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Author Discharge

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dall'album Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing (1982)

Concisa ma efficace.
Half the world is starving dying of disease
2020/12/13 - 21:43
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Religion Instigates

Religion Instigates
EP: "Fight Back" (1980)
lyrics via Darklyrics
Well you ass crawling bastards suck my arse
2018/3/15 - 22:58
Song Itineraries: Antiwar Anticlerical
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War's No Fairytale

War's No Fairytale
EP: "Fight Back" (1980)
Government and queen are your only enemies
2018/3/15 - 22:54
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Massacre of Innocence (Air Attack)

Massacre of Innocence (Air Attack)
Album: Why - 1981
Men women and children
2018/3/11 - 15:27
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Mania for Conquest

Mania for Conquest
Album: Why - 1981
In order to satisfy their mania for conquest
2018/3/11 - 15:23
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Cries of Help

Cries of Help
Album Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
Napalm tumbles
2018/3/11 - 14:41
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Death Dealers

Death Dealers
Dall’Ep “Never Again”‎

Una canzone, nella sua sintetica semplicità, davvero “disarmante”…‎
Britain among others deal in death when selling arms to developing countries
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 11:35
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Hell Is War

Hell Is War
Album "Discharge"
The New Year comes
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/1/18 - 09:43
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Never Again

Never Again
EP "Never Again"
A blinding light winds and firestorms agonised crying
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/1/18 - 09:38

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