legendarni u živo ee. aa.
Prolaze mi ispred nosa
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/12 - 18:41
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Canzone il cui titolo significa "Guerra" (o "La guerra"). Verrà inserita una traduzione non appena possibile.
Testo ripreso da:
Bio je rat, bile su sjene
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/12 - 18:12
Le déserteur translated into ancient Greek by Riccardo Venturi: an absolute première for our AWS website, intended as a tribute to the culture and language of classical Greece.
Lorenzo Masetti 2006/1/10 - 20:22

Monsieur le président

Monsieur le président
Bonjour Lorenzo,

Bonne année,

Je ne vois ton message qu'aujourd'hui.
Je peux volontiers t'envoyer les paroles de la caravelle et d'algérie, mais donne- moi ton adresse email, en m'écrivant depuis mon site.

En attendant, meilleures salutations.
Olivier Mottet
Olivier Mottet 2006/1/10 - 19:13

Triviale Poursuite

Triviale Poursuite
Io sono una vera fan di Renaud, per quanto lo si possa essere dall'Italia.
Bella sorpresa anche per me ritrovare "visage pale" citato su un sito Italiano.
E infatti l'ho linkato sul mio blog!
Nandina 2006/1/10 - 16:21
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Chiedo scusa, ma credo che l'mp3 che ho appena postato non si riferisca ad una versione cantata da Fabrizio De André, bensì da Alberto Napolitano dei "Buonenuove"... mi ha tratto in inganno la voce piuttosto simile a quella (ineguagliabile) di Fabrizio...
Alessandro 2006/1/10 - 14:09

GUILLAUME SEZNEC: [7] Seznec est innocent!

GUILLAUME SEZNEC: [7] Seznec est innocent!
Versione inglese di Riccardo Venturi
January 10, 2006 / 10 gennaio 2006
2006/1/10 - 10:24

Tutto è finito, la morte è ormai decisa

Canzone legata alla vicenda di Sacco e Vanzetti, segnalataci dall'instancabile Alessandro, che la ricorda cantata dalla sua nonna paterna. Sembra che il testo non sia completo e manca il titolo (scegliamo quindi, secondo l'uso corrente, di utilizzare come titolo il primo verso).

Della canzone si parla in un articolo di Lele Odiardo su "Umanità Nova" (n. 28 dell'8 settembre 2002):

Nonostante il fascismo, le vicende di Sacco e Vanzetti entrano nell'immaginario popolare e suscitano una spontanea solidarietà ...

In quegli anni le notizie arrivavano, ancor prima che attraverso i giornali, con i cantastorie che si esibivano nelle piazze i giorni di festa e di mercato. L'indimenticato Tavio Cosio in un suo scritto riporta il testo di una canzone diffusa all'epoca.

Ricorda ancora il farmacista villafallettese: "La canzone in questione non ricordo se sia stata scritta nel 1927 o nel 1928, ma... (Continues)
Tutto è finito, la morte è ormai decisa
2006/1/9 - 18:04
Song Itineraries: Sacco and Vanzetti
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Sur le port de Dieppe

Sur le  port  de Dieppe
Louis Aragon / Gérard-André Gaillard
Le jour de Sacco-Vanzetti
Contributed by adriana 2006/1/9 - 17:42
Song Itineraries: Sacco and Vanzetti
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GUILLAUME SEZNEC: [6] La Délivrance

GUILLAUME SEZNEC: [6] La Délivrance
January 9, 2006
2006/1/9 - 13:34
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Naja de merda

Naja de merda
naja de merda è stata scritta da roberto perciballi
grazie roberto perciballi
x comunicare
roberto 2006/1/9 - 13:28

Love Of An Unknown Soldier

Love Of An Unknown Soldier
[April 2004]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moment"
David Rovics' Official Website

"For a beautiful Salvadoran woman I saw in a photo on the cover of the New York Times. I was sitting in a café in Seattle in November, 1989, while she was trying to overthrow the US-backed fascists in El Salvador. Standing majestically on a rooftop in San Salvador, dressed in fatigues and an AK. Too bad those SAM's got intercepted en route from Nicaragua." -David Rovics.

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved... (Continues)
I can only guess at where you came from
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/8 - 22:37
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They're Building A Wall

They're Building A Wall
[February, 2004]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moment"
http://David Rovics' Official Website

"For the apartheid wall in Occupied Palestine. Originally recorded in the spring of 2004 for Songs for Mahmud." -David Rovics.

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved in this decisively non-Luddite production. I recorded vocal and guitar tracks in Houston, and Kristine Pettersen (Thistle) did harmony vocals later in the same place, Sugar Hill Studios with John Griffin engineering. I sent the sound files... (Continues)
They're building a wall
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/8 - 22:21
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust


[April 2004]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moment"

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved in this decisively non-Luddite production. I recorded vocal and guitar tracks in Houston, and Kristine Pettersen (Thistle) did harmony vocals later in the same place, Sugar Hill Studios with John Griffin engineering. I sent the sound files up to Boston and in Tenitus Studios my friend Sean Staples laid down bass, mandolin, bouzouki, electric guitar, dobro and nylon string guitar... (Continues)
I saw it in a photo
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/8 - 22:08
Song Itineraries: The Berlin Wall, 1961-1989
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The Draft Is Coming

The Draft Is Coming
[September 2004]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
From the album, or song collection, "For the moments"
David Rovics' Official Website

April, 2005

I had a great show a while back in Olympia, Washington and met Pat Maley there. I was recording a few new songs at his studio to put on the web, and at some point he suggested that I put out my next CD on his label, Yoyo Records. Thinking that to be a great idea, I went about figuring out what I wanted to do about that, and this is the end result.

Four cities were involved in this decisively non-Luddite production. I recorded vocal and guitar tracks in Houston, and Kristine Pettersen (Thistle) did harmony vocals later in the same place, Sugar Hill Studios with John Griffin engineering. I sent the sound files up to Boston and in Tenitus Studios my friend Sean Staples laid down bass, mandolin, bouzouki, electric guitar, dobro and nylon string... (Continues)
The draft is coming
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/8 - 22:05

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