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Before 2006-11-9

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Hey Joe

Hey Joe
Explanation of terms:

"BDU" - Battle Dress Uniform
"Dropping Dimes" - Informing someone about something going on.
"JAG" - Judge Advocate General(Military system of "Justice")
"Chain of Command" - Miltary Hierarchy
"Boys in Blue" - The Police
"from sea to shining sea" - a phrase from "America the
"Klan" - Ku Klux Klan
"cover-up" - A devious plan to decieve about the facts of an issue.
"hung from a tree" - a reference to Lynching
Contributed by Darnell Stephen Summers 2006/10/11 - 10:51
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Certo che se non fosse

Certo che se non fosse
Testo e musica di Fausto Amodei
Certo che se non fosse per i marines
Contributed by adriana 2006/10/10 - 19:59
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La mauvaise herbe

La mauvaise herbe
Ho cercato di conservare, il più possibile, il significato poetico dell'originale, nel rispetto del ritmo, della musicalità e della rima.
Contributed by Andrea BURIANI 2006/10/10 - 17:47
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Eppure soffia

Eppure soffia
Testo di Pierangelo Bertoli
Musica di Alfonso Borghi
Alla chitarra Alberto Radius
La canzone riprende il ritornello da Mario Lupo

Rimedio subito ad una - secondo me - grave mancanza!

Un immortale brano del '76 dall'album omonimo.
Interpretata anche da Luciano Ligabue e Luca Carboni
E l'acqua si riempie di schiuma il cielo di fumi
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/10 - 14:14
Song Itineraries: War on Earth
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I Don't Want to Be a Soldier

I Don't Want to Be a Soldier
Composta con Julius Margolin nel 2003.

"Julius dedicates this to all the victims of Bush’s illegal invasion and especially to the young men and women who might be considering joining the Bush’s armed forces. War is ugly and evil, and this one is especially so."
from the official website
I don’t want to be a soldier
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/10 - 11:01
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Brigante se more

Brigante se more
la canzone è bellissima
la storia è affascinante
io la canto insieme alla mia chitarra
canio 2006/10/10 - 01:50
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Quand un soldat

Quand un soldat
Ripresa da questa pagina
Quand un soldat s'en va-t-en guerre il a
Contributed by adriana 2006/10/9 - 15:38

Why Can't We Be Friends?

Why Can't We Be Friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Contributed by Eddy L. 2006/10/8 - 22:25
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Monte Pasubio

Monte Pasubio
C'è una precisazione doverosa le parole NON appartengono al m. De Marzi bensì a Carlo Gemignani

M.Paolo Pasini Odolo Bs
paolo pasini 2006/10/8 - 20:16
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
19. 啊!朋友再见 ("Addio amici miei!"; Versione cinese)
19. 啊!朋友再见 ("Ah! Goodbye my friends!"; Chinese version)

"Dà bùfèn zhōngguó rén duì zhè shǒu gē de dì yī yìnxiàng shì zài yī bù jiàozuò “qiáo” de nánsīlāfū diànyǐng zhōng huòdé de, zài zhège bǎnběn zhōng yuánlái dì měirén (bella) bèi gǎi chéngle péngyǒu."
"La maggior parte dei cinesi furono impressionati da questa canzone in un film jugoslavo chiamato "Il Ponte". Nella versione cinese la "bella" viene trasformata in un amico."

The Chinese version of the song, "啊!朋友再见"(Ah goodbye my friends) is not only singable and but also actually very popular in China (though usually with the last verse missing), mostly known as theme of the former Yugoslavian World War II movie Most (1969), its name in Chinese "桥" (The Bridge), or Savage Bridge in English. In the following, both Pinyin... (Continues)
Contributed by 崔鹏飞 2006/10/8 - 16:48

Guerra di merda

Guerra di merda
Il testo fa davvero cacare (per l'appunto)...
Ferretti Lindo Giovanni 2006/10/7 - 23:32
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Soldier Blue

Soldier Blue
da quando ho visto il film soldato blu,non ho potuto fare a meno di innamorarmi del brano omonimo cantato da una voce femminile-aggressiva,ma soprattutto passionale come quella di buffy saint-marie...e pensare che all epoca avevo solo 8 anni...
maria stella 2006/10/7 - 16:21
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Universal Soldier

Universal Soldier
buffy saint marie canta ancora...
2006/10/7 - 16:08
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O'Hara, Hughes, McCreesh and Sands

O'Hara, Hughes, McCreesh and Sands
Come, Irish men, I pray tend
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/6 - 23:41
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland
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Daughters and Sons

Daughters and Sons
Testo di Dick Gaughan, musica di Tommy Sands.
Dall'album "Singing of the Times" del 1985.
They wouldn't hear your music
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/6 - 15:22

The Ballad of Joe McDonnell

The Ballad of Joe McDonnell
Scritta da Brian Warfield.
"In 1981, Irish republican volunteers in a British jail on Irish soil undertook a fast to the death to retain their status as political prisoners. The British government demanded they be classified as criminals. Ten men died on the doorstep of the British government in one of the most turbulent periods in the tragic history of Anglo-Irish relations. This ballad tells the tragic story of one of these great men, Joe McDonnell."
(dal sito dei Wolfe Tones)

This song was written by the Wolfe Tones paying tribute,to a brave young Irish soldier who died in the H-blocks of Long Kesh, aged just 30, after 61 days on hungerstrike.He died in agony defying the British govenment's attempts to criminalise Irish republican prisoners.He died so that others coming after him would be recognised as political prisoners.

Joe McDonnell (attivista) - Wikipedia
O' my name is Joe McDonnell From Belfast town I came
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/6 - 15:13
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland

I Didn't Raise My Son To Be A Soldier

I Didn't Raise My Son To Be A Soldier
"People in England who opposed the Boer War were called 'Little Englanders' by the press (because they preferred a 'Little England' to a 'Great Britain'). This was reconstructed from a fragment of one of their songs"
(Nota attribuita all'autore tratta da: Henry's Songbook)

E' una rielaborazione di I Did Not Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier.
I didn't raise my son to be a soldier
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/6 - 14:22

Dulce Et Decorum Est

Dulce Et Decorum Est
Una canzone sulla guerra delle Falklands/Malvinas "from the point of view of those who paid the price"
(dalla nota al testo trovato qui: Henry's Songbook)
Unemployed we joined up
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/6 - 12:06
Song Itineraries: Falklands (Malvinas) War

Sudako And The Paper Cranes

Sudako And The Paper Cranes
Dall'album "The Heart's a wonder" (1995)

"Sudako Suzaki was just a baby when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. She survived but later developed leukemia as a result of the radiation. There's an old belief in Japan that if you make a thousand paper cranes (the crane being the symbol of health and long life), you can have any wish that you want. This is the true story of what happened. Today there is a statue of Sudako in the Peace Park of Hiroshima and children still go there with paper cranes."
(Dalle note al testo trovato qui: Henry's songbook)

Vedi anche Nulla rimane della scolara di Hiroshima
Sudako, let me make a paper crane for you
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/6 - 11:40
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Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy

Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy
David Bowie in duetto con Bing Crosby.

Una canzone di Natale registrata nel settembre 1977 per il "Bing Crosby's yearly Christmas special". Lo spettacolo andò ovviamente in onda nel dicembre successivo, anche per commemorare Bing Crosby che nel frattempo era morto.
Un breve dialogo tra le due star precede il brano:
And they told me pa-ram-pam-pam-pam
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/6 - 10:55
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Sul ponte di Perati bandiera nera

Sul ponte di Perati bandiera nera
canto alpino che fa riflettere sull'inutilità della guerra che racconta la disperazione di chi è andato e mai più tornato.
purtroppo tragicamente attuale.
Quando canta il solista tutte le volte mi emoziono.
mariarosa 2006/10/5 - 21:06
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Mai 40

Mai 40
MAY 1940
Contributed by Ronnie 2006/10/5 - 20:09
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Put A Little Love In Your Heart

Put A Little Love In Your Heart
Un classico brano "peace&love" risalente al 1968. Nel 1979 la DeShannon lo eseguì di fronte all'Assemblea Generale dell'ONU.
Think of your fellow man
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/4 - 23:10

Chansons de La bande à Bonnot: 02. Les joyeux bouchers

Chansons de <i>La bande à Bonnot</i>:  02. Les joyeux bouchers
Lettre à sa Magnificence le Baron Jean Mollet, Vice-Curateur du Collège de 'Pataphysique, sur les truqueurs de la guerre

da / d'après Le Petit Cahier du grand Boris Vian

L'on s'en doutait parfois, comme je ne saurais l'apprendre à Votre Magnificence, mais le doute n'est plus possible ; le moment est venu de le dire au grand jour ; la guerre est truquée. Quelle guerre ? Je n'en mets aucune spécialement en cause ; à mon avis, il n'y en a pas encore eu une bonne, et l'on verra pourquoi. Il me semble, et c'est tout, utile et urgent d'attirer l'attention des bons citoyens sur le mauvais usage que l'on fait de leurs deniers.
C'est le hasard d'une rencontre qui m'a mis la puce à la cervelle. Obligé, récemment, de laisser au garage mon char à essence (la paresse, je crains) j'eus l'idée, pour gagner le lieu clos où je travaille, dans un silence approximatif, à préparer la mise en conserve... (Continues)
Alessandro 2006/10/4 - 22:19
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Plegaria Por Víctor Jara

Plegaria Por Víctor Jara
Testo e musica di Tony Osanah ed Enrique Bergen.
Firme como el ande,
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/4 - 13:26
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Berlin ce jour-là

Berlin ce jour-là
Le drapeau de tes yeux
Contributed by Davide Costa 2006/10/4 - 04:58
Song Itineraries: The Berlin Wall, 1961-1989
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Rentrez aux USA

Rentrez aux USA
Album: "Entre Deux Mondes"
Soldats réveillez-vous...
2006/10/3 - 15:12
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Bloody Sunday

Bloody Sunday
Dalla compilation del 1983
Take a look around you all is dead
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/3 - 12:02
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland

African Holocaust

African Holocaust
Dall'omonimo album del 2004.
African Holocaust
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/3 - 11:46

No More Weapons

No More Weapons
Dal loro ultimo album, "African Holocaust", del 2004.

feat. Damian Marley
Ouch! We don't really need
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/3 - 11:35

Earth Crisis

Earth Crisis
Dall'omonimo album del 1984.
The Earth is the Lord's
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/3 - 11:26
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Al quartiere d'Ungheria

Cantata scovata a Ciano d’Enza (RE) nel 1974 dal M° Marcello Conati. Mentre la prima parte del testo, a carattere proto-pacifista, risulta assolutamente inedita, la seconda parte riprende molto fedelmente versioni precedenti del testo tradizionale databili intorno al 1850 e provenienti dal territorio veronese/bresciano.

(dal sito del gruppo Bonifica Emiliana Veneta, dove si può ascoltare la canzone in Real Audio)
Oi mama la mia mama a g'ho na gran passioun
Contributed by Cris ( 2006/10/3 - 11:01
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4 maggio 1944 - In memoria

4 maggio 1944 - In memoria
Grande canzone. Come sempre i Gang non si smentiscono mai.
Sempre così "Companeros"
Rosario 2006/10/3 - 09:42

Planeta Eskoria

Planeta Eskoria
Dall'omonimo album del 2000.
Ven, vas a conocer a esta tierna humanidad
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/3 - 09:26
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I bambini fanno oh

I bambini fanno oh
This is a beautiful song. There are many people who enjoy Italian songs but don't speak the language, yet who would still like to know more about the song by getting the translation. The English translation of this song gives you a rough idea of the meaning but unfortunately is not something I can share with friends or make serious use of. Please find a way to update the English translation of this song. I thank the original translator for his/her work. Speaking two (or more) languages is something I think is contrary to my genetic structure. Thank you.
Gaia 2006/10/3 - 03:10
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La pauvreté

La pauvreté
La pauvreté est la pire des violences
Contributed by Davide Costa 2006/10/3 - 02:52
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Il suono delle campane

Il suono delle campane
da Uomini (1995)

Testo di Francesco De Gregori
Musica di Mimmo Locasciulli

Poi interpretata anche da De Gregori in "La valigia dell'attore" (1997)
Uomini senza lingua uomini senza città
2006/10/2 - 18:02
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Targato Na

Targato Na
C'era una volta una mentalità
Contributed by Daniela Coppola 2006/10/2 - 14:14
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La memoria

La memoria
pertenezco a la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, y quiero poner la cancion de fondo en una presentacion que haremos sobre Madres de Plaza de Mayo. GRACIAS.

Muy bien. Si necesitas el mp3 puedes descargarlo aqui.
Lia Molinari 2006/10/2 - 14:11
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Un dia cualquiera

Un dia cualquiera
Una de las tres únicas canciones que grabó como solista el autor de casi todos los temas de 091, el mejor grupo de rock and roll en castellano de todos los tiempos.
He oído decir que han tocado retirada
Contributed by gerardo 2006/9/29 - 22:36
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Rhymes and Reasons

Rhymes and Reasons
"Rhymes and reasons" è un'espressione che si usa in inglese quando non si vede il motivo o la spiegazione di qualcosa.

"Rhymes and Reasons" is, I think, one of the best songs I’ve ever written. I wrote the song - or started at least - in the shower one morning. It comes from a very real and consistent thought that the children and the flowers are my sisters and my brothers. I do not feel separate from any aspect or from of life. I feel part of it, and bound to it, and the way I expressed the feeling was to use the phrase "the children and the flowers". There is a brotherhood there, and a sisterhood. It’s funny to me that even before the time of women’s liberation there was a desire to uphold that concept. The song is basically autobiographical. It’s not one of those songs where I’ve described someone who has a job to do in the world. I’m describing who that person is - the song is... (Continues)
So you speak to me of sadness
Contributed by GioZ 2006/9/29 - 19:05
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One Tin Soldier

One Tin Soldier
Tratti da Reparto Canzoni - di Fabio

"One tin soldier rides away" è una canzone contro la guerra scritta da Dennis Lambert (testo) e Brian Potter (musica) all'inizio degli anni '60. La prima registrazione di questa canzone venne effettuata dal gruppo canadese "The Original Caste" nel 1969. Successivamente, nel 1972, il gruppo statunitense dei "Coven" la utilizzò nella colonna sonora del film "The Legend of Billy Jack".
Contributed by GioZ 2006/9/29 - 18:58
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Non sono d'accordo con il significato di questa guerra contro l'Iraq e il terrorismo è stata e continua ad essere giusta...w la libertà...w Bush!!!
Rimane il fatto che Eminem rimanga sempre il numero uno, anche se canzoni come questa...

W la libertà... W Bush... mi pare che questo commento non abbia bisogno di una risposta...
2006/9/29 - 10:46
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Don't Burn It

Don't Burn It
Brano del 1966. Credo proprio si riferisca alla "draft card", la chiamata militare che i pacifisti bruciavano pubblicamente negli anni della guerra in Vietnam...

Il testo l'ho trovato alla pagina "Top 100 Songs About The Viet Nam War", con il seguente commento: "rare example of protest song not sucking"
you sit there a-contemplatin'
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/9/28 - 16:12
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C'è anche un'altra canzone dedicata a Biko. è contenuta in "Johnny Dyani - song for biko (1978, steeplechase)".
Non ha testo; ma, a volte, la musica esprime più delle "mere" parole. opinione opinabile e personale, ovviamente ;-)

Clivatxt [uno dei tanti Marco C.] 2006/9/28 - 13:54


Dall'album "The Carnival" del 1997.
I asked my mother why do you cry
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/9/27 - 14:00

The Sign

The Sign
The Hunger Strike did not last days but months, with new members starting each time another man died or was removed by his family. Ten men died, with Bobby Sands being the first. He lasted 66 days before starving to death, and news of his death was followed by riots and protests worldwide, with the worst riots occuring in the north of Ireland. His funeral was attended by over 100,000 people. This is a good website with the history leading up to the strike.
mike 2006/9/27 - 00:51

L'après guerre

L'après guerre
Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
27 agosto 2006
d'après/da ré
Se sont tu les fusils
Contributed by adriana 2006/9/26 - 14:56
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A Soldier's Poem

A Soldier's Poem
Dall'album "Black Holes and Revelations" uscito nel luglio 2006

Dominic Howard: "It’s about a soldier in prison, who feels abandoned by a country that’s falling apart. We didn’t know how to play it and, finally, we made into a melodramatic jazz style. It’s big and minimal at the same time. We were surprised to see that you can play jazz and make it sound good. We’ll probably keep it, because we’ll have a whale of a time with it". MuseWiki
Throw it all away
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/9/25 - 16:51

Non sparare

Non sparare
Lasciai lo stuolo…
2006/9/25 - 12:59
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Amico che voli

Amico che voli
Amico che voli
Contributed by Magonza 2006/9/25 - 12:58
Song Itineraries: War against Animals
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Siguen las guerras

Siguen las guerras
Contributed by Salvatore 2006/9/25 - 12:35
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I've Got To Know

I've Got To Know
Musica ripresa dal gospel "Farther along"
Interpretata anche dal gruppo di di donne nere a cappella, Sweet Honey in the Rock.

Nel 1992 ha fatto parte della colonna sonora del bel film diretto e interpretato da Tim Robbins, "Bob Roberts", sull'ascesa in politica di un corrotto folksinger fascistoide.
In questa intervista Robbins racconta come "I've Got To Know" fu scelta per il film:

"Getting that phone call from Gore Vidal while we were in preproduction was a real validation of our project. It was like when we got the go-ahead to use "I've Got to Know," by Woody Guthrie. His daughter, Nora Guthrie, came to one of the last days of mixing and saw the film. The song had never been heard before, and she felt that it had been written for our film. I was so moved. This was such a great stamp of approval at the end of the project."
I've got to know, yes, I've got to know, friend;
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/9/25 - 12:08

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