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Song Itinerary Racism and Slavery in the USA

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The Story of O.J.

The Story of  O.J.
Riccardo Venturi, 20-4-2024 12:39
La storia di O.J.
2024/4/20 - 12:39
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Mr. Tyree
Contributed by Pluck 2024/4/17 - 17:25

My Father, How Long ?

My Father, How Long ?
"My Father, How Long?" (Continues)
Contributed by Pluck 2024/4/9 - 13:16
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Pick a Bale of Cotton

Pick a Bale of Cotton
Pickin' Cotton All Day Long (Traditional)

Testo e nota da Azizi Powell.

This comedic song is about a preacher (minister) visiting people on Sunday (when it was common to have fried chicken for dinner.) The "pickin cotton all day long" chorus doesn't have anything to do with the preacher and chicken verses.

Traccia audio e nota da :

Prison Worksongs Recorded at the Louisiana State Penitentiary,Angola,La,by Dr. Harry Oster
© &® 1959 & 1997 by Arhoolie Productions, Inc

Pickin' Cotton All Day Long sung by two sisters, Creola & Ceola Scott who were very religious and not particularly fond of this type of secular material.. ( Dr. Harry Oster 1959 )
Pickin’ cotton ,cotton pickin’ all day long,
Contributed by Pluck 2024/3/27 - 12:22

Song of the Coffle Gang

Traducanzone di Andrea Buriani
da “Song of the Coffle Gang” (di Anonimo)

2024/2/28 - 09:27
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Corrido de Joaquín Murrieta

Corrido de Joaquín Murrieta
Joaquin era mexicano, quien sino iba a pelear sino es por su tierra. Los chilenos son de apropiarse de cosas que no les pertenecen. Que verguenza Neruda!


Joaquin Murrieta era un messicano, che non avrebbe combattuto se non per la sua terra. Ai cileni piace appropriarsi di cose che non gli appartengono. Che peccato Neruda!
2024/2/24 - 11:37
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Tom Moore’s Farm

Tom Moore’s Farm
Contributed by Pluck 2024/1/31 - 19:00

Woman Of The Ghetto

Woman Of The Ghetto
Pochi giorni fa se ne è andata anche la grande Marlena Shaw, autrice e interprete di canzoni bellissime come questa.
2024/1/25 - 22:05

There's a Good Time Coming

J. Hutchinson Jr.
There's a Good Time Coming - 1846

Stephen Foster's * second published song. Words by Charles Mackay. Music by Stephen C. Foster. Published by [W. C.] Peters & Field, Cincinnati

Genius Annotation .
Foster sounds like a 1960 s flower child in this 1846 song envisioning a future of peace, prosperity, tolerance, literacy, intellectual achievement, and love.
(Verse 1)
Contributed by Pluck 2023/12/5 - 21:01
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[Ain't Gonna Let Nobody] Turn Me Around

[Ain't Gonna Let Nobody] Turn Me Around
"Ain`t gonna let that Henry Kissinger turn me around..."
Piccino, è morto di lattime! *

* Espressione elbana: "per un rigurgito di latte"
L'Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo 2023/11/30 - 10:43

Song of the Coffle Gang

Trascrizione di Azizi Powell del testo cantato da Mike Seeger ( 1933 – 2009 ) “Stolen Soul from Africa “ , titolo alternativo di “Song of the Coffle Gang” , pubblicato da Library of Congress nel 2007 vedi :
Library of Congress
We are stolen souls from Africa
Contributed by Pluck 2023/11/27 - 22:16

Build a House

Build a House

Juneteenth (ufficialmente Giornata Nazionale dell'Indipendenza del Juneteenth e storicamente noto come Giornata dell'Indipendenza e Giornata dell'Emancipazione) è una festa federale degli Stati Uniti che commemora la liberazione degli schiavi afroamericani. La ricorrenza è nata a Galveston, in Texas, e viene celebrata ogni anno il 19 giugno in varie parti degli Stati Uniti dal 1866. Il Juneteenth è stato riconosciuto come festa federale il 17 giugno 2021, quando il presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America Joe Biden ha firmato la legge del Juneteenth National Independence Day. È stata scelta la data del 19 giugno per la ricorrenza perché il 19 giugno del 1865 il generale dell'esercito dell'Unione Gordon Granger proclamò l'obbligo di liberare tutti gli schiavi del Texas, l'ultimo stato della Confederazione a non aver ancora abolito la schiavitù.


La parola Juneteenth deriva... (Continues)
Pluck 2023/11/26 - 07:47

Song of the Coffle Gang


Said to be written by a Slave.

This song is said to be sung by Slaves, as they are chained in gangs,
when parting from friends for the far off South—children taken from
parents, husbands from wives, and brothers from sisters.

Lyrics | Shackles, Chains and Forgotten Souls › ...
Pluck 2023/11/19 - 18:58

The Flying Slave

The Flying Slave
Flying Africans are figures of African diaspora legend who escape enslavement by a magical passage back over the ocean. Most noted in Gullah * culture, they also occur in wider African-American folklore, and in that of some Afro-Caribbean peoples.
Though it is generally agreed that the legend reflects a longing for a reversal of the Atlantic slave trade, scholars differ on the extent to which this should be seen as supernatural belief or as allegory: of freedom, death, the afterlife, and even metamorphosis or reincarnation. A common Gullah etiology given for this belief is the 1803 mass suicide at Igbo Landing as a form of resistance among newly enslaved people, although versions of the legend also occur across the African diaspora.
( Wikipedia )

* The Gullah (/ˈɡʌlə/) are an African American ethnic group who predominantly live in the Lowcountry region of the U.S. states of South Carolina,... (Continues)
Pluck 2023/11/12 - 12:12
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I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream
A 60 anni dal discorso di Martin Luther King vi ricordo il libro per ragazzi di Roberto Piumini pubblicato nel 2018 da Solferino con le illustrazioni di Paolo D'Altan dal titolo "Alzati Martin". Scritto in ottave come fosse un blues.
Ho trovato alcune strofe e ve le riporto

"Lettore, io ti voglio raccontare,
nero su bianco, una nuova storia,
su bianco e nero, oltre a ragionare,
è bene che ci sia buona memoria,
perché chi vive senza ricordare,
vive una vita cieca e senza gloria.
Se tu sei pronto anch'io sono pronto
e qui comincia il mio lungo racconto"


‘E’ un ragazzo, in quella bella età
In cui c’è entusiasmo e irruenza,
una passione per la libertà
che si trasforma in onnipotenza:
e misero il ragazzo che non l’ha,
e invecchia, da ragazzo, per prudenza.
Sian benedetti i sogni dei ragazzi,
anche se sono, o sembrano, pazzi.’


‘Martin ringrazia,... (Continues)
Paolo Rizzi 2023/8/28 - 14:03
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When The Ship Comes In

When The Ship Comes In
Mi permetto di segnalare il video completo di 9:54 della Marcia su Washington il 28 Agosto 1963 e il commento tratto da Maggie's Farm

Bob Dylan and Joan Baez 1963 March on Washington
caricato : anblog21

March on Washington.
Il 28 agosto 1963 davanti ad una folla sterminata di persone Bob Dylan partecipa alla Marcia per i Diritti Civili, conosciuta con il nome di Marcia su Washington.
Quattrocentomila persone presero parte a questa marcia di protesta per i diritti civili in cui Martin Luther King pronunciò il suo immortale discorso che iniziava con la celebre frase "Io ho un sogno...".
Bob eseguì tre canzoni: When the ship comes in, Only A Pawn In Their Game e Keep Your Eyes on the Prize.
Si tratta di un video eccezionale che dà realmente i brividi.
Un giovanissimo Bob davanti ad una folla numericamente impressionante attacca con la sola chitarra "When the ship comes in" e qualche... (Continues)
Pluck 2023/8/25 - 19:49

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall
La versione interpretata dai Freedom Voices (con Pete Seeger)
Version performed by The Freedom Voices (with Pete Seeger)

Una versione di " Berlin Wall" interpretata dai “ The Freedom Voices “ - 1965 - è disponibile su YouTube sotto il titolo :
"We've Got a Rope That's a Berlin Wall”
Various Artists Topic 2:10

30 mag 2015 — Provided to YouTube by Smithsonian Folkways Recordings We've Got a Rope That's a Berlin Wall · The Freedom Voices WNEW's Story of Selma
Speaker :
Contributed by Pluck 2023/8/15 - 22:58
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Alabama Blues

Alabama Blues
J.B. Lenoir’s “Alabama Blues” is a rather well-known blues protest song. It stands out because, by the 1960s, it was increasingly rare for blues musicians to sing about poverty, despair, and social injustice. And, fifty years since the tune was recorded under the supervision of Chicago blues master Willie Dixon, its lyrics still carry a deep resonance.
Lenoir, who is a character in the song, expresses why he will never go back to Alabama. His sister and brother were killed in the state. The justice system let the killers go free.
Alabama is also a state he will never love because his brother defended his mother. Police shot him down. “I can’t help but to sit down and cry some times/Think about how my poor brother lost his life,” Lenoir sings.
In the song, Lenoir’s character decries the incarceration of his people “behind a barbed wire fence.” The song ends with Lenoir declaring, “Now you’re... (Continues)
Pluck 2023/8/11 - 19:36

One-Way Ticket

One-Way Ticket

Note adattate dal saggio di Adriano Elia (Università di Roma "Roma Tre") “NOT SOUTH”: THE GREAT MIGRATION IN LANGSTON HUGHES’ “ONE-WAY TICKET”
Le Simplegadi Vol. XVI No. 18 Novembre 2018 Pag. 117,118,119

As in typical blues songs, “One-Way Ticket” gives us an effective account of the sufferings not of an individual, but of a whole people: I pick up my life And take it with me And I put it down in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Scranton, Any place that is North and East – And not Dixie.

In the opening stanza, the first-person singular pronouns ‘I’ and ‘me’ are not personal, but Whitmanesque *, that is, universal and inclusive. The narrator is forced to ‘pick up’ and ‘take’ his life elsewhere, anywhere but South, both metaphor for racism and discrimination and its geographical nucleus. Using the medium of an informal talk recalling the style of Robert Frost , although in a different... (Continues)
Pluck 2023/7/27 - 13:12

Freight Train

Freight Train
Traducanzone / Translasong / Traduchanson / Käännöksenlaulu: Andrea Buriani

TRENO MERCI - Freight Train in italiano

di Elizabeth Cotten - Traducanzone di Andrea Buriani
Treno merci
2023/7/17 - 13:55
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We Shall Overcome

We Shall Overcome
Contributed by Ferdinando Panzica 2023/5/9 - 23:42
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Pick a Bale of Cotton

Pick a Bale of Cotton
Contributed by Pluck 2023/4/29 - 23:43

Water Boy

Water Boy
La versione di Harry Belafonte...

2023/4/27 - 14:07
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John Brown's Body

John Brown's Body
Ne esiste un'altra versione in italiano; l'avevo imparata tanti anni fa alle elementari (non so chi sia l'autore), cercando con google l'ho trovata
Vito Vita 2023/4/11 - 21:04

The Slave Auction — A Fact

Contributed by Pluck 2023/2/21 - 15:38

The Sweets of Liberty

da La Musica dei Neri Americani – Eileen Southern
Ed. Il Saggiatore – p. 147
Contributed by Pluck 2023/2/17 - 14:29

Underneath the Harlem Moon

Underneath the Harlem Moon
Contributed by Pluck 2023/2/17 - 12:01
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People Get Ready

People Get Ready
Vogliamo ricordare anche qui il grande Jeff Beck morto lo scorso 10 gennaio con questa ormai classica versione di People Get Ready con Rod Stewart. Senza naturalmente dimenticare la sua partecipazione a What God Wants (Part I, II & III) di Roger Waters, autentico capolavoro e i pezzi degli Yardbirds con Beck alla chitarra solista, ad esempio You're a Better Man Than I e soprattutto Shapes of Things poi ripresa anche nella carriera solista in una versione memorabile.

2023/1/14 - 21:55
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Oh Mary, Don't You Weep

Oh Mary, Don't You Weep
tratta da PANCOCOJAMS blog di Azizi Powell

This rendition features two soloists-the man playing the banjo and the man seated in the front to the left of the banjo player . Each soloist sings his verse.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Georgia young Black men singing a secularized version of "Oh Mary Don't You Weep" in 1929
This pancocojams post showcases a 1929 film clip of African American farm hands singing a version of the Spiritual "Oh Mary Don't You Weep". This version includes a secularized verse.
Contributed by Pluck 2023/1/12 - 12:20
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Were You There When They Crucified My Lord

Were You There When They Crucified My Lord
Trovo interessanti le ulteriori analisi del testo riportate da Wikipedia e in particolare la possibile sostituzionne di " cross " con " tree ".

Lyrical analysis

“Were You There” utilizes a system of coded language in its lyrics like most, if not all, African-American spirituals.

Metaphors, especially those involving Old Testament figures, as well as Jesus, are often central to the meanings of spirituals. “Were You There” tells the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus. Underneath this narrative, however, is a metaphor likening Jesus's suffering to the suffering of slaves.

In some versions of the song, the singer asks “Were you there when they nailed Him to the Tree?” Replacing Jesus’ cross with a tree further strengthens the metaphor between Jesus’ suffering and slaves’ suffering.

African-Americans during the antebellum period, and all the way into the Jim Crow era, would have drawn a connection between Jesus nailed to a tree and the frightening prevalence of lynchings in their own lives.
Pluck 2023/1/11 - 18:53

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