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Auteur Michael Jerling

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Long Black Wall

Long Black Wall
A beautiful contemporary folk song, "Long Black Wall" , one of the first songs written and released about the memorial. It looked back at the idealistic early days of the war, wanting to fight communism and become a soldier.
Then he recalled the growth of the protest movement, referencing demonstrations outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August 1968.
It then looked at the college days
with a reference to President Richard Nixon , and hippie culture. The song then turned to the impact of the war on the returning veterans.
( da Vietnam War Song Project )

Il Vietnam Veterans Memorial ("Memoriale dei veterani del Vietnam") è un memoriale di guerra degli Stati Uniti. Si trova a Washington, e onora i membri della forze armate americane che combatterono e persero la vita durante la guerra del Vietnam. In ordine cronologico vengono elencati i nomi delle 58.318 vittime... (continuer)
A Green Beret came to talk to us
envoyé par L.E. 28/5/2020 - 07:38

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