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Auteur Low

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If You Were Born Today (Song for Little Baby Jesus)

If You Were Born Today (Song for Little Baby Jesus)
Brano del 1997 poi incluso nell'EP "Christmas" del 1999

Mooolto slooowcooore!
If you were born today
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 16/12/2018 - 12:04
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Violent Past

Violent Past
Il brano che chiude l'ultimo, recentissimo lavoro dei Low, "Drums and Guns".
All I can do is fight
envoyé par Alessandro 23/3/2007 - 10:36
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Pretty People

Pretty People
E' il brano che apre l'ultimo lavoro dei Low, "Drums and Guns", uscito il 20 marzo 2007.
All soldiers
envoyé par Alessandro 23/3/2007 - 10:25

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