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All Gods Were Immortal

John McClafferty
Testo di / Lyrics by John McClafferty
sull'aria di / to the tune of "The Mountains of Mourne"

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"This was my take on the tragedy of September eleventh. I'd read about a 'Terrorist kit' which had been found in a hotel room some time after the event. It gave instructions on how to keep a low profile; to go to and from work a different way each day; get/steal as many false passports as possible, etc. And then, at the end, there was a prayer to say before setting out on their suicide mission. I couldn't imagine what kind of god these people were praying to that would allow them to be successful on such a mission." -John McClafferty
On the eleventh September, two thousand and one,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 29/6/2005 - 19:09

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