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Brucia la terra

Brucia la terra
Brucia la terra
[ 1990 ]

Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat:

Film / Movie / Elokuva:
Francis Ford Coppola
Il padrino III / The Godfather III / Le Parrain III / Kummisetä III

Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel:
Nino Rota

La musica e il testo di Brucia la terra

Nino Rota compose le musiche per il film Fortunella di Eduardo De Filippo nel 1958. Dopo parecchi anni, Francis Ford Coppola chiamò Rota a comporre la colonna sonora per Il padrino, parte prima nel 1972. I dirigenti della Paramount scartarono le musiche di Rota optando per un compositore americano. Dopo il fiasco dell’impresa, degna dei migliori balordi di Hollywood, fu incaricato di nuovo Nino Rota che rielaborò un tema di Fortunella, eseguito a ritmo lento. Divenne il tema principale de Il padrino, parte prima. Il suo successo è universalmente noto.
Non mancarono le amarezze. Nino Rota era stato designato... (continuer)
Brucia la luna n'cielu
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 28/6/2020 - 22:25
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Bullets Of Mexico

Bullets Of Mexico
Nell'introduzione ci sono alcune inesattezze.

Il Morelos (e non Morel) è lo Stato di nascita e di morte di Jaramillo, che però non fu fatto assassinare nella natale Tlaquiltenango bensì nel non lontano sito archeologico di Xochicalco. Chissà perchè venne scelto proprio quel luogo per compiere il massacro...

Correva l'anno 1962, e non il 1958...
B.B. 28/6/2020 - 21:47

La strada

La strada
dall'album Nuvole Straniere
Un tempo ci passavano i carri rumorosi
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 28/6/2020 - 21:27


dall'album Nuvole Straniere
Ero sveglio o addormentato è un ricordo troppo vago
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 28/6/2020 - 21:15
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A banda

A banda
Я знаю: будет парад, сегодня будет парад,
envoyé par Margarita Orlova 28/6/2020 - 18:55

Марш на фарш

Марш на фарш
On to the Grinder
Я вижу птиц,
envoyé par Margarita Orlova 28/6/2020 - 04:35


The winds/ I venti

«Ветры с тобой» – песня группы «ДДТ» из альбома «Пластун». Автор текста и музыки – Юрий Шевчук. Премьера композиции состоялась в 1988 году. Произведение является антивоенным, посвящено Афганской войне.
Если был ты, старик, на неправой войне,
envoyé par Margarita Orlova 28/6/2020 - 04:29

Рио Рита / Rio Rita

Рио Рита / Rio Rita
Засыпая, я вижу вновь,
envoyé par Margarita Orlova 28/6/2020 - 04:21


I ricordi e le persone - 1993
con Sergio Cammariere e la Stress Band
Colombo disse "Terra!"
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 28/6/2020 - 02:10

In nome di ogni donna

In nome di ogni donna
album: Tempo mosso
Mi dica il nome ed il cognome
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 27/6/2020 - 22:21


Tempo mosso
Quando il vuoto raggiunge i tuoi occhi
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 27/6/2020 - 22:02

Le Cimetière

Le Cimetière
Le Cimetière

Chanson française – Le Cimetière – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2020

Scènes de la vie quotidienne au temps de la Guerre de Cent Mille Ans.
Histoire tirée du roman « Johnny et les Morts » – du moins de la traduction française de Patrick Couton de « Johnny and the Dead » de Terry Pratchett. (1995)

Dialogue Maïeutique

Avant toute chose, dit Lucien l’âne, j’aimerais quand même que tu me dises ce qu’est un alderman, car ce sont les premiers mots de la chanson et c’est le premier personnage qui apparaît. J’aimerais donc que tu me dises ce que c’est ou du moins que tu m’en dises assez pour que je me fasse une idée.

Eh bien, Lucien l’âne mon ami, disons qu’un alderman est, dans les pays anglo-saxons, est une sorte de magistrat ou d’officier public municipal

Dans les pays anglo-saxons, dit Lucien l’âne, il me semble que souvent, les choses sont très différentes, tout en étant finalement... (continuer)
L’alderman Bowler, un homme sensé,
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 27/6/2020 - 20:46

Thank You Daniel Ellsberg

Thank You Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg era uno dei "geniacci del Pentagono" (i brillanti giovani reclutati da Robert McNamara, segretario della difesa dal 1961 al 1968). Divenuto oppositore della guerra del Vietnam, cominciò a fotocopiare un dossier di 7000 pagine coperto da segreto di Stato, che rivelava le strategie del governo americano in merito alla guerra in Vietnam.

Nel 1971 consegnò questo materiale al The New York Times sotto il nome di Pentagon Papers, dando vita a una controversia politica nazionale.
wanna thank you Daniel Ellsberg
27/6/2020 - 17:38

Lo schiaffo del soldato

Lo schiaffo del soldato
Album: Questa sono io
Io so di fede non di religione
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 27/6/2020 - 14:05
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Sin flor

Sin flor
Le bambine e i bambini della 5c del plesso Pisacane interpretano a modo loro "Sin flor" di Pedro Pastor. Hanno cantato liberamente nelle loro case durante la quarantena per stringersi forte intorno all' importanza di un fiore.

Dq82 26/6/2020 - 21:38

Walter Fillak

Walter Fillak
senza pace

26/6/2020 - 21:02

'O lupo s'ha mangiato 'a pecurella

'O lupo s'ha mangiato 'a pecurella
Scritta da Franco del Prete e James Senese
Album: Napoli Centrale
Duormono e schiave d'o faraone
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 26/6/2020 - 14:27

Viecchie, mugliere, muorte e criaturi

Viecchie, mugliere, muorte e criaturi
Scritta da Franco del Prete e James Senese
Album: Napoli Centrale
O viecchie bracciante nun tenta l'avventura
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 26/6/2020 - 14:26


Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1979 album Jokainen arkiaamu (In the Morning of Every Ordinary Day):
envoyé par Juha Rämö 26/6/2020 - 14:13

Take Your Knee Off My Neck

Take Your Knee Off My Neck

Actor Jenifer Lewis writes an amazing spoken word in the name of justice for George Floyd who was killed by Minneapolis police.
Take your knee and privilege off my neck!
envoyé par adriana 26/6/2020 - 11:16

Lord Is Coming

Lord Is Coming
Testo da Genius
Album: I Used To Know Her

The idea of ‘Lord Is Coming,’ you hear people say, like, it’s Armageddon, it’s the end of the world. I really felt like there’s so much happening in the world right now that needed to be said, that’s not acknowledged. I wrote the spoken word as an introduction to what the song is about.

I’m really happy I wrote ‘Lord Is Coming,’ because of everything that’s going on in the world right now. It needed to be said, for me. It came from a very passionate place and music is a language everybody speaks. It brings everybody together, and that’s one of those songs I think could do it.
An Interview With H.E.R., Who's Getting Back to Her Younger Self
One, two, one
26/6/2020 - 10:25
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Εγώ λατρεύω την Ειρήνη

Εγώ λατρεύω την Ειρήνη
Egó latrevo tis Iríni

Στίχοι: Σώτια Τσώτου
Μουσική: Κώστας Χατζής
'Αλμπουμ: 30 χρόνια Κώστας Χατζής I [1995]
Εγώ λατρεύω την ειρήνη
envoyé par giorgio 26/6/2020 - 07:25

Το τρένο φεύγει στις οχτώ

Το τρένο φεύγει στις οχτώ
Audio link to the song originally performed by Arja Saijonmaa and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1979 album Jokainen arkiaamu (In the Morning of Every Ordinary Day):

envoyé par Juha Rämö 25/6/2020 - 13:26

Too Young to Die

Too Young to Die
Lyrics & music by Barbara Lee George ©

“A tribute to our brothers and sisters lost to war..”

Line up:
Barbara Lee George (vocals & guitar),
Even Steven Levee (bass),
Al Orlo (guitar),
Additional musicians include:
Cecil Hooker (violin), Yoshi Kikkawa (cello), Roderick Kohn (sitar/guitar synth, hammond organ), Andy Bigan (drums), Steve Wolf (drums), Phoenix Rivera (drums), Gerardo Velez (percussion), Miguel Valez (percussion), Steve Nichol (piano), Chris Famah Fletcher (Piano), Eric Johnson (piano), David Snider (keys, guitar), Scott Kreitzer (flute), Christian Ravaglioli (oboe, duduk, english horn) and rapper TRP (Gun Hill)
Ring around the rosie,
envoyé par giorgio 25/6/2020 - 13:25
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Fine delle Trasmissioni
Quando noi bambini siamo piccoli, gattoniamo a malapena
envoyé par Dq82 25/6/2020 - 12:22
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Fine delle Trasmissioni
Mi avevi chiesto di non cercarti
envoyé par Dq82 25/6/2020 - 12:15
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Aiutiamoli a CasaPound

Aiutiamoli a CasaPound
25 aprile 2020
Aiutiamoli a CasaPound
Nella bianca civile Europa
envoyé par Dq82 25/6/2020 - 11:30
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My Son

My Son
Lyrics & music by Jan Howard
Album: Jan Howard [1969]

"My Son" is a song written and recorded by American country music singer Jan Howard. It is among several songs recorded by country artists during this period that related to the Vietnam War. The song is based on a letter Howard wrote to her son, Jimmy, who was drafted into the war. After writing the letter, she was inspired by family and friends to put it to music. Recording the song in a single take, it was released as a single in 1968.
Jan sent the song to her son in 1968 after its release. Before he could write back, he was killed in battle. At the same time, "My Son" became a major hit on the country charts in the United States. The recording later appeared on Howard's 1969 self-titled studio album. Since its release, "My Son" has been considered among Howard's signature songs. In later years, the song also has also... (continuer)
My son my son I pray
envoyé par giorgio 25/6/2020 - 09:05

Stranamore (pure questo è amore)

Stranamore (pure questo è amore)
Forse tutti i personaggi della canzone sono sempre Vecchioni, o magari io o magari tu.
Massimo 25/6/2020 - 04:49

How Do You Tell a Small Boy?

How Do You Tell a Small Boy?
Single: Wake Up America! / How Do You Tell A Small Boy

The second song "How Do You Tell a Small Boy", narrated from the perspective of a P.O.W. (Prisoner of War), looked at the impact of a missing father on a child.

The P.O.W. wondered how to explain to his son that he "had to go to war", and that he spent most of his "time on a prison floor". The P.O.W. missed many of his son's life events: receiving his first bike, going to school, meeting his friend, playing in the snow. The father concluded that while he could not make up the time, and that his son paid the cost, he intended to stay home.

Vietnam War Songs Project
His hair was long and it tumbled down
24/6/2020 - 23:16

Wake Up America!

Wake Up America!
Single: Wake Up America! / How Do You Tell A Small Boy

A double-sided Vietnam single, written and sung by Lance Lindsay. Bruce Miller arranged both sides. Released by Voices in Vital America (VIVA) - a not-for-profit student organisation formed in 1967 in Los Angeles by Carol Oates, under the name Victory in Vietnam Association, this group sought to counter campus radicalism while promoting concern for US soldiers missing in action and prisoners of war.

They famously distributed metal bracelets, with details of those M.I.A. or P.O.W., selling over 5 million. The group disbanded in 1976. Many of its records are held at the Vietnam Center and Archive, at Texas Tech.

The back of the picture sleeve said that

"over 1800 men are prisoners of war or missing in action. A picture of Lt. Ron Dodge (front cover) being escorted by North Vietnamese soldiers appeared in 'Paris March' magazine... (continuer)
In a cell a man waits for a pardon
24/6/2020 - 22:59

I Want to Be at the Meeting

I Want to Be at the Meeting
Il video cui avevo fatto riferimento è :

The Sensational Nightingales
At The Meeting
Uploaded by Walter Robinson
Durata 6:22, a colori

Distinti Saluti .
L. E.

L. E. 24/6/2020 - 22:38
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Το παλληκάρι έχει καημό

Το παλληκάρι έχει καημό
Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and Mikis Theodorakis on their 1979 album Jokainen arkiaamu (In the Morning of Every Ordinary Day):
envoyé par Juha Rämö 24/6/2020 - 13:45

Por la frontera

Por la frontera
Album: Este Mundo

Rupa est selon les termes américains une "activiste" engagée comme street medics au sein de l'association Do no harm
Me voy me voy
envoyé par Pascal BORTOT 24/6/2020 - 09:47

All You Talk About Is World Destruction

All You Talk About Is World Destruction
All your problems are solved with a war. Dance music for the new escalation.
Single out on Efforts in Futility.
Hey party people I said what the fuck
envoyé par giorgio 24/6/2020 - 09:25

Non è più il momento

Non è più il momento
da: Pressione Bassa

Anche se il senso originale della canzone era un altro, purtroppo anche oggi sembra che non sia "più il momento per niente"
Caro amico sei messo male
envoyé par Flavio Poltronieri 23/6/2020 - 21:10
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(Say Goodbye to) Sophie Scholl

(Say Goodbye to) Sophie Scholl
Album: Need to Feel Your Love

Twelfth and final track of the album "Need to Feel Your Love" (2017): A ballad dedicated to Sophie Scholl and ‎‎Weiße Rose..
Say goodbye to Sophie Scholl
envoyé par giorgio 23/6/2020 - 15:05
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Άρνηση [Στο περιγιάλι το κρυφό]

Άρνηση [Στο περιγιάλι το κρυφό]
Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and The Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra on their 1972 album Arja Saijonmaa & Mikis Theodorakis:

envoyé par Juha Rämö 23/6/2020 - 11:15
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Burning Alexandria Down

Burning Alexandria Down
Lyrics & music by Bill MacKechnie
Album: Doorways

An album of music inspired by, featuring, and in tribute to, the late Anubis Spire multi-instrumentalist / vocalist / songwriter, Marlon Kempmann.
A mix of songs and performances from the band and a host of special guests including Mary Everhart, Mel Clemans, Marc McKechnie, Jerry Willard, Dace Yates, and Kathy Stewart. Songs that journey from the joy of love and friendship to sadness and pain for the loss of a great friend and fellow musician. But we must remember that when one door closes another opens, always. There is no end to the doorways…

Its track 7, Burning Alexandria Down, is a song about media manipulation and the raising tide of hate groups.
Well they don't like you
envoyé par giorgio 23/6/2020 - 09:25

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