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Kaksitoista noitaa

Kaksitoista noitaa
As you can see here, this was an old obsession of mine, and also kind of Holy Graal since the time I put into this site the first songs of Tarujen Saari.
Kaksitoista noitaa eli kerran pohjolassa
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff 2024/6/24 - 09:34
Song Itineraries: Witches

Ylpeyden sopuhinta

Ylpeyden sopuhinta
Sanat ja sävel / Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique: Anna Karjalainen - Kaisa Karjalainen
Album / Albumi: Maailman onnellisin kansa

Ho, scoperto come voi tutti credo, questo gruppo quando ho visto il bellissimo ultimo film di Aki Kaurismäki, Foglie al vento. Giovedì scorso l'ho proiettato al mio cineforum ed è stato un successo, mi hanno chiesto la clip del brano eseguito nel film e cercandola ho poi curiosato tra le altre loro composizioni. Ho trovato questo brano che mi sembra adatta al sito delle canzoni contro la guerra. Per chi non avesse visto il film vi metto come primo approccio musicale il link alla recensione di Rolling Stone. Con l'articolo che recensisce il film trovate anche la bella clip della loro esibizione nel pub con i sottotitoli in italiano. NB: tutti i brani scelti per il film da Kaurismäki sono sottotitolati per essere compresi dal pubblico in quanto i testi delle canzoni sono parte fondamentale della sceneggiatura del film. [Paolo Rizzi]
Ovat neuvottelut päättyneet
Contributed by Paolo Rizzi 2024/4/21 - 08:32

Laulu II Maailmansodasta

Laulu II Maailmansodasta
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Raija Laroma
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Heikki Valpola
Album / Albumi: Agit-Propin kvartetti laulaa työväenlauluja

L’intera II guerra mondiale raccontata in una canzone? Ebbene sì. O meglio: almeno una parte della II guerra mondiale; ma non è comunque poco. Poiché gli Agit-Prop erano un quartetto non solo dichiaratamente comunista, ma anche espressione diretta del Partito Comunista Finlandese -e su questo torneremo in seguito), è lecito attendersi una canzone assolutamente ortodossa dal punto di vista storico: il suo testo, scritto dalla scrittrice Raija Laroma, è un’enunciazione puntuale dei dettami storici ufficiali di provenienza sovietica, il tutto su una musica cadenzata (composta da Heikki Valpola) di sentore Brechtiano (o meglio, Eisleriano). Ciononostante, vi sono espressi alcuni concetti innegabili, così come ve ne sono scrupolosamente... (Continues)
Monesta murhenäytelmästä kertoo ihmiskunnan historia.
Contributed by Riku Venturinen 2024/3/20 - 00:51

Köyhien toivo

Köyhien toivo
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Kaj Chydenius
Canta / Singer / Chante / Laulaa: Miia Vuokkonen
Album / Albumi: Agit-prop -kvartetti laulaa työväenlauluja
(Agit-Prop Quartet sings Working Class Songs
Il Quartetto Agit-Prop canta canzoni dei lavoratori)
Te ootte jo kyllin kestäneet
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/3/11 - 22:44

Vietnamissa, Vietnamissa

Vietnamissa, Vietnamissa
Sävel / Musica / Music / Musique: Kaj Chydenius
Sanat / Testo / Lyrics / Paroles: Aulikki Oksanen
Album / Albumi: Agit-prop -kvartetti laulaa työväenlauluja
(Agit-Prop Quartet sings Working Class Songs
Il Quartetto Agit-Prop canta canzoni dei lavoratori)
Vietnamissa, Vietnamissa
Contributed by Riku Ventturinen 2024/3/10 - 23:17

Portti maailmaan

Portti maailmaan
Se on tässä: kotipihalla.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2024/2/16 - 12:46

Kylä vuotti uutta kuuta

Kylä vuotti uutta kuuta
Canzone popolare finlandese (Carelia o Ingria)
A Finnish folksong (from Karelia or Ingria)
Chanson populaire finlandaise (de Carélie ou Ingrie)
Suomalainen kansanlaulu (Karjala vai Inkeri)
Prima attestazione / First recording / Première communication: 1877

Buon anno a tutte e tutti! Ora, magari vi potreste ragionevolmente chiedere perché vi faccia questo augurio il sei di febbraio, quando l’anno è già cominciato da più di un mese; il fatto è che manco dal sito da oltre due mesi. Non è stato un bell’inizio d’annata per il sottoscritto, tra la malattia e la morte di un’amica cara (dalla quale ho ereditato il gatto) e progressivi e inesorabili problemi di vista, almeno fino a quando non si decideranno ad operarmi di un paio di cataratte oculari una delle quali sembra oramai una cataratta del Nilo. Tutto questo mi costringe, tra le altre cose, a leggere e a scrivere con molta difficoltà,... (Continues)
Kylä vuotti uutta kuuta,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/2/6 - 20:20

Jotakin tapahtuu

Jotakin tapahtuu
Näillä Aila Meriluodon säkeillä toivotan kaikille tämän verkkosivun ylläpitäjille ja ystäville rauhallista joulua ja hyvää uutta vuotta 2023.
Ja katso, kaikki ne valvovat tässä,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/12/21 - 17:13

Putin-setä asuu Venäjällä

Putin-setä asuu Venäjällä

Il punto di partenza di questa “canzoncina attualizzata” sembra essere una simile canzoncina di cinquant'anni fa precisi (1972), intitolata Lenin-setä asuu Venäjällä [*], ovvero “Zio Lenin vive in Russia”. Qui ve la facciamo ascoltare dagli Åttopojat in una registrazione del 2014:

La canzoncina era assolutamente tale: si trattava infatti, in origine, di una canzoncina per bambini vietnamita intitolata Ông Lê Nin ở nước Nga, scritta da tale Nguyễn Hồng Kiên e musicata da Trần Đăng Khoa, nella quale, sulla scorta dello “zio Ho”, diventava zio pure Lenin. La versione finlandese fu preparata da Matti Rossi (1934-2017) sulla base del testo originale vietnamita, e poi composta da Eero Ojanen. Si noti comunque la vocina infantile flautata (e, probabilmente, campionata) con cui è cantata questa canzoncina sugli zii di turno. [RV]

[*] La “Russia” è un caso curioso nella lingua finlandese.... (Continues)
Putin-setä asuu Venäjällä,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/10/9 - 20:08
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine



Finnish Folk Metal Superstars KORPIKLAANI have released a new single called "Krystallomantia" which sees the band couple their trademark sound with their most politically influenced lyrics to date. The melancholic, yet upbeat anti-war song was written about Ukraine and the ongoing Russian invasion currently happening in that country.

On liikkumaton, tanssija eessä
2022/9/2 - 16:45
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine

Teräksen soitto

Axel Simonen
Teräksen soitto
[ ~ 1930 ]
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Edward Pylkäs
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Axel Simonen
Source: Pennsylvania Songs and Legends, edited by George Korson, University of Pennsylvania Press,
Philadelphia 1949, pp. 451 - 453

Teräksen soitto (Song of Steel)

(Sung by Axel Simonen at Glassport, 1947, and used by his permission. Recorded by Eero Davidson and Jacob A. Evanson. Translated by Davidson).

“I made up the words of 'Song of Steel' about 1930”, said Axel Simonen. “I was a steelworker then. On a visit to Detroit I recited the song to my friend Edward Pylkäs, another steelworker, who gave me the tune”. [Axel Simonen, see Source]

“Finally, this enumeration of ethnic musicians would be incomplete without mention of the men and women writing new song lyrics and music for their countrymen. Some were humble laborers unaccustomed to writing verse or with hardly any musical... (Continues)
Teräksen muokkaajat,
Contributed by Pluck + Juha Rämö + CCG/AWS Staff 2022/8/5 - 20:54

Olen kommunisti

Olen kommunisti
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Eero Ojanen
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Brita Polttila

The lyrics of this song are based on lines written by Nâzım Hikmet in his 1962 autobiographical novel Yaşamak Güzel Şey Be Kardeşim, translated into English by Mutlu Konuk Blasing and published in 2013 under the title Life's Good, Brother.

For most of his life, Hikmet was persecuted by the Turkish state for his political beliefs. His works were banned in Turkey until 1965. In 2017, 59 years after Hikmet's death, Yaşamak Güzel Şey Be Kardeşim was published by Yapı Kredi Publications, the current owner of Hikmet's copyrights, with a total of 25 parts of the text censored, including these very lines now reading »I'm a worker« instead of »I'm a communist«. So thank you, Mr. Erdoğan, for this and for your recent kind words about Finland and Sweden.
Olen kommunisti.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/5/18 - 17:41

Lännen lokari

Lännen lokari
Musica e testo / Music and lyrics / Musique et paroles / Sävel ja sanat: Hiski Salomaa
Recorded for Columbia Records in New York on June 1, 1930
Originally released in 1930

Logging was a common source of livelihood for many Finnish immigrants in North America. This song is a cheerful tribute to those early settlers, the »quiet Finns« who chose an uncertain, itinerant, and often dangerous way of life working as lumberjacks. This, however, is not how Salomaa depicts a logger's life. Instead, the song is all about a logger having a sweetheart wherever destiny takes him – which in real life was probably just a myth in most cases. Salomaa himself never worked as a logger. Instead, he made his living as a tailor and musician.
Täss on lokari 1) ny lännen risukosta,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/1/29 - 15:19

Sota on kaunis

Sota on kaunis
Musica e testo / Music and lyrics / Musique et paroles / Sävel ja sanat: Hector
Album / Albumi: Nuku idiootti ("Sleep, idiot")
Single: Päästä Minut Pahasta / Sota On Kaunis
1987, Flamingo FGS 127
On sota välillä kissojen ja koirien,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2022/1/23 - 13:21
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Värssyjä sieltä ja täältä

Värssyjä sieltä ja täältä
Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Hiski Salomaa (Hiskias Möttö, Kangasniemi 17-5-1891 – New York 7-7-1957)

In the first half of the 20th century, there was a lively interaction between American Finns and Finnish musicians and performers of the time. The duo Tatu Pekkarinen and Afu Tanner toured the Americas. In the USA, Columbia and RCA recorded Finnish performers and distributed records to immigrant audiences. One of these was Hiski Salomaa.

The childhood of Hiski Salomaa (original name: Hiskias Möttö) is described by researcher Juha Niemelä. “Anna Leena Möttö gave birth to a son on May 17, 1891, whose father was known to be Ananias Romo, the husband of Anna Leena's sister Amanda. The son was named Hezekiah after the Old Testament king.” At first, Anna Leena settled with her son in a small smokehouse for her sister and Romo, in the Tipsalo... (Continues)
Nyt työtä minä olen taas katsellut,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/1/13 - 12:04



The old, beloved Barricades form now the object of a new song itinerary starting, rather obviously, with one of the most celebrated (and complicated) pages of our database website. Songs about barricades are not, and cannot be, “antiwar” songs: when people were called to the barricades, they were called to fight and resist against -usually well armed- enemies carrying guns and cannons into the core of the cities. The history of barricades is long, both in terms of real, historical events and as a firmly established symbol of people's resistance against oppression. This is why there are so many songs calling to real, physical barricades made of everything thrown down into the streets to form an obstacle, and to ideal barricades made of ideas and ideals, thrown down into people's heads to form an obstacle to any kind of oppression, repression, political and social normalization.

You... (Continues)
Veikot, siskot, barrikadein luo!
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/1/11 - 18:34
Song Itineraries: Barricades

Savonpojan Amerikkaan tulo

Savonpojan Amerikkaan tulo
Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Hiski Salomaa (Hiskias Möttö, Kangasniemi 17-5-1891 – New York 7-7-1957)
[Recorded 18.5.1928]

When young Hiskias Möttö (born 17.5.1891 in Kangasniemi, in the southern Savonia region) emigrated to America after his mother died, he was only eighteen years of age. 1909. This must have been the same land-and-sea journey made by thousands of young poor people from the most remote rural areas of Europe, all speaking their native dialects. While listening Hiski Salomaa's song, from southern Savonia, I am thinking of Amerigo, from Pàvana; Liverpool, Le Havre...and then, the endless sea that, however, ends somewhere in a new world, or rather, in the New World. Hiskias Möttö would soon become “Hiski Salomaa”, earning his life as he could in this New World, first as a tailor, then as singer and syndicalist. Nicknamed... (Continues)
Myö tänne moahan kottoo ku lähettii
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/1/6 - 10:26

Lakkolaulu Pajalasta

Lakkolaulu Pajalasta
In their 1978 book Edestä aattehen - suomalaisia työväenlauluja 1890 - 1938 (For the Cause - Finnish Working Class Songs 1890 - 1938), Ilpo Saunio and Timo Tuovinen write: »Lakkolaulu Pajalasta (Strike Song from Pajala) is a rare sample of the working class song tradition of Finnish-speaking people living in northern Sweden. It was written in Pajala during the 1930 - 1931 roadworkers' strike. The first labor union of Pajala was established in 1931. In the autumn of 1931, after the National Road Administration had refused to negotiate on wages, the workers called for a strike that continued until spring 1932. The name Anttila in the 4th stanza refers to a person who was recruiting scabs during the strike.«

The Torne is a river in northern Finland and Sweden and, since the annexation of Finland to the Russian Empire in 1809, the official border between the two countries. Throughout history,... (Continues)
Taaskin tuli, tuli laulettavaks'
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/10 - 13:12

Itkuvirsi sodissa kaatuneille

Itkuvirsi sodissa kaatuneille
[ab. 1914?]
Recorded by Kimmo Pohjonen and Heikki Laitinen
Album / Albumi: Murhaballadeja [2012]

"Itkuvirsi sodissa kaatuneille is a fine tale of the pioneer of Finnish folk music research, Armas Otto Väisänen. The vocal samples used so well in the performance are from Väisänen’s lament recordings made in Mordova, Russia in 1914. Pohjonen plays the accordion impressively throughout."

Finnish Music Quarterly

This song is called “Lament for Those Fallen in Wars”; it has been recorded by Kimmo Pohjonen and Heikki Laitinen in their (wonderful) 2012 album Murhaballadeja (“Murder Ballads”). I have tried to translate the lyrics, but this task has proved far beyond my current possibilities. I can only grasp the general meaning of the song lyrics, but no full translation is possible to me. I kindly ask Juha Rämö to translate it in no hurry, and thank him in advance. [RV]
Miksis sie heittelit miun aniarmottomaks,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2021/3/29 - 12:23

Ystävyyden juna

Ystävyyden juna
Musica e testo / Music and lyrics / Musique et paroles / Sävel ja sanat: Heimo Anttiroiko
Juna kulki halki laajan aromaan,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/10/20 - 11:37
Song Itineraries: Trains

Punaorvon vala tai Sotaorvon vala

Punaorvon vala <i>tai</i> Sotaorvon vala
[ab. 1920? / ca. 1920?]

On January 27th 1918, 100 years ago, the Finnish workers (Red Guards) rebelled and the Finnish Civil War started. The revolution was crushed by the White Guards, and thousands of former Red Guards were executed (Some even without proper trials) and some died in prison camps. Most of the leaders fled to Soviet Russia and founded the Communist Party of Finland. This song is dedicated to the Red Guard orphans whose parents were killed by the mass executions." - Short introduction to this YT Video

La Guerra civile finlandese fu combattuta nell'arco di tre mesi e mezzo, dal 27 gennaio al 15 maggio 1918, per il controllo della Finlandia durante la transizione del paese da granducato dell'Impero Russo a stato indipendente. Da un lato i “Rossi”, guidati da una parte del Partito Socialdemocratico e sostenuti dalla neonata Russia sovietica, dall'altro i “Bianchi”, guidati... (Continues)
On luonto jylhä, rajumyrskyt pauhaa
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2020/9/6 - 09:11

I Wonder if Canada's Cold

I Wonder if Canada's Cold
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/7/14 - 11:43

Inno dell'Unione Sovietica - Versione italiana

Inno dell'Unione Sovietica - Versione italiana
This is a Finnish translation of the original Russian lyrics of the Soviet Hymn, written by Sergey Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan, as they were sung between 1944 and 1955.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/7/4 - 15:50

Brucia la terra

Brucia la terra
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/7/1 - 16:50

Three Songs About Lynching

Three Songs About Lynching
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/29 - 14:10

Brucia la terra

Brucia la terra
Audio link to the song performed by Fredi on his 1972 single:

Thank you so much to Riccardo Gullotta for posting this beautiful song. I have always loved Brucia la terra sung in Sicilian, a language of which I don't understand a word. I'm very much looking forward to a translation of the Sicilian lyrics, because I have always imagined that they are something quite different from the sugar-coated ones of Speak Softly, Love or those of the Finnish version below.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/29 - 00:24


Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1979 album Jokainen arkiaamu (In the Morning of Every Ordinary Day):
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/26 - 14:13

Το τρένο φεύγει στις οχτώ

Το τρένο φεύγει στις οχτώ
Audio link to the song originally performed by Arja Saijonmaa and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1979 album Jokainen arkiaamu (In the Morning of Every Ordinary Day):

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/25 - 13:26
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Το παλληκάρι έχει καημό

Το παλληκάρι έχει καημό
Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and Mikis Theodorakis on their 1979 album Jokainen arkiaamu (In the Morning of Every Ordinary Day):
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/24 - 13:45
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Άρνηση [Στο περιγιάλι το κρυφό]

Άρνηση [Στο περιγιάλι το κρυφό]
Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1972 album Arja Saijonmaa & Mikis Theodorakis:

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/23 - 11:15

Λίγο ἀκόμα

Λίγο ἀκόμα
Audio link to the song originally performed by Arja Saijonmaa ) and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1972 album Arja Saijonmaa & Mikis Theodorakis:

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/22 - 14:34

Ένας όμηρος

Ένας όμηρος
Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1972 album Arja Saijonmaa & Mikis Theodorakis:
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/21 - 23:24
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Αυτοί που θά 'ρθουν μια βραδιά

Αυτοί που θά 'ρθουν μια βραδιά
Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1972 album Arja Saijonmaa & Mikis Theodorakis:

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/20 - 16:27
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The Meeting

The Meeting
Audio link to the song performed by Fredi ( in a live TV show on December 5, 1970:

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/6/16 - 21:44

Preghiera in gennaio

Preghiera in gennaio

Pubblicata originariamente su Via del Campo : Fabrizio de André in Finnish
Originally published by Via del Campo : Fabrizio de André in Finnish
Saluti a Walter Pistarini, se legge
Greetings to Walter Pistarini, should he read this

Successivamente su / Then by Lyricstranslate. "Translated from German by Juha Rämö".
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff 2020/5/18 - 12:13
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Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/4/13 - 20:51

Muista pestä kädet

Muista pestä kädet
Musica e testo / Music and lyrics / Musique et paroles / Sävel ja sanat: Pauliina Lerche

Here's something a little bit more relaxed to cheer up those of us who are trying to survive in the middle of the austerity and horrors inflicted on us in order to protect the world economy in general and capitalism in particular. The refrain of this childrens' song is performed in sign language.
Maailman toisella puolella on suurensuuri tori,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/3/25 - 20:45
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Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree

Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree
Behind all the drastic measures taken in China, Italy and elsewhere is not concern about the three percent of those infected dying of the disease but how the virus will affect world economy. I can almost hear the hectic rush in medical companies desperately trying to develop a vaccine against the virus - not primarily to protect people and human life but to make astronomical profits.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/3/10 - 15:40

Ei kuule kaupunki

Ei kuule kaupunki
Testo finlandese / Finnish lyrics / Paroles finnoises / Suomenkieliset sanat: Tapio Lipponen

This song has been haunting me for years. According to Finnish music database records it's a song written by Mikis Theodorakis which I don't have any doubts about. The problem is that I haven't been able to trace the original one despite extensive research and due to the fact that I don't know a word of Greek. Finnish database records include a French reference reading »Cite n'entend« (which should actually read »La cité n'entend pas«) suggesting that maybe the original lyrics were written in French in which case there wouldn't be any original Greek lyrics. Anyway, in order to get the song finally off my table, I decided to post it as an original Finnish song by Arja Saijonmaa. Doing that, I sincerelly and desperately hope that one of the countless friends and followers of this webpage will be able... (Continues)
Ei kuule kaupunki, ei näe kaupunki
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/1/14 - 13:46
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Työttömän Valssi (Come Around Again Waltz)

Työttömän Valssi (Come Around Again Waltz)
Parole e musica di Arthur Kylander (1892-1968), immigrato negli States da Lieto, Finlandia, nel 1914.
Testo trovato in "Arthur Arkadius Kylander – Amerikansuomalainen kupletisti", di Juha Niemelä, 2003

Arthur Kylander fece ogni sorta di lavoro, dal bracciante al boscaiolo, al maggiordomo, all'autista, e solo dopo 30 anni di fatica e privazioni riuscì ad acquistare una fattoria, impegnandosi nella conservazione del patrimonio boschivo.
Arthur Kylander fu anche cantautore e compositore e negli anni 20 incise anche una ventina di suoi brani per l'etichetta Victor. Siccome agli inizi della sua avventura americana fu anche membro dell'IWW (Industrial Workers of The World), alcune della sue canzoni – come questa - parlano della dura vita dei lavoratori immigrati.

Trovo "Työttömän Valssi" incisa nel 1928 da Kosti Tamminen (anche nella raccolta "Proletaarit Nouskaa" del 1970) e molto più recentemente da Mikko Perkoila ("Punikin Kirjelaatikko Ja Muita Työväenlauluja", 2009).
Kun kuljin mä kulkurin lailla,
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2020/1/11 - 21:43
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Migrant Song

Migrant Song
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/1/6 - 15:30


With this 2nd Finnish version of Viktor Rydberg's great poem I wish all the staff members, contributors and friends of this webpage a peaceful Christmas time and a happy new year 2020.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2019/12/16 - 13:02
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A Thousand Years

A Thousand Years
With this contribution, the number of Finnish translations and versions on this website will reach 1000 which is more than any other language except Italian, French and English. Thank you all for bearing with me.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2019/10/16 - 12:54
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I Don’t Speak Human

I Don’t Speak Human
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2019/10/8 - 14:31

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