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Song Itinerary Prague Spring 1968

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1968: Primavera di Praga

Antiwar Songs Blog
1968: Primavera di Praga
Sono i tempi della contestazione, della strage di Piazza Fontana con l’avvio della “strategia della tensione”, dell'”autunno caldo” del 1969, del tentativo di golpe fascista da parte del repubblichino Junio Valerio Borghese (8 dicembre 1970). Inutile ricordare quello che sta accadendo nel mondo, dalla guerra nel Vietnam in pieno svolgimento al Maggio Francese. Truppe del […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2013-09-14 15:59:00
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Una canzone del cantautore polacco dedicata al suicidio di Jan Palach, eroe della Primavera di Praga. Il titolo significa "Torce".
Pamięci Jana Palacha
2012/7/13 - 22:42
Song Itineraries: Prague Spring 1968

Citizen Ship

Citizen Ship
Album “Wave”‎
Scritta da Patti Smith e dal bassista Ivan Kral, rifugiato cecoslovacco negli Stati Uniti in seguito all'invasione sovietica.
Testo corretto da Patti Smith Collected Lyrics

Behold, you have driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth - genesis 4:14

dedicated to ivan kral born in prague, czechoslovakia
nationality: stateless

“‘Citizen Ship’ is just a song talking about what it was like in 1968, when Ivan Kral escaped from Czechoslovakia to America and Patti Smith escaped from New Jersey to New York City. It’s when I met Robert Mapplethorpe ― I mean, it doesn’t matter what it’s about. We all have personal things from 1968, certain impressions ― at least some of us do… It’s just a reflection.
Patti Smith
It was nothing. It didn't matter to me
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/16 - 10:34
Song Itineraries: Prague Spring 1968
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Album “Streetnoise” inciso da “Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger and the Trinity”.
Testo piuttosto incerto trovato qui e risistemato all’ascolto, come ne sono stato capace (vedi i punti interrogativi).
Many people I know with no where to go,
Contributed by Bartleby 2011/6/7 - 09:37
Song Itineraries: Prague Spring 1968
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Primavera di Praga

Primavera di Praga
Chanson italienne – Primavera di Praga – Francesco Guccini – 1970

PRINTEMPS DE PRAGUE est une chanson de Francesco Guccini qui fut écrite et chantée deux ans après l'événement qu'elle rapporte. Une chanson en mémoire du jeune militant communiste tchèque Jan Palach. Oui, mon ami Lucien l'âne, et sans doute pourras-tu le confirmer, toi qui passes les frontières humaines sans que nul ne s'en aperçoive et qui fut à Prague en ces temps-là... Oui, on peut être communiste et partisan de la liberté, oui, on pouvait être communiste et résistant à l'intérieur de l'URSS, de la Chine (et aujourd'hui encore), de la Yougoslavie, de Cuba... On peut être communiste et pour cette raison précisément, être désespéré par le régime imposé par le Parti Communiste, par un État communiste, par un régime communiste et être désespéré car ce régime est purement et simplement un régime capitaliste d’État et n'a donc... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/7/7 - 16:14
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The Old Man's Back Again (Dedicated to the Neo-Stalinist Regime)

The Old Man's Back Again (Dedicated to the Neo-Stalinist Regime)
Album "Scott 4"

"Scott Walker’s passionate leftist political beliefs had been no secret by the time “The Old Man’s Back Again” was written and recorded, but the event which prompted one of his most pointed songs found him tackling not a right-wing dictatorship (as he later would with “The Electrician”) but a left-wing one. The subtitle – “Dedicated to the Neo-Stalinist Regime”) specifically refers to the repressive Czech government that overthrew the Prague Spring era in 1968 with Soviet military help, the ‘old man’ himself being the ghost of Stalin returned to a horrific new life. “The Old Man’s Back Again” found Walker blending a symbolic lyric of destruction and death with a striking combination of rumbling, prominent funk bass and a post- Ennio Morricone western-orchestral arrangement, stabbing strings courtesy Peter Knight and mournful, almost Russian chorale-tinged wordless... (Continues)
I seen a hand, I seen a vision
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/1 - 12:47
Song Itineraries: Prague Spring 1968
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Une ville

Une ville
Album "François Béranger"

la fine della primavera a Praga nel 1968.
Construis dans ta tête une ville
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/12/16 - 14:13
Song Itineraries: Prague Spring 1968
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Version française – EST – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Chanson italienne – Est – Rein – 2008
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/9/3 - 17:27

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