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Before 2006-2-22

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Lili Marleen [Lied eines jungen Wachtpostens]

Lili Marleen [Lied eines jungen Wachtpostens]
PARODIA INGLESE / ENGLISH PARODY - The Ballad of the D-Day Dodgers


Questa canzone, sulla musica di Lili Marleen, era cantata dalle truppe inglesi in Italia durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, accusate da Lady Astor (durante un discorso al Parlamento Britannico, anche se poi l'interessata smentì di aver pronunciato quelle parole) di essere dei D-Day Dodgers, cioè di aver evitato lo sbarco in Normandia per un servizio "più leggero" nella assolata Italia... La canzone è la risposta dei soldati.

La stessa Nancy Astor si dice che sia stata la protagonista di un celebre scambio di battute con Winston Churchill: "Signor Churchill, lei è completamente ubriaco!!" - "Sì, signora, e lei è bruttissima. Però a me domani passa...".

This satire is about one of the great gaffes of World War II. England's Lady... (Continues)
2006/1/24 - 00:22
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The March of the Dead

The March of the Dead
ALBUM: "War, War, War" (1971)
Recorded at Vanguard Studios, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City, 1971
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald,
based on poems written by Robert Service, used with permisssion

The cruel war was over — oh, the triumph was so sweet!
2006/1/23 - 22:19
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War Widow

ALBUM: "War, War, War" (1971)
Recorded at Vanguard Studios, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City, 1971
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald,
based on poems written by Robert Service, used with permisssion

'Twas with a heart of leaden woe
2006/1/23 - 22:18
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Jean Desprez

ALBUM: "War, War, War" (1971)
Recorded at Vanguard Studios, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City, 1971
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald,
based on poems written by Robert Service, used with permisssion

Oh, ye whose hearts are resonant, and ring to War's romance,
2006/1/23 - 22:17
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The Twins

ALBUM: "War, War, War" (1971)
Recorded at Vanguard Studios, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City, 1971
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald,
based on poems written by Robert Service, used with permisssion

There were two brothers John and James,
2006/1/23 - 22:16
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The Munition Maker

ALBUM: "War, War, War" (1971)
Recorded at Vanguard Studios, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City, 1971
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald,
based on poems written by Robert Service, used with permisssion

I am the Cannon king, behold!
2006/1/23 - 22:15
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The Man from Athabasca

ALBUM: "War, War, War" (1971)
Recorded at Vanguard Studios, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City, 1971
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald,
based on poems written by Robert Service, used with permisssion

Oh the wife she tried to tell me that 'twas nothing but the thrumming
2006/1/23 - 22:13
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Young Fellow, My Lad

ALBUM: "War, War, War" (1971)
Recorded at Vanguard Studios, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City, 1971
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald,
based on poems written by Robert Service, used with permisssion

"Where are you going, Young Fellow My Lad,
2006/1/23 - 22:12
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ALBUM: "War, War, War" (1971)
Recorded at Vanguard Studios, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City, 1971
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald,
based on poems written by Robert Service, used with permisssion

I've tinkered at my bits of rhymes
2006/1/23 - 22:10
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То, что я должен сказать

То, что я должен сказать
To, čto ja dolžen skazať
“Ариетка“ Александра Николаевича Вертинского
Un' "arietka" di Aleksandr Nikolaevič Vertinskij
An "Arietka" by Aleksandr Nikolayevich Vertinsky

"Scritta in un anno capitale per la Russia e per il mondo intero"
"Written in a capital year for Russia and for the whole world"

«То, что я должен сказать» — романс Александра Вертинского, написанный в конце 1917 года. Считается одной из самых известных русских антивоенных песен.
Александр Вертинский написал романс «То, что я должен сказать» вскоре после Октябрьской революции. В конце 1917 года текстовый и нотный варианты песни были опубликованы московским издательством «Прогрессивные новости». В тексте говорилось, что песня посвящена «Их светлой памяти»
О том, кому посвящён этот романс, поначалу не было единого мнения. Так, Константин Паустовский, посетивший в 1918 году концерт Вертинского в Киеве, в своих... (Continues)
Я не знаю, зачем и кому это нужно,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/23 - 16:31
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Kill For Peace

Kill For Peace
Lyrics and music by Tuli Kupferberg
Testo e musica di Tuli Kupferberg
da/from: Fugs

Cantava nel 1967 Tuli Kupferberg, straordinario personaggio della contro-cultura, al confine fra mondo beat e folk revival:

Kill, kill, kill for peace
Kill, kill, kill for peace
Near or middle or very far East
Far or near or very middle East.

“Ammazza, ammazza, ammazza per la pace: nel vicino o medio o molto estremo oriente, nell’estremo, vicino, o molto medio Oriente…” E continuava, scandendo sui cliché degli slogan politici e pubblicitari: “Se non li ammazzi tu li ammazzeranno los cubanos […] se non li ammazzi potrebbero sovvertire la Prussia, se non li ammazzi potrebbero amare la Russia […] ammazza, ammazza, sarà bellissimo, me l’ha promesso il mio capitano…” Kupferberg continuò ad aggiornare la canzone con nuove strofe, fino almeno alla fine degli anni ’80. Non sappiamo se ha continuato a farlo anche dopo, ma non c’è dubbio che il suo “Kill for peace” avrebbe trovato nitide risonanze nei “bombardamenti umanitari” di fine millennio.
Kill, kill, kill for peace
2006/1/23 - 11:24
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No Train To Stockholm

No Train To Stockholm
One night Johnny sang the truth to me
2006/1/23 - 10:19
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An Untitled Protest

An Untitled Protest
Album: Together (1968)
Red and swollen tears tumble from her eyes
2006/1/23 - 00:18
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Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues

Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues
dall'album "Man In Black" del 1971
One mornin' at breakfast, I said to my wife,
2006/1/23 - 00:14
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Take It From Dr. King

Take It From Dr. King

Una recente canzone di Pete Seeger, che però ricorda storie di quasi cinquant'anni prima. Inutile dire chi è Dr. King...
Down in Alabama, 1955,
2006/1/23 - 00:08
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Twisted Sense Of God (pt. 2)

Twisted Sense Of God (pt. 2)
Now what's goin on
2006/1/22 - 22:53
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Twisted Sense Of God (pt. 1)

Twisted Sense Of God (pt. 1)
I was talking to my assistant a couple of months back, and while we were talking about the obvious differences in men and women, I had to give up and say that men couldn't handle the period cycles that women go through. She countered and told me that men do have periods . . .
2006/1/22 - 22:48
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I Wanna Kill Sam

I Wanna Kill Sam
"The army is the only way out for a young black teenager.
2006/1/22 - 22:27
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Un pueblo que camina

Un pueblo que camina
Dal Sito e dal repertorio dello Strijdkoor Kontrarie.
Scritto da J.A. Espinoza, un canto dalla liturgia popolare guatemalteca.
Un pueblo que camina por el mundo gritando: ‘Ven Señor’
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/22 - 16:31

Το εκκρεμές

Το εκκρεμές
To ekkremés
Στίχοι: Νíκος Γκάτσος
Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
'Αλμπουμ: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν - Κύκλος Φαραντούρη (1966)
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρία Φαραντούρη - 1964
'Αλλες ερμηνείες: Μαργαρίτα Ζορμπαλά

Testo di Nikos Gatsos
Musica di Mikis Theodorakis
Prima esecuzione di Maria Farandouri
Album: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (1966)
Prima interprete: Maria Farandouri - 1964
Altri interpreti: Margarita Zorbalà

Lyrics by Nikos Gatsos
Music by Mikis Theodorakis
Album: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (1966)
First performer: Maria Farandouri - 1964
Other performers: Margarita Zorbalá

Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν - Κύκλος Φαραντούρη / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (Farandouri Cycle) (1966)

Μίκης Θεοδωράκης / Mikis Theodorakis
Ιάκωβος Καμπανέλλης / Iakovos Kambanellis
Δημήτρης Χριστοδούλου... (Continues)
Ήρθα σαν το γλάρο
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/22 - 15:45

Τ’όνειρο καπνός

Τ’όνειρο καπνός
T'óneiro kapnós
Στίχοι: Νíκος Γκάτσος
Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
'Αλμπουμ: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν - Κύκλος Φαραντούρη (1966)
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρία Φαραντούρη - 1964
'Αλλες ερμηνείες: Γιάννης Πουλόπουλος

Testo di Nikos Gatsos
Musica di Mikis Theodorakis
Prima esecuzione di Maria Farandouri
Album: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (1966)
Prima interprete: Maria Farandouri - 1964
Altri interpreti: Giannis Poulopoulos

Lyrics by Nikos Gatsos
Music by Mikis Theodorakis
Album: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (1966)
First performer: Maria Farandouri - 1964
Other performers: Yannis Poulopoulos

Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν - Κύκλος Φαραντούρη / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (Farandouri Cycle) (1966)

Μίκης Θεοδωράκης / Mikis Theodorakis
Ιάκωβος Καμπανέλλης / Iakovos Kambanellis
Δημήτρης Χριστοδούλου... (Continues)
Έσπειρα στον κήπο σου χορτάρι
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/22 - 15:27
Song Itineraries: Anti War Love Songs
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Στου κόσμου την ανηφοριά

Στου κόσμου την ανηφοριά
Stou kósmou tin aniforiá
Στίχοι: Νíκος Γκάτσος
Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
'Αλμπουμ: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν - Κύκλος Φαραντούρη (1966)
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρία Φαραντούρη - 1964
'Αλλες ερμηνείες:
Γρηγόρης Μπιθικώτσης
Χοροδία Τερψιχόρης Παπαστεφάνου

Testo di Nikos Gatsos
Musica di Mikis Theodorakis
Prima esecuzione di Maria Farandouri
Album: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (1966)
Prima interprete: Maria Farandouri - 1964
Altri interpreti:
Grigoris Bithikotsis
Coro di Terpsichori Papastefanou

Lyrics by Nikos Gatsos
Music by Mikis Theodorakis
Album: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (1966)
First performer: Maria Farandouri - 1964
Other performers:
Grigoris Bithikotsis
Terpsichori Papastefanou's Choir

Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν - Κύκλος Φαραντούρη / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (Farandouri... (Continues)
Μες στη ζωή περπάτησα
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/22 - 14:59

Ο Αντώνης

Ο Αντώνης
Trascrizione di massima del testo greco in caratteri semi-latinizzati
(Roughly) Romanized Greek lyrics
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/22 - 12:00

Πήρα τους δρόμους τ’ ουρανού

Πήρα τους δρόμους τ’ ουρανού
Píra tous drómous t'ouranoú
Στίχοι: Τάσος Λειβαδίτης
Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
'Αλμπουμ: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν - Κύκλος Φαραντούρη (1966)
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρία Φαραντούρη

Versi di Tasos Livaditis
Musica: Mikis Theodorakis
Album: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (1966)
Prima interprete: Maria Farandouri

Poem by Tasos Livaditis
Music: Mikis Theodorakis
Album: Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν / La ballata di Mauthausen - Ciclo Farandouri (1966)
First recording: Maria Farandouri

Η μπαλάντα του Μαουτχάουζεν - Κύκλος Φαραντούρη / The Ballad of Mauthausen - Six Songs (Farandouri Cycle) (1966)

Μίκης Θεοδωράκης / Mikis Theodorakis
Ιάκωβος Καμπανέλλης / Iakovos Kambanellis
Δημήτρης Χριστοδούλου / Dimitris Christodoulou
Γεράσιμος Σταύρου / Gerasimos Stavrou
Τάσος Λειβαδίτης / Tasos Livaditis
Νίκος Γκάτσος / Nikos Gatsos
Μαρία Φαραντούρη... (Continues)
Να ’χα δυο χέρια, δυο σπαθιά
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/22 - 11:35
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KELARTICO / KELARTIC - Riccardo Venturi

La versione in Kelartico, la lingua personale di Riccardo Venturi
A Kelartic version, Riccardo Venturi's personal language

Dedicata all'esperantista Nicola Ruggiero
Dedicated to Samideano Nicola Ruggiero
Dugedēntē al to esperantodār Nicola Ruggiero
2006/1/22 - 01:24
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We Can't Make It Here

We Can't Make It Here

Album: Childish Things
There’s a Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign
2006/1/22 - 00:24
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From "Chiildish Thing"

2004 turned him into a political songwriter. His latest album, Childish Things, has a couple of great ones. "Can't Make It Here Anymore" is a general broadside against our cultural decay and rich conservatives, but the last verse of "Holiday" is more specifically about the war. Not so much about the war as about the soldiers, though. He talks about a forty-odd year old Iowa Guardsman sitting in O'Hare (presumably on Thanksgiving), being sent back to Iraq. He remembers being in O'Hare in 1968, watching soldiers coming back from Vietnam...

(Leggy Starlitz, via Daily Kos)
The in-laws are waiting the games have begun
2006/1/22 - 00:17
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Road To Joy

Road To Joy
Album: "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning" (2005)
The sun came up with no conclusions
2006/1/22 - 00:01

Ο Αντώνης

Ο Αντώνης
Nederlandse vertaling van Lennaert Nijgh
da/uit questa pagina/deze zijde
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/22 - 00:01

Ο Αντώνης

Ο Αντώνης
available at this page
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/21 - 23:53

American War Paar Da

American War Paar Da
(Check Out The American War)

Di questa canzone contro la guerra è assolutamente fondamentale vedere il divertentissimo video del regista KP Sasi. Il testo è in inglese con un coinvolgente ritornello in tamil. La musica è ripresa da una canzone dello Sri Lanka, Surangini. La canzone è cantata da B Jayashree mentre la ballerina è Malavika Tara Mohanan, che impersona lo spirito indomabile della satira e della resistenza.


The music video will be released and screened in a program being organized by BAN (Bangaloreans Against Nuclearization) on the occasion of Hiroshima Day. The programme begins at 4 pm on August 6th at St Joseph's College, 36, Shanthinagar, Bangalore - 560 027.

Directed by KP Sasi and based on Kamaan Singh Dhami's anti-war song “American War Paar Da! (Check Out the American War!)”, the 4-minute music video is a satirical but severe indictment of America’s... (Continues)
America, America, American War Paar Da
Contributed by Lorenzo Masetti 2006/1/21 - 23:44

Bone Yard Parade

A hot wind is blowing
2006/1/21 - 23:07

Ο Αντώνης

Ο Αντώνης
d'après cette page
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/21 - 23:03

Ο Αντώνης

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/21 - 22:54

The Agenda for C21

August 2003


We wrote the words to this song in late July 2003 in response to the ongoing Iraqi war. We recorded over August and went live on the net in September 2003. The song was reworked in March 2004 adding lead guitar and sax. We chose to use the tune and musical style of the traditional "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" for several reasons.

This song is instantly recognisable to many people throughout the world and has a long history of reflecting the suffering of those involved in war - mostly "Johnny" of course - but also the others who suffer from war: the innocents, non-combatants, medical personnel and families.

Patrick Gilmore said he derived his Civil War song from an Irish folk song "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye". Gilmore was born in Ireland, emigrating to America just before the Potato Famines.

Gilmore's song was written "To the Army and Navy of the Union", it was... (Continues)
(There are people who can't stand what America stands for)
2006/1/21 - 21:55

Great Big Lies

Una godibile ed ironica canzone che si può scaricare legalmente a questo indirizzo


A really good anti-war song with great music, vocals and lyrics by the California band Dumb Presidents. This song really rocks!
Americans have testifed their case against the war....
2006/1/21 - 21:48
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II

hosted by