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Song Itinerary

Author Violeta Parra

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Now that a motion picture has been made on the life of Violeta Parra, and that attention has been brought again on this extraordinary woman, we, being already aware of all this since plenty of time, are trying now to rebuild and improve the website section dedicated to her songs. The movie, too, could help know them better, not only the “eternal” Gracias a la vida, a song -by the way- most people ignore who is its real author. Be careful, anyway: the feliz Violeta was other things, too. A ferocious anticlericalist, for instance, or someone who went back to seventeen. So, long live the movie; but here you have Violeta's songs. By them do we speak.
Riccardo Venturi 2013/7/7 - 23:56
The entire Canto para una semilla (Song for a Seed) based upon poems by Violeta Parra with music by Luis Advis. Published at last!
DonQuijote82 2013/4/23 - 15:02
We too like the students, especially in these days. So, we want to dedicate them this song to back their struggle. And we're adding this other song, too!
Riccardo Venturi 2008/10/23 - 12:17
This website today has returned to seventeen.

Hoy este web ha volvido a los diecisiete.
Riccardo Venturi 2007/12/14 - 02:04
AWS nr 3500 has been decerned to be a special, splendid song, Arriba quemando el sol, o Y arriba quemando el sol by the great Chilean folksinger Violeta Parra. No doubt, it is not what is generally meant for an "antiwar song". Nevertheless, it finds its right place in our collection.
Riccardo Venturi 2006/2/18 - 23:50

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