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Song Itinerary Balkan Wars of the 90's

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We Burn

We Burn
Lyrics & Music by Joakim Brodén and Pär Sundström
Album: Attero Dominatus

The track 5 is about Yugoslav Wars..
I've had a vision it's clear to me now
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/12 - 08:20
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's


Album “Call On My Brothers”‎
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/6 - 11:41
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's
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Un secret que t'havia de dir

Un secret que t'havia de dir
Lletra Francesc Ribera 'Titot
Música Xevi Vila
Àlbum Oferta de diàleg (2011)

Una storia vera accaduta in Bosnia negli anni '90. Un serbo avvisa il "nemico" bosniaco del pericolo che corre il suo villaggio per ricambiare un favore fatto al padre durante la seconda guerra mondiale.

Els noms dels protagonistes d'aquesta història han estat modificats, alguns d'ells encara són vius. I allà no estan d'hòsties.
Samir, hem de parlar
Contributed by Estel 2012/2/20 - 22:39
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's
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Our Own Vietnam

Our Own Vietnam
Album: Kung-Fu
If the trees in former Yugoslavia could talk
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/12/16 - 11:51
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's
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Album: "El color de la vida" (1996).
via Cantemos como quien respira
Edin Puzic, la guerra de Bosnia
2011/12/15 - 00:00
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's
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El cant dels ocells

El cant dels ocells
2011/11/24 - 23:44
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Krivi smo mi

Krivi smo mi
Balasevic è proprio un grande. Il testo di questa canzone è, purtroppo, bellissimo
Valentina 2011/10/13 - 12:23
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Ora lo so (Mostar)

Ora lo so (Mostar)
(Testo e musica di Emanuele Dabbono)
Scappare o tendere una mano
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/8/31 - 20:03
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's, Bridges
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L'abito della sposa

L'abito della sposa
violenza non necessita fisico stupro,a volte semplice lingua a lama,resecante più di mille solitudine delle piccole cose ,vera violenza.
2011/7/4 - 23:37
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Miss Sarajevo

Miss Sarajevo
Miss Sarajevo
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/4/15 - 13:09
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La Biblioteca Nazionale di Sarajevo

La Biblioteca Nazionale di Sarajevo
Ho voluto unire la Storia di un eroe sconosciuto di nome Abi, un umile disertore arrivato in Italia per sfuggire alla guerra -"avrei dovuto sparare sui miei vicini, se fossi rimasto là"- con la storia di quella sciagurata città attraverso il suo simbolo più eloquente La Biblioteca Nazionale. Quella biblioteca era il simbolo della convivenza di "etnie" diverse. Scrive Rosario La Rossa nel suo libro "Mostri":

"4 aerei serbi che sganciarono decine di bombe su Vijecnica, la Biblioteca Nazionale di Sarajevo. 4 aerei e 4 secondi per cancellare 400 anni di storia. Cadevano precise le bombe sull’edificio ricco di libri. Non era un errore, non era un errore. La biblioteca era il bersaglio dei serbi. Perché bombardare un biblioteca, perché sprecare bombe, tempo e uomini per distruggere qualcosa che non spara. Questo si chiese Ludovic Boban, quando in piazza insieme a decine di giovani con secchi di... (Continues)
La Biblioteca Nazionale di Sarajevo
Contributed by Marco Milozzi 2011/3/26 - 18:24
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's
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In the Streets of Sarajevo

In the Streets of Sarajevo
Lyrics & Music by John McCutcheon
Album: Stand Up! Broadsides For Our Times [2003]

John wrote this song a few years ago about Vedran Smailović, who was a resident of the city of Sarajevo in the early 1990's, when that city was literally in the middle of a battle zone. Vedran was a cello player whose courageous choice made him a symbol for unexpected joy in the midst of unspeakable horror when he began playing his cello out in the street everyday...
He was there one Sunday morning
Contributed by giorgio 2011/2/5 - 09:10
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's


Grande Maurizio, sai trasformare in parole le sensazioni, in musica le emozioni, in arte le situazioni...
Un forte abbraccio dal tuo fan sfegatato e chitarrista di strada Gianni
Gianni 2010/7/27 - 19:36


Sarajevo, lecco il tuo dolore
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/7/26 - 16:57
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's

Tana t'zezat

Tana t'zezat
Tekst kënge dhe muzikë nga Memli Krasniqi / Enis Presheves Jr
Lyrics and music by Memle Krasniqi / Enis Presheves Jr.
Album: Bota Është e Jona (The World is Ours)

The remix of the first "Ritmi i rrugës" recorded song "Tana t'zezat", more known internationally as "All Bad Things Around Us". It speaks about the harsh reality of life in Kosova during its occupation.
Vërtetë, në rrugët e këtij qyteti ku jetojmë
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/21 - 08:22
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's

Primavera a Sarajevo

Primavera a Sarajevo
Весна в Сараево
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/7/19 - 11:55

Ankthi Im (My Nightmare)

Ankthi Im  (My Nightmare)
Tekst kënge dhe muzikë nga Memli Krasniqi / Enis Presheves Jr
Lyrics and music by Memle Krasniqi / Enis Presheves Jr.
Album: Bota Është e Jona (The World is Ours) [2000]

An angry response to the messy politics of the world diplomacy during the Kosovo war. Written at the height of tensions in Kosovo, January 1999.
Yo, yo, yo
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/19 - 08:11
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's
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Il Ponte di Mostar

Il Ponte di Mostar
Grazie per questa canzone, io sono nata a Mostar, ho pianto quando l'ho sentita per la prima volta. Siete grandi.
2010/6/18 - 21:24

Romeo and Juliet in Sarajevo

Romeo and Juliet in Sarajevo
Romeo, has your star set
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/5/12 - 13:54
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's, Bridges

Reflect And Reminisce

Reflect And Reminisce
Album: Tales From The Asylum

"In this song I reflect on my life before the war, I know a lot of youngsters will relate to this. Beat was done by: D Rap Beats. An ILL Joint right here so check it out.."
Contributed by giorgio 2010/1/23 - 12:27
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's


"This track is about how I managed to escape the war with my mother and brother. it's only a rough version and will be done in a Studio when I complete it properly.. "
Woke up in a rail way station,
Contributed by giorgio 2010/1/23 - 08:39
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's
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Un sorriso vi salverà

Un sorriso vi salverà
January 2, 2010
2010/1/2 - 13:03

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