War Pigs / Paranoid
Medley of parts from Black Sabbath songs "War Pigs" and "Paranoid". Very impressive own lyric at the end.
I just feel like to go straight into (Continues)
Contributed by Reinhard 2025/2/2 - 05:21
20th Century Blues
Da un brano scritto da Noël Coward per la sua opera teatrale "Cavalcade" del 1931, poi nell'omonimo film del 1933.
Title track dell'album della Faithfull pubblicato nel 1996.
Testo trovato su Genius
Molte le versioni.
Credo che le prime siano quelle di Binnie Barnes e di Jack Payne, risalenti proprio al 1931.
Forse la canzone andrebbe attribuita al suo autore, ma preferisco proporla in morte della Faithfull.
Da un brano scritto da Noël Coward per la sua opera teatrale "Cavalcade" del 1931, poi nell'omonimo film del 1933.
Title track dell'album della Faithfull pubblicato nel 1996.
Testo trovato su Genius
Molte le versioni.
Credo che le prime siano quelle di Binnie Barnes e di Jack Payne, risalenti proprio al 1931.
Forse la canzone andrebbe attribuita al suo autore, ma preferisco proporla in morte della Faithfull.
Why is it that civilized humanity (Continues)
2025/1/31 - 18:13
Album "Childs Adventure"
Scritta con Barry Reynolds
Testo trovato su Genius
Vita complessa, quella della Faithfull... D'altra parte era figlia della baronessa Eva Hermine von Sacher-Masoch... e niente abbiamo detto!
Album "Childs Adventure"
Scritta con Barry Reynolds
Testo trovato su Genius
Vita complessa, quella della Faithfull... D'altra parte era figlia della baronessa Eva Hermine von Sacher-Masoch... e niente abbiamo detto!
There is a land that I can go to (Continues)
2025/1/31 - 17:30
Song Itineraries:
Conflicts in Ireland
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2025/1/30 - 13:57
Corrido de Pancho Villa [Amparo Ochoa]
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2025/1/29 - 23:05
Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie
When you arrived in Tel Aviv, how could you know you'd never leave?
Contributed by Dq82 2025/1/29 - 16:31
Song Itineraries:
Rachel Corrie
Up You Go, Carrero Blanco
Vote Nobody
Vote Nobody
Luis Carrero Blanco was Franco's right-hand man
Contributed by Dq82 2025/1/28 - 18:36
Song Itineraries:
The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 and Franco's Dictatorship
Levee Camp Moan Blues
Levee Camp Moan Blues -Alger "Texas" Alexander - 1927
(Source: Michael Tuft, Blues Lyric Poetry: An Anthology, Garland, 1983, p. 4)
Don Kent* points out in his note to the Yazoo reissue that Alexander's 'Levee Camp Moan Blues' is only nominally a blues. Even though he is accompanied by Lonnie Johnson on guitar [and Kent suggests that only a guitarist with Johnson's skills could follow the free metre of the singing], the piece is essentially a field holler. See also Dave Evans 'Big Road Blues' p 27: 'They [field hollers, field blues, arwhoolies] are a sort of worksong sung in the fields and levee camps ... They tend to be loosely structured, highly embellished and rythmically free, often consisting of falsetto whooping or hollering with no words or a very minimal text. Some, of course, do have more complex texts. Vocally they are very much like the blues, and they were an important... (Continues)
(Source: Michael Tuft, Blues Lyric Poetry: An Anthology, Garland, 1983, p. 4)
Don Kent* points out in his note to the Yazoo reissue that Alexander's 'Levee Camp Moan Blues' is only nominally a blues. Even though he is accompanied by Lonnie Johnson on guitar [and Kent suggests that only a guitarist with Johnson's skills could follow the free metre of the singing], the piece is essentially a field holler. See also Dave Evans 'Big Road Blues' p 27: 'They [field hollers, field blues, arwhoolies] are a sort of worksong sung in the fields and levee camps ... They tend to be loosely structured, highly embellished and rythmically free, often consisting of falsetto whooping or hollering with no words or a very minimal text. Some, of course, do have more complex texts. Vocally they are very much like the blues, and they were an important... (Continues)
Lord, they accused me of murder, murder, murder, I haven't harmed a man
Contributed by Pluck 2025/1/28 - 18:35
The Day the Lady Died
2013 (2005)
In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher
Back in 2005, anarchist collective Chumbawumba pre-sold an EP called In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher which they would keep under wraps until the prime minister passed away. Since Thatcher did pass earlier this week, the band has delivered the EP and is also streaming the release online. Along with that, the band delivered a eulogy:
Let's make it clear: This is a cause to celebrate, to party, to stamp the dirt down. Tomorrow we can carry on shouting and writing and working and singing and striking against the successive governments that have so clearly followed Thatcher's Slash & Burn policies, none more so than the present lot. But for now, we can have a drink and a dance and propose a toast to the demise of someone who blighted so many people's lives for so long. If we must show a little reverence and decorum at this time,... (Continues)
In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher
Back in 2005, anarchist collective Chumbawumba pre-sold an EP called In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher which they would keep under wraps until the prime minister passed away. Since Thatcher did pass earlier this week, the band has delivered the EP and is also streaming the release online. Along with that, the band delivered a eulogy:
Let's make it clear: This is a cause to celebrate, to party, to stamp the dirt down. Tomorrow we can carry on shouting and writing and working and singing and striking against the successive governments that have so clearly followed Thatcher's Slash & Burn policies, none more so than the present lot. But for now, we can have a drink and a dance and propose a toast to the demise of someone who blighted so many people's lives for so long. If we must show a little reverence and decorum at this time,... (Continues)
Half a generation dance away the early hours
Contributed by Dq82 2025/1/28 - 15:03
Song Itineraries:
Miss Maggie Thatcher
Rukeli’s Last Dance
This song talks about Johann “Rukeli” Trollmann, a German Sinto boxer who became famous in the late 1920s. He was discriminated, marginalized, sterilized, and finally deported to a concentration camp where he was later murdered. He was recognized as the former boxer, and was made to fight fellow prisoners for ‘entertainment’.
The last dance part in the title refers to his very last boxing fight, scheduled for 21 July, with Gustav Eder as Trollmann’s opponent, where he lost on purpose by merely standing still and taking the blows of his opponent as he was asked, until he was knocked out in the fifth round. Indeed Rukeli had been ordered to fight in the ‘German style’ and ‘not to dance like a Gypsy’. He knew he was meant to lose this fight because he was a Sinto. This marked the end of his boxing career.
This song talks about Johann “Rukeli” Trollmann, a German Sinto boxer who became famous in the late 1920s. He was discriminated, marginalized, sterilized, and finally deported to a concentration camp where he was later murdered. He was recognized as the former boxer, and was made to fight fellow prisoners for ‘entertainment’.
The last dance part in the title refers to his very last boxing fight, scheduled for 21 July, with Gustav Eder as Trollmann’s opponent, where he lost on purpose by merely standing still and taking the blows of his opponent as he was asked, until he was knocked out in the fifth round. Indeed Rukeli had been ordered to fight in the ‘German style’ and ‘not to dance like a Gypsy’. He knew he was meant to lose this fight because he was a Sinto. This marked the end of his boxing career.
The white - oak is waiting for the cut
Contributed by Dq82 2025/1/27 - 21:35
Song Itineraries:
Rom, Racism, Porrajmos
Mr. President (Have Pity on the Working Man)
Album: Good Old Boys
Una canzone specificamente dedicata a Richard Nixon, ma che può essere ampliata per riflettere su qualsiasi presidente o leader politico. I versi iniziali, "abbiamo preso tutto ciò che ci hai dato / sta diventando difficile guadagnarsi da vivere", chiedono gentilmente al Presidente di "avere pietà del lavoratore", e sono uno specchio dell’ottimismo e della cauta speranza che spesso caratterizzano l’inizio del mandato di un politico appena eletto. Tutto l'album è narrato dalla prospettiva della gente semplice degli stati del Sud degli Stati Uniti che all'inizio avevano anche creduto alle promesse di Nixon.
Nel corso della canzone, i motivi per cui il narratore chiede pietà al Presidente diventano sempre più crudi e incisivi. La crisi economica dei primi anni '70 aveva lasciato molte persone senza lavoro mentre tutte le risorse del paese erano dirottate a sostenere... (Continues)
Album: Good Old Boys
Una canzone specificamente dedicata a Richard Nixon, ma che può essere ampliata per riflettere su qualsiasi presidente o leader politico. I versi iniziali, "abbiamo preso tutto ciò che ci hai dato / sta diventando difficile guadagnarsi da vivere", chiedono gentilmente al Presidente di "avere pietà del lavoratore", e sono uno specchio dell’ottimismo e della cauta speranza che spesso caratterizzano l’inizio del mandato di un politico appena eletto. Tutto l'album è narrato dalla prospettiva della gente semplice degli stati del Sud degli Stati Uniti che all'inizio avevano anche creduto alle promesse di Nixon.
Nel corso della canzone, i motivi per cui il narratore chiede pietà al Presidente diventano sempre più crudi e incisivi. La crisi economica dei primi anni '70 aveva lasciato molte persone senza lavoro mentre tutte le risorse del paese erano dirottate a sostenere... (Continues)
We've taken all you've given
2025/1/25 - 14:30
Song Itineraries:
The War of Labour: Emigration, Immigration, Exploitation, Slavery
Letter to the President
Album: Still I Rise (1999)
This angry tirade was from the 2Pac (Tupac Shakur) & The Outlawz 1999 album, Still I Rise. It was 2Pac’s third posthumous album which was released.
This song is a no holds barred lyrical attack on then President Bill Clinton, attacking his ineffectiveness in helping poverty stricken black communities. As far as protest songs go, it is pure anger, and it points to the fact that if the situation goes unchecked things will just keep getting worse.
10 Protest Songs About the Presidents of the USA – The Ongoing History of Protest Music
This angry tirade was from the 2Pac (Tupac Shakur) & The Outlawz 1999 album, Still I Rise. It was 2Pac’s third posthumous album which was released.
This song is a no holds barred lyrical attack on then President Bill Clinton, attacking his ineffectiveness in helping poverty stricken black communities. As far as protest songs go, it is pure anger, and it points to the fact that if the situation goes unchecked things will just keep getting worse.
10 Protest Songs About the Presidents of the USA – The Ongoing History of Protest Music
[Intro: E.D.I Mean & 2Pac]
2025/1/23 - 18:14
Song Itineraries:
Racism and Slavery in the USA
Засвіт встали козаченьки
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2025/1/22 - 13:50
No War
Testo e musica di Gizmo Varillas
Dall'album di debutto "El Dorado"
Testo e musica di Gizmo Varillas
Dall'album di debutto "El Dorado"
I've seen the eyes of the devil, my son
2025/1/21 - 22:46
She confronted soldiers on her street
2025/1/20 - 22:35
Song Itineraries:
Wars in Ukraine
Like Home
Album: Revival
feat. Alicia Keys
Un inno contro Trump scritto durante la sua prima (e si sperava ultima) presidenza.
Album: Revival
feat. Alicia Keys
Un inno contro Trump scritto durante la sua prima (e si sperava ultima) presidenza.
Yeah, shout to everybody
2025/1/20 - 21:43
Song Itineraries:
Donald Trump
Down the Dirt Road Blues
Down The Dirt Road Blues - Charley Patton - 1929
Una strada sterrata , polverosa o fangosa, Patton ha deciso di percorrere pur di lasciare alle spalle il suo passato.
E’ il tema della fuga dalla realta’ , del viaggio talvolta compulsivo, tanto comune a molti Blues dell’epoca.
Si noti che il 1° verso della 1.a strofa cosi’ come altri termini del testo potrebbero essere stati trascritti diversamente dall’originale sia per la limitata qualita’ di registrazione di quegli anni che per la particolare voce rauca e la pronuncia dialettale dell'autore .
1 – I’m goin’ away , to a world unknown
2 – I’m goin’ away , to where I don’t know.
Una versione alternativa cita : I’m goin’ away , to Illinois.
Ma il testo complessivamente è un chiaro riferimento alle difficolta’ che la popolazione di colore di allora doveva affrontare quotidianamente per sopravvivere in un ambiente non solo ostile... (Continues)
Una strada sterrata , polverosa o fangosa, Patton ha deciso di percorrere pur di lasciare alle spalle il suo passato.
E’ il tema della fuga dalla realta’ , del viaggio talvolta compulsivo, tanto comune a molti Blues dell’epoca.
Si noti che il 1° verso della 1.a strofa cosi’ come altri termini del testo potrebbero essere stati trascritti diversamente dall’originale sia per la limitata qualita’ di registrazione di quegli anni che per la particolare voce rauca e la pronuncia dialettale dell'autore .
1 – I’m goin’ away , to a world unknown
2 – I’m goin’ away , to where I don’t know.
Una versione alternativa cita : I’m goin’ away , to Illinois.
Ma il testo complessivamente è un chiaro riferimento alle difficolta’ che la popolazione di colore di allora doveva affrontare quotidianamente per sopravvivere in un ambiente non solo ostile... (Continues)
I'm goin' away, to a world unknown
Contributed by Pluck 2025/1/20 - 21:42
Tin Foil Hat
He's coming down the escalator
2025/1/20 - 21:32
Song Itineraries:
Donald Trump
Привет сестрёнка
HELLO, SISTER (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2025/1/19 - 19:34
Bad Apple
Album: Who Let The Dogs Out (2025)
Non solo una mela marcia, è tutto l'albero che è completamente avariato. Canzone contro i soprusi polizieschi.
Non solo una mela marcia, è tutto l'albero che è completamente avariato. Canzone contro i soprusi polizieschi.
Racial statues are a virtue
2025/1/17 - 11:30
Get Over It
In Jack Murphy’s devastating song, “Get Over It,” we hear a Vietnam War veteran’s voice perfectly matched with his haunting lyrics. It’s a voice that suggests the cost of carrying a heavy burden over the course of a lifetime.
The song, dealing with the lingering effects of PTSD, is a straightforward one consisting of four verses, no bridge, three chords, and a mesmerizing refrain you’ll have trouble getting out of your head.
Vietnam Veterans of America
The song, dealing with the lingering effects of PTSD, is a straightforward one consisting of four verses, no bridge, three chords, and a mesmerizing refrain you’ll have trouble getting out of your head.
Vietnam Veterans of America
The most traumatic thing
Contributed by RV + Dq82 2025/1/16 - 10:48
Song Itineraries:
War in Vietnam: Veterans and consequences
Oh Palestine, Oh Palestine
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Seth Staton Watkins
Il comunicato della BBC del 10 Gennaio 2025 riferisce sul seguente bilancio dei morti nel conflitto israelo-palestinese dal 7 Ottobre 2023 al 10/01/2025:
Israeliani uccisi: circa 1.200
Israeliani presi in ostaggio: 251
Palestinesi uccisi, secondo il Ministero della Sanità di Gaza: 46.006
Palestinesi feriti, secondo il Ministero della Sanità di Gaza: 109.378
Palestinesi uccisi sino al 30 Giugno 2024 secondo le ricerche pubblicate sulla rivista medica Lancet: 64.260 , cioé il 41% in eccedenza sui dati del Ministero della Sanità. Le ricerche sono state eseguite dalla London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Yale University e altre istituzioni. Sono basate sul metodo statistico "cattura-ricattura" ampiamente utilizzato in biologia per la stima della popolazione da campioni con un... (Continues)
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Seth Staton Watkins
Il comunicato della BBC del 10 Gennaio 2025 riferisce sul seguente bilancio dei morti nel conflitto israelo-palestinese dal 7 Ottobre 2023 al 10/01/2025:
Israeliani uccisi: circa 1.200
Israeliani presi in ostaggio: 251
Palestinesi uccisi, secondo il Ministero della Sanità di Gaza: 46.006
Palestinesi feriti, secondo il Ministero della Sanità di Gaza: 109.378
Palestinesi uccisi sino al 30 Giugno 2024 secondo le ricerche pubblicate sulla rivista medica Lancet: 64.260 , cioé il 41% in eccedenza sui dati del Ministero della Sanità. Le ricerche sono state eseguite dalla London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Yale University e altre istituzioni. Sono basate sul metodo statistico "cattura-ricattura" ampiamente utilizzato in biologia per la stima della popolazione da campioni con un... (Continues)
In 1948, the natives were expelled (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2025/1/13 - 12:23
Song Itineraries:
The Palestinian Holocaust
‘Til the Anarchy’s Restored
‘Til The Anarchy’s Restored
‘Til The Anarchy’s Restored
Throw the actor out the window, kick his ego through the pane (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2025/1/11 - 17:55
Affrontando la crescente divisione in America, il frontman Ken Casey mette in guardia dai miliardari che traggono profitto dalla divisione: "Per quasi un decennio, la divisione tra rossi e blu, destra e sinistra, è diventata più profonda, più oscura e più brutta, dividendo le famiglie e ponendo fine alle amicizie. Nessuno si diverte più dei miliardari, che stanno facendo profitti record con il sangue, il sudore e le lacrime della classe operaia. Adorano quando litighiamo tra di noi, perché la loro più grande paura è che ci uniamo per inseguirli… IL VERO NEMICO."
Alimentato da un contagioso, duro riff di chitarra e dalla voce cruda, intensa e autorevole di Casey, il nuovo brano Sirens è un grido di battaglia per l’unità, che esorta i fan a sollevarsi contro coloro che sfruttano la classe operaia. Il singolo è stato prodotto da Ted Hutt, collaboratore di lunga data dei Dropkick... (Continues)
Affrontando la crescente divisione in America, il frontman Ken Casey mette in guardia dai miliardari che traggono profitto dalla divisione: "Per quasi un decennio, la divisione tra rossi e blu, destra e sinistra, è diventata più profonda, più oscura e più brutta, dividendo le famiglie e ponendo fine alle amicizie. Nessuno si diverte più dei miliardari, che stanno facendo profitti record con il sangue, il sudore e le lacrime della classe operaia. Adorano quando litighiamo tra di noi, perché la loro più grande paura è che ci uniamo per inseguirli… IL VERO NEMICO."
Alimentato da un contagioso, duro riff di chitarra e dalla voce cruda, intensa e autorevole di Casey, il nuovo brano Sirens è un grido di battaglia per l’unità, che esorta i fan a sollevarsi contro coloro che sfruttano la classe operaia. Il singolo è stato prodotto da Ted Hutt, collaboratore di lunga data dei Dropkick... (Continues)
Our life and times have been maligned
Contributed by Dq82 2025/1/11 - 17:40
Internment by Remand
The Land That Connolly Warned Us
The clearest example of this ideological corruption is nationalism’s ongoing acceptance of ‘Internment By Remand’, the imprisonment of republican political activists using sham ‘evidence’ from Mi5 and the PSNI, which everyone knows will not be accepted at any upcoming trial but is used to take men and women off the streets and keep them on remand for 2 – 4 years at a time. It’s believed that over 11,000 days have been lost by victims of this tactic with constitutional nationalism turning a blind. The song was the first single from the album released on August 9th, the date of the original internment operations of 1971.
The Land That Connolly Warned Us
The clearest example of this ideological corruption is nationalism’s ongoing acceptance of ‘Internment By Remand’, the imprisonment of republican political activists using sham ‘evidence’ from Mi5 and the PSNI, which everyone knows will not be accepted at any upcoming trial but is used to take men and women off the streets and keep them on remand for 2 – 4 years at a time. It’s believed that over 11,000 days have been lost by victims of this tactic with constitutional nationalism turning a blind. The song was the first single from the album released on August 9th, the date of the original internment operations of 1971.
Well it was seven in the morning when her door came up the hall
Contributed by Dq82 2025/1/11 - 17:21
Song Itineraries:
Conflicts in Ireland, From World Jails
Moral Majority
You call yourself the moral majority
2025/1/11 - 04:20
Song Itineraries:
Antiwar Anticlerical
Freedom of the Press
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Album: Freedom Of Speech
Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani
Articolo 19
Ogni individuo ha diritto alla libertà di opinione e di espressione incluso il diritto di non essere molestato per la propria opinione e quello di cercare, ricevere e diffondere informazioni e idee attraverso ogni mezzo e senza riguardo a frontiere.
Chi ha paura dell’Informazione ?
Scrivevamo in questo sito appena due mesi fa, sul tema della canzone They Are Human [Reporters Di Oggi], delle note sulle violenze estreme contro i giornalisti attivi a Gaza. Al 21 Ottobre 2024 tra gli addetti all’informazione a Gaza si contavano 125 uccisi, 69 arrestati, 40 feriti, 2 dispersi.
Pensavamo, sotto l’incalzare degli eventi con il netto prevalere di Tsahal su Hamas, che il governo israeliano avrebbe agito in modo da... (Continues)
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Album: Freedom Of Speech
Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani
Articolo 19
Ogni individuo ha diritto alla libertà di opinione e di espressione incluso il diritto di non essere molestato per la propria opinione e quello di cercare, ricevere e diffondere informazioni e idee attraverso ogni mezzo e senza riguardo a frontiere.
Chi ha paura dell’Informazione ?
Scrivevamo in questo sito appena due mesi fa, sul tema della canzone They Are Human [Reporters Di Oggi], delle note sulle violenze estreme contro i giornalisti attivi a Gaza. Al 21 Ottobre 2024 tra gli addetti all’informazione a Gaza si contavano 125 uccisi, 69 arrestati, 40 feriti, 2 dispersi.
Pensavamo, sotto l’incalzare degli eventi con il netto prevalere di Tsahal su Hamas, che il governo israeliano avrebbe agito in modo da... (Continues)
A narcissist who's never been loved
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2025/1/5 - 10:49
Song Itineraries:
The Palestinian Holocaust
Searching for the Water Life
Album: La grande madre
A sostegno della ONLUS Save The Children
Album: La grande madre
A sostegno della ONLUS Save The Children
Did you remember me today
2025/1/4 - 18:18
Theme for English B
Theme for English B - by Langston Hughes - 1951
Source: The Collected Works of Langston Hughes (University of Missouri Press (BkMk Press), 2002)
“Theme for English B” - Introduction
• “Theme for English B” was published by the American poet Langston Hughes in 1951, toward the end of Hughes’s career. The poem is a dramatic monologue written in the voice of a twenty-two-year-old black college student at Columbia University in New York City. His professor gives an apparently simple assignment: to write one page that is “true” to himself. But for the speaker, this assignment raises complicated questions about race, identity, and belonging. As he puzzles through these difficult questions, the speaker arrives at a powerful argument against American racism: white people and black people are not (and should not be) separate or distinct. Instead, they are “part” of each other.
Theme for English B Summary & Analysis
Source: The Collected Works of Langston Hughes (University of Missouri Press (BkMk Press), 2002)
“Theme for English B” - Introduction
• “Theme for English B” was published by the American poet Langston Hughes in 1951, toward the end of Hughes’s career. The poem is a dramatic monologue written in the voice of a twenty-two-year-old black college student at Columbia University in New York City. His professor gives an apparently simple assignment: to write one page that is “true” to himself. But for the speaker, this assignment raises complicated questions about race, identity, and belonging. As he puzzles through these difficult questions, the speaker arrives at a powerful argument against American racism: white people and black people are not (and should not be) separate or distinct. Instead, they are “part” of each other.
Theme for English B Summary & Analysis
The instructor said,
Contributed by Pluck 2025/1/4 - 00:01
Song Itineraries:
Racism and Slavery in the USA
The Promised Land
Featuring Anthony Thomas
Capolavoro dell'house music ripreso un piao d'anni dopo, con altrettanto grande successo, dagli Style Council
Featuring Anthony Thomas
Capolavoro dell'house music ripreso un piao d'anni dopo, con altrettanto grande successo, dagli Style Council
Brothers, sisters
2025/1/3 - 17:55
Broken Levee Blues
Broken Levee Blues by Lonnie Johnson - 1928
Writer(s): Lonnie Johnson
Lonnie Johnson (vcl,g); San Antonio, Texas, March 13, 1928
In 1928 famous blues guitarist Lonnie Johnson recorded “Broken Levee Blues”, about the forced conscription of African Americans to work on the levees during the famous 1927 Mississippi River flood.
Writer(s): Lonnie Johnson
Lonnie Johnson (vcl,g); San Antonio, Texas, March 13, 1928
In 1928 famous blues guitarist Lonnie Johnson recorded “Broken Levee Blues”, about the forced conscription of African Americans to work on the levees during the famous 1927 Mississippi River flood.
I wants to go back to Helena,* the high waters got me bogged.
Contributed by Pluck 2025/1/2 - 10:39
Wake Me (When There Is No More War)
Questo è fatto da Google. Ho fatto lo spagnolo ed era comprensibile. Se vedi la necessità di correzioni, il tuo aiuto è apprezzato.
Dall'alba di questo giorno
Contributed by Don Roberts 2025/1/1 - 01:03
A Poem by / Poesia / Poésie / Runo:
Charles Bukowski
Music background / Sottofondo musicale / Fond de musique / Taustamusiikki :
Sympathy 7
Best at murder are those who preach against it
and the best at hate are those who preach love
and the best at war finally are those who preach peace
Gli assassini esemplari sono quelli che predicano contro l’omicidio
E in prima fila nell’odio ci sono quelli che predicano amore
E infine in cima alle guerre trovi quelli che predicano la pace [Charles Bukowski]
Semplificando, ma neanche poi tanto, ci sentiamo di sostenere che nei tre versi citati della poesia The Genius of the Crowd / Il genio della massa c’è la cifra di Charles Bukowski.
Poeta maledetto come pochi, troppo irriverente per il perbenismo sia per quello puritano d’oltreoceano sia per quello di stampo retorico europeo. Fu il poeta del Dirty realism, corrente in voga negli States... (Continues)
A Poem by / Poesia / Poésie / Runo:
Charles Bukowski
Music background / Sottofondo musicale / Fond de musique / Taustamusiikki :
Sympathy 7
Best at murder are those who preach against it
and the best at hate are those who preach love
and the best at war finally are those who preach peace
Gli assassini esemplari sono quelli che predicano contro l’omicidio
E in prima fila nell’odio ci sono quelli che predicano amore
E infine in cima alle guerre trovi quelli che predicano la pace [Charles Bukowski]
Semplificando, ma neanche poi tanto, ci sentiamo di sostenere che nei tre versi citati della poesia The Genius of the Crowd / Il genio della massa c’è la cifra di Charles Bukowski.
Poeta maledetto come pochi, troppo irriverente per il perbenismo sia per quello puritano d’oltreoceano sia per quello di stampo retorico europeo. Fu il poeta del Dirty realism, corrente in voga negli States... (Continues)
There's a bluebird in my heart that (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/12/31 - 22:12
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/12/31 - 18:23
(24 dec. 2024)
On Christmas Eve, they’ve shared their ominous, “wildly angry” and “anti-war” single ‘Missiles’. Speaking on the song, frontman Kingsley Hall said they aimed to channel their message in an “unconventional way”.
Listen to Benefits' powerful new "anti-war" single 'Missiles'
On Christmas Eve, they’ve shared their ominous, “wildly angry” and “anti-war” single ‘Missiles’. Speaking on the song, frontman Kingsley Hall said they aimed to channel their message in an “unconventional way”.
“There’s no shouting or obvious sloganeering here, yet it’s still seething with fury,” he said. “Lyrically it’s an attempt to look at our own comfortable, mundane, western lives and question why the terror and horror of others can fade so far into the background that it barely registers when it’s mentioned on the news or pops up on your phone.
Listen to Benefits' powerful new "anti-war" single 'Missiles'
A man on the TV says missiles are firing
2024/12/31 - 15:26
It's a Jungle Out There (v2)
IT’S A JUNGLE OUT THERE ( V2 ) - Randy Newman - 2017
Album: Dark Matter
Genius Annotation.
“It’s a Jungle Out There” dates back all the way to 2003, when Newman wrote the song to be the theme music of the detective series Monk. This new version adds a handful of verses, touching on violence, surveillance, paranoia, and police brutality.
Album: Dark Matter
Genius Annotation.
“It’s a Jungle Out There” dates back all the way to 2003, when Newman wrote the song to be the theme music of the detective series Monk. This new version adds a handful of verses, touching on violence, surveillance, paranoia, and police brutality.
It's a jungle out there
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/31 - 11:23
Mean Old Master Blues
"Mean Old Master Blues" - Bessie Tucker (1927:1929)
For "Mean Old Master Blues", Bessie Tucker was accompanied by the same duo that accompanied her on "Key To The Bushes", K. D. Johnson on piano and Carl Davis plays guitar.
Now the boss man may come here, we better not run
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/30 - 22:06
Key to the Bushes
Key To The Bushes - BESSIE TUCKER
Bessie Tucker, vocal, K. D. Johnson, piano, Carl Davis, guitar.
Recorded by Bessie Tucker at a session in Dallas on October 17, 1929.
Weenie Campbell Country Blues
The song is almost a field holler , about escape from forced labor.
Bessie Tucker ( 1906 – 1933) was an American classic female blues, country blues, and Texas blues singer and songwriter. Little is known of her life outside the music industry.She is known to have recorded just twenty-four tracks, seven of which were alternate takes.
Years Active 1928-1929
Bessie Tucker, vocal, K. D. Johnson, piano, Carl Davis, guitar.
Recorded by Bessie Tucker at a session in Dallas on October 17, 1929.
Weenie Campbell Country Blues
The song is almost a field holler , about escape from forced labor.
Bessie Tucker ( 1906 – 1933) was an American classic female blues, country blues, and Texas blues singer and songwriter. Little is known of her life outside the music industry.She is known to have recorded just twenty-four tracks, seven of which were alternate takes.
Years Active 1928-1929
I've got the key to the bushes, and I'm rarin' to go
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/30 - 20:23
Big Boss Man
Big Boss Man - Mance Lipscomb
Beau De Glen "Mance" Lipscomb ( 1895 – 1976) was an American blues singer, guitarist and songster.
Years active : 1960–1976
On Jimmy Reed's recording of the song, Luther Dixon (a staff writer at Vee-Jay Records) and Al Smith (Reed's manager) are creditied as its composers. But according to Lipscomb's autobiography (titled "I Say for me a Parable"), it was written by agricultural laborers as a way of venting their frustrations over mistreatment. If I remember correctly, the book doesn't mention Dixon and Smith or Jimmy Reed's version. Lipscomb's story about the origin of the song may be correct, with Reed's version possibly having been an adaptation of the original.
Regarding the lyric "He's standing on the turnrow with a pistol in his hand," Lipscomb said that Texas field workers were watched over by bosses who were armed just as was done on the prison farms. Their employment situation was more like prison than a job
Social (racial) protest in the blues
Years active : 1960–1976
On Jimmy Reed's recording of the song, Luther Dixon (a staff writer at Vee-Jay Records) and Al Smith (Reed's manager) are creditied as its composers. But according to Lipscomb's autobiography (titled "I Say for me a Parable"), it was written by agricultural laborers as a way of venting their frustrations over mistreatment. If I remember correctly, the book doesn't mention Dixon and Smith or Jimmy Reed's version. Lipscomb's story about the origin of the song may be correct, with Reed's version possibly having been an adaptation of the original.
Regarding the lyric "He's standing on the turnrow with a pistol in his hand," Lipscomb said that Texas field workers were watched over by bosses who were armed just as was done on the prison farms. Their employment situation was more like prison than a job
Social (racial) protest in the blues
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/30 - 07:40
Christmas Is for Everyone
Singolo uscito il 24 dicembre 2024
“Christmas is for everyone” è un brano che gioca ironicamente con il significato del Natale come festa universale, che include tutti, senza distinzioni di etnia, orientamento sessuale o dinamiche familiari. Il Natale diventa quindi una celebrazione per chiunque. Ma sarebbe sbagliato definirlo solo come un pezzo leggero; il riferimento a Gesù come ad un “ragazzo di colore dalla Palestina, ucciso per i nostri peccati proprio come accade oggi, nato da una madre single e amico degli emarginati”, è un chiaro rimando, volutamente diretto e provocatorio, agli scenari geopolitici attuali. Così descrivono la canzone le Cleopatras, storica band rock” roll toscana tutta al femminile in giro dal 1998!
“Scrivere una canzone di Natale era uno dei nostri sogni nel cassetto – aggiunge la band- sembrerebbe poco punk, ma in realtà tante band l’hanno fatto, e... (Continues)
Singolo uscito il 24 dicembre 2024
“Christmas is for everyone” è un brano che gioca ironicamente con il significato del Natale come festa universale, che include tutti, senza distinzioni di etnia, orientamento sessuale o dinamiche familiari. Il Natale diventa quindi una celebrazione per chiunque. Ma sarebbe sbagliato definirlo solo come un pezzo leggero; il riferimento a Gesù come ad un “ragazzo di colore dalla Palestina, ucciso per i nostri peccati proprio come accade oggi, nato da una madre single e amico degli emarginati”, è un chiaro rimando, volutamente diretto e provocatorio, agli scenari geopolitici attuali. Così descrivono la canzone le Cleopatras, storica band rock” roll toscana tutta al femminile in giro dal 1998!
“Scrivere una canzone di Natale era uno dei nostri sogni nel cassetto – aggiunge la band- sembrerebbe poco punk, ma in realtà tante band l’hanno fatto, e... (Continues)
Doesn′t matter if you're white, black or pink
2024/12/24 - 23:38
Fiume Sand Creek
INGLESE / ENGLISH [4] - Scott Jelinek
La versione inglese di Scott Jelinek [2021]
La versione inglese di Scott Jelinek [2021]
My English translation of Fabrizio De Andre's "Fiume Sand Creeek". De Andre had mistakenly given Col. Covington a promotion to general, so I corrected that...otherwise I tried to remain as close to the original as possible.
Contributed by Luke Atreides 2024/12/23 - 23:47
Der Krieg, der kommen wird
With these topical verses of Bertolt Brecht from 1937 I wish all the staff members and friends of this webpage a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year.
THE WAR TO COME (Continues)
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2024/12/20 - 11:27
Us or Them
Album: The Cure
Contenuta in The Cure del 2004, musicalmente risente dell’influenza del produttore Ross Robinson, per cui è tutto teso in zona post hardcore/nu metal sfiorando a volte il noise rock (ovviamente mantenendo la cifra Cure). Nessuno stile potrebbe suonare meglio in una cavalcata che inizia come una sfida alle autorità, con un cantato lacerato e quasi monocorde: “Non c’è terrore nel mio cuore / La morte è con tutti noi / La aspiriamo col nostro primo respiro / E la sputiamo mentre cadiamo”. Smith rifiuta la logica del noi contro loro, del terrore, del “Dio è con noi”. Evidente il riferimento al periodo storico che vede l’Occidente e il mondo arabo in guerra, in un delirio post 11 settembre che sembra risucchiare l’umanità in una paranoia sfrenata. Chiarissime le frecciate agli Stati Uniti che nel nome della loro “giustizia” non fanno altro che seminare ancora più terrore,... (Continues)
Album: The Cure
Contenuta in The Cure del 2004, musicalmente risente dell’influenza del produttore Ross Robinson, per cui è tutto teso in zona post hardcore/nu metal sfiorando a volte il noise rock (ovviamente mantenendo la cifra Cure). Nessuno stile potrebbe suonare meglio in una cavalcata che inizia come una sfida alle autorità, con un cantato lacerato e quasi monocorde: “Non c’è terrore nel mio cuore / La morte è con tutti noi / La aspiriamo col nostro primo respiro / E la sputiamo mentre cadiamo”. Smith rifiuta la logica del noi contro loro, del terrore, del “Dio è con noi”. Evidente il riferimento al periodo storico che vede l’Occidente e il mondo arabo in guerra, in un delirio post 11 settembre che sembra risucchiare l’umanità in una paranoia sfrenata. Chiarissime le frecciate agli Stati Uniti che nel nome della loro “giustizia” non fanno altro che seminare ancora più terrore,... (Continues)
There is no terror in my heart
2024/12/19 - 13:06
United Health
This song serves as a response to the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in December 2024, where 26-year-old Luigi Mangione shot and killed Thompson, whose company insures 49 million Americans and had $281 billion in revenue for the 2023 fiscal year.
Amidst national protests each year regarding healthcare-related businesspeople, CEOs of firms associated with healthcare, and the systematic injustice regarding the distribution of healthcare to millions of Americans, Welles acts upon releasing and writing a song to let his feelings known about the killing, particularly to encourage distrust within the current healthcare system and, predominantly, its CEO’s, owners, and other firms associated.
This song serves as a response to the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in December 2024, where 26-year-old Luigi Mangione shot and killed Thompson, whose company insures 49 million Americans and had $281 billion in revenue for the 2023 fiscal year.
Amidst national protests each year regarding healthcare-related businesspeople, CEOs of firms associated with healthcare, and the systematic injustice regarding the distribution of healthcare to millions of Americans, Welles acts upon releasing and writing a song to let his feelings known about the killing, particularly to encourage distrust within the current healthcare system and, predominantly, its CEO’s, owners, and other firms associated.
There's an
2024/12/14 - 19:14
Song Itineraries:
Luigi Mangione
Album: Flight b741
Album: Flight b741
Take me away (take me away)
2024/12/14 - 17:58
Song Itineraries:
War on Earth
Night Sweats
Album: Anniversary
Album: Anniversary
There was a child limp on the pavement
2024/12/14 - 15:52
Need You Now
Album: Why Make Sense? (2015)
Alexis Taylor: "‘Need You Now' is a bit different to anything I've previously written about - it's about the bleak reality of living in a world where terrorism exists in such a visible way. The track isn't trying to solve anything, it's just a recognition of the fact that it's there and we're helpless against it. Hot Chip songs are usually about relationships – either my own or my relationship to the music we make... 'Need You Now' comes from a more pessimistic place. It's an attempt to condense down that sense of helplessness you get watching the news."
Need You Now - Hot Chip Wikia
Need You Now - Hot Chip Wikia
I need you now
2024/12/13 - 23:25
A Vietnam Veteran Still Alive
A Vietnam Veteran Still Alive
Country Joe McDonald - 1980
Country Joe McDonald - 1980
Me and my daddy when I was just a boy,
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/13 - 21:49
Song Itineraries:
War in Viet Nam as seen from the U.S.
Nom Nom Nom
Sleaford Mods and Hot Chip have joined forces for a collaborative double single.
The two bands released the songs today (November 26) as a seven-inch vinyl and on streaming platforms via Friendly Records in aid of War Child. Both tracks were recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London.
I Sleaford Mods e gli Hot Chip hanno unito le forze per un doppio singolo collaborativo.
Le due band hanno pubblicato i brani oggi (26 novembre) su vinile a sette pollici e sulle piattaforme di streaming tramite Friendly Records, a sostegno di War Child. Entrambe le tracce sono state registrate nei leggendari Abbey Road Studios di Londra.
Sleaford Mods and Hot Chip have joined forces for a collaborative double single.
The two bands released the songs today (November 26) as a seven-inch vinyl and on streaming platforms via Friendly Records in aid of War Child. Both tracks were recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London.
I Sleaford Mods e gli Hot Chip hanno unito le forze per un doppio singolo collaborativo.
Le due band hanno pubblicato i brani oggi (26 novembre) su vinile a sette pollici e sulle piattaforme di streaming tramite Friendly Records, a sostegno di War Child. Entrambe le tracce sono state registrate nei leggendari Abbey Road Studios di Londra.
Yeah, people need hurting
2024/12/13 - 21:02
Deny Defend Depose (Horny for Justice)
[Dec 2024]
I needed a break from 9 straight days of discrete math so I decided to write a song. I didn't have much time, so I teamed up with my arch nemesis (AI) to write the chorus and do some backing vocals. This took about 2 hours from idea to posted, I work quickly like that.
I cringed the entire time I was making this. [Ghost Kitchen]
I cringed the entire time I was making this. [Ghost Kitchen]
1. Negare (Deny): un rifiuto netto di responsabilità o di errore. Le aziende assicurative negano sistematicamente richieste di risarcimento, anche quando legittime.
2. Difendere (Defend): un passo ulteriore, dove le compagnie si appellano alle corti per evitare pagamenti, allungando i tempi e scoraggiando i richiedenti.
3. Deporre (Depose): uno strumento legale per sfinire i querelanti con interrogatori estenuanti e burocrazia.
2. Difendere (Defend): un passo ulteriore, dove le compagnie si appellano alle corti per evitare pagamenti, allungando i tempi e scoraggiando i richiedenti.
3. Deporre (Depose): uno strumento legale per sfinire i querelanti con interrogatori estenuanti e burocrazia.
His name's Luigi Mangione
Contributed by L'Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo 2024/12/11 - 23:00
Song Itineraries:
Luigi Mangione
War Song
WAR SONG - Buster Brown (1911-1976)
Buster Brown's "War Song," performed during World War II, complains of a world gone crazy and the consequences for ordinary people.
Digital Id
• War Song
Composer lyricist :Buster Brown
Performer: Buster Brown: vocal, harmonica
Location : Fort Walley ,Georgia
Date :1943-03-05
da : Blues as Protest | Library of Congress
Digital Id
• War Song
Composer lyricist :Buster Brown
Performer: Buster Brown: vocal, harmonica
Location : Fort Walley ,Georgia
Date :1943-03-05
da : Blues as Protest | Library of Congress
Well, this war is raging;
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/10 - 22:21
Galaxy Song
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Eric Idle - John Du Prez
Galaxy Song, la “Canzone della Galassia”, è una canzone scritta da Eric Idle e John Du Prez. Apparve per la prima volta nel 1983, nel film Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (Monty Python: Il senso della vita) e fu in seguito inserita nell’album Monty Python Sings. Come single, fu pubblicata nel Regno Unito il 27 giugno 1983, e poi ancora il 2 dicembre 1991 in seguito alla fortunata riproposta di Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. Nel 2014, la canzone fu eseguita dal vivo durante lo spettacolo teatrale Monty Python Live (Mostly), seguita da un altro single il 13 aprile 2015, in collaborazione con il sommo astrofisico e matematico Stephen Hawking.
La canzone originale apparve nel film durante lo sketch Live Organ Transplants (“Trapianti di organi vivi”): il paramedico (John Cleese)... (Continues)
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Eric Idle - John Du Prez
Galaxy Song, la “Canzone della Galassia”, è una canzone scritta da Eric Idle e John Du Prez. Apparve per la prima volta nel 1983, nel film Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (Monty Python: Il senso della vita) e fu in seguito inserita nell’album Monty Python Sings. Come single, fu pubblicata nel Regno Unito il 27 giugno 1983, e poi ancora il 2 dicembre 1991 in seguito alla fortunata riproposta di Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. Nel 2014, la canzone fu eseguita dal vivo durante lo spettacolo teatrale Monty Python Live (Mostly), seguita da un altro single il 13 aprile 2015, in collaborazione con il sommo astrofisico e matematico Stephen Hawking.
La canzone originale apparve nel film durante lo sketch Live Organ Transplants (“Trapianti di organi vivi”): il paramedico (John Cleese)... (Continues)
Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/12/9 - 20:11
Song Itineraries:
Anti-war Movies Soundtracks, Stories from Deep Space
His Way Back Home
They drafted him straight out of the high school
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/8 - 19:23
Song Itineraries:
War in Vietnam: Veterans and consequences
Pull Away
This song celebrates two hundred years of the R.N.L.I. – Britain’s Royal National Lifeboat Institution. See https://rnli.org/
This song celebrates two hundred years of the R.N.L.I. – Britain’s Royal National Lifeboat Institution. See https://rnli.org/
It was long before the dawn
Contributed by Tony Smith 2024/12/8 - 15:51
Song Itineraries:
The War of Labour: Emigration, Immigration, Exploitation, Slavery
Tragic Circus
A tribute to those who fought in the Viet Nam War.
It's a sensitive subject even now so I intend no offense at all. This is just my way of expressing what I think.
Mark Everton
It's a sensitive subject even now so I intend no offense at all. This is just my way of expressing what I think.
Mark Everton
F N G on point, in a steaming hell hole
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/7 - 10:57
Song Itineraries:
War in Viet Nam as seen from the U.S.
Tribute to a Slave
Laugh To Keep From Crying
Laugh To Keep From Crying
Nathaniel Turner, noto come Nat Turner (Contea di Southampton, 2 ottobre 1800 – Courtland, 11 novembre 1831), è stato un rivoluzionario statunitense che guidò la cosiddetta rivolta degli schiavi di Nat Turner, scoppiata nella Contea di Southampton in Virginia nell'agosto 1831.
Si vedano anche
The Ballad of Nat Turner - Nat Turner - The Ballad of Nat Turner - Nat Turner / The Gainin' Ground / Virginia 1831 - Tribute to a Slave
Si vedano anche
The Ballad of Nat Turner - Nat Turner - The Ballad of Nat Turner - Nat Turner / The Gainin' Ground / Virginia 1831 - Tribute to a Slave
My friend Nat
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 18:21
Song Itineraries:
The War of Labour: Emigration, Immigration, Exploitation, Slavery