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Song Itinerary No Nukes

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Allergia Nucleare

Allergia Nucleare
Reggae contro il nucleare
No nuclear energy
Contributed by cristiano 2011/6/8 - 14:09
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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They Lie, We Die

They Lie, We Die
Album: Strive to Survive Causing the Least Suffering Possible

Very old track but very current issue..
Atomic electricity -is just a filthy mess and waste
Contributed by giorgio 2011/4/30 - 15:00
Song Itineraries: No Nukes

Le dimanche à Tchernobyl

Le dimanche à Tchernobyl
Album : L'Imprudence
Le dimanche à Tchernobyl
Contributed by adriana 2011/3/26 - 11:47
Song Itineraries: No Nukes

Children of the Nuclear Age

Children of the Nuclear Age
Lyrics & Music by James Jackson Holmes
Album: James 1

Most of the world's energy comes from Oil. Nuclear power promised so much, but has failed to deliver a viable alternative. This song is set after the final Oil Crisis. Once the world's oil production declines, that's it. We'll either have got our act together and found a sustainable alternative, or we'll be back in the Stone Age..
The Children of the Nuclear Age
Contributed by giorgio 2011/3/20 - 21:42
Song Itineraries: No Nukes

Welcome! (Cold Fusion)

Welcome! (Cold Fusion)
Lyrics & Music by Tim Fatchen
Album: Cassandra!

Narrator welcomes the audience to the show and sets the scene for the search for Cold Fusion and its later consequences..:
Contributed by giorgio 2011/3/20 - 21:36
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/3/16 - 17:54
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Three Mile Smile

Three Mile Smile
Lyrics by Steven Tyler
Music by Joe Perry
Album: Night in the Ruts

"Three Mile Smile" was Steven's social commentary concerning the 1979 nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island. It marked Tyler's initial stab at writing lyrics with a major political slant. Tyler also appeared at the 'No Nukes benefit concert' in '79, which featured many popular artists..
Contributed by giorgio 2011/3/16 - 14:06
Song Itineraries: No Nukes

Central Nuclear

Central Nuclear
Álbum: Me Gusta Ser (una zorra)
Esta mañana temprano,
Contributed by giorgio 2011/3/16 - 12:06
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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Declare Guerre Nucleaire

Declare Guerre Nucleaire
Album: Veni Vidi Vicious
Had an atomic bore – in 2004
Contributed by giorgio 2011/3/16 - 09:18
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Cette chanson a été dédiée à Sébastien Briat mort accidentellement le 07 novembre 2004 au cours d'une opération contre le transport ferroviaire non sécurisé des déchets nucléaires.(fonte:L'écologie en chansons
Je lève ma tête et scrute l’horizon
Contributed by adriana 2011/3/16 - 08:05
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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Album : Eponyme
(paragraphe créole)
Contributed by adriana 2011/3/16 - 07:35
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
Not Now, Not Then, Not Ever! No Nukes!
Lorenzo Masetti 2011/3/15 - 23:33
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Album : En attendant demain...
Tchernobyl, Tchernobyl
Contributed by adriana 2011/3/15 - 19:59
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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Tchernobyl blues

Tchernobyl blues

Album : "Ullegarra"
Je suis blanc-bec russe un prince sans Prusse
Contributed by adriana 2011/3/15 - 19:39
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Atome sweet atome

Atome sweet atome

Album : L'or et le cuivre
Parole di Gilles Servat
Musica di Gilles Servat e Daniel Potet
Monsieur le président, la renommée volage
Contributed by adriana 2011/3/15 - 19:21
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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La petite centrale

La petite centrale

Album "Nord-Sud"
Testo trovato su L'écologie en chansons (grazie Adriana!)
Quand ma belle a eu trente ans
Contributed by Bartleby 2011/3/15 - 09:20
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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26 Avril

26 Avril
Dal disco collettivo "Tchernobyl 20 ans"
Un sarcophage de béton,
Contributed by Bartleby 2011/1/4 - 15:23
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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Un riparo per noi

Un riparo per noi
Un raro caso in cui una canzone d'amore viene rifatta in italiano diventando una canzone "politica" di solito avveniva il contrario
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/11/28 - 18:36
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Girano le pale

Girano le pale
Dall'omonimo disco del 2010
Girano le pale!
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/10/31 - 16:52
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Major Tom

Major Tom

Il Maggiore Tom è un persongaggio inventato da David Bowie e protagonista di diverse sue canzoni, come “Space Oddity”, “Ashes to Ashes” ed “Hallo Spaceboy”. Nel 1983 il musicista synthpop tedesco Peter Schilling riprese il personaggio per il suo singolo “Major Tom (Völlig losgelöst)” / “Major Tom (Coming Home)”. Plastic Bertrand, a sua volta, riprese il brano di Schilling riscrivendone il testo e facendone una canzone contro l’escalation nucleare.
Les rétro-fusées sont allumées.
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/5/28 - 10:21
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Guerre guerre, vente vent

Guerre guerre, vente vent
Non vediamo l'ora, davvero!!!

La stretta nucleare di Putin e Berlusconi
"Accordo con Russia, prima centrale in 3 anni"

LESMO - "Con la Russia abbiamo stipulato un accordo che segnerà una svolta per il nucleare". Questo il risultato più importante del vertice bilaterale fra Italia e Russia che ha visto protagonisti Silvio Berlusconi e Vladimir Putin.

Da Repubblica online

(il resto dell'articolo non lo metto, tanto sono sempre le solite schifezze; se proprio non riuscite a resistere, andatevelo pure a leggere direttamente da Repubblica)
daniela -k.d.- 2010/4/26 - 15:37

Take The Children And Run

Take The Children And Run
Album “Home For A While”
Written by Don Lange

Una canzone sull’incidente che accadde nel 1979 nella centrale nucleare di Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, vicino ad Harrisburg.
Si vedano al proposito anche The No Nuke Song,No More Three Mile Island e soprattutto All Clear in Harrisburg.
Telephone rang, Have you heard the news
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/22 - 15:24
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Album “Politics Live”

La centrale nucleare di Shoreham costò 6 miliardi di dollari e non entrò mai in funzione. Abbandonata nel 1989, si spesero oltre 200 milioni dollari per mettere l’impianto in sicurezza. Nel 2005 è stato convertito per la produzione di energia elettrica attraverso turbine a gas.

“This is one of the more recent songs. We have a nuclear power plant on Long Island which we've so far blocked from opening. It's a place called Shoreham, and it belongs to the Long Island Lighting Company, known as Lilco, which has assured us residents of Long Island that we need not fear any catastrophe, but if anything should go wrong not to worry because we'll all be evacuated from Long Island in utter safety and in perfect order, apparently. According to them, they had a test, and it worked ... So even though I felt immensely reassured, I still felt called upon to write a little song.” (Tom Paxton)

Si veda anche Got The Sun In The Morning And The Wind At Night
If you're doing up some cookies and the whistle starts to blow
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/22 - 15:06
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The No Nuke Song

The No Nuke Song
Album “For Your Immediate Attention!”, Folkways Records

Sul tema si vedano anche No More Three Mile Island e All Clear in Harrisburg.
The same thugs
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/1/29 - 09:29
Song Itineraries: No Nukes

Nobody Needs a Nuke (a.k.a. Everyone Needs a Hug and a Kiss)

Sull'aria della filastrocca "Here We Go Loop-de-loo" (che sarebbe poi diventato il personaggio di un celebre cartoon di Hanna & Barbera, "Loopy de Loop", il nostro Lupo de Lupis, "il lupo tanto buonino"... ve lo ricordate? Io sì, confesso che lo guardavo...)

Testo trovato su Broadside Magazine n. 186 del settembre 1988.

Dedicata ai criminali al potere, avidi farabutti miliardari & milionari che stanno facendo e faranno ancora più soldi - loro e le holding mafiose che rappresentano - sulle nostre spalle, grazie alla TAV, al ponte sullo Stretto, alle nuove carceri e, soprattutto, alle future centrali nucleari.
Poi le scorie radioattive un po' le seppeliranno in Campania e nei pescheti ed aranceti del Mezzogiorno, un po' finiranno in qualche bagnarola affondata al largo nel Mediterraneo, un po' verranno esportate in Africa, che tanto sta già morendo...
Everyone needs a job.
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/1/14 - 12:05
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El verrugón atómico

El verrugón atómico
Album "La Bullonera 2"

Trovata sul blog di Gustavo Sierra Fernández
¡Qué buenas son las multinacionales
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/10/28 - 08:07
Song Itineraries: No Nukes

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