Album: Life In Black & White
Featuring Hezekiah & Immortal Technique
Jericho Phillip Pannell was killed by Officer Gary Spath when I was 10 years old in Teaneck, New Jersey. Phillip’s cousin and the daughter of the cop’s partner were both in my class. Phillips cousin and I were bussed to “The White Side” of town. Blockbusting real estate in this community in the 1960s led to a very segregated town; the busing of students was done to “desegregate” a community with growing racial tensions.
It all boiled over when sixteen year old Phillip was murdered. I remember seeing Phillip a few times in passing at the park where we would play ball. After his death, I remember that the white teachers and staff took special interest in making sure the cop’s daughter was ok and even took her to the guidance counselor. Nothing for Phillips cousin. Phillip was Black and Spath is White. Spath... (Continues)
Norwegian rap group Gatas Parlament are encouraging the boycott of Israel- which they hope would lead either to a decrease in Israel’s power or a recognition that it must better it’s treatment of the Palestinian people.
Quando dico Mohammed non penso al Profeta ma a un bambino di Gaza lasciato senza alternative. Quando parlo di Jesus non parlo del Salvatore ma di un immigrato messicano. Non sono i talebani ma i banchieri che hanno ammazzato questo paese.
Una canzone dedicata alle complicità degli Stati Uniti con i terroristi numero uno e due, Bin Laden e Saddam.
Si veda Wikipedia.
La canzone contiene alla fine un sample di We As Americans di eminem che dice "non canto per i presidenti morti" cioé per i soldi (sui dollari sono stampate le teste dei presidenti del passato) "piuttosto vorrei vedere morto il presidente".
Bin Laden ucciso ed il suo corpo inabissato...
Tutti uccisi quelli che lo accompagnavano, nessun prigioniero, nessun testimone...
Non per fare l'esperto dell'antiterrorismo o l'invasato dietrologo... Però non vi viene da pensare che invece Osama sia stato "fatto sparire", catturato e condotto in un luogo segreto per "lavorarlo" meglio? Oppure che non sia morto affatto? Oppure che le circostanze segretissime della sua eliminazione servano per crearne un fantasma ad uso e consumo degli uni e degli altri, per perpetrare le guerre?
E anche a non voler pensare simili "stupidaggini", ma secondo voi non era giusto che prima di farne sparire il corpo tra i flutti dell'oceano lo mostrassero al mondo? Cazzo, 10 anni guerra, 10 anni di morti, milioni e milioni di dollari investiti in una gigantesca caccia all'uomo, in una devastante macchina di morte!
E non avevano diritto i sopravvissuti ed i... (Continues)
Album: Life In Black & White
Featuring Hezekiah & Immortal Technique
Jericho Phillip Pannell was killed by Officer Gary Spath when I was 10 years old in Teaneck, New Jersey. Phillip’s cousin and the daughter of the cop’s partner were both in my class. Phillips cousin and I were bussed to “The White Side” of town. Blockbusting real estate in this community in the 1960s led to a very segregated town; the busing of students was done to “desegregate” a community with growing racial tensions.
It all boiled over when sixteen year old Phillip was murdered. I remember seeing Phillip a few times in passing at the park where we would play ball. After his death, I remember that the white teachers and staff took special interest in making sure the cop’s daughter was ok and even took her to the guidance counselor. Nothing for Phillips cousin. Phillip was Black and Spath is White. Spath... (Continues)