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Song Itinerary

Before 2005-9-19

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Affare Dreyfus

Affare Dreyfus
Si noti come Davide Giromini, alla fisa, nel brano abbia inserito una citazione musicale del tutto inaspettata: si tratta della sigla del cartone animato Lady Oscar...
Riccardo Venturi 2005/9/19 - 19:23
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Where Have all the Flowers Gone

Where Have all the Flowers Gone
Spero che possa fare piacere questa segnalazione...

Il file in formato mp3 della canzone di Pete Seeger, interpretata dall'immortale Joan Baez, è liberamente scaricabile al
seguente sito.

Si tratta (ed è cosa molto importante) di una performance della Baez registrata lo scorso agosto (22 agosto 2005) a Camp Casey, Crawford, Texas, USA, ovvero vicino al ranch del più fetente tra i guerrafondai, Mr. Bush!
È lì che Cindy Sheehan, madre di uno dei tanti soldati statunitensi caduti in Iraq, sta tenendo in scacco l'uomo più potente (e fetente!) della terra...

You have to admire her tenacity: Joan Baez gave her heart and soul to peace activism during the Vietnam War, and even when the U.S. government is dumb enough to get us involved in yet another quagmire, she is still dedicated to spreading peace through song. Joan said before she performed for us tonight, "I didn't need an invitation... (Continues)
Alessandro 2005/9/19 - 17:24
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Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities
2005/9/18 - 20:58
An extraordinary and sad document in our AWS collection: the lyrics of שיר לשלום (Shir Lashalom, "A Song For Peace"), by Yankale Rotblit. This is the famous song, composed in 1969, that the Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin had sung on the great peace demonstration of November 4, 1995, in Tel Aviv. A few minutes later he was shot dead by a fanatic right-wing extremist, Yigal Amir, who buried this way the peace process for at least a decade. The sheet of paper with the printed lyrics of the song was found in the in the inner pocket of Rabin's jacket, perforated by the deadly bullet and drenched in his blood.
Riccardo Venturi 2005/9/17 - 23:52
The "first time" of an Eskimo language in the AWS: the Aleut version of Le déserteur.
Riccardo Venturi 2005/9/15 - 10:42

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