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Song Itinerary September, 11: Attack on New York

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Take It From Dr. King

Take It From Dr. King
Contributed by Martino Malgesini 2023/9/23 - 14:25

War Is the Answer!

War Is the Answer!
This is a musing upon a bumper sticker that used to be seen around the time of the Iraq invasion: WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER. Maybe not for the working class, but for the various ruling elites . . .


Buck Tradission and Buck de Bo$$es have written and performed topical songs since the 1980s.


Some say, “War is not the answer,
Contributed by Larry Moore 2023/5/5 - 21:12
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Contributed by Rodrigo Goti 2022/9/9 - 17:44

WTC 9/11

WTC 9/11
WTC 9/11
Steve Reich
Performed by the Kronos Quartet
Recorded February 21-24, 2011, at Studio Trilogy, San Francisco, CA
Mixed at John Kilgore Sound, New York, NY.
Commissioned by the Kronos Quartet.
World Premiere: March 19, 2011, by Kronos Quartet, at Duke University, Durham, NC.

"Dedicated to the victims of 9/11. A portion of any profits from the piece will be donated to the FDNY Foundation for the benefit of New York City firefighters and their families."

«Per noi l’11 settembre non è stato un evento vissuto attraverso i media», ha scritto invece Steve Reich che quel giorno restò per ben sei ore al telefono col figlio che viveva ad appena quattro isolati dal World Trade Center.

Anche la sua WTC 9/11 inizia con una voce, oltre che con una pulsazione inquietante. È una delle tante usate da Reich: si tratta di registrazioni dei dialoghi del Comando di Difesa Aerospaziale... (Continues)
I. 9/11
2021/9/11 - 13:54
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The Two Towers

The Two Towers
Lyrics & music by Pat Lamanna
Album: Full Circle: Songs of Peace and Love by Pat Lamanna
I built a tower in my heart
Contributed by giorgio 2020/9/8 - 13:46

Trot Out the Dead

Trot Out the Dead
Album: The Locust Years

A condemnation of how politicians ‘trot out the dead" every September 11th anniversary to stoke the Nationalistic fires and justify international aggression.
Fool, I am no hero
2020/3/5 - 00:03

Willy IV (2001/02)

Willy IV (2001/02)
Parole e musica di Konstantin Wecker
Album: vaterland live 01/02
Es tut mir leid Willy, dass ich dich noch einmal belästigen muss, in deiner wohlverdienten, ewigen Ruhe. Aber es brennt mir halt so viel auf der Seele, und die Gespräche mit dir waren immer so schön unbesonnen, so gar nicht politisch korrekt.
Contributed by hmmwv 2019/7/16 - 14:15
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Ballata delle rovine

Ballata delle rovine

Canzone scritta dopo i fatti dell'11 settembre 2001, una ballata rarefatta dai toni cupi, dimessi e pessimistici che assume valenza universale nel descrivere l'eterno ripetersi della guerra nella Storia e il dolore delle sue vittime innocenti.
Questa è la ballata delle rovine
Contributed by Andrea Marconi 2018/10/10 - 07:43
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Long Road

Long Road
Parole e musica di Eddie Vedder
dall'EP "Merkin Ball" con Neil Young

Originariamente una canzone per un amico, l'insegnante di teatro di Eddie Vedder, Clayton E. Liggett, scritta dal cantante non appena saputo della sua morte. La canzone registrata insieme a Neil Young durante le sessions dell'album Mirror Ball (da cui sono tratte Peace And Love e Scenery) è stata pubblicata in un EP nel 1995.

Ma la canzone diventa famosa anni dopo. Dopo l'11 settembre Eddie Vedder e Mike McCready insieme a Neil Young hanno eseguito Long Road durante il concerto benefico America: A Tribute to Heroes. Il concerto, trasmesso il 21 settembre 2001, aveva l'obiettivo di raccogliere fondi per le vittime degli attentati e le loro famiglie. In quella commovente versione, Long Road diventa un lamento per tutti gli innocenti che hanno perso la vita nell'attacco alle Twin Towers.
And I wished for so long
2018/9/11 - 23:49
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No One Left

No One Left
2018/9/11 - 22:59
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“Espressionismo”, rabbioso ed eversivo pamphlet parigino di fine ‘800 nei suoi versi iniziali così evocativi “E’ tempo di stringersi attorno ad un fuoco, di promettersi sangue, sudore, lacrime.”, è un appello alla mobilitazione rivolto a tutti i “partigiani del mondo” per rimanere sé stessi in un istinto di sopravvivenza, contro qualsiasi forma di controllo, di manipolazione delle coscienze, di annullamento delle identità, esercitati da una sorta di “dittatura del pensiero unico”.

La storia è, è stata e per sempre sarà violenza, scontro ed eterna lotta tra opposte fazioni, restarne fuori, non prenderne parte, significa “soccombere”, travolti dalla battaglia che in questo nuovo millennio ha assunto i contorni e i lineamenti di una “guerra mondiale”, ad alto tasso ideologico, tra ribelli sognatori e “poteri forti”, minoranze di privilegiati e potentati economici.
Al ritmo di un trascinante... (Continues)
E’ tempo di stringersi attorno a un fuoco
Contributed by Federico Marchioro 2018/3/25 - 23:51
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Land of the Living

Land of the Living
Album: The Red Thread (2004)
Late afternoon back in New York town
2018/3/20 - 22:54
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Album: Rio Grande Blood (2006)
Gentlemen we have called you together to inform you
2017/10/15 - 22:48
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I Hear Them All

I Hear Them All
di Ketch Secor e David Rawlings
pubblicata in Big Iron World (2006)

incisa anche da David Rawlings in A Friend of a Friend (2009)
il video ufficiale, diretto da Danny Clynch di ricorda il disastro dell'uragano Katrina sulla popolazione di New Orleans

Una canzone di disperazione e di speranza, con qualche riferimento all'attentato dell'11/9
"I hear soldiers quit their dying, one and all"
(sento i soldati che smettono le loro morti, uno e tutti)
vale da solo la presenza della canzone in questo sito
I hear the crying of the hungry in the deserts where they're wandering.
Contributed by Piersante Sestini 2017/9/11 - 22:30
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Out of Sight Out of Mind

Out of Sight Out of Mind
Order of the Leech
The pulse of the world when it stopped for a day
Contributed by Dq82 2017/8/14 - 22:48
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Ground Zero

Ground Zero
Album: "Scream" (2009)

"To me, it's sort of about the lingering aspect of [9/11] that is used to kind of create support for things that haven't been very good for our country or the citizens of our country. I've felt like, with the Bush administration, whenever they're in crisis, they'll suddenly pull out a terror alert - a code orange scenario, which I run into constantly, because I'm in airports so often. They don't ever have to say why, just that it's a matter of national security. And with the conservative right, part of the platform right now in the election is 'Be afraid of terror, be afraid of terrorists. Look at 9/11 - we need an administration and a president who knows how to go out, kick ass, take names and keep us safe.' That's what got us into Iraq in the first place. [That tactic] certainly helped, and I think [9/11 was] a key factor in Bush winning a second term. To me, the song is about how awful 9/11 was, but stresses that we've got to let go of that to move on peacefully."

(Chris Cornell)
The speaker on?
2017/5/19 - 00:01


Nell'album "Beauty & Crime" (2007)

Un anno dopo gli attentati dell'undici settembre 2001, la cantautrice Suzanne Vega si ritrova a ripercorrere le strade di New York battute da un vento inquietante, ripensando a chi aveva perso la vita un anno prima, scrive questa toccante canzone.
Fall and all attendant memories
2016/9/11 - 22:59
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11 Septembre

11 Septembre

Il pezzo chiude il primo album dei Médine “11 Septembre, récit du 11ème jour”.

Il videoclip disponibile su youtube è stato censurato in televisione.

Rimandiamo a genius per le note.
J'recrache le drame du monde qui nous entoure:
2015/11/19 - 22:07
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September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001
[11 settembre 2001]
Parole di Jason Molina (1973-2013), musicista e cantautore dell’Ohio, fondatore di formazioni come Songs: Ohia e Magnolia Electric Co.
Musica di Jason Molina, Will Oldham ed Alasdair Roberts

La canzone è rimasta inedita fino a pochi mesi fa.
Nel frattempo il suo autore è morto, il 16 marzo 2013, a soli 39 anni, stroncato dalla sua dipendenza dall’alcol.

Nel settembre del 2001 i musicisti Jason Molina, Will Oldham ed Alasdair Roberts avevano deciso di trovarsi per iniziare una collaborazione artistica. Si erano incontrati nella fattoria di Paul, fratello di Will Oldham, in una zona rurale del Kentucky.
L’11 Settembre li colse lì, e questa fu la loro istintiva risposta a quanto accaduto, un evento terribile che da allora non ha mai smesso di proiettare la sua ombra nefasta sull’intera umanità...
That's all
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/9/11 - 22:42
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72 Virgins

72 Virgins
Seventy-Two, Seventy-Two
2015/9/9 - 02:58

Laying on the Ground

Laying on the Ground

One evening back in Eugene Oregon my daughter was playing in the garden as the sun was setting on a clear dry summer evening. I was strumming an E chord and watching her play from the back porch. I was strumming the chord alternating between a low E and a low F# as the low note in the chord. It was kind of hypnotic. I don't know how long I was strumming it, maybe 5 minutes, but I started having memories of my childhood playing in my yard on Springhill Road in White Haven PA. I remembered laying on the ground and watching the clouds and swaying tree tops and feeling very grounded and happy. I remembered a sensation of almost melting into the ground, a oneness with the crust of the earth and golden grasses that surrounded me.

I wrote the first two verses and it got dark, so I put down what I was doing and got my daughter off to bed. Our housemate... (Continues)
Laying on the ground hands behind my head
Contributed by Joshua Finsel 2015/8/11 - 17:03

You're Missing

You're Missing
una delle più belle canzoni di Bruce, una poesia. Grazie per averla inserita. Amo Bruce. <3
marco ruggiero 2015/5/27 - 12:13
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Boeing 737

Boeing 737
Album: Smart Flesh

I think the song is contrasting two methods to find "heaven" and inspire others. The tightrope walker does something peaceful and wonderful to achieve heaven and inspire (see above comment about Petit's tightrope walk); whereas the "prophets" (terrorists) do something violent and awful. The narrator seems to be in the bar trying to figure out his own way to achieve heaven ("I was in a bar when they rigged the towers/Trying to leave all my sins"). He seems to want to emulate the tightrope walker, but his thoughts are interrupted by the bold entrance of the prophets. That is, often our attempts to better ourselves are interrupted or stymied by the violent actions of others. This is corroborated by the fact that most people will have to google Philippe Petit's name to get the reference to his tightrope walk between the twin towers, but almost everyone probably thought... (Continues)
I was in the air when the towers came down
2014/9/13 - 14:35
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If This Is Goodbye

If This Is Goodbye
Album: "All the Roadrunning" - Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris (2006)

The mobile phone has inserted itself into every crevice of our daily lives. Now, in catastrophe, if there is time enough, it is there in our dying moments. All through Thursday we heard from the bereaved how they took those last calls. Whatever the immediate circumstances, what was striking was what they had in common. A new technology has shown us an ancient, human universal.

A San Francisco husband slept through his wife's call from the World Trade Centre. The tower was burning around her, and she was speaking on her mobile phone. She left her last message to him on the answering machine. A TV station played it to us, while it showed the husband standing there listening. Somehow, he was able to bear hearing it again.We heard her tell him through her sobbing that there was no escape for her. The building was on fire... (Continues)
My famous last words
2014/9/11 - 22:08

10 Settembre 2001: Il giorno mancato

Antiwar Songs Blog
10 Settembre 2001: Il giorno mancato
Ovviamente de Bortoli ed io non abbiamo affatto le stesse idee. Lui, ad esempio, concluse l’editoriale del 12 settembre con una frase famosa, che poi molti gli han tolto di bocca: ” Siamo tutti americani “. Bene, io no. Di fondo mi sento fiorentino, un po’ italiano e sempre di più europeo. Ma americano proprio […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2014-09-10 20:53:00

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