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Author David Rovics

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Minnesota Gestapo

Minnesota Gestapo
[July 2000]
Lyrics by David Rovics
Music by David Rovics and Rich Caloggero

"Since the protests in Seattle in November/December 1999, the cops/system has been reacting with calculated violence and intimidation to protests throughout North America and elsewhere. In July there was a particularly brutal incident in Minneapolis." -David Rovics
The Gestapo's on the march in Minnesota
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/7 - 23:19

A Song For NATO

[May 1999]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics

"Here's one from May, 1999. Pretty self-explanatory. Stop the war." -David Rovics
An oil slick is floating down the Danube
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/7 - 23:15


Lyrics and music by David Rovics

" I'm not saying what's right or wrong in this song, just what's real. You reap what you sow, and that applies to the USAF, the IMF and the CIA, too. I was thinking, after the late December bombings in Iraq, of a news article I read back in '91. Apparently, tens of thousands of men from Jordan were volunteering for the Iraqi armed forces, wanting to serve the cause of anti-imperialism. In the section of the application forms where they were asked of their qualifications for serving in the military, thousands replied with only one word: "martyr."- David Rovics.
One soldier stood among the rubble
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/7 - 23:12
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Luis Posada

Luis Posada
Ten Thousand Miles Away
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics

"Anti-Castro terrorist, free in Miami along with so many others of his kind." -David Rovics.


Il terrorismo asimmetrico: la vicenda di Luis Posada Carriles.

Gli USA ospitano in Florida il noto terrorista Luis Posada Carriles. Cuba protesta e ne chiede l'estradizione.

(19 aprile 2005)

Luis Posada Carriles è un noto terrorista. Meno noto di Bin Laden ma con un curriculum di tutto rispetto e sicuramente con più esperienza sul campo.

Collaboratore del regime cubano di Batista, passò, dopo la rivoluzione dei barbutos e il conseguente crollo del dittatore cubano, alle dipendenze della CIA e dei poteri forti statunitensi. Di lui si sà con certezza - è reo confesso di molti reati, omicidi e attentati - che operò per anni in vari stati del sud america tessendo,... (Continues)
Luis Posada lived in Havana
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/7 - 22:34

Drug War

Drug War
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics

"The drug war has been won a long time ago -- by the CIA, who else?" -David Rovics.
I want to tell you something you should understand
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/7 - 22:29

When The Aliens Invaded America

Lyrics and Music by David Rovics

"Riffing on something Paul Watson said in a really good talk I just heard." - David Rovics.
What if aliens came from outer space
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/7 - 22:24
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November 2005
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
David Rovic's Official Website
Ten Thousand Miles Away

"Another attempt at writing a song about the connection between 9/11/2001 and 9/11/1973. This time it worked."
-David Rovics.
As I looked out my window
Contributed by Adriana 2006/1/7 - 22:16
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Song for Cindy Sheehan

Song for Cindy Sheehan
Casey was a good boy
Contributed by adriana 2005/12/11 - 20:43

Soldier On The Bum

Soldier On The Bum
He grew up right in this neighborhood
Contributed by adriana 2005/11/27 - 10:38
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I Remember Warsaw

I Remember Warsaw
[February 2001]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Living In These Times]]
David Rovics' Official Website
First they occupied our country
Contributed by adriana 2005/11/22 - 17:16


It's September 11th
Contributed by adriana 2005/11/22 - 13:55

Letter To A Soldier

Contributed by adriana 2005/11/21 - 22:00
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Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website

Album : Songs For Mahmud

On Thursday 20th November 2003, a quarter of a million protestors brought central London to a halt in one of the biggest workday demonstrations ever. The image of a George Bush statue being toppled in Trafalgar Square was flashed round the world by the film crews and photographers and became a universal symbol of opposition to the US president’s visit. -David Rovics.

* Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London was one of the speakers at the demonstration. He was quoted as saying, "Let everyone recognise what has happened here today, that Britain does not support this war for oil. The British people will not tolerate being used to prop up the most corrupt and racist American administration in over 80 years."
The President came to London
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/11/15 - 21:15
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Paul Wolfowitz

Paul Wolfowitz
From bombing Iraq to running the World Bank. If anybody needed more evidence of the intimate connection between US economic and military policy, there it is.
He’s done giving orders to generals
2005/8/20 - 21:06

Age Of Oil

This is what it was like at the end of the age of oil (insane).
It was as if there was a contest
2005/8/20 - 19:05

Join The Army

April, 2004
If your life's not exotic enough
2005/8/20 - 18:53
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Terror In The Skies

Terror In The Skies
[December 1998]
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website
Live at the Passim
Night-time comes and everybody wonders
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/29 - 19:21

Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
For the moment

Testo e mp3 disponibili a:
Lyrics and legally downloadable mp3 at:

"Our government is torturing them, too" -David Rovics.

A quanto mi risulta, è l'unica canzone sinora presente in tutte le CCG che parli dello scandalo dei prigionieri della base di Guantánamo.

So far I know, it's the only song in the AWS collection telling about the Guantanamo base prisoners scandal.

(Riccardo Venturi)


Forse quando e' stata inserita... ora ce ne sono molte altre, ad esempio la bellissima X-Ray Sun.

(Lorenzo Masetti)
The conquistadors came with their sabres and guns
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/29 - 14:06
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Testo di "Professor D" di The Dope Poet Society
Lyrics by Professor D of The Dope Poet Society
Musica di David Rovics
Music by David Rovics
For the Moment
Maybe you'll hear about me
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/29 - 14:01

After We Torture Our Prisoners

After We Torture Our Prisoners
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Lyrics and music by David Rovics

Testo ripreso da
Lyrics available at
We'll get rid of the dictator, rebuild your country
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/29 - 13:55

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