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Song Itinerary Poppie: an Antiwar flower?

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Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day
Album: The Good, The Bad & The 4 Skins
Genere: Oi!
Anno: 1982
Remember the fields all full of red
Contributed by Ivan 2016/5/22 - 22:49
Song Itineraries: Poppie: an Antiwar flower?
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That's Why (We Don't Comply With Your War Cry)

That's Why (We Don't Comply With Your War Cry)
Words and music Steve Ashley 2014
Album This Little Game (2015)

That's Why by Steve Ashley is a reflection on Remembrance Day, red poppies and the innocent victims of war.
There are no poppies for the children
2016/3/26 - 00:13
Song Itineraries: Poppie: an Antiwar flower?

The Kingdom of the Cross

The Kingdom of the Cross
Battering Ram

There is also the album's closing cut, haunting, gripping, melancholic tale of the First World War, "The Kingdom Of The Cross", where a poem unfurls the feelings and horrors which comprised this most brutal of global conflicts. "This year is the centenary of the end of the First World War. Nigel had a piece of music which he played on a synthesizer for a couple of years that I really liked. We had an actor (and singer), David Bower from the band HELL, read the poem and I sang the choruses. I didn't want it to be typical SAXON, so it is just keyboards, bass, me and Dave."
What is this place across the field
Contributed by dq82 2016/1/22 - 11:37
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Canções de Catarina

Canções de Catarina
Versi di Papiniano Carlos (Papiniano Manuel Carlos de Vasconcelos Rodrigues, 1918-2012), scrittore portoghese nato in Mozambico, appartenente alla corrente cosiddetta neo-realista.
Musica di Fernando Lopes-Graça, in una delle varie stesure successive del suo work in progress sulla resistenza alla dittatura salazarista e sulla Rivoluzione intitolato “Canções Heróicas”
Na fome verde das searas roxas
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/9/24 - 13:45

As papoilas

As papoilas
Versi di José Gomes Ferreira, nell’antologia poetica “Marchas, danças e canções” curata da Fernando Lopes-Graça nel 1946, primo nucleo delle sue “Canções Heróicas”.
Musica di Fernando Lopes-Graça, in una delle sue varie stesure successive del suo work in progress sulla resistenza alla dittatura salazarista e sulla Rivoluzione intitolato “Canções Heróicas”
O papoilas dos trigais,
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/9/24 - 13:39

Champ d'honneur

Champ d'honneur
Flanders Fields ha avuto una traduzione ufficiale francese in Canada (cfr. anche voce su Wikipedia) probabilmente perche' questo paese, anglofono e francofono, invio' un corpo di spedizione in Francia nel 1915.
In Canada la canzone e' ancora cantata nel giorno della Rimembranza (Poppy day,Veteran's day, 11 novembre.
Su youtube se ne trovano varie versioni.
Au champ d’honneur, les coquelicots
Contributed by Vanni Guarnieri 2014/3/25 - 22:55
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Blood for Poppies

Blood for Poppies
Album: "Not Your Kind of People" (2012)

L'ispirazione per questa canzone mi è venuta da un articolo che ho letto sul Los Angeles Time sul commercio dell'oppio e dal documentario Restrepo - Inferno in Afghanistan. È una canzone sul disorientamento, la delusione e sulla lotta per cercare di rimanere sani di mente di fronte alla pazzia.
(Shirley Manson)
So long the sun,
2013/11/24 - 16:22
Song Itineraries: Poppie: an Antiwar flower?

Children's Crusade

Children's Crusade
d'après la version italienne – LA CROCIATA DEI BAMBINI.
Chanson anglaise - Children's Crusade – Sting – 1985

Avertissement :

Pour comprendre la chanson, il importe de lire d'abord l'interview de Sting reproduite dans l'introduction.
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/8/29 - 23:03

White Poppies

I was walking down whitehall
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/8/22 - 13:34
Song Itineraries: Poppie: an Antiwar flower?


From 'Deceit' (1981)
History repeats itself
2012/3/29 - 23:14
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Field Of Poppies

Field Of Poppies
Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills

On one Christmas day during World War 1 both sides put down their guns and met in No-Mans land. They shook hands and shared cigarettes and stories and played a game of football… The WW1 was a brutal bloody battle of dying empires that saw millions perish. And yet on one historic day two sides who had been locked in desperate fighting ceased their guns and met in no-mans land where they realised that they weren't German, or English, or anything like that. They realised that they were just men. All the same. And the war, and perhaps all wars could have ceased on that day with this monumental realisation, if the commanders had not ordered the men back into the trenches, threatening that if they did not go back to shooting each other, they would be shot themselves.... (Continues)
I lay in the poppies in the field of death
Contributed by giorgio 2009/11/25 - 15:14
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Dancing at Whitsun

Dancing at Whitsun
Album "Anthems In Eden"
Parole di Austin John Marshall
Arrangiamento musicale di Shirley e Dolly Collins sul motivo tradizionale "The False Bride"

Per secoli la "Morris Dance", una danza di gruppo popolare inglese, fu eseguita nelle feste solo dagli uomini. Ma durante e subito dopo il primo conflitto mondiale, in molti villaggi rurali gli uomini erano quasi scomparsi, tutti ammazzati dalla guerra. Così furono le donne, le madri, le vedove, le fidanzate, le sorelle, le figlie di quei soldati a tenere in vita la tradizione.
"Whitsun" è la festa della Pentecoste.
It's fifty long springtimes since she was a bride,
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/9/18 - 21:45
Song Itineraries: Poppie: an Antiwar flower?

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