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Author Joe Hill

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They Killed John Henry

They Killed John Henry
Midnight at the Movies

It seems likely that this song is about the struggle of the American laborer and the working class in industrialized society.

"Well, when John Henry died, he lay lookin' at the sun
He said 'Lord, take me now my work is done', Lord, Lord
'Lord, take me now my work is done'"

John Henry is a folk hero who is famous for his race against a steam-powered hammer, in which he raced a machine with his hammer to see who could dig a tunnel faster. While he won the race, he died of exhaustion immediately after. John Henry is often used as a symbol for the role of humans in industrialized/mechanized society. He is likely used here to symbolize the degraded worth of a human worker in a machine-based society.

"Yeah, and Joe Hill, he'd work any job he could find, boy
He'd rake your leaves and pick your vine, Lord, Lord
Rake your leaves and pick your vine
Yeah and they... (Continues)
Well, when John Henry died he lay lookin' at the sun
Contributed by Dq82 2021/2/7 - 11:33
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Hold the Fort

Hold the Fort
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Philip Bliss (1838 - 1876)

This song, written to the music of an 1870 gospel by Philip Bliss, is included in the Little Red Songbook of the Industrial Workers of the World as an »English Transport Workers' Strike Song«. Until proven otherwise, the author of the lyrics remains unknown, although in another songbook published in 1940 by the Swedish Syndicalistic Youth League and titled »Frihetssånger« (Freedom Songs), the song is credited to Joe Hill, which, however, I'm inclined to consider a homage to Swedish-born Joel Hägglund) rather than a fact.
We meet today in Freedom's cause,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2019/5/24 - 15:01

November Nineteenth

November Nineteenth
Versi di John E. Nordquist, cantautore e militante dell'IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), di origini svedesi, come lo stesso Joe Hill cui la canzone è dedicata, a pochi mesi dal suo assassinio.
Sull'aria de The Red Flag
They've shot Joe Hill, his life has fled
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2017/11/18 - 17:08
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Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues

Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues
Parole e musica di Bob Dylan
Singolo poi contenuto nell’album “Bringing It All Back Home”

“Non c’è bisogno di ascoltare le previsioni del tempo per sapere da che parte soffia il vento”, un verso celeberrimo che, nonostante l’apparente nichilismo del brano, all’epoca venne preso in prestito addirittura dal gruppo armato rivoluzionario, la “Weather Underground Organization”(WUO), meglio conosciuta per l’appunto come “Weatherman”, nata nel 1969 nell’Università del Michigan all’interno del movimento “Students for a Democratic Society” (SDS)

Nella canzone chiari i riferimenti a Jack Keruac (il racconto del 1958 intitolato The Subterraneans e a Chuck Berry (con la sua Too Much Monkey Business). Su moltissimi siti si riferisce anche di una relazione tra alcuni versi di “Subterranean Homesick Blues” con il testo della canzone Takin' It Easy di Woody Guthrie, ma francamente né nel testo... (Continues)
Johnny's in the basement
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2017/9/5 - 14:32
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Talking Union

Talking Union
Scritta da Millard Lampell, Lee Hays e Pete Seeger
La canzone che dà il titolo all’album uscito nel luglio del 1941 e dedicato alla memoria di Joe Hill
Testo trovato sul solito Mudcat Café
Successivamente interpretata anche dal solo Pete Seeger, con l’attualizzazione dell’ultimo verso della penultima strofa: “You're unpatriotic, Moscow Agents, bomb throwers, even the kids”
Now, if you want higher wages let me tell you what to do
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2017/8/23 - 13:30

Coffee An'

Coffee An'
An employment shark the other day I went to see,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/29 - 09:08
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Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay

Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/25 - 10:29
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Stung Right

Stung Right
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/25 - 10:27
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Should I ever be a Soldier

Should I ever be a Soldier
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/25 - 10:25

John Golden and the Lawrence Strike

John Golden and the Lawrence Strike
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/24 - 13:29
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Casey Jones, the Union Scab

Casey Jones, the Union Scab
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/21 - 08:06
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Casey Jones, the Union Scab

Ture Nerman (1886 - 1969) was a Swedish socialist, journalist and author who wrote a biographical book about Joe Hill titled »Joe Hill - mördare eller martyr« (Joe Hill - murderer or martyr) and translated many of his songs into Swedish. Read more here:
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/21 - 08:05
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It's A Long Way Down To The Soupline

It's A Long Way Down To The Soupline
Traduzione svedese / Swedish translation / Svensk översättning: Jacob Branting
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/20 - 16:43
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Casey Jones, the Union Scab

Casey Jones, the Union Scab
Audio link to the song from 1975 performed by Turun ylioppilasteatteri (Turku Student Theatre)
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/20 - 13:29
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Joe Hill's Last Will

Joe Hill's Last Will
Traduzione svedese 3 / Swedish translation 3 / Svensk översättning 3: Jacob Branting
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/9 - 23:36
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Joe Hill's Last Will

Joe Hill's Last Will
Traduzione svedese 2 / Swedish translation 2 / Svensk översättning 2: Signe Aurell

Signe Aurell, who may have come from the Glimåkra-Osby district of Kristianstad, Sweden, immigrated to America around 1914 and worked as a laundress in Minneapolis, where she belonged to the IWW. Her poems appeared in "Allarm", "Arbetaren", "Bokslugan" and the Stockholm anarchist paper "Brand". In 1919 she privately published a collection of verse called "Irrbloss" (Will-o'-the-Wisp). Returning to Sweden in 1920, she was living at Osby in 1955 when interviewed by the Stockholm Communist daily "Ny Dag". There are two poems about Joe Hill (Josef Hillström) in "Irrbloss". Aurell's translation of "Joe Hill's Last Will" is in the 1924 songbook "Sånger av Joe Hill". - Swedish Labor Songs
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/9 - 23:35
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Joe Hill's Last Will

Joe Hill's Last Will
Traduzione svedese / Swedish translation / Svensk översättning: Ture Nerman
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/9 - 23:33
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Should I ever be a Soldier

Should I ever be a Soldier
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2015/5/6 - 17:41
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Joe Hill's Last Will

Joe Hill's Last Will
24 aprile 2015

Interpretata da Utah Phillips
2015/4/24 - 15:27

The Red Feast

The Red Feast
Versi di Ralph Chaplin, originariamente pubblicati nella raccolta autoprodotta intitolata “When The Leaves Come Out And Other Rebel Verses By Ralph Chaplin”, Cleveland, 1917.
Poi in “Bars and Shadows. The Prison Poems of Ralph Chaplin”, raccolta pubblicata nel 1922.
Interpretata da Willard Losinger sulla musica di "Hatikva" (l'inno nazionale israeliano)

Propongo questi versi di Ralph Chaplin come Extra solo perchè non sono certo che siano mai stati messi in musica, come peraltro invece lo furono molte sue poesie (* nota: avendo trovato la versione musicata la abbiamo poi tolta dagli extra).
Ma mi pareva che questo intenso appello contro la guerra non potesse mancare sulle CCG/AWS.
Schierarsi contro la guerra, specie quando ne risuonano i tamburi o già le esplosioni, è sempre molto coraggioso e pericoloso. Ne sapevano qualcosa Ralph Chaplin, Joe Hill, Frank Little, Wesley Everest... (Continues)
Go fight, you fools! Tear up the earth with strife
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/4/24 - 11:56
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Casey Jones, the Union Scab

Casey Jones, the Union Scab
24 aprile 2015

Due parole del traduttore, e forse anche tre. Probabilmente Joe Hill non ce l'aveva direttamente con il Casey Jones storico, nonostante le premesse non siano sbagliate; qui “Casey Jones” è una sorta di simbolo del crumiro, preso apposta perché considerato un eroe da tutti. La si potrebbe tranquillamente definire una provocazione. Il macchinista crumiro di questa canzone è, del resto, di Los Angeles (“an Angelino”) e lavora sulla linea South Pacific (SP), mentre Casey Jones era di Jackson, Tennessee ed aveva vissuto vicino a Cayce, Kentucky (da cui il soprannome “Casey”; il suo vero nome era Jonathan Luther Jones), e lavorava sulla linea Illinois Central Railroad (IC). Sebbene fosse considerato una persona ambiziosa, non risulta che avesse mai fatto il crumiro o che avesse mai danneggiato altri lavoratori. Il suo famoso incidente, avvenuto il 30 aprile 1900 alla guida della locomotiva “Cannonball”, fu in gran parte dovuto ad uno scambio bloccato che non gli era stato segnalato.
2015/4/24 - 10:25

Down in the Old Dark Mills

Down in the Old Dark Mills
24 aprile 2015

Due parole del traduttore. Ho tradotto con "fabbrica", ma deve naturalmente sottintendersi che un "mill" (che in origine significa "molino") è costantemente una fabbrica tessile ("cotton mill" è il cotonificio).
2015/4/24 - 08:04

The Rebel's Toast (Liberty Forever)

The Rebel's Toast (Liberty Forever)
Questo dovrebbe essere il testo completo della canzone, sull'aria del "coro dei gitani", dal secondo atto de "Il trovatore" di Giuseppe Verdi.


We broke the yoke of a pitiless class,
And we burst all asunder our bonds and chains;
Our organization will win when it strikes,
And no more shall a king or a crown remain
United fast are we with bonds that naught can sever;
Long, loud and clear and far our battle cry rings ever
Liberty for aye and aye! Liberty for ever!
Shall be our battle cry.

If Freedom's road seems rough and hard,
And strewn with rocks and thorns,
Then put your wooden shoes on, pard,
And you won't hurt your corns,
To organize and teach, no doubt,
Is very good--that's true,
But still we can't succeed without
The Good Old Wooden Shoe.
Bernart Bartleby 2015/4/21 - 10:44

The Popular Wobbly

The Popular Wobbly
Parole di T-Bone Slim
Sulla melodia dell’allora molto popolare ragtime “They Go Wild, Simply Wild Over Me” (1917), di Joseph McCarthy e Fred Fisher.
Nell’edizione del 1920 del “Little Red Songbook”, il libretto di canti dell’Industrial Workers of The World (IWW), i cui membri erano appunto noti come “Wobblies”

Testo trovato su Political Folk Music Dot Org
Interpretata, tra gli altri, da Pete Seeger, Utah Phillips, David Rovics e Joe Glazer.

Come mai “tutti si scagliavano selvaggiamente” contro i militanti dell’IWW?
Perchè il suo cantore, lo svedese Joe Hill, fu assassinato dal Governo dell’Utah nel 1915?
Come mai nel 1916 la polizia di Everett, Washington, sparò sui wobblies in sciopero uccidendone 5?
Perchè il wobbly Frank Little fu barbaramente linciato in Montana nel 1917?
Come mai il wobbly Wesley Everest, veterano decorato della Grande Guerra, fu linciato a Centralia,... (Continues)
I’m a mild mannered man as can be,
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/4/19 - 14:52

John Golden and the Lawrence Strike

John Golden and the Lawrence Strike
14 aprile 2015
2015/4/14 - 18:38

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