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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
122. Su sahar aaw (Versione femminista in lingua kashmiri del collettivo Zanaan Wanaan) [2020]
122. Su sahar aaw (Feminist version in Kashmiri language by the women’s collective Zanaan Wanaan) [2020]

"This song was written on an odd night, away from home, in the aftermath of Aug 5 by a few young Kashmiri women. It is in memory of our people, our collective struggles and in hope of Azadi.

Zanaan Wanaan release Kashmiri Bella Ciao
New Beginnings, Radical Possibilities
Kashmir Lit

Kashmir Lit (KL): What invoked you to adopt this anthem for Kashmir? Please tell us its significance?

Zanaan Wanaan (ZW): As the Indian state stripped Kashmir of its partial autonomy on the 5th August by abrogating Article 370 and imposed an arbitrary communications ban, those of us who were stuck outside Kashmir was very apprehensive of the situation back home. With an addition to the armed troops to the already... (Continues)
Waliv wathiv, zaalim chu kadun [1]
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/12/16 - 19:21

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