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Song Itinerary

Author Talib Kweli

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The Killing Season

The Killing Season
Album: We got it from Here... Thank You 4 Your service (2016)
Featuring Talib Kweli, Consequence & Kanye West

The song’s lyrics use repeated mentions of soldiers, veterans, war and the military as a means of describing injustices faced by blacks in America. Specific references are made to killings of black political leaders, police brutality and the mistreatment of army veterans.
[Verse 1: Talib Kweli]
2019/8/23 - 14:36
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Il pezzo è tratto dall'album AP2P (All power to the people), collaborazione tra i rapper M1 (Dead Prez) e Bonnot.

In questa canzone sentiamo anche Militant A (Assalti Frontali) e Talib Kweli (del cui contributo non ho trovato trascrizione, e la mia conoscenza dell'american english in versione rap, ha, come dire, delle lacune. Evidentemente non sono il solo.)

Lo inserisco come autore a parte, che mi sembra la cosa più sensata.
Contributed by leoskini 2016/8/23 - 17:33
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For Women

For Women

Big things were going on back in the late 1960s. 1966 alone was the year that the Black Panther Party officially formed, demanding equality and justice in uncompromising terms. It was also the year that Stokely Carmichael embraced the idea of Black Power in a speech, and the year that the NAACP rejected those very ideas, cementing a growing rift in the Civil Rights Movement between older, established activists and more militant young people. And, not coincidentally, it was the year that Nina Simone's "Four Women" came out, sparking a series of controversies that got it banned from several major radio stations.

But that was 1966. Why should you still care today? "Four Women" is a somewhat strange song, and it could perhaps be considered an acquired taste reserved for serious Nina Simone fans. Is her 1966 message about the experience of black womanhood really still relevant today?

Don't... (Continues)
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/8/20 - 15:24
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Talib Kweli & Cornel West
Revolutions require participation
2012/6/26 - 23:51
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II
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The Proud‎

The Proud‎
Album “Quality”‎

“Il presidente è ‘Cespuglio’ [Bush], il vice-presidente è un “Cazzo” [Dick Cheney], così è un ‎sacco di scopate ciò a cui stiamo assistendo”, questo il passaggio più “leggero” di un rap che ‎si scaglia contro le disuguaglianze sociali, la violenza e la povertà nei ghetti, il patriottismo post 11 ‎settembre, la manipolazione dei media, la violenza ed il razzismo della polizia negli United States ‎of Amerika…‎
Stand tall or don't stand at all, c'mon
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/20 - 16:13

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