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Le déserteur

Le déserteur

An excerpt from Boris Vian's open letter to the Paris town councillor Paul Faber (English translation by Riccardo Venturi)
No, Mr Faber, you should not look for an insult where it does not exist and, if you should find it, it is you who have put it there, I tell you. What I exactly mean does not allow misunderstanding: I have never wished to offend the veterans from both world wars, the Partisans (I have many friends among them) and the Victims of the war (and, among them, I had many friends, too). My insults are always frank and open-hearted, though very rare. I shall never insult people like myself, civilians who have been given a uniform only to be killed as things, and nothing more, and who have had their heads filled with empty words and pointless excuses. Only an idiot, not a hero, fights without knowing what is the fight for; a hero is he, who accepts death if he knows that it will be useful to the values... (Continues)
2005/7/2 - 17:31
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(ricevuta il 2 luglio 2005)

Φαμπρίτσιο ντε Aντρέ, 1984
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/2 - 12:42
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rivista da Lorenzo Masetti
2005/7/2 - 12:00


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The camera zooms in on the Square of Paradise,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/2 - 10:47
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Can't Stop It

Can't Stop It
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"American children are more at risk from firearms than the children of any other industrialized nation. In one year, firearms killed no children in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germany, 109 in France, 153 in Canada, and 5,285 in the United States. Can't Stop It looks at the gun problem and the resulting deaths of innocent victims." -Liquid Blue.
They say that smoke is in the air, people running everywhere
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/2 - 10:41

C.R.A.B. (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft & Bush)


Canzoncina dedicata a un GRANCHIO (CRAB) che gli americani hanno continuato a prendere rieleggendo tutti i personaggini enumerati nel titolo...

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Cheney and Rumsfeld , Ashcroft and Bush
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/2 - 10:37
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II
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Il mondo alla rovescia

Il mondo alla  rovescia
Dall'album " OTTONI & SETTIMINI "
*Le parti recitate sono tradizionali del Monferrato
*Accadde in un bel dì di luna piena
Contributed by adriana 2005/7/2 - 08:05
Song Itineraries: Upside Down World
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Soldadito Boliviano [Guitarra en duelo mayor]

Soldadito Boliviano [Guitarra en duelo mayor]
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/2 - 03:31
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Pablo Neruda: Explico Algunas Cosas

Pablo Neruda: Explico Algunas Cosas
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/2 - 02:49
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Le déserteur

Le déserteur
TURCO / TURKISH [1] - A. Kadir

Versione turca di A. Kadir, ripresa da questa pagina.
Turkish version by A. Kadir, available at this page.
Version turque d'A.Kadir, d'après cette page.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/2 - 02:01

Stöndum saman stelpur

Stöndum saman stelpur
Canzone presente sul sito sin dall'estate del 2005. Oltre che da questo sito, testimoniata soltanto da questa pagina del sito della blogger, insegnante di informatica e femminista islandese Salvör Gissurardóttir (esiste alla canzone un link inattivo; il sito comunque risulta fermo al 2008). Nel sito, la canzone afferisce alla pagina sulle canzoni per il 1° maggio 2001. Dal tono, la canzone sembra appartenere a quelle nate attorno al celebre “Sciopero delle donne” islandesi, il “Venerdì delle donne” del 24 ottobre 1975, il primo sciopero femminile della storia europea; ma non è possibile stabilirlo con certezza. L'autrice della canzone potrebbe essere Salvör Gissurardóttir stessa; un'altra ipotesi è che si tratti di una canzone popolare o, quantomeno, spontanea.

The song is included in this website since summer 2005 and was reproduced from this page from Salvör Gissurardóttir's website,... (Continues)
Þær voru vanar að þræla
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/2 - 01:14
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Addio a Lugano

Addio a Lugano

Versione greca di Haralambos Nikolaidis
Greek Version by Haralambos Nikolaidis
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/7/1 - 23:27


Versi e musica di Mauro Geraci e Franco Trincale
Non c’è notti, non c’è ghiornu
2005/7/1 - 11:48
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's

Pranzo al G8

Versi e musica di Mauro Geraci
con versi da "Litania" di Gino Caproni
Polipo cotto si mangiano in otto,
Contributed by adriana 2005/7/1 - 10:31

Bombs on Fallujah

Bombs on Fallujah
Testo di Vicki Ryder
Lyrics by Vicki Ryder

Sull'aria di "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"
To the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"

Testo ripreso da
Lyrics available at
Centre For Political Song

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 19:49

È triste

È triste
È triste... vedere fiori sbocciare e poi appassire,
Contributed by adriana 2005/6/30 - 19:38

Centuries of Pain: the Ballad of Amadou Diallo

Centuries of Pain: the Ballad of Amadou Diallo
Testo di Lorcan Otway
Lyrics by Lorcan Otway

Sull'aria di The Foggy Dew
To the tune of The Foggy Dew

Si veda anche American Skin (41 Shots) di Bruce Springsteen
See also American Skin (41 Shots) by Bruce Springsteen

Altre canzoni su Amadou Diallo

Centuries of Pain: the Ballad of Amadou Diallo di Lorcan Otway
Diallo di Wyclef Jean
I Know You Don't Care About Me di Brothers Keepers
A Tree Never Grown di Black Star
Contempt Breeds Contamination di Trivium
Bang! Bang! de Le Tigre
The Other White Meat di Immortal Tecnique
I Find It Hard to Say (Rebel) di Lauryn Hill
Forty-one bullets Africa Unite

Amadou was born, where humanity sprang from,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 19:31
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Can't Find Osama, Bomb Iraq

Can't Find Osama, Bomb Iraq
An alternative version of the song, an example of how folksong still live and circulate in the US in our time.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 19:22

Be All You Can Be

Testo e musica di Joe Hartney
Lyrics and music by Joe Hartney

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"This song was written shortly after the anti-capitalist protest in Seattle in 1999; it was sparked by a newspaper report about a dinner held there for heads of corporation (such as Microsoft etc) which pointed out the fifty or so people attending controlled more wealth than almost the whole of Africa". -Joe Hartney
The suits from the G8 and the WTO
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 19:19
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Blowin' in the Wind

Blowin' in the Wind

Una parodia di "Blowin' in the Wind" di Pat Lamanna, ripresa daquesta pagina.

A parody of "Blowin' in the Wind", by Pat Lamanna.
Lyrics available at this page.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 19:15
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Baghdad Ska

Baghdad Ska
Hooray Hooray for the USA
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 19:12

Away in Fallujah

Away in Fallujah
Testo di Steve Bell
Lyrics by Steve Bell

Sull'aria di "Away in a Manger"
To the tune of "Away in a Manger"

Originally printed in the Guardian 23rd December 2004

Testo ripreso da
Lyrics available at
Away in Fallujah
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 19:08

Ashcroft's Favourite Things

Ashcroft's Favourite Things

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Rifles and roscoes and Winch'sters and cannons,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 19:02
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Ashcroft's Army

Ashcroft's Army
Last night on TV there he stood
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 18:58

Attack Iraq

Attack Iraq

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Bush and Blair lie number one:
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/30 - 18:54
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Cantata da
Mouna Amari - arabo
Emil Zhrian - ebraico
Mauro Pagani - genovese

Nell'album "Creuza de mä 2004", una rilettura di Mauro Pagani (coautore del "Creuza de mä" originale) dello storico album di venti anni prima appare una versione di Sidùn reinterpretata in lingua araba ed ebraica, mentre alcuni versi rimangono quelli della versione originale in genovese.

Purtroppo il libretto del cd riporta solo il testo originale genovese e la versione italiana.

Il testo arabo ci è stato inviato dalla cantante che l'ha interpretato, Mouna Amari, che ringraziamo di cuore.

L'ultimo verso in arabo sembra un'invocazione alla pace che non trova riscontro nel testo originale.

Successivamente integreremo, se possibile, con le parti cantate in ebraico

2005/6/30 - 09:56
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La bracca

La bracca

ciucce: tette
pedina: zampetta
tecchia: si tende
come refe a rocca: come il filo sull'aspo del telaio
Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/29 - 19:06

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