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Author Bloc Party

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Where Is Home?

Where Is Home?
Album "A Weekend in the City"

"The words to 'Where is Home?' begin at the funeral of Christopher Alaneme, a black teenager stabbed to death in Kent in April 2006 in a racially motivated attack. Okereke has described him as a "cousin" due to their respective Nigerian mothers being good friends. The track ostracises right-wing newspapers for propounding a hysterical fear of black youths in hoodies, which often leads to opportunities being denied to the Black British community at large"

"It's to do with the idea of me, as a second generation black person, living in the UK, I don't really feel comfortable, I don't really feel the door of opportunity in this country is open to me. All these articles in the mainstream press - all these images you see of young black kids terrorizing people - are reinforcing the idea of us as The Other."
(Kele Okereke, leader dei Bloc Party)

Christopher... (Continues)
After the funeral breaking cola nuts
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/18 - 16:37
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Hunting for Witches

Hunting for Witches
Album "A Weekend in the City"

Una canzone che Kele Okereke scrisse dopo gli attentati a Londra nel 2005.
Su come i media abbiano alimentato la sofferenza e la paura della gente e su come la paura sia un metodo di controllo delle masse.

Da un'intervista a Kele Okereke apparsa su Billboard:

"The 30 bus in Hackney, which is just around the corner from where I live, was blown up. [That song was] written when I was just observing the reactions of the mainstream press in [the United Kingdom] and I was just amazed at how easy it'd been to whip them up into a fury," he notes. "I guess the point about the song for me is post-September 11th, the media has really traded on fear and the use of fear in controlling people."
I was sitting on the roof of my house with a shotgun
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/1/15 - 14:59
Song Itineraries: Fear: mass control weapon
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Album "Silent Alarm"

Una canzone in cui gli autori Kele Okereke e Gordon Moakes esprimono tutto il loro pessimismo dopo la rielezione di Bush alla presidenza degli USA nel 2004:

"He's born a liar, he'll die a liar / Just like his Dad, just like his Dad (the same mistakes)"...
North to South
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/1/15 - 13:50
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II
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Price Of Gas

Price Of Gas
Dall'album di debutto della band, "Silent Alarm" del 2005.
I've been driving, a mid sized car,
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/10/30 - 08:32

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