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L'ultima not

L'ultima not
I'm writing you one last letter (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 + Riccardo Sgavetti 2024/7/4 - 17:24

Zeven dagen lang [incl. Son ar chistr]

Zeven dagen lang [<i>incl.</i> Son ar chistr]
Blackmore's Night (2003)
Album / Albumi: Ghost of a Rose Track

All for One
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/7/3 - 23:06

تلك قضية

تلك قضية
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Muhannad

Tried to make rhyme, and sound like a song in English. Original Arabic poem by Mostafa Ibrahim.
That's a Cause
Contributed by Muhannad 2024/6/26 - 17:38
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4o. Bella Ciao (per Vittorio Arrigoni) (Versione inglese di Blake)
4o. Bella Ciao (for Vittorio Arrigoni) (English version by Blake)

Bella Ciao
Contributed by Dq82 2024/6/24 - 11:10

Хотят ли русские войны?‎

Хотят ли русские войны?‎
June 22, 1941, the WWII came to the Russian land. The war financed by bank olygarchy, fulfilled by German anti-communist, mad on mysticism.
27 000 000 Soviet Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanians, ... lost heir lives during 4 years. Many of them were victims of Nazy sadists.
That's why now Putin soldiers shout to Ukrainians: "Brother, get captured and then – towards family !" They refuse total bombing used against ISIS in Syria.
Some Russian politicians promote nuclear weapons, but Putin answers strictly: Nope.
Some promote the march to make Eastern European countries allies like in Soviet era. But the alliances should be free-will, otherwise ineffective; so, such politicians are ignored by everyone incl.Putin.
The scarecrow of 'Russian threat' is necessary for those who use war to robber their own peoples...
Question on Russians and the war – (Continues)
Contributed by V.S., 2024 2024/6/22 - 11:35

Tira a campare

Tira a campare
Richet Le Luneux, 21-6-2024 20:46
Try to Get By
2024/6/21 - 20:46
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Sono il tuo sogno eretico

Sono il tuo sogno eretico
Contributed by Luke Atreides 2024/6/15 - 18:21
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Pastime Paradise

Pastime Paradise
La parodia di Gangsta Paradise fatta da Weird Al Yankovich

Contributed by Lucone 2024/6/14 - 12:15
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Chi è più ricco

Chi è più ricco
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Geany
All the Wealthy
Contributed by Geany 2024/6/1 - 21:18
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Don Chisciotte

Don Chisciotte
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Geany

This translation preserves the metre and the end-of-line rhymes, at the cost of being a bit liberal in some parts.
Don Quixote
Contributed by Geany 2024/6/1 - 21:07
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Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)

La bellissima versione di Gil Scott-Heron integrata da una sua lunga poesia rappata
Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)
dall'album Reflections (1981)

2024/5/26 - 11:29

Der Arbeitsmann

Der Arbeitsmann
We have a bed, we have a child, (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/25 - 12:15
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Lamento per la morte di Pasolini

Lamento per la morte di Pasolini
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 14-5-2024 11:17
Complaint on Pasolini’s Death
2024/5/14 - 11:18
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Le vent nous portera

Le vent nous portera
I'm not afraid of the journey,
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/8 - 19:44

Giorgia nel Paese che si meraviglia

Giorgia nel Paese che si meraviglia
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 29-4-2024 11:27

"This is a love story that has never truly ended: the love between a part of Italy and fascism.

It is just as when an old couple meets again after long time, one sparkle is enough to revive the (strictly tricolor) flame, and to have it burning vigorously like in past times.

This time, the sparkle is a woman. A mother and a Christian.

I wish you a good Liberation Day. Forever."

– Willie Peyote, Instagram
Giorgia in a Wondering Land
2024/4/29 - 11:27
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Lettera del compagno Lazlo al colonnello Valerio

Lettera del compagno Lazlo al colonnello Valerio
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 28-4-2024 23:10

“La cosa veramente divertente è che c’è stato un tempo in cui i fascisti erano più autentici, più spavaldi, erano leoni, anche se solo per un giorno. Rivendicavano la loro identità senza paura di essere accusati di essere traditori e assassini della patria. Oggi, invece, hanno paura di definirsi, di rivendicare la loro fede”, scrive l’attore, che è anche direttore artistico del concertone del Primo Maggio di Taranto, nel post. E poi, si legge ancora: “Tradiscono la loro identità giurando sulla Costituzione antifascista e poi per stare seduti sulla poltrona diventano campioni della super Cazzola, cintura nera di arrampicata sugli specchi”. Infine: “Lo dico sinceramente: non ci sono più i fascisti di una volta. Solo pecore. Ecco cosa sono i fascisti di ieri che sono diventati i governanti di oggi. Meglio una vita da pecora che un giorno da leoni. Viva la Resistenza”. - Michele Riondino, 28 aprile 2024.
Comrade Lazlo’s Letter to Colonel Valerio
2024/4/28 - 23:07



Nota. Questa sembra essere l'unica traduzione completa della canzone presente in rete (ripresa da Musixmatch). Il traduttore è sconosciuto. Alcune brevi citazioni tradotte si trovano in qualche articolo ecc. dedicato a Toomaj Salehi

Note. This appears to be the only translation of the song available online. Reproduced from Musixmatch. Some short excerpts from the song are found in occasional articles &c. on Toomaj Salehi.
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff 2024/4/28 - 19:28

San Martino del Carso

San Martino del Carso
San Martino del Carso
Contributed by Luke Atreides 2024/4/27 - 11:28

Avvene sciappate

Avvene sciappate
Riccardo Venturi, 27-4-2024 01:55

Stripped From her Future
2024/4/27 - 01:57
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4n. Bella ciao (Versione inglese di Tom M)
4n. Bella ciao (English version by Tom M)

One fine morning, I was awakened
Contributed by Luke Atreides 2024/4/26 - 16:36

Avec toi, Vietnam

Avec toi, Vietnam
2024/4/20 - 15:32
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Testo trascritto dalla presentazione del video citato
Mr. Tyree
Contributed by Pluck 2024/4/17 - 17:25


Times of Trouble, la bellissima canzone dei Temple of the Dog alle origini di Footsteps.
2024/4/16 - 12:44
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Napalm Sticks To Kids

Napalm Sticks To Kids
La versione registrata nel 1972 dai Covered Wagon Musicians
1972 Version recorded by Covered Wagon Musicians

Come detto (v. introduzione), la versione registrata nel 1972 dai Covered Wagon Musicians ed inserita nell’album We Say No To War! è quella con cui la canzone (o meglio, la poesia recitata dal serg. John Boychuk con sottofondo musicale di chitarra) inizia la sua vera storia di canzone contro la guerra. E’ senz’altro basata sul testo portato alla base americana di Mountain Home dal serg. Mike Elliot, ma rispetto a questo è più breve: alcune strofe sono state eliminate, ed altre disposte in modo differente (anche con lievi variazioni testuali). E’ questa versione che viene diffusa in tutto il mondo come messaggio contro la guerra in Vietnam (ad esempio, il testo sopra riprodotto proviene dalla rivista Equality, pubblicata dal 1965 al 1974 e destinata alle forze americane e NATO in Europa;... (Continues)
Napalm Sticks To Kids
Contributed by Cabinet 2024/4/11 - 19:01


Take Me Along [1978]

Take Me Along
Contributed by CCG/AWS Sfaff 2024/4/10 - 08:17

Low Bridge, Everybody Down, or The Erie Canal Song

Low Bridge, Everybody Down, <i>or</i> The Erie Canal Song
The Erie Canal Song, o Erie Canal: La versione delle "Quindici Miglia" da Pete Seeger a Bruce Springsteen
The Erie Canal Song, or Erie Canal: The "Fifteen Miles" version sung by Pete Seeger and Bruce Springsteen

Già nell’introduzione generale alla canzone si è detto che, a un certo punto della storia di questa canzone sempre più trasformatasi in canto popolare (se come tale non è nata ancor prima della possibile rielaborazione autoriale di Thomas S. Allen), i “quindici anni” originali diventano “quindici miglia” sull’Erie Canal. Si può dire che si tratta di un passaggio quasi naturale se si considera che, con un decreto nientemeno che del Governatore dello stato di New York, Samuel J. Tilden, risalente al 1876, veniva stabilito che il traino a mulo delle chiatte sul canale dell’Erie fosse limitato a quindici miglia, al termine delle quali si dovevano sostituire sia i muli che i mulattieri... (Continues)
Erie Canal
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/4/9 - 13:46
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La lotta continua

La lotta continua
Riccardo Venturi, 4-4-2024 20:49

Due parole del traduttore. In tutti questi giorni di lutas que continuam mi è venuto di riprendere anche questa vecchia pagina, anch’essa a suo tempo iniziata da un giovane -e non so se ancora imberbe- Dq82 (ora la barba ce l’ha, e bella fluente). Per prima cosa, una versione inglese che, in pratica, è un po’ una riscrittura. A tale riguardo, poiché è saltata fuori la questione della possibile “derivazione” (o ispirazione) di questa canzone dalla struttura dell’originale A luta continua di Bongi e Miriam Makeba (1975), derivazione-ispirazione che anch’io ritengo molto probabile (in attesa di un intervento chiarificatore dei fratelli Severini), mi sono deciso a mantenere lo slogan portoghese anche in questa versione inglese. Derivazione, ispirazione o meno, ci sta troppo bene. Ho lasciato invece così come sono le situazioni di lotta del 1991; un po’ perché... (Continues)
A luta continua (The Struggle is Going On)
2024/4/4 - 20:50
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Comunicado #166

Comunicado #166
Contributed by angie 2024/4/2 - 22:49

La pace in ostaggio

La pace in ostaggio
Riccardo Venturi, 1-4-2024 13:09
Peace Held Hostage
2024/4/1 - 13:10

Roll, Jordan, Roll

Roll, Jordan, Roll
Roll, Jordan, Roll ( Traditional )
The Golden Gate Quartet - 1960

Well, now roll Jordan, roll
Contributed by Pluck 2024/3/28 - 18:59

Proteggimi da ciò che voglio

Proteggimi da ciò che voglio
2024/3/27 - 22:13
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Since I've Laid My Burden Down

Since I've Laid My Burden Down
LAY MY BURDEN DOWN - Parchman Prison Choir featuring C.S.Deloch (73) & M. Palmer (60)

Album :
Some Mississippi Sunday Morning
Parchman Prison Prayer

Traccia audio disponibile su Bandcamp
………since I've laid my burden down.
Contributed by Pluck 2024/3/27 - 18:50
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Pick a Bale of Cotton

Pick a Bale of Cotton
Pickin' Cotton All Day Long (Traditional)

Testo e nota da Azizi Powell.

This comedic song is about a preacher (minister) visiting people on Sunday (when it was common to have fried chicken for dinner.) The "pickin cotton all day long" chorus doesn't have anything to do with the preacher and chicken verses.

Traccia audio e nota da :

Prison Worksongs Recorded at the Louisiana State Penitentiary,Angola,La,by Dr. Harry Oster
© &® 1959 & 1997 by Arhoolie Productions, Inc

Pickin' Cotton All Day Long sung by two sisters, Creola & Ceola Scott who were very religious and not particularly fond of this type of secular material.. ( Dr. Harry Oster 1959 )
Pickin’ cotton ,cotton pickin’ all day long,
Contributed by Pluck 2024/3/27 - 12:22
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Ho visto un re

Ho visto un re
English translation / Traduzione inglese / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös:
Gyps Fulvus (L. Trans.)

Nota. A dire il vero, era mia intenzione farla di persona, una traduzione inglese. Poi, però, mi sono accorto che su Lyricstranslate ce n’era una, e fatta molto bene. E così mi sono risparmiato la fatica. [RV]
I saw a King
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/3/26 - 22:46
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Riccardo Venturi, 25-3-2024 09:22
The GAP [1]
2024/3/25 - 09:24

War Is the Answer!

War Is the Answer!
This is a musing upon a bumper sticker that used to be seen around the time of the Iraq invasion: WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER. Maybe not for the working class, but for the various ruling elites . . .


Buck Tradission and Buck de Bo$$es have written and performed topical songs since the 1980s.


Some say, “War is not the answer,
Contributed by Larry Moore 2023/5/5 - 21:12

The South

The South
From The Weary Blues (Alfred A. Knopf, 1926) by Langston Hughes. This poem is in the public domain. (
The lazy, laughing South
Contributed by Pluck 2023/5/4 - 09:13

Rally 'Round the Flag

Rally 'Round the Flag
Same Again Tomorrow

Rich had been working on a song focused on the fighting 69th regiment. I loved the reference to their bravery during the Civil War, and loved the use of their battle cry. I wanted to add more to their story. The 69th has been a part of almost every conflict since the Civil War. I referenced a poem called the Rogue Bouquet by Joyce Kilmer. Sadly he was killed during the battle of Rogue Bouquet Wood during WWI. His Poem was read during the funeral of the fallen soldiers in France. -Brendan

I was exploring Gettysburg with my family and came across the Irish Brigade Monument. I'd heard about the "Fighting 69th" but did some more reading. I was able to knock out the first verse and chorus pretty quickly, and turned to Brendan to flesh out the rest. -Rich
Well they don’t like our kind here
Contributed by Dq82 2023/5/3 - 14:33
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)

Free Mumia

Free Mumia
Knowledge, where the people at?
Contributed by Dq82 2023/5/3 - 14:09


" Mulatto "
Page 100 on The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes
Arnold Rampersad,Editor.-1995
I am your son, white man!
Contributed by Pluck 2023/5/2 - 20:48

Holloway Song

Holloway Song
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors won the right to house a memorial on the site.


Il Campo della... (Continues)
The walls you put around me (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2023/5/2 - 12:11
Song Itineraries: From World Jails

Elsie's Song (Chat and Nuke You Talks)

Elsie's Song (Chat and Nuke You Talks)
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors won the right to house a memorial on the site.


Il Campo della... (Continues)
Women and kids there's such a lot of us at Greenham (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2023/5/2 - 12:09
Song Itineraries: Miss Maggie Thatcher
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Bridget Evans

Bridget Evans
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Ladies and Gems

Lyrics and music by Judy Small
Testo e musica di Judy Small

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors... (Continues)
There's a woman in Great Britain, Bridget Evans is her name
Contributed by Dq82 2023/5/2 - 11:58
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Sarah's Song

Sarah's Song
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors won the right to house a memorial on the site.


Il Campo della... (Continues)
They can forbid nearly everything (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2023/5/2 - 11:48

Through My Eyes

Chris Foster
Through My Eyes
Album: Peace Expressing
Through my eyes
Contributed by Dq82 2023/5/1 - 12:32
Song Itineraries: Extermination camps

Howard Beale's Speech [Network]

Howard Beale's Speech [Network]
Movie / Film / Elokuva :
Sidney Lumet
Network / Quinto Potere / Kasvot kuvaruudussa

E’ un monologo rimasto famoso dopo l’uscita del film nel 1976. Il film ebbe un grande successo. Il messaggio è sempre attuale.
I brani che seguono sono tratti da Wikipedia
Anche se lo sceneggiatore Paddy Chayefsky ha affermato che il film non voleva rappresentare tanto una critica nei confronti della televisione quanto un'espressione della sua rabbia «contro la disumanizzazione delle persone», col passare degli anni gli è stata riconosciuta la capacità di anticipare alcuni aspetti della società e cultura americane contemporanee, dalla commistione tra informazione e intrattenimento alla proliferazione di reality show e all'influenza dominante delle grandi corporation


L'anchorman Howard Beale, volto storico dell'emittente televisiva UBS entrato in crisi dopo la morte della moglie, apprende... (Continues)
Edward George Ruddy died today! Edward George Ruddy was the Chairman of the Board of the Union Broadcasting Systems and he died at eleven o'clock this morning of a heart condition! And woe is us! We're in a lot of trouble! So, a rich little man with white hair died. What does that got to do with the price of rice, right? And why is that woe to us? Because you people and sixty-two million other Americans are listening to me right now. Because less than three percent of you people read books. Because less than fifteen percent of you read newspapers. Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube. This tube is the Gospel. The ultimate revelation! This tube can make or break... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2023/5/1 - 00:01


Track 3 on The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes( 1921-1930 )

Hughes explains the history of black people in first person form; he is aligning himself with the societal roles of a black person throughout history.

(da Genius )
I am a Negro:
Contributed by Pluck 2023/4/30 - 22:05

Siberian Iris

Siberian Iris
I wrote "Siberian Iris" as an anti war song for Ukraine. Ever since February 2022, I've been watching the unfolding events with horror. I've lived in Britain and on the European continent, so I LOVE Europe. And I hate to see the breakdown in communication like this.

So I made this anti war music video. And I'm joining other musicians on YouTube who've written their own "stand with Ukraine" song. I hope I can raise money for the Ukrainian people (links below!), but I also hope that people affected by the war will take strength and hope from this song. That's what the Siberian iris flower stands for: strength and hope

This song is also for the large number of Russian citizens who don't support the war, and have bravely adopted the "нет войны" slogan ("No to war"), despite the risks to their own freedom and well-being.
When the world has gone berserk, in the sin of risk
2023/4/30 - 18:11
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine

Global Carnival

Global Carnival
Scritta da Jake Holmes e Alistair Coakley
In Paradise in Gazankulu, ultimo album del grande artista.
It's the first annual global (Continues)
2023/4/30 - 10:20

hosted by