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Čekáme kdesi na konci aleje

Čekáme kdesi na konci aleje
Contributed by Stanislava 2022/7/5 - 18:32
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Kam jsme to zašli?

Kam jsme to zašli?
English translations: Lenka Lichtenberg & Alena Jirásek
What is this place?
2022/7/2 - 19:23

מישע צעררײַסט היטלערס דײַטשלאַנד

Taybl Birman / טײַבל בירמאַן
מישע צעררײַסט היטלערס דײַטשלאַנד
Contributed by Dq82 2022/6/9 - 17:26

טײַבלס בריוו

Taybl Birman / טײַבל בירמאַן
טײַבלס בריוו
Contributed by Dq82 2022/6/9 - 17:20

יאָשקע ון אָדעס

Berta Flaksman / בערטאַ פֿלאַקסמאַן
יאָשקע ון אָדעס
Contributed by Dq82 2022/6/6 - 14:01
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Ich bin Soldat, doch bin ich es nicht gerne

Ich bin Soldat, doch bin ich es nicht gerne
I Am A Soldier Though I Don't Want To Be One
Contributed by giorgio 2022/5/20 - 08:46
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По долинам и по взгорьям

По долинам и по взгорьям
Song of the Partisans
Versione inglese 1 / English version 1 / Version anglaise 1 / Englanninkielinen versio 1

L'autore della versione è sconosciuto. La si ritrova nel Canzoniere delle Brigate Internazionali della Guerra di Spagna, accanto a Partisanen von Amur (qui chiamata semplicemente Partisanenlied) e a Les Partisans, la versione francese. Il fatto che le versioni nelle tre lingue siano presentate assieme nel canzoniere, fa vedere quanto venissero intese come un unico canto partigiano. [RV]
Song of the Partisans
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/5/18 - 17:30
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По долинам и по взгорьям

Through the Valleys and over Hillsides (The Partisan Song)
English version 2 / Versione inglese 2 / Version anglaise 2 / Englanninkielinen versio 2
by Fred Frigo

Though the valleys and over hillsides,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/5/18 - 17:16
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Put the Gun Down, Human Being

Put the Gun Down, Human Being
Music & lyrics: Shaun Friedman

Song responding to too many killings and school shootings ..
Ricochet just like I do, we gotta make a better day – Why?
Contributed by giorgio 2022/5/17 - 09:16


Album: Banga

Smith penned this prayer-like rocker for the people of Japan in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated their country in 2011.

The New Yorker uses Japan's highest and most symbolic mountain to help convey her feelings about the tragedy.

"Knowing that my country dropped two atom bombs on Japan and killed a couple of hundred thousand people has always been something I've felt a certain amount of pain about. I imagined the people having to deal with this new situation with the threat of a nuclear disaster. I didn't want to write something directly about that but I wanted to show the Japanese people solidarity and love."


Smith ha scritto questa sorta di preghiera per il popolo giapponese in seguito al terremoto e allo tsunami che hanno devastato il loro paese nel 2011.

La newyorkese usa la montagna più alta e simbolica del Giappone per esprimere i... (Continues)
Oh mountain of our eyes
2022/5/16 - 23:29
Song Itineraries: Earthquakes
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Giordano Bruno

Giordano Bruno
Natural Born Sinners
Under clouds made of iron
Contributed by dq82 2022/5/15 - 20:59
Song Itineraries: Giordano Bruno
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Atomic Bomb Blues

Atomic Bomb Blues
Lyrics & music by Homer Harris and Lester Melrose
Album: Chigago Blues: The Beginning [1971]

.. and suddenly the cold war (never ended) turns into a hot one and with it the nightmare of "The Bomb" returns .. Let's start all over again ..
It was early one morning
Contributed by giorgio 2022/5/15 - 13:21

Better Than We Found It

Better Than We Found It

I wanted to write something to address exactly how I feel right now, and this came together pretty quickly. It’s a protest song. It’s the most American thing to protest, and protest songs have been so embedded in American culture: Bob Dylan, Nina Simone. I think the world right now is sort of in a perpetual mourning period, and I wanted to have a song that had weight but also had hope.

Maren Morris Releases Pro-BLM, Pro-Dreamer Video for New ‘Protest Song,’ ‘Better Than We Found It’
If you don't like it, then get the hell out
2022/5/13 - 22:30

Coal Not Dole

Coal Not Dole
Trawler (1994)

It stands so proud, the wheel so still
Contributed by Dq82 2022/5/13 - 10:30

Elena’s Shoes

Elena’s Shoes

Elena’s Shoes looks at the remnants of a toppled regime, noting the excesses of those in power as the people starve. Riffing on the infamous footwear collections of Elena Ceaușescu and Imelda Marcos, the band use a ludicrous image to make a powerful point.
Rebels take the palace, what do they find
Contributed by Dq82 2022/5/13 - 10:17

The Deserter

The Deserter
Call me a deserter, it's true I walked away
Contributed by Dq82 2022/5/13 - 10:06
Song Itineraries: Deserters

Fiddle or a Gun

Fiddle or a Gun
Times are hard, the old man said
Contributed by Dq82 2022/5/13 - 09:59
Song Itineraries: Deserters
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Hello, Birmingham

Hello, Birmingham
Album: To the Teeth

I wrote this song after Dr. Barnett Slepian was shot and killed by an anti-choice zealot in my hometown of Buffalo and then, soon there-after, the Southside Abortion Clinic was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.

The year was 1998. i have been digitizing my old master tapes and this is an out-take (not the version that appeared on the album) so Julie Wolf’s piano is not there, which was done as an overdub. this is just me, Jason Mercer on bass and Daren Hahn on drums.

I share this today because i am so very grateful that i was not forced to give birth at age 18 and then again at age 20. i had my two children at age 36 & 42 and being their mom has been the greatest joy of my life. I owe such a huge debt to the incredibly brave women and men who have risked their lives on a daily basis to provide abortion services. I owe you my life. the life i have chosen and... (Continues)
Hold me down
2022/5/9 - 22:52

Water Boy

Water Boy
Testo dal video della CBS 1959

Water,boy where you hidin'?

An important liberation song in the history of slavery and the civil rights movement is Water, Boy. It is a slave work song, a somber reminder of the conditions black people were forced to live through. Water is as valuable as saffron on the field of a plantation, but I assume it's absence was as normalized as the sun rising and setting everyday. I assume the enslaved weren't given enough water (or anything, if anything) to keep them in good health as forced laborers. I'm sure the white overseers and slaveowners made sure to keep their thirst quenched, though. It's been said, they demanded water and would get the attention of the waterboy by singing Water, boy where you hidin?

Today when this song is performed it is titled “Waterboy” instead of “Water, Boy” and I equate this to trying to soften up the history, but let’s not forget... (Continues)
Water Boy,
Contributed by Pluck 2022/5/9 - 08:50

Volodymyr the Brave

Volodymyr the Brave
Volodymyr the Brave
© 2022 Tony Smith

While the song mentions the President of Ukraine specifically, it is meant as praise for all Ukrainians in their resistance against the illegal and brutal Russian invasion. President Zelensky stands for Ukraine in a way which few politicians could claim to do in their countries.
There are some things I’d like to know
Contributed by Tony Smith 2022/5/3 - 01:47
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine

Who Fears to Speak of Easter Week?

Who Fears to Speak of Easter Week?
Who fears to speak of Easter Week?
Contributed by Dq82 2022/4/26 - 18:42
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland
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La ballata del Pinelli [Ballata dell'anarchico Pinelli, o Il feroce questore Guida]

La ballata del Pinelli [Ballata dell'anarchico Pinelli, <i>o</i> Il feroce questore Guida]
7a. Versione inglese dei Wooden Shoe Ramblers
7a. English version by Wooden Shoe Ramblers
7a. Version anglaise de Wooden Shoe Ramblers
7a. Wooden Shoe Ramblersin englanninkielinen versio

Dall'album / From the album / Tirée de l'album / Albumista: In The Ruins They've Left Us, We'll Plant Gardens Still (2020)

Ballad of Pinelli

That night in Milan, was the setting
Contributed by Dq82 2022/4/26 - 18:26
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Richard Carlile

Richard Carlile
Dall'album / From the album In The Ruins They've Left Us, We'll Plant Gardens Still

Richard Carlile (8 December 1790 – 10 February 1843) was an important agitator for the establishment of universal suffrage and freedom of the press in the United Kingdom
Hello again, your Honor- I think you know me well
Contributed by Dq82 2022/4/26 - 18:18

We Wait and We Wonder

We Wait and We Wonder

Inspired by the Warrington bombings of 1993, similarly to ''Long Long Way to Go'' it discusses that people can get too familiar with violent events when they are part of the daily news, but when it affects them personally, that's a different story...
We stand, hang our heads disbelieving
2022/4/26 - 14:26
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4k. Baby bye (Traduzione poetica, rimata, cantabile di trotta.gnam da Lyricstranslate)
4k. Baby Bye (Poetic, singable English version by trotta.gnam from Lyricstranslate)
Contributed by Luke Atreides 2022/4/26 - 13:56

Long Long Way to Go

Long Long Way to Go

Painful realisation that for some people war in another part of the world is just "bad news", never realizing that behind their 5 minute entertainment there is the death and suffering of other people. But sure, switch it off....
While I sit here trying to think of things to say
2022/4/26 - 13:13

Anti-War Song

Anti-War Song
6 marzo 2022
Let’s all now pray for peace
2022/4/22 - 00:00
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine

A Quiet Life

A Quiet Life
A QUIET LIFE, an original song from Richard Jenkins. The inspiration for this song was a poem call A Quiet Life, written by Alexander Pope (1688-1744). In fact I've only used seven words from the original which was a bucolic ode to living, working and being buried in your own soil. When I wrote it I was thinking of the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya.

I recorded and posted it thinking of UKRAINE
Happy the man whose garden shines
2022/4/20 - 23:14
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine

Troubled Times

Troubled Times
I made the call into my brain
2022/4/17 - 13:00

An Tagen wie diesen

An Tagen wie diesen
2022/4/16 - 20:43


dall'album Headroom

Tristissima e bellissima canzone su un amico morto in Vietnam nel fatidico anno 1967. Non ho idea come tra le più di 34000 canzoni presenti finora, questa ancora non fosse stata inserita!
In Nineteen Sixty Seven
Contributed by Lorenzo 2022/4/14 - 23:03

I Want to Live

I Want to Live
There are children raised in sorrow
2022/4/14 - 22:36


(8 aprile 2022)
poi nell'album RUSH! pubblicato nel gennaio 2023

I Måneskin tornano con una instant song in inglese che si rivolge direttamente a Putin e all'esercito russo. Come fate a dormire? Il sangue delle vittime che avete provocato non vi tiene svegli la notte? Non un messaggio originalissimo, ma comunque efficace. La canzone fa parte del progetto “Stand Up for Ukraine”.

Here Måneskin talk to Putin/the Russian army, asking them how they can live with the guilt of causing the death of thousands of people in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Doesn’t the blood of all those people on their hands keep them up at night?

We’ve been writing a lot of music these past few months, so of course this whole fucking insane situation with Ukraine really affected us. We just felt like we could do something to use our privilege and the people that look up to us to stand for what’s right,... (Continues)
You're nothing but gasoline
2022/4/11 - 22:12
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine

Soldati buoni e soldati cattivi

Soldati buoni e soldati cattivi
Riccardo Venturi, 10-4-2022 11:03
Good Soldiers and Bad Soldiers
2022/4/10 - 11:04
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Come Out Ye Black And Tans

Come Out Ye Black And Tans
Bold Orange Heroes of Comber

Loyal Orange Institution, commonly known as the Orange Order, is an international Protestant fraternal order based in Northern Ireland and primarily associated with Ulster Protestants, particularly those of Ulster Scots heritage.
Contributed by Albatross795 2022/4/10 - 07:55

Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Christine Lavin

Interpreti / Performed by / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
1.Christine Lavin
Album: Beau Woes and other problems of modern life

2.Meghan Glogower

M come Minchiate
Tra la pace (armata…ssst… non si dice) e il condizionatore acceso nessun dubbio: il condizionatore acceso
Ooh this hot summer's got me down
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2022/4/9 - 17:48

Sunflowers of Ukraine

Sunflowers of Ukraine
Sunflowers of Ukraine
© Tony Smith 2022
Let a million sunflowers bloom in peace
Contributed by Tony Smith 2022/4/6 - 07:51
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine

Song for Julian

Song for Julian

I wrote this song dedicated to JULIAN ASSANGE.
I would have liked to release it on the disc scheduled for the end of 2022, but it is necessary to pay everyone's attention so that as many voices as possible are raised to defend a man who fought for our freedom.
It is a battle for human dignity for the defense of rights.
It's about us all. We cannot look away.
This song is for Julian Assange.
Don't walk through that secret door,
Contributed by Dq82 2022/4/4 - 11:23
Song Itineraries: #freeAssange


Aug's on the scene with a vengeance
Contributed by Dq82 2022/4/4 - 11:04
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide

January 26

January 26
January 26

Described by The Guardian as being a ‘mic drop on the nation’, ‘January 26’ is a protest anthem unlike any other.

Penned by Indigenous MCs Briggs and Trials and featuring a hook from Dan Sultan, ‘January 26’ sees A.B. Original tear into the celebration of Australia Day on January 26 when James Cook first docked in Botany Bay: a date which many Aboriginal Australians associate with the ongoing persecution and systematic genocide of their people.

Although the date is set to be changed, ‘January 26’ undeniably flung the conversation into the conscience of the mainstream, and acted as a history lesson for many a young Australian raised in an educational system that tends to glance over such details.
You can call it what you want
Contributed by Dq82 2022/4/4 - 10:46

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