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Author Bruce Watson

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Nobody Should Have to Go Through This

Nobody Should Have to Go Through This
Lyrics and music by Bruce Watson
Album: A Moving Feast

"War and terrorism are two faces of the politics of violence. Those who choose violence to pursue their political ends ignore or discount the human consequences. In the days following the Bali bombing I heard a woman on the radio talking about her missing daughter. She said, "Nobody should have to go through this."
Now that war with Iraq has started, we must say the same for the people of Iraq, and also the troops on both sides and their families - I wonder how many soldiers really understand what they're getting themselves into when they enlist in peacetime. This madness has to stop." (Bruce Watson)
Cruel explosions split the night
Contributed by giorgio 2009/10/1 - 08:57
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The War Without A Name

The War Without A Name
Album: A Moving Feast
Lyrics and music by Bruce Watson

Bruce writes:
"Inspired by the work of historian Henry Reynolds, who calculated the figure 20,000. This figure includes only solidly documented deaths through deliberate acts of murder or 'warfare'. These numbers were often understated, and many incidents were not documented. And then there are the hundreds of thousands killed by disease."
Twenty thousand died in the war without a name
Contributed by giorgio 2009/9/30 - 19:16

Smart Bombs, Dumb Politicians

Scritta da Bruce Watson in modo assai singolare: in alcune sue parti riflette infatti una email da lui ricevuta nel 2002 da uno studente della Columbine High School, il liceo del Colorado dove avvenne, nell'aprile del 2001, la strage di studenti per opera di due altri ragazzi armati fino ai denti. Quasi inutile ricordare il film-documentario "Bowling for Columbine" di Michael Moore...
(Riccardo Venturi)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi

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