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Author Earth Mama

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Under the Rainbow

Under the Rainbow
Under The Rainbow

If we think Peace, dream Peace, sing Peace, pray Peace, perhaps the concept will grow large enough for the world to believe that peace is possible. Maybe we could just begin today....

On a sad day of our country dropping bombs on another, my hands at the piano started playing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. My heart spoke in words and music that it is not about what is OVER the rainbow, but here UNDER the rainbow, where we must evolve to learn to get along if our children are to have a future. By reversing the octave leap in the melody to begin the song, I offer a melodic tribute to the song composed for The Wizard of Oz

Peace Songbook
Somewhere under the rainbow, I know there is a way
Contributed by Dq82 2017/6/21 - 22:27

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