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Before 2005-9-22

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The Trooper

The Trooper
Well, great song as usual with Iron Maiden... To add a piece of information to those already given, this song is an obvious reference to the episode known as "The Charge of the Light Brigade", where British cavalry charged a whole battery of Russian artillery head-on. This was a terrible slaughter. It remains a most famous piece of the English history, and a rather uncomfortable one... Tennyson wrote a poem about it.
Tovarich1917 2005/9/22 - 23:39
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Vientos del pueblo

Vientos del pueblo
Versione inglese

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2005/9/22 - 15:07

Peace Is My Name

Peace Is My Name
grazie ad adriana e grazie a voi per aver pubblicato il testo
mick the groovers 2005/9/22 - 09:49


(American) English version by Riccardo Venturi
21 settembre 2005 / September 21, 2004

La traduzione è volutamente condotta in inglese americano il più possibile colloquiale, tranne l'ultima parte, che è altrettanto volutamente in inglese sostenuto.

The following translation is deliberately in colloquial US English except the last part, deliberately using high-flown English.

2005/9/21 - 18:45
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L'autore è il cremonese Carlo Ferrari, scomparso il 25 dicembre 2002, autore di un cd autoprodotto di (belle) traduzioni brassensiane. L'album era uscito pochi mesi prima, nell'aprile del 2002.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/9/21 - 03:05
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Let Them Eat War

Let Them Eat War
Contributed by Alessandro 2005/9/20 - 13:19
Simon Wiesenthal died today. We'd like to dedicate him Auschwitz, o Canzone del bambino nel vento.
תודח רבה ושלום, שימון.
Riccardo Venturi 2005/9/20 - 12:58
An extraordinary and sad document in our AWS collection: the lyrics of שיר לשלום (Shir Lashalom, "A Song For Peace"), by Yankale Rotblit. This is the famous song, composed in 1969, that the Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin had sung on the great peace demonstration of November 4, 1995, in Tel Aviv. A few minutes later he was shot dead by a fanatic right-wing extremist, Yigal Amir, who buried this way the peace process for at least a decade. The sheet of paper with the printed lyrics of the song was found in the in the inner pocket of Rabin's jacket, perforated by the deadly bullet and drenched in his blood.
Riccardo Venturi 2005/9/17 - 23:52
The "first time" of an Eskimo language in the AWS: the Aleut version of Le déserteur.
Riccardo Venturi 2005/9/15 - 10:42

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