מיר לעבן אײביק
מיר לעבן אייביק,
Contributed by Bartleby + CCG/AWS Staff 2011/2/9 - 13:08
La trascrizione in caratteri latini.
Rispetto al testo originariamente inserito, la canzone è stata ascoltata con ridisposizione delle strofe e dei versi all'interno di esse. [RV]
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff 2013/5/28 - 16:12
Le Resistenze, Tenco 2014 - Esther Béjarano, Mir lebn eybik .
ESTHER BEJARANO, la ragazza con la fisarmonica, sopravvissuta ad Auschwitz grazie alla musica.
ESTHER BEJARANO, la ragazza con la fisarmonica, sopravvissuta ad Auschwitz grazie alla musica.
adriana 2014/10/9 - 09:09
ווערטער: ל. ראָזנטאָל
מוזיק: מישאַ וועקסלער
Testo di Leyb Rozental [1916-1945]
Musica di Misha Veksler [1907-1943]
Lyrics by Leyb Rozental [1916-1945]
Music by Misha Veksler [1916-1943]
Leyb Rozental, born in 1916, was the oldest child in a highly cultured Vilna Jewish family. His parents, Fruma and Nohum Rozental, and his two sisters, were all artistic and well educated. His youngest sister Khayele was a talented singer and actress, and was to find her first success performing her brother’s compositions. Leyb himself was a poet, publishing his first poetry book at the age of fourteen. In the Vilna ghetto he became one of the most successful writers of musicals and theatre revues. The powerful lyrics of his productions “Peshe fun Reshe” (Peshe from Reshe) and “Moyshe halt zikh” (Moyshe hold on) captivated their audiences. In addition to his work for the theatre,... (Continues)
ווערטער: ל. ראָזנטאָל
מוזיק: מישאַ וועקסלער
Testo di Leyb Rozental [1916-1945]
Musica di Misha Veksler [1907-1943]
Lyrics by Leyb Rozental [1916-1945]
Music by Misha Veksler [1916-1943]
Leyb Rozental, born in 1916, was the oldest child in a highly cultured Vilna Jewish family. His parents, Fruma and Nohum Rozental, and his two sisters, were all artistic and well educated. His youngest sister Khayele was a talented singer and actress, and was to find her first success performing her brother’s compositions. Leyb himself was a poet, publishing his first poetry book at the age of fourteen. In the Vilna ghetto he became one of the most successful writers of musicals and theatre revues. The powerful lyrics of his productions “Peshe fun Reshe” (Peshe from Reshe) and “Moyshe halt zikh” (Moyshe hold on) captivated their audiences. In addition to his work for the theatre,... (Continues)
נו קויפֿט־זשע פּאַפּיראָסן,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2008/5/29 - 14:38
Song Itineraries:
Extermination camps
La trascrizione in caratteri latini, da zemerl.com
Romanized lyrics, from zemerl.com
Romanized lyrics, from zemerl.com
La trascrizione è stata adattata in alcuni punti ai criteri generalmente seguiti in questo sito.
The transcription has been slightly adapted in a number of points according to the criteria generally used in this site.
The transcription has been slightly adapted in a number of points according to the criteria generally used in this site.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2008/5/29 - 16:04
Questa canzone di Leyb Rozental di Vilnius è sicuramente stata ispirata ad un brano precedente, “פּאַפּיראָסן” (Papirosn), di cui fu autore negli anni 20 Hermann Yablokoff (1903-1981), originario di Hrodna, oggi in Bielorussia, ed emigrato negli USA nel 1924. Personaggio molto noto nel teatro yiddish americano, alla fine della guerra Yablokoff fece molte tournée in Germania, Austria ed Italia per portare conforto ai rifugiati sopravvissuti alla Shoah.
Su di una melodia tradizionale bulgara.
Su di una melodia tradizionale bulgara.
Bernart Bartleby 2014/2/17 - 15:07
טעקסט: לייב ראזענטאל
מוזיק: װאָלקס־טאַנגאָ
Testo: Leyb Rozental
Musica: tango popolare
Lyrics: Leyb Rozental
Music: Popular tango
Parole di Leyb Rosental sulla melodia di un tango popolare.
Testo e introduzione in inglese trovati su Heartstrings – Music of the Holocaust, dove la canzone è pure ascoltabile nell’esecuzione di Betty Segal con Akiva Daykhes alla fisarmonica.
Per la biografia di Leyb Rozental (o Rosental) si veda la sua bellissima ישׂראליק.
Basti qui ricordare che Rozental fu animatore della vita culturale del ghetto di Vilnius insieme a Kasriel Broydo, con il quale - credo, visti i dati coincidenti delle biografie che compaiono su Music and The Holocaust - scrisse alcuni spettacoli musicali, come “Korene Yorn un Veytsene Teg” (“Anni di granturco e giorni di grano”), messo in scena nel 1943, e “Moyshe halt zikh” (“Moyshe, resisti!”). E con Broydo condivise pure... (Continues)
טעקסט: לייב ראזענטאל
מוזיק: װאָלקס־טאַנגאָ
Testo: Leyb Rozental
Musica: tango popolare
Lyrics: Leyb Rozental
Music: Popular tango
Parole di Leyb Rosental sulla melodia di un tango popolare.
Testo e introduzione in inglese trovati su Heartstrings – Music of the Holocaust, dove la canzone è pure ascoltabile nell’esecuzione di Betty Segal con Akiva Daykhes alla fisarmonica.
Per la biografia di Leyb Rozental (o Rosental) si veda la sua bellissima ישׂראליק.
Basti qui ricordare che Rozental fu animatore della vita culturale del ghetto di Vilnius insieme a Kasriel Broydo, con il quale - credo, visti i dati coincidenti delle biografie che compaiono su Music and The Holocaust - scrisse alcuni spettacoli musicali, come “Korene Yorn un Veytsene Teg” (“Anni di granturco e giorni di grano”), messo in scena nel 1943, e “Moyshe halt zikh” (“Moyshe, resisti!”). E con Broydo condivise pure... (Continues)
כ'קלער: מענטשן האַװען הין און הער,
Contributed by Bartleby + CCG/AWS Staff 2011/2/1 - 11:02
Song Itineraries:
Extermination camps
La trascrizione in caratteri latini (Si veda l'introduzione)
"The song is performed by Betty Segal, accompanied by Akiva Daykhes on the accordion.
The song was written by Leyb Rosental, who perished in 1945, for a review show of the Vilna Ghetto Theater entitled “Korene Yorn un Veytsene Teg” (Corn Years and Wheat Days), performed in 1943. The title is a play on the words “veytsene” – pronounced here as “vey tsu”– a cry of pain.
The song describes life in the ghetto as shadows, haunted by their destiny. The Jewish shadows – ghetto residents – live as corpses, as others continue their lives giving no thought to their pain and suffering. The lonely man – nobody listens to his cries. But one day in the future, “the shadows will disappear, and from the horrors you will see, soon, how the shadow passes and the sun shines a clear light.” The song ends in hope, as do many of the songs performed... (Continues)
"The song is performed by Betty Segal, accompanied by Akiva Daykhes on the accordion.
The song was written by Leyb Rosental, who perished in 1945, for a review show of the Vilna Ghetto Theater entitled “Korene Yorn un Veytsene Teg” (Corn Years and Wheat Days), performed in 1943. The title is a play on the words “veytsene” – pronounced here as “vey tsu”– a cry of pain.
The song describes life in the ghetto as shadows, haunted by their destiny. The Jewish shadows – ghetto residents – live as corpses, as others continue their lives giving no thought to their pain and suffering. The lonely man – nobody listens to his cries. But one day in the future, “the shadows will disappear, and from the horrors you will see, soon, how the shadow passes and the sun shines a clear light.” The song ends in hope, as do many of the songs performed... (Continues)
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff 2013/5/26 - 17:13
E', come già specificato nell'introduzione, della versione ebraica di Music and the Holocaust. Anche da questa pagina la canzone può essere ascoltata in file audio. [RV]
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2013/5/26 - 17:22
27 maggio 2013
Testo di Leyb Rozental
Musica di Henekh Kon [1898-1972]
Lyrics: Leyb Rozental
Music by Henekh Kon [1898-1972]
Scritta da Leyb Rozental, figura di spicco nel ghetto di Vilnius insieme a Kasriel Broydo con il quale condivise vita e morte. Entrambi furono infaticabili animatori culturali nel ghetto ed entrambi furono barbaramente trucidati dai nazisti poco prima della fine della guerra. La musica è del compositore Henekh Kon, nato nel 1898 nel ghetto di Łódź e sopravvissuto allo sterminio.