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Kaksitoista noitaa

Kaksitoista noitaa
As you can see here, this was an old obsession of mine, and also kind of Holy Graal since the time I put into this site the first songs of Tarujen Saari.
Kaksitoista noitaa eli kerran pohjolassa
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff 2024/6/24 - 09:34
Song Itineraries: Witches

Ylpeyden sopuhinta

Ylpeyden sopuhinta
Sanat ja sävel / Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique: Anna Karjalainen - Kaisa Karjalainen
Album / Albumi: Maailman onnellisin kansa

Ho, scoperto come voi tutti credo, questo gruppo quando ho visto il bellissimo ultimo film di Aki Kaurismäki, Foglie al vento. Giovedì scorso l'ho proiettato al mio cineforum ed è stato un successo, mi hanno chiesto la clip del brano eseguito nel film e cercandola ho poi curiosato tra le altre loro composizioni. Ho trovato questo brano che mi sembra adatta al sito delle canzoni contro la guerra. Per chi non avesse visto il film vi metto come primo approccio musicale il link alla recensione di Rolling Stone. Con l'articolo che recensisce il film trovate anche la bella clip della loro esibizione nel pub con i sottotitoli in italiano. NB: tutti i brani scelti per il film da Kaurismäki sono sottotitolati per essere compresi dal pubblico in quanto i testi delle canzoni sono parte fondamentale della sceneggiatura del film. [Paolo Rizzi]
Ovat neuvottelut päättyneet
Contributed by Paolo Rizzi 2024/4/21 - 08:32
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La fille aux chansons, ou Marion s'y promène [Isabeau s'y promène; Sur le bord de l'eau et alia]

La fille aux chansons, <i>ou</i> Marion s'y promène [Isabeau s'y promène; Sur le bord de l'eau <i>et alia</i>]
Isabel: La versione finlandese degli Ajopuut [2017]
Isabel: Finnish version by Ajopuut

Si tratta in realtà di una versione (di Esko Rahikainen) di una delle tante varianti della canzone, dove la protagonista si chiama Isabeau (qui Isabel); non proviene direttamente, cioè, dalla canzone dei Malicorne. La linea musicale riprende piuttosto le versioni québecoises; i cantanti sono Petri e Anna del gruppo Ajopuut (dall'album Ihana Martta del 2017, contenente versioni finlandesi di canzoni popolari di tutta Europa). La versione è notevolmente più breve di quella dei Malicorne. Detto questo, viene inserita qui anche -e soprattutto- per la sua notevole bellezza, acuita dalla lingua finlandese, la cui armonia è di per sé un canto. Di questa stupenda versione si era già accorta Cattia Salto, che la aveva inserita nelle sue Terre Celtiche assieme a tante altre versioni. [RV]
Niin kulkee puiston halki
2023/5/3 - 11:52

No More War

No More War
Me lähetämme poikamme ja tyttäremme
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2023/3/28 - 09:41
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Die Arbeitsmänner, oder Proletarierlied, oder Wer schafft das Gold zutage?

Die Arbeitsmänner, <i>oder</i> Proletarierlied, <i>oder</i> Wer schafft das Gold zutage?
Köyhälistön laulu / Köyhälistön marssi
Versione finlandese [1899 / 1906]
Finnish version [1899 / 1906]
Version finnoise [1899 / 1906]
Suomenkielinen versio [1899 / 1906]

Performed by Reijo Frank

The earliest Finnish version of »Zu Mantua in Banden«, titled »Proletaarilaulu« (Proletarian Song), was written in 1899 and published for the first time in the 1900 edition of Työväen laulukirja (Workers' Songbook). The below version titled »Köyhälistön laulu« (Song of the Proletary) or »Köyhälistön marssi« (March of the Proletary) is from 1906. The author of the lyrics is unknown. [Juha Rämö]
Sono stato, a dire il vero, un po' incerto se inserire il Köyhälistön laulu (o marssi) finlandese anonimo del 1899 come versione del canto “proto-Hoferide” di Johann Most del 1870, oppure addirittura come canto autonomo con una propria pagina. Questa primissima (e, a quanto per ora risulta, unica) versione... (Continues)
Köyhälistön laulu
Contributed by Juha Rämö (+ RV) 2022/11/11 - 18:33

Lied der Jugend, oder Dem Morgenrot entgegen, oder Die junge Garde

Lied der Jugend, <i>oder</i> Dem Morgenrot entgegen, <i>oder</i> Die junge Garde
Nuori kaarti
Versione finlandese [1935?]
Finnish version [1935?]
Version finnoise [1935?]
Suomenkielinen versio [1935?]

Performed by Reijo Frank
Interpretata da Reijo Frank

Nota. Questa sezione è stata scorporata (e integrata) dalla pagina dedicata a Ihr Brüder in den Städten dort, dove si trovava originariamente inserita da Juha Rämö.
In Finlandia, come abbiamo visto, il canto proletario e di lotta sull'aria dell'Andreas Hofer-Lied ha già un'antica tradizione: fin dal 1899, infatti, se ne ha una versione derivata direttamente da Die Arbeitsmänner, il primo “Hoferide” scritto da Johann Most attorno al 1870 sulla melodia di Leopold Knebelsberger. La presente è invece una versione (anonima) di Dem Morgenrot entgegen, che appare derivata direttamente dal canto tedesco senza intervento della versione russa. L'anno di composizione non è certo; se ne hanno notizie per la prima volta nel 1935... (Continues)
Nuori kaarti
Contributed by Juha Rämö (+ RV) 2022/11/11 - 05:27


Juha Rämö

"Tämä laulu voitti ensimmäisen palkinnon Saksan rauhanlaulukilpailussa 2022." [JR]
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/11/8 - 19:27
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Workers' Song

Workers' Song
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/11/6 - 11:43
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Le Père Noël et la petite fille, incl.Leggenda di Natale; La canzone di Marinella; Bocca di Rosa

Le Père Noël et la petite fille, <i>incl.</i>Leggenda di Natale; La canzone di Marinella; Bocca di Rosa
Fabrizio De André: Bocca di Rosa
Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Traduction finnoise / Suomennos: Juha Rämö
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/10/31 - 21:06

Yma o hyd

Yma o hyd
Pääsuke (L. Trans.)

Yhä täällä
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/10/21 - 23:58


Hans Peter »Mani« Matter (1936 - 1972) oli sveitsiläinen lauluntekijä ja juristi. Hänen Bernin saksaksi kirjoittamansa laulut kertovat usein arkisista asioista, joita on ryyditetty filosofisilla ja absurdeilla pohdinnoilla. Tämän runon, tai pikemminkin lorun, auto-onnettomuudessa nuorena kuollut Matter on kirjoittanut omille lapsilleen.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/6/16 - 14:42
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Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/4/7 - 12:00
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Lady In Black

Lady In Black
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/4/5 - 12:29

Прости-прощай, Одесса мама [Some of these days]

Прости-прощай, Одесса мама [Some of these days]
Audio link to the song performed by M. A. Numminen ( & the Neo-Vulgar Jazz Orchestra on their 1970 album Swingin kutsu (The Call of Swing):

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/3/5 - 19:31
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There Is Power in a Union

There Is Power in a Union
Audio link to the song performed by Laulava Unioni (The Singing Union) on their 2019 album Tie vapauteen (The Way to Freedom):

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/3/5 - 10:55
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Solidarity Forever

Solidarity Forever
These lyrics have been written, assumably soon after Ralph Chaplin's original ones, by an unknown Finnish-American author, propably a Wobbly, i.e. a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), or »tuplajuulainen« (a double-u'er) as the Finnish Wobblies used to call themselves.

Audio link to the song performed by Paleface & Laulava Unioni (the Singing Union) on their 2019 album Tie vapauteen (Road to Freedom):

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/2/28 - 09:42


Audio link to the song peformed by Olavi Virta and originally released on a 1958 single Kuolleet lehdet / Volgan rannalla (Autums Leaves / On the Banks of the Volga):

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/2/16 - 11:55
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Мама Анархия

Мама Анархия
tatjana3000 (L. Trans.)
Äiti Anarkia
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/2/7 - 11:59
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Wisława Szymborska: Kot w pustym mieszkaniu

Wisława Szymborska: Kot w pustym mieszkaniu
Suomennos / Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Traduction finnoise
Jussi Rosti, WSOY 2006
Kissa tyhjässä talossa
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/1/31 - 13:02

I han es Zündhölzli azündt

I han es Zündhölzli azündt
ENTL (L. Trans.)
Sytytin tulitikun
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/1/20 - 20:59

על נהרות בבל [Psalm 137]

על נהרות בבל [Psalm 137]
Virtojen varsilla Babyloniassa me istuimme ja itkimme, kun muistimme Siionia.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/1/1 - 23:33
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Махновщина [La Makhnovtchina]

Махновщина [La Makhnovtchina]
Nikola Kurkilahti
Da / From / D'après: Anarkistisia Työväenlauluja – Koonnut Nikola Kurkilahti (Kolera 2016)
Nikola Kurkilahdin "Anarkistisista Työväenlauluista" (Kolera 2016)


Mahnolaiset (tunnetaan myös nimillä Musta armeija ja Ukrainan vallankumouksellinen kapinallisarmeija) oli Ukrainassa 1918 - 1920 toiminut anarkistinen armeija, joka piti hallussaan niin kutsuttua Vapaata territoriota eli Anarkistista Ukrainaa.

Ensimmäisen Mustan kaartin perusti Maria Marusya Nikiforova Alexandrovskissa Ukrainassa. Myöhemmin Nestor Mahno perusti saman mallin mukaisia joukkoja ympäri Ukrainaa.

Vuonna 1918 Mustien kaartien pohjalta perustettiin Ukrainan vallankumouksellinen kapinallisarmeija eli Mahnolaiset. Kapinallisarmeijan tunnuslauseita olivat “Vapaus tai kuolema” ja “Maa talonpojille, tehtaat työläisille!” Kapinallisarmeijan ja Vapaan territorion... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2021/12/30 - 10:21
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Johnny's Gone to the War

Johnny's Gone to the War
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/12/19 - 09:13


Ruotsin kouluissa oli vuosina 1962 - 1994 käytössä viisiportainen arviointiasteikko, jossa numero 5 oli parhain ja numero 1 huonoin arvosana ja jonka Björn Afzelius samastaa tässä alun perin vuonna 1978 levytetyssä laulussaan yhteiskunnan toimintaa sääteleviin luokkalakeihin.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/29 - 15:51
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Volver a los diecisiete

Volver a los diecisiete
Pentti Saaritsa

Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and Inti-Illimani on their 1979 album Miten voin kyllin kiittää (How Can I Thank Enough):

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/15 - 12:26
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Corazón maldito

Corazón maldito
Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and Inti-Illimani on their 1979 album Miten voin kyllin kiittää (How Can I Thank Enough):

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/15 - 10:11

The Mothers' International

Source: Työväen laulukirja (Workers’ Songbook) 1949

Picture link:
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/9 - 12:21
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Stung Right

Stung Right
These lyrics have been written by an unknown Finnish-American author, propably a Wobbly, i.e. a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), or »tuplajuulainen« (a double-u'er) as the Finnish Wobblies used to call themselves. This is clearly shown by the word »skääppi«, a Finglish equivalent of the English word scab. And scabs are what this version of the song is all about.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/8 - 14:34
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Вы жертвою пали

Вы жертвою пали
Sung to a tune different from the original music, this Finnish version of the song by an unknown author was first published in 1923 in Köyhälistön laulukirja (Proletarian Songbook).

Source: Ilpo Saunio & Timo Tuovinen: Edestä aattehen - suomalaisia työväenlauluja 1890 - 1938 (For the Cause - Finnish Working Class Songs 1890 - 1938, Tammi Publishing Company, Helsinki 1978)
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/4 - 09:05
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Workers of the World, Awaken

Workers of the World, Awaken
This Finnish-American Wobbly version of the song by an unknown author was first published in 1918 in Proletaari Lauluja (Proletarian Songs, Workers Socialist Publishing Company, Duluth, Minnesota). According to Ilpo Saunio & Timo Tuovinen’s book Edestä aattehen - suomalaisia työväenlauluja 1890 - 1938 (For the Cause - Finnish Working Class Songs 1890 - 1938, Tammi Publishing Company, Helsinki 1978), its lyricist is unknown suggesting that the Finnish music archive records crediting the almost identical lyrics of the above version (Proletaarit nouskaa) from 1928 to Hannes Saari may not be correct.

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/3 - 13:42
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1g1. Puolan työväen marssi / Varsovalainen - 1908 / 1919
1g1. Puolan työväen marssi / Varsovalainen - 1908 / 1919

In 1908, another Warszavianka version titled Puolan työväen marssi (Polish Workers' March) was published in J. Kaikka's broadside ballad collection Työväenlauluja (Working Class Songs). In the same year, the lyrics of the song, written by an unknown author and reading »Wihurit wihaisna taas waikeroi« (Strong rushes of wind angrily moan), were published in a Social Democratic songbook and a song booklet for workers with the title Puolan veripäivien marssi (Polish Blood-Days March). Slightly altered and with one stanza added, the same lyrics were published eleven years later in Punaisen sotilaan laulukirja (A Red Soldier's Songbook, St. Petersburg, 1919) by Elvira Willman-Eloranta (1875-1925), this time with the title Varsovalainen (The Varsovian). [JR]

Nel 1908, un'altra versione... (Continues)
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/2 - 20:09

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Testo finlandese / Finnish lyrics / Paroles finnoises / Suomenkieliset sanat: Jukka Itkonen
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/2 - 09:19
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Casey Jones, the Union Scab

Casey Jones, the Union Scab
This Finnish-American translation by an unknown author was first published in 1918 in Proletaari Lauluja (Proletarian Songs, Workers Socialist Publishing Company, Duluth, Minnesota). Interestingly, the title Puupää (blockhead) refers rather to Joe Hill's Mr. Block ) than this song.

Source: Ilpo Saunio & Timo Tuovinen: Edestä aattehen - suomalaisia työväenlauluja 1890 - 1938 (For the Cause - Finnish Working Class Songs 1890 - 1938, Tammi Publishing Company, Helsinki 1978)
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/1 - 14:07
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FINLANDESE / FINNISH [4] - Juice Leskinen

Versione finlandese 4 / Finnish version 4 / Version finnoise 4 / Suomenkielinen versio 4: Juice Leskinen

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/10/19 - 18:28

Simon & Garfunkel: The Boxer

Simon & Garfunkel: The Boxer
Testo finlandese / Finnish lyrics / Paroles finnoises / Suomenkieliset sanat: Hector (Heikki Harma)
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/10/8 - 14:49

Se ti tagliassero a pezzetti

Se ti tagliassero a pezzetti
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/5/10 - 13:19

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