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Author David Rovics

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The Draft Is Coming

The Draft Is Coming
David is brilliant but this song shows a surprising lack of unnderstanding of America's military strategy at home. Vietnam taught American politicians that a draft results in protests & makes war unpopular. We now boast of our all-volunteer military because it keeps Americans supportive of war. But the majority of the massacre-ing is done by mercenary forces like Blackwater (now operating under different names) because soldiers are subject to ptosecution for ear crimes
2020/5/2 - 10:28
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Paul Wolfowitz

Paul Wolfowitz
persona nongrata 2020/5/2 - 09:48

I Won’t Be a Slave

I Won’t Be a Slave
Una canzone di David Rovics dedicata alla Lowell Mill Girls.
Testo trovato su Genius


No more shall I work in the factory
Greasy up my clothes
No more shall I work in the factory
Splinters in my toes

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I hear the bosses say
"Boys, you better dauf"
No more shall I hear those bosses say
"Spinners, you better clean off"

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I hear the drummer wheels
Rolling over my head
When factories are hard at work
I'll be in my bed

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And carry me away

No more shall I wear the old black dress
Greasy all around
No more shall I wear the old black bonnet
With holes all in the crown

Pity me, my darling
Pity me, I say
Pity me, my darling
And... (Continues)
B.B. 2018/5/7 - 09:51
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Today in Charlottesville

Today in Charlottesville
Usa, auto si lancia su un corteo antirazzista: un morto e 30 feriti in Virginia

Tragedia dopo gli scontri e le cariche della polizia a Charlottesville. Tutto è nato dalla protesta dei suprematisti bianchi contro la rimozione di un statua del generale Lee da un parco. Il governatore della Virginia proclama lo stato d'emergenza: "Nazisti non sono benvenuti qui". Arrestato l'autore dell'attacco: ha 20 anni. Fbi apre un'inchiesta federale. Trump condanna: "No alla violenza di qualunque parte sia". Ma piovono critiche perché non nomina mai i suprematisti. In serata cade elicottero della polizia impegnato nella vigilanza: due vittime

Una manifestante morta e 30 sono rimasti feriti a Charlottesville, nello stato della Viriginia, dopo che un'auto si è lanciata contro un corteo antirazzista formatosi per contrastare una protesta dei suprematisti bianchi. La tragedia è arrivata dopo una notte di... (Continues)
Dq82 2017/8/13 - 10:49
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Barack Obama

Barack Obama
Contributed by Anonimo 3 2014/11/17 - 18:34
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What Do You Call It?

What Do You Call It?
2012/11/19 - 11:40
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The Village Where Nothing Happened

The Village Where Nothing Happened
2011/2/5 - 14:48

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler
Chanson étazunienne de langue anglaise – Laissez les bon temps rouler – David Rovics – 2010

[Cette chanson a été faite en ]« Entendant les histoires des communautés de pêcheurs désœuvrées de Louisiane, en pensant à l'histoire du peuple Cajun et comment les réfugiés du Canada sont à nouveau devenus des réfugiés. Cette fois, la raison n'est plus l'Empire britannique, mais une société transnationale avec une histoire très très British et impériale... »

Tu vois, Lucien l'âne mon ami aux oreilles si brillantes et si douces, il y a des gens et des peuples que le malheur suit à la trace. Parmi tous ceux là, il y a notamment le peuple Cajun, un peuple d'origine française, que la misère poussa en Amérique et tout d'abord au Canada – aux temps où le Canada était encore en balance entre l'Angleterre et la France. Finalement, ces gens-là furent chassés par le Grand Dérangement – on était dans les... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/12/4 - 22:45
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Floating Down the River

Floating Down the River
2010/12/1 - 23:21
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Lyrics & Music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs

"On Earth Day last I was on a plane headed to Europe, reading Riki Ott's fantastic book, One Last Drop, about Exxon Valdez disaster, just as the oil began to gush off the Louisiana coast. Anyway, this song is about a particular incident in 1993 when fishermen blockaded the harbor".
I am a fisherman, so were my parents
Contributed by giorgio 2010/9/24 - 06:17
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Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Album: Ten Thousand Miles Away

A song for one of the hundreds of would-be Mexican immigrants who die of thirst on the US-Mexico border every year..
I was raised in Guanajuato
Contributed by giorgio 2010/8/18 - 08:44

Union Makes Strong

Union Makes Strong
Lyrics & Music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs

"I was just fiddling around on the guitar one day and this is what came out. I was thinking of stories Bob and Jo Steck used to tell about the 1930's in their respective homes – Bob in Iowa and Jo in New York City. I suppose this song represents the most fundamental message I and others like me are trying to communicate – in union we can achieve anything".
Back in the Depression - farmers held the line
Contributed by giorgio 2010/8/1 - 08:47
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The Last Lincoln Vet

The Last Lincoln Vet
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs

It's strange getting older.. When I was young the old people around me were the 1930's generation, veterans of the massive Depression-era struggles of the day. Bob Steck lived a few miles down the road from my mother in Connecticut and was, among other things, a veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and spent 16 months in one of Franco's concentration camps. He died a couple years ago at the venerable old age of 95, and this song is for him and others like him. Many of them of course were killed in battle in Spain long ago. Most of those who survived the war spent the rest of their lives serving humanity in one way or another. The few survivors are now in their nineties.
They were old when I was young
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/13 - 13:09
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Song for the Mavi Marmara

Song for the Mavi Marmara
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs

I had friends on several of those boats, including the Mavi Marmara. Just when the most cynical of leftists thinks Israel can't possibly do something even more outrageous than the last outrage, they go and do it. They massacred unarmed activists trying to bring basic necessities in to help alleviate the suffering of a besieged, hungry population. Read Kevin Neish's firsthand account of the raid on the ship.
In 1948 they were driven out at the point of a machine gun
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/11 - 19:01
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Sixty Thousand More

Sixty Thousand More
Lyrics & Music by David Rovics
Album: Beyond The Mall
I was driving down the highway
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/31 - 12:42
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Minimum Wage Strike

Minimum Wage Strike
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "We Just Want The World"
When I awoke one morning -there was a feeling in the air
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/31 - 12:26
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Welcome to the European Union

Welcome to the European Union
Lyrics & Music by David Rovics
Album: Who Would Jesus Bomb
I landed in Denmark and there was Burger King
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/20 - 08:10
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Battle of Blair Mountain

Battle of Blair Mountain
Album "Songs for Mahmud"

"I read the book by Lon Savage, Thunder In the Mountains, and wrote this song, about the biggest battle in the West Virginia Coal Mine War of 1920-21".
1921 was the year seems like yesterday to me
Contributed by giorgio 2010/4/13 - 12:16
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Whoever wins in November

Whoever wins in November
Album: For The Moment

There may have been a distinction between those two war criminals. Perhaps even a distinction that we might call significant, but certainly not one that will, in itself, allow our species to survive.
Whoever wins in November
Contributed by giorgio 2010/4/13 - 08:47
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The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Album: Who Would Jesus Bomb?
I can't stand the news
Contributed by giorgio 2010/4/13 - 08:14
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Glory And Fame

Glory And Fame
Album: We Just Want The World .[2005]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics

"I already recorded this song on my CD, Make It So [1996], and might not have recorded it once again, except that when Anne Feeney heard me sing it around a campfire at the Kerrville Folk Festival, she said she liked it but that it might stand a little editing. I had long thought that myself, and after she made the suggestion, Chrysler helped me cut out half the verses during a long drive one night someplace in the Midwest. My other name for the song is "Labor History 101." I used to call it "Ballad of the Proletariat," but Pete Seeger suggested I change the title, pointing out that "proletariat" is a "long, Latin word" which "might as well be in Swahili, or Chinese." I originally wrote the song in the spring of '93, and it has obviously been a victim of the "folk process."
I pulled the stones for the emperor,
Contributed by giorgio 2009/10/9 - 09:38
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All The Ghosts That Walk This Earth

All The Ghosts That Walk This Earth
Album "Songs for Mahmud"
I'll tell you what happened
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/10/6 - 15:32
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No One Is Illegal

No One Is Illegal
Da/From "Living In These Times"
David Rovics' Official Website
The clouds gather in your forests
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/10/6 - 13:11
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Black Flag Flying

Black Flag Flying
Album "The Commons"
Come all you sailors near and far
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/10/6 - 11:10

Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay
Bellissima vignetta di Dave Granlund (riportata da Internazionale n.792/2009) che sintetizza magistralmente cosa farà la nuova amministrazione Obama rispetto all'accertamento delle responsabilità degli agenti federali coinvolti nelle torture ai presunti terroristi catturati dopo l'11 settembre 2001.

Il cartello recita: "Amnistia per gli agenti della CIA responsabili degli interrogatori"

"Fiuuu! L'attesa del verdetto è stata una vera tortura!"
Alessandro 2009/4/26 - 16:53

Age Of Oil

Age Of Oil
Contributed by Kiocciolina 2008/10/7 - 11:42
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Behind The Barricades

Behind The Barricades
Contributed by Kiocciolina 2008/10/7 - 11:15

After We Torture Our Prisoners

After We Torture Our Prisoners
Contributed by Kio 2008/8/20 - 15:18

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