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Before 2006-12-22

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We Shall Overcome

We Shall Overcome
Canto che si distingue per visione del mondo civile, i versi sono molto espressivi.
Antonio Rodilosso 2006/12/22 - 18:00
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This Thai version was translated from English version by Chitr Bhumishak, a famous left wing intellectual of Thailand, during his imprisonment by Sarit Thanarach's junta government in 1960s.

Thank you for this precious contribution, still more precious when we know that it was written by a political prisoner. Unfortunately enough, I don't speak or read that to appreciate the verse, but this does not diminish its value to my eyes. [Riccardo Venturi]

Chit Phumisak (o Chitr Bhumishak, a seconda delle traslitterazioni) nacque il 25 settembre 1930 nella provincia di Prachinburi, Thailandia orientale. Laureato in filologia, aiutò il linguista americano William J. Gedney a tradurre in thailandese il Manifesto del Partito Comunista.

Le sue opere erano progressiste e antinazionaliste, e furono considerate come una minaccia per lo stato dal governo ferocemente anticomunista... (Continues)
Contributed by Salaktarm Tojirakarn 2006/12/22 - 14:55
AWS keep on their recuperation policy and propose you a song that was, in its time, a worldwide hit: Fernando by ABBA. The lyrics are really worth reading, waiting for a MP3.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/12/22 - 14:17
Just a "service communication". Contributors are kindly requested to take care of the spelling and of the graphical aspect of their contributions. In particular, you are recommended to avoid typing lyrics in capital letters. Thank you!
Riccardo Venturi 2006/12/21 - 00:56
December 12. Nothing happened on December 12. Especially on December 12, 1969. No piazza Fontana. No bomb. No bank. No Pietro Valpreda. No massacre, "more or less by the state". There's a number of songs: who wrote them?
Riccardo Venturi 2006/12/12 - 16:26
One should not, maybe, rejoice with a person's death, but there can be reasonable exceptions. Tonight, December 10, 2006, a murderer, an executioner and, last but not least, a robber, has passed away: General Augusto Pinochet. Let's say that he's died of age, differently from Víctor Jara, whom he ordered to be slaughtered in Estadio Chile. May he not rest in peace.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/12/10 - 20:19

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