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L'ultima not

L'ultima not
I'm writing you one last letter (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 + Riccardo Sgavetti 2024/7/4 - 17:24

Zeven dagen lang [incl. Son ar chistr]

Zeven dagen lang [<i>incl.</i> Son ar chistr]
Blackmore's Night (2003)
Album / Albumi: Ghost of a Rose Track

All for One
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/7/3 - 23:06

تلك قضية

تلك قضية
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Muhannad

Tried to make rhyme, and sound like a song in English. Original Arabic poem by Mostafa Ibrahim.
That's a Cause
Contributed by Muhannad 2024/6/26 - 17:38
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4o. Bella Ciao (per Vittorio Arrigoni) (Versione inglese di Blake)
4o. Bella Ciao (for Vittorio Arrigoni) (English version by Blake)

Bella Ciao
Contributed by Dq82 2024/6/24 - 11:10

Хотят ли русские войны?‎

Хотят ли русские войны?‎
June 22, 1941, the WWII came to the Russian land. The war financed by bank olygarchy, fulfilled by German anti-communist, mad on mysticism.
27 000 000 Soviet Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanians, ... lost heir lives during 4 years. Many of them were victims of Nazy sadists.
That's why now Putin soldiers shout to Ukrainians: "Brother, get captured and then – towards family !" They refuse total bombing used against ISIS in Syria.
Some Russian politicians promote nuclear weapons, but Putin answers strictly: Nope.
Some promote the march to make Eastern European countries allies like in Soviet era. But the alliances should be free-will, otherwise ineffective; so, such politicians are ignored by everyone incl.Putin.
The scarecrow of 'Russian threat' is necessary for those who use war to robber their own peoples...
Question on Russians and the war – (Continues)
Contributed by V.S., 2024 2024/6/22 - 11:35
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Capel-le-Ferne features on Greg Harper's album 'Well Spun Lies' released in 2011.

"At the beginning of July 2010 I visited the Battle of Britain memorial site, on the cliffs, at Capel-le-Ferne, near Folkstone, in Kent

It was just a couple of days before the annual ceremony, which was held to mark, and remember, the start of that battle in 1940.
As I stood there on the cliff edge looking out towards France, I tried to imagine what the remaining members of the' Few' might have been thinking, each time that they attended the event over the years. What thoughts did they have as the dignitaries spoke, as the band played, and the flypast went over their heads?
My song Capel-le-Ferne is what I imagine they might have been thinking, on that day, and maybe every other day, for the preceding 70 years.

Now in February 2024, 14 years after I wrote Capel-le-Ferne, Group Captain John Hemingway (aged 104) is the last remaining living member of the Few ."
Greg Harper
I remember that summer, a long time ago
Contributed by Greg Harper 2024/2/10 - 20:03

Hell to Pay at the Gates of Heaven

Hell to Pay at the Gates of Heaven
Album: Hamburg Demonstrations (2016)

"Hell To Pay At The Gates Of Heaven", che si rivolge direttamente direttamente a un terrorista fanatico religioso tra toni sarcastici e qualche verso graffiante, è stata scritta all'indomani degli attentati al Bataclan di Parigi dove Pete viveva all'epoca.

"Ragazzi, dovete scegliere la vostra arma": o la J-45, la famosa chitarra acustica Gibson utilizzata anche da John Lennon, o l'AK-47 il kalashnikov utilizzato dai terroristi e dalle milizie irregolari in tutto il mondo.

Entrate in una band o entrate nell'esercito, l'alternativa e chiara, e risulta chiaro anche quale delle due scelte la canzone chiaramente auspica...

leggi Libertines - Babyshambles - Peter Doherty - biografia, recensioni, streaming, discografia, foto :: OndaRock, Watch Pete Doherty Perform New Song About Paris Terror Attacks
Come on boys you gotta choose your weapon
2024/2/10 - 00:39

Time for Heroes

Time for Heroes
Album: Up the Bracket (2002)
Scritta da Carl Barât & Pete Doherty.
Album prodotto da Mick Jones (The Clash, Big Audio Dynamite)

Il 1 Maggio del 2000 (ed anche l'anno successivo) la capitale inglese venne invasa da una partecipatissima protesta popolare anticapitalista che sfociò in una giornata di rivolte e di feroce repressione poliziesca.

Protagonisti delle proteste sono i WOMBLES (White Overalls Movement Building Libertarian Effective Struggles) gruppo anarchico e anticapitalista che si distingueva per il loro abbigliamento bianco, simile alle Tute Bianche italiane.

Nonostante gli scontri violenti, alcuni manifestanti (i “ragazzi eleganti” della rivolta) mantennero sempre un aspetto impeccabile.

Pete Doherty ha raccontato di essere passato in quell'occasione accanto a una guardia in assetto antisommossa con tanto di scudo di plastica. Pete usò lo scudo come specchio per... (Continues)
Did you see the stylish kids in the riot?
2024/2/9 - 22:59
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Just Waitin'

Just Waitin'
Album: Bricks And Dust (2015)

Just Waitin' is a short, but potent, anti-war song.
Only 8 lines long, under one minute in length, but everything that needs to be said is said in that short time.
The song was released by Greg Harper in 2015.
It features on his album Bricks & Dust.

The song is available to stream or download from all major sites.
You Tube Music
Apple music

It can be found and listened to on his website here:
Just Waiting
The battlefield is hungry
Contributed by Greg Harper 2024/2/8 - 17:32

Across the Nile

Across the Nile
Life In A Beautiful Light (2012)

"Across the Nile" is an emotional response to the events which unfolded in Egypt during the Arab Spring.

Amy Macdonald: Songs in the key of life – from Glasgow
Wave your flag high above your head
Contributed by Dq82 2024/2/7 - 19:36



Lyrics and music /Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Running Wild

Album: Blessed & Possessed

The princes robes and beggar’s rags
are toadstools on the miser’s bags
A truth that's told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent.

[from “Auguries of Innocence” by William Blake]
Exploring the seas to conquer new lands
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/2/5 - 17:40
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide

1919 Influenza Blues

It was nineteen hundred and nineteen;
Contributed by Pluck 2024/2/3 - 23:05

Walked Down So Many Turn Rows

Walked Down So Many Turn Rows
Walked Down So Many Turns Rows
Mercy Dee Walton ( 1915-1962 )
I have walked down so many turnrows,
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/31 - 16:55

I Have to Paint My Face

I Have to Paint My Face
I Have to Paint My Face - Sam Chatmon ( 1897-1983)
Say God made us all
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/29 - 09:51

Stand Up for Human Pride

Stand Up for Human Pride
Album: Full Moon Rising
2024/1/28 - 16:05

Prison Song

Prison Song

Scritta da Tommy Butler (solo un omonimo del bassista dei Big Country) e interpretata da Carlton Williams per un musical intitolato "Selma" e dedicato alla famosa marcia di Selma e a Martin Luther King.
Cold chills, prison cells
2024/1/28 - 15:57

Song of Freedom

Song of Freedom
Con il gruppo gospel Sweet Honey in the Rock

Dalla colonna sonora del film Freedom Song una canzone originale di Carole King che si rifà e cita apertamente varie canzoni gospel.
Gonna sing a song of freedom, can't keep us down no more
2024/1/28 - 15:38

Lines Are Drawn

Lines Are Drawn

One of the most well-known aspects of the Second World War was that the virulently anti-communist leaders of countries like the United Kingdom made an alliance with the Soviet Union, because of the mutual interest they all thought they had in defeating Hitler. Here we are again -- but where's the united front against fascism?
Around the world people try to read the signs
2024/1/28 - 15:09
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust


نص / Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / מילים / Sanat :
MC Abdul

موسيقى / Musica / Music / Musique / הלחנה / Sävel:

مترجمين / Interpreti / Performed by / Interprétée par / מבוצע על ידי / Laulavat:
MC Abdul
Palestine's been occupied for decades
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/1/25 - 18:31

The Acceptance of War

The Acceptance of War
Album: Wildfire
The echo of the boots hitting these streets
2024/1/22 - 00:02

Antifa and Alert

Antifa and Alert
Album: Wildfire
It feels like a recurring nightmare
2024/1/21 - 23:56

Proud Boys, Proud of What?

Proud Boys, Proud of What?

Album: Generals & Soldiers

I nazisti sono sempre la stessa feccia dell'umanità, dall'Illinois al Regno Unito, dall'Italia all'Ungheria. Quindi anche se questi Proud Boys non sono esattamente quelli che in Ungheria organizzano il "Giorno dell'Onore" vorrei dedicare - per quel che serve - questa ed altre canzoni in questo percorso a Ilaria Salis, antifascista italiana rinchiusa nelle galere ungheresi per aver protestato contro una manifestazione neonazista.

A Ilaria Zerocalcare ha dedicato sulle pagine di Internazionale una bellissima storia a fumetti dal titolo “In Fondo al Pozzo”.
The west is best or so you say
Contributed by Lorenzo 2024/1/21 - 11:33

We March

We March
Scritta da Prince con Nona Gaye (figlia di Marvin Gaye)

Sembra che Prince sperasse che la canzone diventasse una specie di inno non ufficiale della Million Man March
(Uno para todos, y todos para uno)
2024/1/21 - 00:20


Virginia ( Traditional )
As sung by Bob Fox - 2011

The song Virginny, dates to the 18th century (pre-American Independence) when British convicts were transported to Virginia. After the American Revolutionary War, the British government began to ship convicts to Australia instead, with over 160,000 convicts transported across an 80 year period. Even the convicts who hadn’t been transported for life—perhaps like this song’s narrator—rarely made it back to Britain; few of those with seven or fourteen year sentences could afford the return fare.

Mainly Norfolk › songs
Australia / Virginny
Now come all you young fellas where ere you may be
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/18 - 10:37

Jewel in the Crown

Jewel in the Crown

Incisa anche dai Fairport Convention nell'album dallo stesso del nome del 2005.

Una canzone che contiene una spietata critica del passato e del presente imperialista del Regno Unito.
We are a proud land, we stand for freedom
2024/1/17 - 22:54

King and Country

King and Country
Album: Freedom Fields

King and Country by Seth Lakeman covers the futility of dying for your country and how stupid the nationalistic bravado of WW1 was.
Folding hills and a silver lane
2024/1/17 - 22:34

God Be With You

God Be With You
The Devil’s Own (Original Soundtrack) (1997)
The truth will ever hide
2024/1/16 - 11:09

Prayer Song

Prayer Song
Album: Room 25 (2018)

Featuring Adam Ness

One of the more socially conscious tunes on the album is “Prayer Song,” which features vocals from Adam Ness. The lyrics deftly explore subjects, such as gun violence, police brutality, gentrification, toxic masculinity, and systemic racism.

The lyrics include: “I set my cell phone on the dash, could’ve sworn it’s a gun / I ain’t seen a toddler in the back after firing seven shots.”

Those words allude to incidents, where a black person is shot because a police officer apparently mistakes a cell phone for a gun.

It is also a reference to the June 7, 2016 murder of Philando Castile. He was shot by a police officer seven times while his 4-year-old daughter was sitting in the backseat.

The song additionally explores how America never truly removed the shackles of past racial oppression (“A free man in the land of the noose,” “Darkness lingers in... (Continues)
[Verse 1: Noname]
2024/1/15 - 20:49


Album: Anarchist Gospel (2023)
I can feel it, I just can't heal it
2024/1/14 - 19:29

What’s the Holy (Nobel) Today?

What’s the Holy (Nobel) Today?

This blistering anti-war tune is off the debut album Retas by the Indonesian metal trio consisting of Muslim women. It is one of the more direct protest songs of the year and is sadly relevant.

50 Best Protest Songs of 2023

Sono state bersaglio dei musulmani più conservatori, ma non si sono fermate. Voice of Baceprot è un gruppo formato da tre donne indonesiane che suonano hard rock / metal vestite in un irreprensibile hijab. Hanno scritto e cantato questa canzone contro la guerra molto esplicita.
Stop war! We hate war!
2024/1/14 - 18:55

Eve Was Black

Eve Was Black
Album: The Returner (2023)
Eve was Black, haven't you heard?
2024/1/14 - 18:41

​​​​​​Hold Me Down

​​​​​​Hold Me Down
Album:Sundial (2023)

Featuring Jimetta Rose & The Voices of Creation

"Il primo presidente nero è quello che ci ha bombardato"
Uh, yeah
2024/1/14 - 18:33

The Donkeys of Palestine

The Donkeys of Palestine
The donkeys of Palestine
© 2023 Tony Smith

Donkeys have a reputation for being stubborn. Surely a situation which causes the deaths of thousands of children in Gaza shows powerful adults at their most unfeeling and unmoveable.
As Christmas draws near consider the donkey
Contributed by Tony Smith 2024/1/13 - 21:44

The Toast / 1917

The Toast / 1917
The Toast / 1917

A Pub, the great war, a soldiers rambling commentary, A toast to the wind...
A Toast to the wind a toast to the moon
Contributed by Dq82 2024/1/13 - 11:59
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)

Lost in America

Lost in America
This poignant tune off the singer-songwriter’s 7th album Ozarker was written about a family friend who was a Vietnam War vet. It compassionately chronicles his struggles post-war.

50 Best Protest Songs of 2023
I scare Suzie, Mom, and Dad
2024/1/13 - 00:28

Estranged Fruit

Estranged Fruit
Featuring NOFX
Fishbone EP

This track is off the influential ska band’s recently self-titled EP, which was produced by NOFX’s Fat Mike. Referring to Billie Holiday’s 1939 classic anti-lynching standard “Strange Fruit“, the tune effectively merges past histories with current realities.

Questo brano fa parte del recente EP omonimo della influente band ska, prodotto da Fat Mike dei NOFX. Con un riferimento al classico contro i linciaggi del 1939 di Billie Holiday "Strange Fruit", il pezzo fonde efficacemente storie passate con realtà attuali.

50 Best Protest Songs of 2023
The poplar trees are now populous
2024/1/13 - 00:20

War Remains

War Remains
Album: War Remains
Mythologies of war and peace
2024/1/13 - 00:12

Back in the USA

Back in the USA
L'unico inedito dal Greatest Hits: God’s Favorite Band

“Back in the USA” vaguely narrates the story of a soldier coming home from war. The song sees Green Day back with its political critiques and pointing at some hypocritical views of the country. Billie shows the irony of the wars America is involved in and also dismantles the allegiance of blind patriotism in certain aspects of American society.

I woke up to a bitter storm (Bitter year)
2024/1/12 - 23:54

Don’t Judge Me

Don’t Judge Me
feat. Headie One

twigs and Headie talk about their respective struggles and ask for compassion; twigs is in search of a lover who’ll accept her and match her energy, and Headie vents about the struggles of being a black man in the UK, sharing his experiences about facing racial discrimination and police brutality.

[Intro: Headie One]
2024/1/12 - 10:36
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The Rain That Falls on Palestine

The Rain That Falls on Palestine
The Rain That Falls On Palestine
On the streets of Gaza city, (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/1/10 - 20:17
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust


Album: As Is Now

Una canzone bellissima e potentissima, diretta contro i codardi che usano la violenza e uccidono persone nel nome del potere e della supremazia, i selvaggi che spesso si nascondono dietro una bandiera, un'uniforme raffinata. Ma se davvero c'è da qualche parte un qualche dio, non saranno perdonati.
You're savages, he knows you are
Contributed by Lorenzo 2024/1/8 - 20:48


(1 Jan 2024)

Word on the street is the Zionist narrative is losing traction, so to help shore it up I have written a wee jingle for the ADL.
If you are a fan of democracy
2024/1/6 - 18:31
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

At the Welcome Table

At the Welcome Table

(civil rights version)

Testo e note da : I'm Gonna Sit At The Welcome Table (civil rights song)

This song is an adaptation of the African American Spiritual/Gospel with the same title.
I'm gonna sit at the welcome table,*
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/6 - 13:00

I Pray for You

I Pray for You

Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Ahmad Hussain

Album: My Beloved (Nasheed's)

Restiamo umani [Vittorio Arrigoni]
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/1/5 - 20:05

Sweet Canaan

Lyrics : 1807 - Mead's General Collection
Music : 1844 - E.J.King
Music played an important part in the lives of enslaved Americans. Songs were a way of giving encouragement and hope for a free future.

During the underground railroad the word Canaan was substituted for the word "Canada" which was the destination of some slaves.


The hymn was known to Frederick Douglass.
Frederick Douglass was a writer, statesman and anti-slavery activist. He also escaped slavery to freedom in the North. In one of his books, he writes about the songs sung by slaves to encourage each other to escape. Here is part of one of the songs that inspired him: “O Canaan, sweet Canaan, I am bound for the land of Canaan.” Douglass said about the song: “We meant to reach the north - and the north was our Canaan.”


Attualmente... (Continues)
Oh who will come and go with me?
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/5 - 12:34

Through the Eyes of a Child

Through the Eyes of a Child

Aurora ha cantato una nuova versione di Through The Eyes Of A Child (originariamente nell'album All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend del 2016) con nuove parole dedicate ai bambini di Gaza. L'esibizione viene dal concerto Songs For Gaza concert del 26 Novembre 2023
World is covered by your trails
2024/1/4 - 19:34
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

Fling out the Anti-Slavery Flag

Fling out the Anti-Slavery Flag
The Anti-Slavery Harp
Compiled by William W. Brown
Boston: Bela Marsh, 184 - p. 22


AIR : Auld Lang Syne
Fling out the Anti-slavery flag
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/4 - 18:43

Reverse Creation

Bernard Backman
Reverse Creation
In the end man destroyed the heaven that was called Earth. The Earth had been beautiful until the spirit of man moved over it and destroyed all things.
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/4 - 17:33

If I Were A Voice

If I Were A Voice
If I Were A Voice - Charles MacKay - (1814-1889)
If I were a voice, a persuasive voice,
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/4 - 08:51

Nuclear War

Nuclear War
Album: Sword and Stone
Released Jam 1, 2024

A capodanno Ryan Adams ha pubblicato ben cinque album, uno dal vivo e quattro in studio. In Sword and Stone si trova questa Nuclear War che alterna scene di vita quotidiana di una coppia con un'incombente guerra nucleare, nuovi nazismi e minacce di stato di polizia.
Walking down the street to your house
2024/1/2 - 22:01

Vietnamese Baby

Vietnamese Baby
Scritta da David Johansen per il fulminante album d'esordio eponimo della band americana

Aperta dal suono di un gong, Vietnamese Baby non è di immediata interpretazione, anche perché il testo di Johansen è una sorta di dialogo o monologo interiore e non è chiaro chi sia il personaggio che parla in prima persona.

In ogni caso, nell'ultima strofa, Johansen dice chiaramente che che ciò che ha portato al disastro del Vietnam è stato il machismo spavaldo in due forme: la crudeltà classica del soldato che stupra e saccheggia, le cui azioni erano avallate dall'impero; e la convinzione imperialista che il diritto di infliggere distruzione di massa a una popolazione straniera fosse un diritto divino americano.

Per approfondire leggere questa recensione dell'album.
When I'm getting home to you
2024/1/2 - 21:20
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Where There Is War

Where There Is War
Album: Say My Name (2019)
Another battle has passed
2024/1/2 - 19:20

Give Blood

Give Blood
Album: White City: A Novel

David Gilmour - guitar
Pino Palladino - bass
Simon Phillips - drums

To read: Anti-War, Anti-Establishment, Anti-Hero: The Meaning Behind Pete Townshend’s “Give Blood”
Give blood
2024/1/1 - 23:30

Under the Rubble

Under the Rubble
(Dicembre 2023)

Si chiama 'Under The Rubble' (sotto le macerie). Nel video postato da Roger Waters, lo storico co-fondatore dei Pink Floyd, mentre registra il pezzo c’è anche una kefiah - simbolo palestinese - drappeggiata sullo schermo.
In questa breve anteprima, priva di qualsiasi elaborazione e da considerarsi più una demo che altro, emerge una canzone caratterizzata da un'enorme potenza espressiva e intensità artistica. Tali elementi sono concentrati in soli 100 secondi di poche note al pianoforte e una voce che, pur nella sua tremolante imperfezione, riesce a trasmettere la drammaticità di una storia raccontata in pochi versi. La voce, quasi lamentosa, funge da tramite per esprimere il terrore di un bambino intrappolato sotto le macerie, il quale supplica dapprima il padre e successivamente la madre.

Attraverso la voce commovente e struggente di Waters, il pathos di questi versi,... (Continues)
Papa, I want to go home now,
2024/1/1 - 18:35
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

Fly Like an Eagle

Fly Like an Eagle
Scritta da Steve Miller
Title track dell'album composto tra 1975 e 1976
L'incredibile organo Hammond è di Joachim Young

Un brano che per musica e testo non poteva restare fuori da questo db...
(Tick tock tick) Doo doo doo-doo (Continues)
2023/12/30 - 00:48
Song Itineraries: Free Birds
Downloadable! Video!

Just Like the Nazis Did

Just Like the Nazis Did
December 14, 2023

Notes From A Holocaust
After so many decades of patronage
2023/12/25 - 18:11
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

Without Henry Kissinger

Without Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger's reign of terror is over (having been very effectively passed on to his protege, Antony Blinken).
He was born in 1923
2023/12/25 - 18:05

It’s Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve
December 24, 2023
It’s Christmas Eve, stores are stuffed to the gills
2023/12/25 - 18:01

Once the Last Palestinian's Killed

Once the Last Palestinian's Killed
2 dec. 2023

Once the last Palestinian is killed, then the pundits and politicians will say "how could we have known," and they'll open another museum.
In the Congress and the Bundestag you’ll see them wring their hands
2023/12/25 - 17:56
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

Who Took the Merry Out of Christmas

Who Took the Merry Out of Christmas
Who Took The Merry Out Of Christmas
2023/12/24 - 17:23

On Christmas Day

On Christmas Day
Album: Rock Art
Not a tree on the skyline
2023/12/24 - 16:18
Song Itineraries: Christmas Truce 1914

It’s Like That

It’s Like That

"It's Like That" è un singolo del gruppo rap Run DMC. La canzone fu originariamente pubblicata su cassetta insieme al brano "Sucker M.C.'s". L-uscita segnò l'inizio della carriera dei Run DMC ed è unanimamente riconosciuta come la traccia di apertura di una nuova era per gli artisti hip-hop, con un'immagine legata alla strada.

Entrambi i brani sono stati successivamente inclusi
nell'album di debutto del gruppo, intitolato "Run-D.M.C.".

Il testo della canzone riflette la realtà della vita nella zona in cui il gruppo vive, trattando temi come la disoccupazione, l'aumento dei prezzi e la morte violenta. Non manca una strofa contro le guerre combattute lontano.

Nonostante ciò, la canzone trasmette un messaggio di speranza, incoraggiando gli ascoltatori a superare i pregiudizi e a credere in se stessi.
Unemployment at a record high
2023/12/24 - 13:04

When the War Comes Home

When the War Comes Home
Bonus track dell'album "Hope For The Hopeless"
When they come for you,
2023/12/24 - 11:50


dall'album "Hope For The Hopeless"

Interpretata anche con Natalie Merchant
Beyond the rules of religion
2023/12/24 - 11:42

Rescue the Slave

Rescue the Slave
The Anti-Slavery Harp
Compiled by William W. Brown
Boston: Bela Marsh, 1848
p. 28,29


AIR — The Troubadour

This song was composed while George Latimer, the fugitive slave,was confined in Leverett Street Jail, expecting to be carried back to Virginia by James B. Gray, his claimant.
Sadly the fugitive weeps in his cell,
Contributed by Pluck 2023/12/20 - 12:58

They're Killing Off the Journalists of Gaza

They're Killing Off the Journalists of Gaza
Samer Abudaqqa had his camera in his hand
2023/12/17 - 23:55
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

They Were Raising a White Flag

They Were Raising a White Flag
Notes From A Holocaust
They were raising a white flag
2023/12/17 - 23:48
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

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