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Author David Rovics

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If a Song Could Raise an Army

If a Song Could Raise an Army
Per quanto io condivida quasi tutta la "poetica" di Rovics, la sua esagerata prolificità, insieme ai suoi oggettivi limiti musicali, mi infastidisce...

La stessa sensazione che mi restituiscono le "canzoni" di Marco Valdo MI, pure lui prolificissimo, e senza neppure proporsi in musica...

Scrivere così tanto e invano forse soddisfa il loro ego, non certo l'ascoltatore/lettore...

Preferisco sempre la qualità alla quantità.

Parere personale...
πολεμικός 2024/5/5 - 16:24


ho sentito questa mattina la notizia dell'acronimo WCNSF a Radio Popolare e mi è subito venuta la voglia di scrivere un brano sull'argomento.
Facendo ricerche in rete ho trovato che il bravissimo e prolifico David lo aveva già fatto con molto tatto e profondità di racconto.
Il coinvolgimento complice dei suoi USA immagino lo faccia sempre soffrire e gli dia ulteriori ragioni per scrivere.
vi metto il link alla dichiarazione dell'infermiera del Gaza Doctors without Borders che ha dato l'annuncio

paolo Rizzi 2023/12/5 - 11:55
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From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea

From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea
Bellissima anche la sua vecchia ma attualissima
Israeli geography 101
contro le politiche di Netanyahu
C'è anche lei questo sito
Paolo Rizzi 2023/11/22 - 12:04

Rich Men North of Richmond

Rich Men North of Richmond
I wish politicians would look out for miners
2023/8/28 - 23:21

Behind These Prison Walls

Behind These Prison Walls
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 15-10-2022 17:03
Dietro a queste mura carcerarie
2022/10/15 - 17:03
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Parole e musica di David Rovics
Album: Historic Times
History doesn't repeat, they say, but it often appears it does
Contributed by hmmwv 2020/5/24 - 19:27
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Neither King Nor Kaiser

Neither King Nor Kaiser
Lyrics & music by David Rovics
Album: When I'm Elected President & Wayfaring Stranger (double album)

NeitherKingNorKaiser is the tag the Europe-based campaign is using to remember the imperial carnage that was World War I in a more accurate light.

It was a war that was opposed by the majority, and fought on behalf of the few.
A hundred years ago today
Contributed by giorgio 2020/5/4 - 14:25
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Still Waiting for the Change

Still Waiting for the Change
Lyrics & music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs (double album)

A song for president Obama. (And his entire party. And the other party, too, for that matter) ..
A perfect example of a politician. That is, he unfailingly represents the basic truth about politicians worldwide – that it doesn't matter what they say, or how eloquently they say it. All that matters is what they do. And with Obama, what he says and what he does have nothing to do with each other. Any progressive person who still thinks otherwise is either deluded or not paying attention (or both).
I remember in 2008
Contributed by giorgio 2020/4/21 - 15:25
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Waiting for Their Checks to Come

Waiting for Their Checks to Come

At least ten million renters in the US began the month of April, 2020 by withholding their rent -- for most of them, because it was either pay rent this month, or eat. Those among the now teeming ranks of the unemployed and housing insecure in the US who qualify for it are now anxiously awaiting the money the federal government says it will start disbursing in the coming week.
The world shut down last month
Contributed by adriana 2020/4/12 - 13:49
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The Pandemic of 1918

The Pandemic of 1918
Lyrics & music by David Rovics
Album: Viral Solidarity

The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans. The 1918 flu was first observed in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia before swiftly spreading around the world. At the time, there were no effective drugs or vaccines to treat this killer flu strain. Citizens were ordered to wear masks, schools, theaters and businesses were shuttered and bodies piled up in makeshift morgues before the virus ended its deadly global march..
A world war was raging,
Contributed by giorgio 2020/4/9 - 09:33
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Viral Solidarity

Viral Solidarity

"We recorded my latest ditty, "Viral Solidarity," Saturday evening in Brisbane, Australia, at what will probably be my last gig for a little while. Now I'm back in the US, heading home to Portland, to see what happens next."
(David Rovics)
There's foreboding in the air
2020/3/15 - 15:45
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Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree

Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree
The virus is spreading, I'm under lockdown
Contributed by adriana 2020/3/9 - 08:54
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Frieden Und Freiheit

Frieden Und Freiheit
Album : The Other Side

Franz Jacob (August 9, 1906 – September 18, 1944) was a German Resistance fighter against the National Socialists and a Communist politician.
Franz Jacob was a man, grandfather of a friend of yours
Contributed by DQ82 2018/12/28 - 14:29

They All Sang the Internationale

They All Sang the Internationale

Album : The Other Side

Katharina Hochmuth Jacob (March 6, 1907 – August 23, 1989) was a teacher and member of the German Resistance movement against National Socialism. She was married to Franz Jacob, a German Resistance fighter who was executed by the Nazis.
Katharina Jacob, long before she took that name
Contributed by Dq82 2018/12/28 - 14:24
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Denmark 1943

Denmark 1943
Album : The Other Side
When we heard the news that we were to be arrested
Contributed by Dq82 2018/12/28 - 14:14
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Stumbling stones. A German artist named Gunter Demnig started putting little bronze squares in the sidewalks of German cities in 1992. Now there are thousands of them in several different countries in Europe. They are placed in front of the homes and workshops from which people were taken to be sent to concentration camps, primarily. It's a powerful form of art, turning much of Germany into a permanent exhibit, a constant reminder of what has been, and what must never be.

Pietre d'inciampo. Un artista tedesco Gunter Demnig ha iniziato a posizionare delle piccole lapidi di bronzo sui marciapiedi delle città tedesche nel 1992. Adesso ce ne sono migliaia sparse in diverse nazioni europee, posizionate di fronte alle case o alle botteghe, da cui le perosne sono state prelevate per essere portate nei campi di sterminio. E' una forma d'arte piena di forza, che trasforma la Germania... (Continues)
When I first showed up in Deutschland, camping on the Rhine
Contributed by Dq82 2018/12/27 - 15:57



State terror. For the children and their parents.
She left late at night out of sight of the gangs
Contributed by adriana 2018/7/11 - 10:43

Land Day


1976/2018. Land Day was originally declared in the wake of a massacre carried out by Israelis against Palestinians protesting against ongoing theft of their land by Israel. Now we have a far bigger massacre to add to the ongoing saga.David Rovics
Another day, another massacre of children
Contributed by adriana 2018/5/17 - 17:28
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust
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East Kilbride

East Kilbride
Live in Huston

A friend in Berlin sent me a story about how the entire Chilean Air Force was essentially grounded for a time as a result of the actions of union engineers in Scotland who refused to repair the engines of their fighter jets after the 1973 coup.
Jet fighters bombed the palace, we all watched it on TV
Contributed by adriana 2018/1/28 - 10:47
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A Brief History of Jerusalem

A Brief History of Jerusalem

It's been in the news a lot lately, since Trump announced his plan to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. So here's a little history for those who don't know.
From the frozen north with shields and swords
Contributed by adriana 2018/1/28 - 10:38
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Album: Ballad of a Wobbly
Listen to me, friends, from New York to California
Contributed by adriana 2017/12/12 - 14:37
Song Itineraries: From Kurdistan
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Leila and Majnun

Leila and Majnun

Album: Ballad of a Wobbly
When Leila met Majnun it was at a traffic light
2017/12/12 - 14:32
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Ballad of a Wobbly

Ballad of a Wobbly

Album: Ballad of a Wobbly
When I came to this country, left Scotland far behind
Contributed by adriana 2017/12/12 - 14:20
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Failed State

Failed State
Album: Ballad of a Wobbly
When you're working two jobs and living in a tent
Contributed by adriana 2017/10/7 - 10:55
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Lyrics and music: Elona Planman
Text och musik: Elona Planman
Testo e musica: Elona Planman
Album: Drömtåget [2015]

Elona Planman, giovane strega svedese che l'Adriana avrebbe volentieri scovata in un sabba, ma che invece più prosaicamente ha scovata sulla pagina del Libro De' Ceffi (leggasi: Feisbuk) di David Rovics (uno che ha 162 canzoni su questo sito, no, tanto per dire...), è una parecchio tosta. Una, insomma, da mettercisi immediatamente a “lavorare” sopra. Probabilmente, e anche a giudicare dal suo sito ufficiale, in Svezia (e in Scandinavia) non ha nessun bisogno di essere conosciuta; solo che, come è lecito e anche piacevole immaginare, la Elona scrive e canta solo in svedese (dico “piacevole” perché a me piace immensamente chi non abdica all'inglisc'). Urge quindi, visto quel che scrive e canta, dedicarsi un po' a questa ragazza “punk” sì, ma che... (Continues)
På bussen är allt stilla fast
Contributed by Adriana & RV 2017/9/3 - 07:52
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America Has Never Been So Great

America Has Never Been So Great

Album: Punk Baroque

Ask anyone who wants to "make America great again" -- exactly when was it great?David Rovics

Razzismo, povertà, violenza.

Due domande sorgono spontanee:

1) Quando è stata grande l'America?

2) Come farà Trump a renderla grande?

(articolo non tradotto)

By Kim Petersen

July 27, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  “Make America Great Again” was Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. It appeals to the people whose hearts beat with patriotic fervor. But what does such a slogan explicitly point out?

Syntactically, Trump is telling Americans that the United States of America is not great. A country can only become something again when it is currently not that something it seeks to recapture – in this case, that something is greatness. So currently the US is not great according to the mantra of Trump.

Two questions are raised by this?

1. When was America great?

2.... (Continues)
America has never been so great, but it could be 
Contributed by Dq82 2017/8/17 - 12:25
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The Ghost of Ethel Rosenberg

The Ghost of Ethel Rosenberg

Album: Punk Baroque

Decades after the electrocutions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, we learned that although the state had reason to believe Julius Rosenberg was a Soviet spy, they had nothing on Ethel. They gave her the death penalty in order to make her husband talk. Neither of them did.David Rovics

Il caso Rosenberg è una vicenda che, negli anni della guerra fredda, e in pieno clima dimaccartismo, coinvolse i coniugi Julius ed Ethel Rosenberg e colpì profondamente l'opinione pubblica mondiale, quando i due furono processati, giudicati colpevoli e condannati a morte come spie dell'Unione Sovietica.

Nello specifico, i coniugi Rosenberg furono accusati di cospirazione attraverso lo spionaggio e incriminati con l'accusa di aver passato ad agenti sovietici dei segreti sulle armi nucleari.

Con la desecretazione degli atti, si è scoperto che effettivamente Julius Rosenberg fu una spia sovietica, ma che la moglie Ethel fu condannata solo per fare pressione sul marito, e accusata dal fratello per proteggere sua moglie.
Throughout the Second World War the Allies managed to unite 
Contributed by Dq82 2017/8/17 - 11:32
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Today in Charlottesville

Today in Charlottesville
[13 agosto 2017]

19 injured, one killed.


Album: Ballad of a Wobbly
There was a massacre in church that got certain forces moving
Contributed by adriana 2017/8/13 - 08:51

Oklahoma, 1917

Oklahoma, 1917

Album: Punk Baroque

A tribute to the almost entirely forgotten period of Oklahoma history when socialism was mainstream, and a secret organization known as the Working Class Union had 35,000 active members.
David Rovics
The wisdom a story imparts
Contributed by adriana 2017/6/11 - 09:44
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Gather Round

Gather Round

Album: Punk Baroque

Most English-language labor songs were written sometime before 1932. This is an update.
David Rovics
Gather round all you workers
Contributed by adriana 2017/6/11 - 09:37
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Age of the Robber Barons

Age of the Robber Barons

Album: Punk Baroque

Inequality in the United States in 2017 is greater than it has been since the 19th century -- the Age of the Robber Barons.
David Rovics
There was a time when the rich did not pay tax
Contributed by adriana 2017/6/11 - 09:29
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Album: Punk Baroque

And then every once in a very rare while, there are years like 1848, where the masses across multiple borders rise up all at once, and overthrow the existing order. Which they did throughout Europe back then, regardless of what you may have heard.David Rovinc
The famine had affected many people
Contributed by adriana 2017/6/11 - 09:13

If This Were a War

If This Were a War

Album: Punk Baroque

A song about what happened in that parking lot in Dallas in the summer of 2016.David Rovics
If this were a war, if he were a soldier
Contributed by adriana 2017/6/11 - 09:09
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Just a Renter

Just a Renter

Album: Punk Baroque

In a city where half the population are renters who have no idea whether their rent will double over the course of the next year, there is no community. Half the city is hoping a new organic supermarket will open up near them, and the other half are hoping it will burn down. That's not a community, that's class war. David Rovics
Ten thousand yuppies just moved here
Contributed by adriana 2017/6/11 - 09:02
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Song for a Refugee

Song for a Refugee

Album: Punk Baroque

There's this concept that has been talked about so much in so many different contexts that it seems to have been rendered meaningless. But it's not. Humans should have rights -- because they are human, no matter where on Earth they happen to find themselves, regardless of citizenship or lack thereof.
David Rovics
I breathe the air that you do
Contributed by adriana 2017/6/11 - 08:50

Upon Our Shores

Upon Our Shores

2 September 2015: The limp body of a 3-year-old Syrian refugee named Aylan Kurdi washed up on a beach in Turkey. Here's the song David Rovics wrote the next day.
Da questa pagina

Did you get up in the morning, see your kids off to school
Contributed by adriana 2016/9/2 - 11:31
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Syria, 2013

Syria, 2013

Album :Spies Are Reading My Blog

"21 August 2013: Hundreds of people in Syria were killed in a chemical attack. Despite no clarity in terms of who carried out the attack, the leaders of the western world immediately jumped to the conclusion that it had been carried out by the government's forces, and started making plans to bomb the country."
There's an uncivil war in Syria, one hundred thousand dead
Contributed by adriana 2016/8/22 - 08:21
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God's Gift to the Caliphate

God's Gift to the Caliphate

Album : 1939

A song for Daesh's chief recruiter, Donald Trump.-David Rovics
He was born a rich man, then he got richer still
Contributed by adriana 2016/8/17 - 12:05
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Here at the End of the World

Here at the End of the World

Album : Songs For Mahmud

It’s really crazy being alive today, and having the knowledge that our species is on the edge of extinction, and those in power in most of the world just go on pretending it’s not happening. It’s really surreal, really depressing, really maddening, among other things.David Rovics
Standing here on a highway
2016/8/16 - 15:07
Song Itineraries: War on Earth

Pebble Mine

Pebble Mine

Album : Spies Are Reading My Blog

"There are so many reasons to oppose a gargantuan new mining project, I don’t know where to start."
They’ve been trying now for thirty years or more
Contributed by adriana 2016/8/16 - 11:54

TPP 101

TPP 101
“TPP 101” appears on the 2014 Bandcamp album, All the News That’s Fit to Sing.

The TPP is the US-Pacific trade deal. TTIP is the one between the US and Europe. They are both horrible for the working class around the world, and great for the capitalist class, which is how these trade deals work. Which is why real progressives always oppose them, and corporate lobbyists love them. Is your local Congressperson supporting the deal? That is an indication that he or she is a corporate thug. If the corporate thug pretends to be progressive, support of these trade deals is a clear indication that they are bullshitting in order to get votes. They’re clearly more interested in those envelopes stuffed with cash they’re getting from the pharmaceutical companies.
David Rovics
Free traders and traitors, bankers and thieves
Contributed by adriana 2016/8/16 - 11:05
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Everything Can Change

Mordechai Vanunu (in ebraico: מרדכי ואנונו‎, anche noto con il nome di battesimo cristiano John Crossman; Marrakech, 13 ottobre 1954) è un ex tecnico nucleare israeliano. Nato in Marocco da una famiglia ebraica ortodossa sefardita della città di Marrakech, emigrò in Israele con i parenti nel 1963. Nel 1986 rivelò al Sunday Times l'esistenza di un piano segreto di armamento nucleare da parte dello Stato di Israele, che all'epoca avrebbe posseduto 220 testate nucleari, tra 200 bombe atomiche più il materiale sufficiente per realizzare 20 bombe all'idrogeno. All'epoca lavorava alla centrale nucleare di Dimona, che ufficialmente doveva essere solo un luogo di produzione di energia nucleare a scopo civile. In seguito alle rivelazioni, agenti israeliani lo rapirono in Italia, lo drogarono e lo trasportarono in Israele, dove una corte lo processò in segreto con accuse di tradimento e spionaggio, condannandolo a 18 anni di prigionia.
I was born in Marakesh and I thought life was good
Contributed by dq82 2016/5/23 - 18:58
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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Free Abu Sakha

Free Abu Sakha
Letter to My Landlord

Mohammad Abu Sakha è stato arrestato il 14 dicembre 2015 alle 4 circa mentre stava attraversando il posto di blocco militare Zaatara vicino a Nablus per andare a lavorare nel villaggio di Birzeit, vicino a Ramallah. Abu Sakha lavora come formatore e interprete presso la scuola di circo palestinese dal 2007. Era uno studente. È diventato un artista circense e un allenatore al circo nel 2011. Ha partecipato a molti spettacoli in Europa e negli Stati Uniti. Partecipa inoltre a numerose tournée in Palestina. Doveva partecipare a corsi di formazione fuori della Palestina nel mese di marzo e giugno 2016.
Un ordine di detenzione amministrativa di sei mesi è stato emesso contro Mohammad a partire dal 25 dicembre 2015 e termina il 13 giugno 2016. L’accusa militare afferma che Abu Sakha è attivo in un’organizzazione illegale secondo gli ordini militari di occupazione.... (Continues)
He grew up in Jenin, where his neighbors lived and died
Contributed by dq82 2016/5/23 - 18:44
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Ballad of CeCe McDonald

Ballad of CeCe McDonald

Album : The Other Side
There are a lot of white men in this world who turn out a lot like Dean
2016/5/22 - 10:09
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Album :1939
When the bomb went off that killed your mother
Contributed by adriana 2016/5/22 - 09:44

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

Veterans for Peace have fixed up the old Golden Rule boat that sailed to the Pacific in 1958 against nuclear testing, and nuclear weapons. The boat's back in action, the anti-nuke mission remains, and I wrote a song...
Albert was in Pearl Harbor, that's just where he happened to be
Contributed by adriana 2016/5/22 - 09:05
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If You Bomb Somebody

If You Bomb Somebody

Album: Punk Baroque

Terrorist attacks. They're always trying to figure out why someone would do that, while fastidiously ignoring the elephant in the living room. This song is about the elephant.
They haven't even started cleaning up the mess
Contributed by adriana 2016/5/22 - 09:01

Good-Bye Portland

Good-Bye Portland

I've been writing a lot of songs on this subject, but here's another one. Gentrification, ethnic cleansing, chaos, genocide, whatever you want to call it. It's happening to Portland. Everybody's leaving aside from the baby millionaires. San Francisco, Seattle, New York City, Boston, now it's here. Welcome to cancerous growth. Welcome to rampant, uncontrolled capitalism. Welcome to America. Home to no one but the millionaires. The rest of us are just hanging on to the edges, being told we should be grateful that there was a bush growing on the side of the cliff that we could grab onto before going splat into the ravine.
I grew up in the suburbs, the ones where you do not stay
Contributed by adriana 2016/5/22 - 08:54

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